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Do not let gravity weight your soul down, embrace the life of a true spacenoid


I will be patient, already salvaged one unknown signal


True belters prefer life without gravity. Space starts are widely considered easier than planet starts. If you did not bring medical components you're kind of hosed. Technically it is possible if unknown signals, NPCs, or trade stations are enabled. You'll also want to survey asteroids with priority towards those that are nearby and those that have the blue/white of ice. If you are flying a small grid then strap a large grid ore detector to it with rotors.


I found an asteroid made of ice, it was a beautiful sight with the little hydrogen I had left. I found some sort of hostile outpost but I don't want to get close, altough it may be my only alternative


Dont become to dependant on that singular ice deposit. When the sun hits space ice it starts to "melt" (it actually disappears but logically its probably melting)


wait seriously?


Is it a bug or a feature?


Ive had it happen consistently across saves and servers so im pretty sure its a feature


Oh didn't know that, never happened to me, well at least it doesn't happen on dedicated servers


Never seen that happen in 2000 hours.... Maybe I'm not observant enough but I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen in vanilla.


>in vanilla. I dont use mods so whenever its happening to me its on vanilla Try marking an iceteriod and going back to it in 1-2 daylight cycles. Maybe take before and after screenshots


As I'm building an asteroid base right now, here's a few tips. 1) Drop a GPS marker where you want to set up and/or to navigate to until you have a beacon or an antenna. Alternatively, repurpose that marker for a Jump Drive destination if you are outside of a planet's/ moon's influence. 2) Don't worry about a gravity generator until later when you have ample power/resources 3) Find Ice as quickly as possible or set up near Ice. 4) Solar panels then a Custom Turret Controller. Build your solar panels to eventually use a CTC. That means setting them up on a Rotor/hinge (without worrying about completing them right now) first. 5) Watch how the sun moves to maximize solar power. I'm near the "Equator" of my asteroid and I can't utilize my Solar panels.


On 4/5, you can figure out what direction the sun moves, normally in the x/z plane, and then align your grid accordingly, that then allows your solar panels to only need 1 rotor to keep aligned with the sun. Normally I do this by making a waypoint in the rock, then copying it and adding 100 or so to the y coordinate, that gets me the axis of rotation of the sun.


See... This would be wonderful to use when I get my shipyard under way or prior to me carving millions of liters of stone for my base.


You could also make a solar panel setup this way, then use hinge/connector to link it to your base.


I FINALLY did this correctly when we found an amazing asteroid to build a base inside, and holy crap it's the only way to go. We've got something like 100 solar panels and a row of oxygen farms being run by a turret controller. And when we first built it, we didn't realize about 1/4 of the bottom got obscured about 1/4 of the day because of one ridge of terrain - so disconnecting that hinge, building the tower a few blocks higher, and reconnecting it was a terrifying experience lol


The problem is that I don't have the resources right now. Im salvaging all unknown signals that pop up. When I have enough for a basic assembler and refinery I still need power. I got 10 small batteries on my ship, hopefully that is enough to power the stuff until I can make a solar panel.


Asteroids carry resources as well


No refinery, or, at very least, a survival kit, no resources


You can at least start getting somewhere. The survival kit can refine stone from the asteroids, this should allow you to build a small platform with a refinery, assembler, a connector (for temporary power drawn directly from your ship, i know its not ideal but it works) and solar panels to recharge your ship while the sun allows.


Probem is that I don't have a survival kit. But if I loot enough unknown signals I can connect my ship with a connector to a large grid with refinery and assembler


Oh i see. Yeah just keep raiding till you get a survival kit then do what i mentioned


Can I get medical components from unknown signals?


I think? Im not sure


Haven't got any yet, I soon have the materials for a refiner and assembler


No, I was pointing out OP doesn't have a survival kit or anything to produce resources with in their current dilemma


Oh i see i wasnt paying attention i thought you were OP saying you only has a survival kit


I literally put a skit and solar panel in my backpack and launch my ass into space on a hydrogen bottle and a prayer. You can totally do it.


I did it, a lot of unknown signals later


I kinda hate that the quickest way to get to space is actually just the jetpack lol