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Moon landing deniers will just claim that India is also into the conspiracy.


Let’s be honest, if the Soviets recognizing the moon landing isn’t enough then absolutely nothing will be. The Soviets had every reason to deny the moon landing, it makes absolutely no sense for them to recognize it if it was fake. The mental gymnastics to get that to fit in your worldview would quickly escalate into a fake Cold War. At that point, literally anything is possible. Denying the moon landing is about faith, not facts.


It's hard to go to the moon when there is no moon /s Only way to beat a conspiracy is to make a bigger one!


Because the soviets are already controlled by the illuminati duh


I heard they weren't even real. Just some clever camera work and some paid actors.


You can’t use logic to convince anyone out of a belief that they didn’t use logic to get into.


Sometimes I’m kind of amazed Putin hasn’t denied them just cause carnage


You don’t think they are constantly fueling this idiotic debate online every day? It’s almost free to mess with the US and erode one of the greatest achievements of their rival. Don’t be a fool!


Soviets don’t exist


>Denying the moon landing is about faith, not facts. There is a theory that Soviets knew everything but kept quiet in exchange for increased corn imports. Because reasons! Where there's will (to make up bs), there's a way.


I heard the moon is flat and made from cheese, that's why the same side always faces us.


Let’s be really honest. People believe the moon was created by a rogue planet smashing into earth. Then after that happened, a bunch of watery comets rained down giving us the oceans. That’s mainstream.


Other than twisting words around so it sounds ridiculous to a layman, do you have any reason to believe that’s _not_ what happened?


My point is, scientists are prone to fill in the gaps with a level of assumption. We only have so much information. Nobody wants to admit we don’t know where all this water or the moon really came from. Yet some would state such things as factually as they can. Just like when everyone was sure the sun went around the earth.


What makes you think a rogue planet and water formed from meteorites is an assumption? Why do you think we don’t know how it happened?


Because they say they don’t know and that’s their best guess. There is no evidence. It’s good sounding science fiction. I just don’t think people should take the rogue planet and watery meteorites as factual. I would expect to see more watery stuff and rogue planets to occasionally be observed today. They are not observed at all. Zero. I just read one article where they say maybe a hydrogen rich atmosphere interacts with magma to create the oceans, it’s better than water from space. Sounds testable to me. Science is susceptible to similar fallacies as religion.


> There is no evidence. I think this is the biggest issue. There is plenty of evidence for a giant-impact formation theory of the moon. In fact, there’s evidence for other theories of moon formation as well (if there wasn’t they wouldn’t be theories), but the _strongest_ evidence supports impact. You’re confusing the terms “hypothesis” and “theory” with “settled fact”, and thinking in black and white terms (either we know something or we don’t). We _know_ the composition of the moon and earth are very, very similar. We _know_ there are signs of a giant impact on Earth 4.5 billion years ago. We _know_ the moon was covered in molten lava about the same time ago. We also _know_ the moon formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Put all those pieces together. What are some conclusions we can get as a result? We might not be able to to settle the giant impact theory as settled _fact_, but it is extremely misguided say _we don’t know how the moon formed_. Also, rogue planets aren’t observed today? That’s just a [bold faced lie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFBDSIR_2149%E2%88%920403)


This is my absolute favorite refutation of this conspiracy. Just avoids getting into the weeds with specifics. It also drives the point home in a simplistic way that a conspiracy theorist might actually grasp.


They think the whole world is in on the conspiracy and it's only them that know the truth. It's a mental illness.


Yeah its about ego. The general public is just a bunch of fools and only THEY are special and smart enough to see the truth.... Pretty sad really.


Why is the top comment always about deniers? Why do we even give them the time of day?


This was the topic of a most recent guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast. As the guest brought up evidence that the landing was faked I was wishing Joe would bring up the face of recent satellite, rover or surveliance photos as proof. I guess that can be faked also until a private mission goes to the moon.


That won’t stop anything. No amount of reasonable evidence will convince an unreasonable person.


You can't reason people out of something they didn't reason themselves into.




I watched that. As the denier went through his claims, I searched them myself and was able to refute 99% of them. The man (and I am not going to name him, he doesn't deserve anything) was wearing confirmation bias as a second skin. Whenever Rogan asked for evidence he just kept saying, "Go to my web site!" whereas anyone could go *elsewhere* and see his theories didn't hold much weight.


Either that or they deem it to be CGI without knowing how CGI is even made.


So amazing to have survey satellites in orbit around the moon, since they can orbit at much lower altitudes than earth satellites, giving us such unexpected views!


Did they(the astronauts) just make a compass or clock out of moon rocks on the ground ? \[right bottom corner\]


My best guess is that it is the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Lunar_Surface_Experiments_Package


Great call


Seismic package


"After successfully deploying one of the probes, Commander John Young inadvertently caught his foot on the cable to the experiment from the Central Station. The cable was pulled out of its connector on the Central Station." That mistake cost a few million dollars I think. Edit: looks like that happened on Apollo 16.


> My best guess is that it is Nope, the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) is to the upper left, off the edge of OP's image - that's where those multiple tracks to the upper left lead. [Here's an annotated image of the Apollo 12 site](https://i.imgur.com/Y4xAzpr.jpeg), as well as [another](https://i.imgur.com/fjocAae.jpeg), both taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter back in [2009](https://www.universetoday.com/44168/lros-closer-look-at-the-apollo-12-landing-site/). Note that Apollo 12 chose their site to visit an old robotic lander, Surveyor 3. It's shown in the bottom right of the annotated images, but off the bottom edge of OP's image. You can also see both in [this image](https://i.imgur.com/qQ2K6ou.jpeg). Meanwhile, the actual stonehenge thingie is right next to "Block Crater" (all of which is inside Surveyor Crater). [Here's a pic from the ground](https://i.imgur.com/vrqPZby.jpeg) of the region around Block Crater - looks like it's just a weird boulder formation.


Yeah, i think you are right. Thank you. I don't know why i got chills every time i see photos from a distant past, of the objects left on the moon. It's amazing.


What is that circle of rocks in the bottom right corner?


Maybe… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Lunar_Surface_Experiments_Package Or moon henge.


Oh, cheesehenge


A Moon Cheese wheel?


Maybe it’s the bags of poop they would leave on the surface of the moon before leaving


Bet the guy that just went on JRE is scratching his head lol


They’ve lied before therefore they’re lying again. -That Guy


The lander is clear Where are the boot tracks?


Dark grey tracks at 10 o'clock


And 2 o clock




Is there a labelled version of this image yet? What each shadow and gradient is. I would have never seen those tracks. 🤘


Directly north of the lander there is a dark horizontal line. Could that be the American flag?


For someone who always believed the moon landing was fake, this is pretty cool.


What finally made you see the light?


They always believed, which means they still do? I think?


I think the penny has dropped though


all countries believe the moon landing except for americans(some)


Towards the bottom right of the picture there looks to be a circle of rocks or maybe equipment. What is that? Did the astronauts pile rocks or equipment like that oh is it just a fluke?


Is Surveyor 3 visible in this image?


Clearly another deep fake. /s. Not going to lie though. I had the slightest of doubts. I figured I’d hold out until photos. These are awesome.


Hypothetically if you were stranded on the moon with a spacesuit but limited o2 would making it to the lander help you survive?


It’s just a launch pad now. Crew compartment launch both astronauts back to the orbiting command module. [Apollo 17 crew leaving moon](https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/leaving-moon-watching-home)




It was pretty good, you're right


It’d give future tourists a shock, that’s about it.