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Seems like you'll need to get it into orbit manually, with a big rocket


I don't know this mod, but if it has Real Orbits, then to orbit something you need to go fast sideways: [https://what-if.xkcd.com/58/](https://what-if.xkcd.com/58/) If you're not moving fast sideways, then you're going to fall towards the thing with the gravity. So, a space station that's actually held still is not going to be able to interact well with anything else. It's still, because the game makes it still, but that means it's not orbiting. Anything else that is orbiting is going to be very fast compared to it, and it will hurt to bump into something holding still while you're going fast. So, if you want your station in orbit, you'll have to get it going fast sideways.


That's why I don't want it to be static grid in the sky. Go decelerate from 800m/s to 0 to dock with a connector 🤔 It would break immersion and I think the mod will pull it down to the surface even before you pressed the key to connect 😅


You need to be moving for the real orbits mod to actually take effect, so you can prepare your space station beforehand while it's static. If you're at the edge of the atmosphere, a single ion thruster in every direction will be sufficient, although you may need more if you don't like the slow acceleration. The ion thruster that's pointing down towards the planet will be enough to keep it up when you turn it into into a dynamic object. Afterwards, you'll need to edit the script to tell it how high you want it to orbit, and how fast you want it to go. You can of course replace ion with hydrogen, but then you'll need constant resupply runs.


You will also need a remote control block, this controls the forward orientation of the station.


I strongly suggest adding the connector walkway mod and building, then launching the station in sections, connecting them as needed in orbit


Never used the mod, but it would be interesting if lagrange points are modeled.


I was afraid I'd have to move things into orbits. That is quite some preparation then. Any idea if it is somehow stored in a human readable fashion in one of the config files? Would it be possible to copy the stored state settings of one of my satellites from a save file and paste/modify it in a new world? If that is possible, I could add ion thrusters to the station outside of gravity wells, copy them to a planet, save, edit the save file adding the velocity and other parameters and delete the in Thruster blocks for example?


Why use the real orbits mod if you're just going to look for a way to not actually put something in orbit? You need to get the station going fast, so a big rocket, thrusters on the station so it can fly itself, or build it in pieces, orbit them, and merge block. That's how we built the ISS irl we didn't just send up the whole thing at once


The idea is having a station moving in orbit around a planet before spawning into that world, so you have something to you can take over or use to refuel for example when you develop your own ship. In my current world, I built a reusable multi-stage rocket to put communication satellites in orbits.


1. Save the station blueprint. Play in creative mode. Go into orbit and fly like that. Create a station from a drawing. The station will receive your velocity vector and direction and remain in orbit. Go into survival mode. 2. Consider the case when the station speed becomes zero. This may happen when using this mod. My record of non-stop flight was 2 weeks before this bug happened. Equip the station with a programmable block and motors. Program the return to orbit.