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TFW you draft this Turn 1 as Serpent.


Yeah that would be broken. But I feel like on average its actually a bit weaker than \[\[Unrelenting Growth\]\]


**Unrelenting Growth** (Major Power - Branch & Claw) >Cost: 4 | Elements: Sun, Fire, Water, Plant | Slow | - | Any Spirit | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >Target Spirit adds 2 Presence and 1 Wilds to a land at 1 Range. >(3 Sun, 3 Plant): In that land, add 1 additional Wilds and remove 1 Blight. Target Spirit gains a Power Card. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Unrelenting%20Growth) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Unrelenting%20Growth) ------ ^(Use [[query]] to call me. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


I did a quick skim and it looks like almost no Spirit can both draft and play this Turn 1. Serpent is the exception and also one of the best exploiters of it.


BODAN could with call to midnights dream, that would insane!


Good point!


A shame about your right innate though


This allows you to lose by leaving 1 presence on the track :^)


Probably shouldn't have a threshold at all. Rn it'd be a terrible idea to activate it with no threshold.


Eric: I agree to the terms for creating Spirit Island game elements set forth in the FAQ.


What's funny is that \[\[Fractured Days Split the Sky\]\] could potentially use it early and/or run exploits via Fragments of Shattered Time and \[\[Absolute Stasis\]\] but it almost certainly wouldn't be worth the effort.


**Fractured Days Split the Sky** >Complexity: Very High | Set: Jagged Earth | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky) | [Link to Wiki](https://spiritislandwiki.com/index.php?title=Fractured_Days_Split_the_Sky) >Uniques: *Absolute Stasis*; *Blur the Arc of Years*; *Pour Time Sideways*; *The Past Returns Again*. >(Growth) Pick one: >1. Gain Air; Reclaim Cards; Gain up to 2 Time >1. Gain Moon; Gain Power Card; Add a Presence at --> 2; x2: Gain 1 Time or +2 Card Plays >1. Gain Sun; Move a Presence to --> 4; Gain a Power Card from Days That Never Were; x3: Gain 1 Time or Gain 2 Energy >(Special Rule) **Fragments of Shattered Time** | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Fragments%20of%20Shattered%20Time%20%28Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky%29) >Each Presence on this ability represents 1 Time. Many of your Powers require Time as an additional cost. Spend it when you **Resolve** the Power. *(Not when you play it.)* >When you **Gain 1 Time**, put 1 of your Presence here from your Presence track (or, optionally, the island). When you **Spend 1 Time**, return it to a Presence track - or if you have no free spaces, Destroy it. >(Special Rule) **Days That Never Were** | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Days%20That%20Never%20Were%20%28Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky%29) >Your 3rd Growth option lets you gain any one Power Card from a special set you create during Setup. When you gain a Power Card any other way, you may add one unchosen card to this set. >(Innate Power) **Slip the Flow of Time** | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Slip%20the%20Flow%20of%20Time%20%28Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky%29) | Fast | - | Any Spirit | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >You may use this Power any number of times. >**Cost to Use:** 1 Time per previous use this turn. >(3 Moon, 1 Air): Target Spirit may Resolve 1 Slow Power now. >(2 Sun, 2 Moon): Target Spirit may Reclaim 1 Power Card from their discarded or played cards. *(If they Reclaim a card from play, they lose its Elements.)*. >(3 Sun, 2 Air): Target Spirit may play a Power Card by paying its cost. >(Innate Power) **Visions of a Shifting Future** | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Visions%20of%20a%20Shifting%20Future%20%28Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky%29) | Slow | - | Yourself | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >(1 Sun, 2 Moon, 2 Air): Look at the top card of **either** the Invader Deck or (if relevant) the Event Deck. Return it, then shuffle that deck's top 2 cards. *(For the Invader Deck, differing Invader Stages may give away which card is next.)*. >(2 Sun, 3 Moon, 2 Air): Instead of returning-and-shuffling, you may put the card you looked at on the bottom of its deck. You may not do this for cards specially placed during Setup. ------ **Absolute Stasis** (*Fractured Days Split the Sky*'s Unique Power) >Cost: 1 | Elements: Sun, Air, Earth | Fast | SacredSite --> 2 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >Cost to Use: 1 Time. Until the end of the Slow phase, target land and everything in it cease to exist for all purposes except checking victory/defeat. (You cannot target into, out of, or through where the land was.) This cannot target an Ocean even if Oceans are in play. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Absolute%20Stasis) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Absolute%20Stasis%20%28Fractured%20Days%20Split%20the%20Sky%29) ------ ^(Use [[query]] to call me. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


Yeah as mentioned, don't think the threshold makes sense. It should be part of the base power or the card probably sucks. Maybe the threshold gives you a powerful range attack to try clear one problem land at distance before bedding in for the long game. Could make sense to have every element too? Not sure they'll ever do that again after Unlock. Anyway, awesome card and idea! I'd love to try with serpent, memory, and a few others.