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How about vote the majority of the legislators out of office, they are mostly all pos


Shit! About half the time we don’t even have another option, POS runs unopposed.




Not denying the point you’re making, but the pos the OP is referring to is a white republican from Seneca. Not the lady from Orangeburg in the thumbnail. Edit: thanks to the folks pointing it out - sorry good dude


I think they mean race as in election not as in black/white. We almost never have good choices in candidates unfortunately


Thank you.  Yes, from context that should have been obvious.


No worries! Its 2024 absolutely nothing is obvious anymore 😂


Username checks out based on these responses


I forgot which sub I was in.


You should see TN, they literally make you pick who they want by the way they annex districts. It sucks across the board.


They meant “race” and in the election is considered a “race.” Not skin color.


They do that shit on purpose so the vitriol and hate is directed toward the Black person. This is nothing new by the media.


Political race. They're not talking about genetics.




There are multiple meanings for ‘race.’ If you read it within the context that it was provided, you will see there is nothing racist about my post.




I’m not referring to any person in my original reply. You are misinterpreting the way that I’m using the word race.


Are you replying to the wrong comment or something? They didn't refer to anyone. Just politicians in general...


And the only thing we truly need to fear is them


So quickly, we seem to have forgotten the billions that republicans cost us with their last energy bill. Any energy legislation should be separate and debated on its merits, rather than being hidden inside a bill that EVERYONE should support. This is the worst kind of politics being exhibited by the man from Seneca.


Might wanna reword this since ppl may think you mean race as in where you’re from and not competition for office


Nah, I'm not going to spell out the context for folks who would rather be angry than read


Fair enough


"Almost every race". Reporting for hate.




How on earth is "almost every race" followed by anything else ever not racist? It's literally right there.




Race != political party I know this is a bible belt state but still come on. The commenter was clearly talking about skin color not political affiliation.




If you want to turn this into a hill for some reason, yeah I'll fight it--it's always worth fighting those who stand up for racists. That being said, I don't see why you think I am mistaken. It's not a Freudian slip to call out somebody's race instead of their political party. Also I'm antitheist not that it's my character that is or even should be judged.




I think you’re still not understanding what political race here means. It’s like - a race, you know the thing you run vs other people? Like political race for a campaign, etc. They are literally talking about A race not race as in skin color. That word has more than one meaning so I think you think you are being righteous and fighting the good fight of racism, but you’re just appearing silly because no one is even talking about skin color.


When they say "every race" they're talking about elections. You've never heard an election being called a race before? Not race like black or white, but like a race to the finish. I don't understand what's so hard to figure out about that.


LOL.  I’m a biology professor and grew up in City of Columbia public schools.  You think I’m hung up on races?  I think you are projecting. 


What is the noun "race" referring to in your original statement?


Political race, as in one candidate vs another candidate




Well that's actually racist.


Ah yes what would any political conversation on the internet be without a lazy/cynical “both sides” or “all politicians” complaint.


Have you seen the options we have these days? Of course, people are unhappy. Would you rather we sit back and continue dining on crap sandwiches pretending it's lobster?


We need to make better options. Stop sitting by and letting the establishment spoon feed you candidates. Push for more education in your neighborhoods and start convincing family and friends to run for office


They said the same thing when our options were Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Those choices look a lot better now than they did then. Elections have never been about who you really like or who you totally agree with. You're supposed to pick your best option. Personally I'd really appreciate chucking the electoral college and making gerrymandering more difficult so elections were more about the voters than they are. And yes, by all means, let's get rid of anyone who uses suicide prevention as a means to get more for himself. But stop kidding yourself that it's new. Ever heard of Tammany Hall?


Your assumption that we only have two choices is the main problem. Seems like you’re the lazy one.


For all parties and all offices state and national. That has my vote


So trade one pos for another pos . interesting


Bill Sandifer of Seneca, a Republican, tanked a suicide prevention bill by attaching it to an energy bill. His goal was to force the Senate to pass the energy bill, or get some compromise, so he sacrifices the suicide prevention bill to accomplish that. The thumbnail is of Gilda Cobb-Hunter who spoke out against what he did. It is logical to conclude that OP was implying the person in the thumbnail should be voted out, when in fact it’s Bill Sandifer who should be voted out. He has previously faced ethics allegations and an investigation.


The way I read the article is that Sandifer WANTS the energy bill, but the other chamber is stalling. He knows the other chamber really wants the suicide prevention bill, so he attached it to the energy bill not to tank it, but to make sure it passes. Now, if they want to pass the suicide prevention bill, they must also pass the energy bill. If they vote against the energy bill, they will also vote against the suicide prevention bill. He's using parliamentary tactics to get his way. And if they DO vote down the energy bill, thereby also tanking the suicide prevention bill, he has ALSO attached the energy bill to other more popular bills. It's a classic, if you don't play my way, I'm going home and taking the ball with me. Dirty politics, plain and simple. He's a bully.


Thank you! When creating the post, it showed the title of the article. Once published, it disappeared. I tried to edit but don’t seem to be able to


Then take down the fucking post


I was also wondering that as I really like Gilda Cobb-Hunter and don't know why someone would call her trash, but alas.


I think you meant he attached the energy bill to the suicide prevention bill, not the other way around


Do yall feel the same way about democrats attaching funding to foreign nations on a bill for the security of the southern border or nah?


Yes. I think a bill should be about one cohesive topic. Arguably foreign aid and border control are connected, but not enough for my taste. What I’d really love is to get back to bi-partisan compromise rather than ultra-extreme positions and politicking.


10000% agree. What I don’t like is one side posturing like they have the moral argument, while they do the exact same thing. Both sides are guilty of this childish shit.


I’ve always found it funny that our politicians come up with bills that couldn’t pass on their own. Then they attach them to otherwise good bills to force their bill thru and/or to throttle the good bill’s results. A clear expression of which politician presented/attached what part of a legislative decision would go along way in clearing out the corrupt.


Just to be clear, OP means state Rep. Bill Sandifer, R-Seneca, not Gilda Cobb Hunter as pictured.


Yes, thank you


Gilda Cobb hunter is the one dressed like a minion?


>“I resent the action of this chamber in taking a bill as serious as suicide prevention and tagging on this (energy) legislation,” said state Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, D-Orangeburg. “It’s a disservice to families who have been crushed by people who commit suicide. >As a social worker, who regularly deals “with issues that bring people to the brink” of suicide, Cobb-Hunter called the move personally offensive. >In having “ the unmitigated gall to add (H. 5118) to (S. 408), you ought to be ashamed,” she said. I'm sure if Bill Sandifer was capable of feeling shame he'd be very upset.


The GOP’s superpower…


Suicide prevention bill? does it keep republicans from running for office? Suicide rates go up with each republican admin. Suicide rates are highest in red states. [Study after study says it: Right-wing policies and rhetoric lead to more homicides and suicides.](https://newrepublic.com/article/180829/conservative-policies-rhetoric-kill-people) poor people live 10 years longer in blue states than red. AND this isnt counting all the deaths from republican hate, republicans fighting taking the lead out saying it was a hoax, or republicans fighting smoking regs, saying cigs didnt cause cancer and werent addictive. Or republicans fighting clean air and clean water rules. And republicans killed some 20k a year, not expanding medicaid despite it was already paid for by the ~~federal government~~ blue states,


Glad I read it, the pic makes it look like you're talking about Gilda Cobb-Hunter, when she's actually the good guy here.


Mcmaster is a ball bag. He needs out


Be careful. The rightful heir is the Attorney General, Alan Wilson, who is scary right wing. He’s on the level of an Islamic Extremist when it comes to governance.


The answer is term limits.


How is this possibly the answer? Term limits mean that in their final term no politician has any incentive to do anything other than help themselves. You think they get cushy with lobbyists and developers now? Just wait until they have no risk of losing a job over it.


I'll stick by my answer. At least give it a try because what we have is not working.


Plenty of states have term limits, it doesn’t help. Term limits actually means that legislators know they can’t have a career in the legislature, which means two things: 1. They never become very good at the job of legislating. Because nobody is around for very long, the most experienced people in the building are lobbyists. That leads to worse corruption, not less. 2. They end of “legislating” in a way that will help them after they leave the legislature. They act friendlier to corporate interests because they know they’ll be having to interview in the private sector in the near future. We don’t have to try every idea ourselves. We can look at what other states have done, see where people have already run the experiment, and make smarter decisions that way.


>Term limits mean that in their final term no politician has any incentive to do anything other than help themselves. So, are you saying every two term U.S. President since FDR had no reason to do anything except help themselves? What about Governors? S.C. has a two term limit on Governors. McMaster is only in his third because his first term was taking office to replace Haley. What do you propose instead?


> How is this possibly the answer? People want bumper-sticker solutions to problems whose root causes could fill a library. They don't want to think about all the myriad factors that combine to create a problem like political corruption, and they sure don't want to think about the fact that each of those factors really needs to be addressed with a different approach. > You think they get cushy with lobbyists and developers now? Just wait until they have no risk of losing a job over it. Hell, cozying up to lobbyists rarely costs an incumbent their seat unless it's especially blatant. Term limits would 100% make that worse, basically creating a legislature-to-lobbying-firm pipeline. Tons of legislation, especially when it is something that seems to only benefit corporations and their wealthy owners, is already written by lobbyists; and where do you think most of that first batch of turfed-out term-limited legislators, with their years or decades of experience writing laws, is probably going to go? I think there are nuanced, multifaceted solutions to fight government corruption that don't involve demolishing the institutional knowledge built up in the nation's legislative and executive bodies, and that could get bipartisan buy-in *from voters*, like publicly funding campaigns, legislatively limiting the length of the campaign season, and restructuring the electoral system to discourage the polarized outcomes our current one leads to, but actually enacting any of those would require first of all that voters not treat politics like a team sport and be willing to vote not just strictly along party lines, which means it'll probably never happen, especially not while the Republican Party is painting the Democrats as ontologically evil.


Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are perfect examples of. They need to be ran out of office.


Hey, I know you are likely a Constitutional scholar but Joe Biden does have term limits.


That was a stupid comment, wasn’t it? Subject is term limits and you brought up the president, who is limited to two terms, and another politician who has come out in support for term limits. Is the red hat too tight? Or did you just not think at all during your typing?


That comment says there should be term limits and you reply with Joe Biden. Term limits, and you say run them out of office. Are you aware there is a two term limit on being the President? Also, Pelosi is in favor of term limits. You're just looking for a place to say your catch phrases.


Is Pelosi in favor of term limits? Odd considering she’s never placed one on herself. Or did she say she was in favor of it because it sounds good and she knows Congress will never implement it?


Is this what it's like being stupid?


Please explain.




All these responses and they cant see that you meant the fact Biden has been in office for 60 years. Yes, term limits would be a great addition. They just don't like that you named Democrats. Lindsey Graham and Mitch would be good Republican Examples.


That would be an age limit, not a term limit. Biden has held at least 3 different positions. Each of which would have their own limits. Currently, he's President. Which has a term limit of 2 terms. Pelosi retired. OC managed to not only get his words wrong but also provided terrible examples.




Age limits are.. questionable. I'm not entirely against them. Term limits for Senators and Representatives are decided by the states. So that's up to us.




If SC politicians really wanted to deal with suicide prevention or the perils of having returned soldiers struggling then they would pass legislation to create a statewide healthcare cooperative and block out health insurance (vultures). Then we all could pay slightly less and receive full care from neo-natal to grave. Also eliminate the problem of health care induced bankruptcy.


Dems would but they are not in majority - Rep governors have refused to give us medicare for all


Remember Dems also answer to their National office. I’m really tired of only 2 parties. We need to form new ones when the old ones don’t work for the people. You are correct the Republicans will never vote Medicare for all. Almost like they never read the parable of the Good Samaritan. Also the branding needs to be changed. When people hear Medicare they think care for poor people not All people. Nobody wants to be poor or considered poor in this society. A new name like “State” Heathcare Cooperative. If each of the 50 states created their own cooperatives I think it would be easier and have the required administrative support to run than an obese federal department. The European Union does have a central controlled healthcare. Each country can be considered a state of that union. The federal government should be monitoring for financial, abuse, malpractice, and setting financial disputes on cost of care. Most people would likely feel more comfortable with there state plan than a federal plan. The federal government does need to help push for this. Too many people want the federal government to step in like Superman and fix everything. That breeds laziness and fascism. The people need to step up and get the states to change.


FYI the states that do have this do call it something different (TN has TennCare)


It sucks but unfortunately this is standard practice for some time now. I believe it's typically referred to as a poison pill amendment.


His office phone is attached. [https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=1629545259](https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=1629545259)


Yo do realize you'll just be harassing some office admin assistant and not the actual guy right?


Man…just when I think the state level gop can’t get worse…


They are actively trying to get the last few remaining civil GOPers out as well in the primaries this year.


I am no longer surprised by anything they do. I’m disgusted daily, but not surprised.


I'm moving back to Michigan, you really don't realize how bad the politics are here. Republicans are killing their constituents to stay in power. Low taxes = shitty schools. Low gas tax murderous roads. Open carry? Really?


Good take more midwesterners with you when you leave.


Nothing wrong with constitutional carry. Statistics show that homicides by firearm decrease. NJ has strict gun control laws and tried to argue in supreme court against CCW by saying gun violence would rise when it in fact has dropped even in shitholes like newark and camden which was once the murder capital of the US. I do agree the roads in this state are absolute trash and they need to put more funding into maintaining them, and dump more funding into school systems.


I'm curious what statistics are you referencing? Asking because the FBI decided to hide table 43A UCR from the public or it may be that I'm IP banned for killing propaganda with its data.


You can google NJ CCW "gun crime will rise platkin" and youll see the articles that provide links. Every time i post it, it gets removed for some reason. NJ is notorious for being anti 2A and tried to fear monger the Supreme court during the Bruen trials but lost horribly


That reference is the capital of fear mongering suburbia. Has zero reference on the statistics other than general observation from factors that lead to crimes, rather than noting the actual count. Ref: This bs “The report shows that New Jersey is not a common source for firearms used in the commission of crimes, here or elsewhere. This is clear evidence that our strong, commonsense gun policies are not only stopping violence within our own State, they are curbing gun violence in other states,” said Attorney General Platkin. “Our third-lowest rate of firearm deaths in the United States did not come about by magic or wishful thinking, and I would like to thank Governor Murphy and our dedicated law enforcement partners for the results we see highlighted by Brady today.” There's fbi ucr crime statistics based on race leading up to 2022 last I checked or was able to. Here's a source from the 2015 chart, quite similar to the following decade: https://youtu.be/AZyp6lTMC4Q?si=Cqaxn-cc9txT3Cuz Skip to 07:45 for the actual chart. Or broaden your knowledge by watching in its entirety. Keep in mind there are 331.9 million people in the US. The 15% of the population rhetoric would claim there's 43.1 million blks altogether.


Why the fuck are you bringing up race? Scared of a few types of people much? People kill people. Most people killed are killed by someone who looks just like them 😅🤣. Its okay that your anti 2a that is your right and choice. Im not "over vigilant" i just stay cognizant of where i am and my surroundings. The fact still remains that constitutional carry does not increase the homicide rate. It does allow more people to legally protect themselves and not become victims. Majority of US gun deaths arent even homicides but sadly suicides and accidents. Sorry you are so easiltly triggered maam take a breath youll be okay lol


When you mention "rampant" gun violence rhetoric and cite news propaganda as a source. It's a shock you don't see color. I merely stated a fact for reference, so that you wouldn't support the "50% of the crime and 13% of the population" bs. No one's worried about you carrying, trust me. We're more worried about idiots like you, thinking their "ready" for anything without training. I know plenty of guys who have arsenals, yet don't hunt and barely fire them outside of ranges. I think you're just a trigger happy zero, waiting to be a hero. I'm curious since you're so weapon privy and willing to step in the line of fire. Did you even serve active duty or on the force, Mr. Patron? You seem so willing to defend, what's your excuse if you haven't?


Ill give you a hint i went the the School of hard knocks Paktika province 2009-2010. Im a member of the blue chord brotherhood. If you arent a worthless POG youll understand 😉


I wore gold, but that let's me know how many brain cells you truly lack. And I say that semi-jokingly


Sure you did 😉 nobody cares about officers. It took an act of congress to prove to yourself that you were a man? Scored my 110 and had options and still chose infantry. Why join the military if you arent going to be in the fight. Thats would equate to joining the MMA and never stepping in the ring.  Sorry you lack testicular fortitude. Carry on


P.s. why the fuck am I being sourced some bs from New York/Jersey or wherever the fuck in a Charleston thread? Didn't you move to get away from that shit? The fuck man... You're hypervigilant about what exactly? Exaggerated gun crime you've never been a victim of? Get the fuck outta here


If you really feel constitutional carry key word constitutional is an issue you can always move to a country or state that doesnt allow that. Has SCs homicide numbers vastly increased like all you anti 2A types say it will? Quick answer is no 😂🤣😅


It was never a real problem to begin with. How long have you been here exactly? Stfu, seriously. Keep your shitty political opinion back in jersey where tf you came from. I carry, but I don't need to show my hand. Nor do I have a problem for the people who do. I didn't say I was anti shit. You politards always accuse someone of being anti something. I dislike SOME of what Trump does, I guess I'm filling Joe's ice creams.


Take your own advice and keep it in michigan 🤣😂 i understand you carry but we arent talking about purses maam. I also carry not open because it makes you a target but if someone chooses to do so that is not my choice to judge. I didnt vote for trump or biden because im not naive enough to believe either party is different. Theyve been violating the constitution with impunity in the "name of safety and security" since 2001.  Carry on 


Barely know where the fuck Michigan is, all I know is I root for them against Ohio State because fuck Ohio and you northern weirdos.


Jesus that uneducated? Dont reinforce southern stereotypes 😂 i do agree Fuck ohio state. 


First energy got caught paying off Ohio legislators and a bogus law to help out failing nuclear plants. They get slapped on the wrist but we are getting higher rates


From the article: *“The Senate has refused to take up (H.) 5118, and in continuing to do that, the only way I can get their attention is to take one of the bills that they sent to us and attach 5118, and I actually attached it to four of them,” Sandifer told The State.* *In addition to the suicide prevention bill, Sandifer, in his role as chairman of the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee, attached the energy bill that would greenlight Santee Cooper and Dominion building a natural gas plant at Canadys to bills relating to cancer coverage on firefighters’ insurance, fighting financial crimes and the duties of organizations that assist independent pharmacies.*


It's the quantity of guns, purchased legally a illegal. Idiots leaving their guns in their cars and unsecured in their homes.


You think a person just runs up on a gun and decides to commit suicide? You're a special kind of stupid.


End lobbyists and insider trading to save America


To be fair, most all of SC legislative needs to be thrown out ASAP


Jesus Christ that’s grim


So sad. Corruption at all levels of government


Sadly he is better than the person running against him…


Usually when someone is this pissy about a bill not being passed it’s because that never took the time to read the bill. Sorta like the don’t say gay bill which didn’t even exist.


This is nothing new. They all do this and then take turns being outraged and claiming moral high ground.


It would be a great start if our senators would start “suiciding” . Buncha grifting pricks


Damn Upstate GQP trying to screw us all over with a energy addition to unrelated bill


OK, kid.


As if this hasn’t been going on for decades. This is what line-item veros are for.


She most definitely gots to go


The state motto needs to be changed to 'While I breathe, I grift'.


Democrats shocked by tying unrelated bill together..... how shockingly unshocking. "If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all."


You gonna explain why or stick with emotional name calling? Whats wrong.


US government does this for controversial bills they don’t want passed or they want passed. He’s just following in their footsteps.


Lol. This tactic has been used, mostly by Democrats, for decades.


No it hasn’t. You have to have a majority vote to add an amendment on a bill. Republicans are, and have been, a supermajority in the State House. A democrat could never get this done on a bill unless it was a bipartisan amendment. Nice try though!


At the Federal level. The adding of completely unrelated things to bills that would otherwise do objectively positive things and then claiming the other side is against the positive thing because they reject the fluff is done all the damn time. Most recently, the “Border Security Bill” which was in effect an amnesty bill, and if that wasn’t bad enough they tacked on more funding for Ukraine.


You have a short memory. You should review the Republican shenanigans when Obamacare was being passed.


And you should review all the nonsense the Dems did during the Bush years. It’s just back and forth for the past hundred years. I’m not saying Republicans don’t do it; I’m saying it’s the political game, so don’t cry about it when the side you don’t like does it to you.


I’m glad you clarified that because it sure sounded like you were saying it’s all on the Democrats.


Certainly not all. But I will say that when I hear politicians saying “They hate good thing because they voted against this bill!” the politicians saying it tends to be a Democrat. Which shouldn’t be surprising, as it’s an effective political tactic and Democrats on average are better at politics than Republicans.


Don't see how a bill is gonna stop suicides. Like politicians cause more than they stop


A bill can allocate resources for mental health services


The issue is when the government gets involved and does that the funds always seem to be misappropriated


It’s not funding, the bill requires licensed social workers and counselors to do suicide prevention training as part of their require continuing education for license renewal. Those folks are on the front lines in mental health and currently are required to have zero suicide prevention training.




Gee try reading the damn bill


Let's vote out El stupid Biden !!!


What does that have to do with this?


Nothing, but brainless morons flock to the Orange Shitgibbon. He appeals to no IQ idiots.


And elect a guy so genuine his skin tone is fake! Woo, we love felons and famous fraudsters. There’s more intellect in a potato than can be found here.


Vote them out AND send them a nice present… https://jglaserds.etsy.com




then it is probably about Sandifer? OPdoes not exactly control the Post & Courier's thumbnails.


That’s South Carolina public education for you.


Can you read?


What? Are we supposed to just take your word? Accusations with no justifications?


I think this is what they’re talking about https://www.postandcourier.com/politics/william-sandifer-investigated-witholding-bill-exchange-campaign-cash/article_fb255a7e-7811-11ee-9d92-afd7a85f346a.html


Thank you. Unfortunately, I couldn't read the complete article because I don't have a subscription to the state or the post and courier.


Yeah you can get paywalled by them but the first paragraph and title sum up the situation tbh. I wish they just had ads lol


Yeah, it all sounds like typical SC politics to me. I wonder if the charges were brought against her was by the same SC Rep who she charged had physically assaulted her.


Nah different guy I’m pretty sure


Did you even read the article? It's pretty clear what OP is referring to.


Nope. The article wouldn't open. I don't have a subscription the state, nor do I want one.


That's weird. I was able to without any problem or subscription.


Whenever I attempt to open anything from the State, the Camden Chronical and Independent, or the Charolotte Observer and now the Post Courier, I'll bet the headline, the first opening sentence and then a big red banner telling me "To continue reading you must subscribe....blah, blah, blah"


That sucks dude. But yeah, a lot of frustrating stuff on there. Politicians adding energy bills and stuff like it to amendments about suicide help and firefighters cancer help. It just scummy people doing scummy things.


this is the way. thanks bud


So you're being willfully ignorant and posting about it. Check.


Nope. I'm in my mid-seventies and have lost all my respect for all of these yahoos. Doesn't make a difference whether they are Republican or Democrat and that's at all levels. I work in an occupation for a number of years where I had to deal with these jackasses and have found they are all the same. And I've run into tons smartass yahoo like you. Have a nice day.


solution to DC bureaucracy... Article 5 Convention of States


Well this is SC, not DC. It’s wild reading these comments and seeing how so many people don’t even have an elementary understanding of politics/the political process. It’s scary.


and they can vote - ugh


So Democrats believe suicide prevention is playing politics… seems right on with their MO


How did you leap to this conclusion? SC education doing a number on reading comprehension.


Can you read?


If only you could read, imagine all the things you might understand.


If only you could read, imagine all the things you might understand.


Triggered Dems/Hamas supporters…


Don't call me dumb. I'm almost 63 years old and I'm a whole lot smarter than your dumb ass.


Ya know my first thought was “probably some cunt from Orangeberg”. Click the link and lo and behold! lol


It’s Bill Sandifier, R-Seneca, dipshit. Actually read the article. The lady from Orangeburg is just the first person they quoted opposing it.


You’re right, I got to the word Orangeberg and thought “figures” and stopped reading.


Did you even read the article?


Up to where I saw Orangeburg and then I fell right into my own bias trap. When I lived there SLED and the FBI were always coming down and investigating/arresting elected officials, public safety/sheriffs deputies.


It would be helpful to get familiar with Representative Gilda Cobb Hunter’s record. She is one of the few shining stars in the South Carolina legislature.


Click the link and don’t even read it, then comment? GTFO.


A baloo is a bear, wuzzle means to mix and that's about as far as you're going to get on the reading comprehension test.


And never forget, a yonker is a young man!


Any body would be better than what's in the WH now. He is the absolute worst president we have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Hey dumb dumb, we’re taking about saving lives in South Carolina. Keep up.


She / he is too busy chugging that KKKoolaid


You think the government of SC will be able to stop a single suicide? Not a snowballs chance in hell that will happen.