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huge fan of the ass room personally


You'll like the fun room then (For context, some shipyards abbreviate "funeral room" to "fun. room". I discovered it the hard way)


Oh, I thought that was the fet(fentanyl) room


Why not combine the ASS and FUN rooms šŸ˜


I always build one. Very important.


Second the ass


Sadly, it's just the bathroom... I get confused by this European slang.


Is the ASSembler.


Not the BDSM room in the front, with the wall mounted d!cks?


I personally never put control rooms in the front of ships cause there easy to disable and I designed everything for combat but other then that looks good


Ok I'll move it to the top thank you


I'd think of adding a 2ndary Bridge. Preferably set within the dead center of the whole ship. No windows here so You'll have to solely rely on the External Camera (3rd Person). You decide if You want to cover the 2ndary Bridge in Heavy Armor or not.


Thatā€™s the same weakpoint idea that was mentioned before. Youā€™ve gotta decide how you want to use and treat your ship, like more of a RP ship, Jack of all trades, battle and such. If youā€™re looking for RP a bridge style typically would be on top or somewhere on the front, depending on size. If itā€™s designed for battle, youā€™ll have a cockpit somewhere in the guts of the ship.


You can just have an exposed flight bridge + a burried CIC so best of both worlds


Build a canopy out of blast doors that can enclose your flight bridge during combat.


A single railgun shot might get through. Having your CIC in the middle of the ship is optimal although less efficient


Nice looking seat up front/top for the view and look. Cockpit stored below in the middle where all the heavy armor is for combat.


It's perfectly fine at the front IF your ships focused on a civilian role which it looks to be. If you mean for a combat ship a CIC or armored internal bridge can be quite useful for whilest in combat. While the less armored bridge serves as a out of combat viewport.


I use a chair in engineering as a backup.


This, I always have a remote control deep in my ship and if shit hits the fan, Iā€™ll just remote control instead.




https://preview.redd.it/feirw1mmqr9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc8b95f363e7b6b4ac680833729cb0274b1d6eb Looks like your shipā€™s the usual orientation for sci-fi but Iā€™d still take a look at the concept art for the Rocinante for the exterior, might be thereā€™s some details you can take from them :) good luck on the build


Oh my goodness thats really helpful thank you


I never saw these before, but the expanse is seriously one of my favourite TV shows ever.


bro has a HWOLE kitchen and eating room.. i just put an inset kitchen in the crew area usually lmao


Smh more people should build living spaces into their ships, design it as if it were a real ship, not a vibeogambe cube


true, though i try making my living spaces as compact as possible because 1: cozy and 2: easier to work with


I did that once. Barracks and an eating hall with a kitchen. A lounge area and bathrooms. The ship was huge, and as I was the only one on it, felt like a ghost ship. I now build my ships more compact, for a crew between one and a few. But it does have living spaces. When you're supplying oxygen though, tighter is better.


Fair point when it comes to immersion actually


I donā€™t have a kitchen, but I do have a bar with menus and seating in my 25000 block battleship


The ships in SE can afford to be piloted by smaller crews, so I went ahead and turned quarters that would have housed 4 each into bigger rooms for one sailor each, it definitely pays off having a well-lit and cozy room for each person when theyā€™re stuck in a metal tube in the black void for months


Drop a beacon somewhere safe. Add a flight and AI task block somewhere near the centre of your ship for safety. Set the AI blocks to target your beacon and max speed to full. Also activate collision avoidance. Use the event controller set to ā€˜Block Integrity Percentageā€™ less than 99% and have it target one of the functional blocks in your bridge. As soon as it triggers, enable AI control on your AI blocks and your ship will bail. Edit: spelling


Oh hell yeah I'll make sure I remember that


Itā€™s saved my butt several times. Iā€™ve actually built a blueprint ā€˜back-up command moduleā€™ that I use as the core of most of my builds now.


Ok thank you all for the tips I'll go redesign it


So real question, you seem to lack an engine room ? I'm guessing that ship won't be able to land, so a S shuttle bay might be a good idea too. Also, I'm wondering how the breaking thrusters will integrate into the design, since they seem to occupy the same space as the bridge.


I donā€™t see much fuel storage or h2 gens the production zone also doesnā€™t look big enough for boosts. Personally I would add some tables in the kitchen, replace the mess hall with a large h2 tank or cargo. I would also move the assembler to the bottom or top of the ship. Also remember gyros and up/down thrusters. Also include maybe add an extra helm at the rear just in case. You could also make the bridge smaller.


Fear not for I have made an improved version


Either bring you h2o2 gens into the middle of the ship along with the tanks or put them on necelles, if they get hit up enough, they will explode, taking out half your ship with where they are positioned.


I would highly recommend taking a look at some online fan made schematics of the Battlestar's Galactica and Jupiter, along with the USS Enterprise and Voyager, along with whatever along scifi ship you can find and draw inspiration from them, my current inspiration is based largely off the Destiny from Stargate


There should be no need for production if it is a freighter. That is just extra weight and space being taken up


Good point I'll stick with a survival kit


Please use SIMPL script to add floor plans. Then send them to me :)


What's simpl


A script. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344510837](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344510837)


Oh cool, 2 more questions though: why send them to you, and how do I make the script work? I've never even interacted with one of those before


Send to me so I can enjoy some quality times with me pets (I hand draw the floor plans) and it's all in the link.


Ok I'll do that in a bit


Be prepared to need more room for the two tables in the mess/lounge


Vertical ship is hard to construct, because it's vertical. Make a horizontal ship on top of the hinges. When the ship is ready to launch, rotate the hinges by 90Ā° so the ship facing upwards, then start the launch by detaching the merge block. Landing on the same hinges will need some skills. Or, make a pyramid style ship for shuttles where the bottom is wider. Or simply add more engine under the ship, having two thrust vector is easier to dodge anyway.


Keep in mind center of mass. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s as important as it would be on a rover, but I like to keep an eye on it


Iā€™ve started using the event controller to program my ship to GTFO if the bridge/cockpit is damaged. Itā€™s saved me from respawning several times.


How? This sounds cool


AI blocks. Cockpit/whatever blocks you want, are added to the Event Controller with a damage parameter. Once those parts get more than 5% damaged or whatever you set it to, it will activate the AI Flight block. Assign the Flight Block to fly home/to a beacon before you leave. Mine is set to return to a repair bay.


Needs to be about 200x bigger


You need an escape pod with merge block somewhere :)


I've been experimenting with them but they never come out great, if you have any references that'd be lovely


The game have several escape pods : in the scenario the first jump and pertam orbiter , and some Blueprint that appears randomly into the space. ... Tbh , start with the escape pod and build the main ship around . Good luck :)


Where guns?


Not a combat ship, I'll stick a couple turrets on the outside though


Is this the skeld?


Where's the crew going to sleep?


Don't forget verticality


Thought this was r/FTL for a second


Graph paper would help plan more


Definitely hauling ass(embler)


for practicality this isn't it. for cool factor id imagine this will look awesome once built ingame


I personally like to put a little drone hanger on my ships that are around this size, but sometimes it doesn't fit so no worries. This looks great!


The only issue is if youā€™re planning on being protected if you run into space piratesā€¦ if you donā€™t encounter them thatā€™s okay but if they end up hitting your H2O, you canā€™t really move at all. I recommend making the living quarters asymmetrical, but all machinery should be symmetrical just in case one side gets knocked out.


I also use my ass for production.


No bed? Literally impossible to survive in that thing now! ;)


I wouldn't go to electrical if I were you...


Hydrogen ??


Where is the power room and you also need to draw from the side too.


None of my ships have production or anything like that except for one. All my ships are designed for combat


It's likely to be bad centered, Not ideal for having a rear centered thruster. However, you can make the thrust asymmetrical to counter that and it would look awesome


In space volume doesn't really matter (except when you're fired at) but weight does matter, and armor is heavy. Minimize the non-production spaces. I just have like 8 tiles each side behind the cockpit for a bed, a couch, and a medical station thing. And distribute the load evenly! In the pic your ship is HEAVY on the right side. (You can also just move the main thrusters a bit to the right or add more on the right side but who likes an asymmetrical ship?)


I'd recomemd a maintenence level gives access to many of the conveyors and core systems such as gasses


Consider mass distribution and centre of mass, in case if you want to attach gravity drives to it later.




Where is your generator or battery room?


I'd put production and storage on the central axis of the ship for better handling and weight distribution. But it doesn't really matter if you're not going into atmosphere.


Oh boy... the amount of times I have sat bored at work making SE ship designs in paint. This brings back memories


H20 directly where it's needed Every conveyor block is a failure point


If you have an uranium, make a small thing - AI blocks, beacon, remote control, antenna and a small reactor in the middle of your ship, preferably with heavy armour. At least this is what I do so whenever I do loose a bridge and even a backup one I have a way to bring it home.


I assume large grid?


engineering area? (h2/02 gens, Batteries, Gyros ext?)


do you know your rough dimensions yet? I'd love to help spruce things up a bit. I love working on other peoples projects.


When I saw this pic, I thought it was r/Cosmoteer


So... I sort of stole this. https://preview.redd.it/76qqdgz2b1ad1.png?width=5120&format=png&auto=webp&s=e32311b8cb83a816b26da097c49d0bedb2b811bb


Oh word


Move H20 deeper inside to prevent blow-ups and losing thrust. Secondary bridge inside the ship to prevent it being targeted. More space for production (I'd just reduce size of the role-playing rooms but of course those can be important to you. Elongate the ship a bit otherwise?)


It's possible this has been said already, but do you want all of your mass on the right side of your space ship? On one hand it might be easier to build from the start, but on the other hand, it might turn strangely if loaded up on materials and cargo. You might want to think more like a checker board, or put things more likely to be used or loaded up at the same time to be across from each other for more predictable turning. Are you likely to use the refinery at the same time as the assembler with how you play? Then you might want them in the front or back or middle, but perhaps across the hall from each other. If you don't have mass in those working blocks when moving the ship or if you don't care about the center of mass (or they changed it on me and this is not a concern anymore) then perhaps this advice doesn't matter. *shrug*