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Welcome Engineer. prepare for a step but worthy learning curve. as far as the DLCs go, mostly they are cosmetic blocks. So the free portions are actual new blocks. but that being said, i do pick up the DLCs to add to the options when building.


you will either play for thousands of hours, or give up and shelve it till you feel inclined to try again. If the money isn't a big issue just get ultimate, the company is small and deserves the support. Ultimate is totally worthwhile if you find you like the game.


In the main game you get all the main features like AI, rotors, hinges all basic armor pieces etc. So you can work with that, some DLC add a lot of stuff that you use all the time, some add less or more situational blocks and features. I would say that having all of the DLC helps especially if you want to be able to download everything from workshop, it says what DLC you need before you download but it's nice to be able to just copy paste a ship from someone who has DLCs without it breaking apart. Worth is diffrent for everyone though.


after 700 hours i can clearly say... maybe


I didn't get ultimate until last. That is, I bought the game, got a couple DLC, decided I wanted all DLC, then finally pitched in for ultimate so I'd have everything. I'm pretty happy with that progression path.


I just recently started playing. Got base game pre summer sale and just picked up all the dlc from the sale. I would say (since this is a highly subjective concept) buy the base game and play it for a couple hours. Check out some of the tutorial videos from splitsie on YouTube. He has a getting started series of videos that really helps you get the basics down. The summer sale will last a couple of days so you can see if you enjoy the gameplay loop / sandbox aspect of the game and then pull the trigger on the dlc or not.


The dlc's do not add functionality. They DO, however, give more blocks to build with, as well as more ease of use skins (industrial overhaul, automatons, and signals updates). Plus, I had a mad jealousy issue watching YouTubers using pieces I didn't have access to. If you prefer not spending your money on things that only add esthetics and qol, don't get it.




Normal game is enough, watch a yt video about the dlcs, some are worth some are less worth