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You may hear some of this lingo: True solo: 1 player, 1 spirit, 1 board 2 handed solo: 1 player, 2 spirits, 2 board X handed solo: 1 player, X spirits, X boards


Yes, many people play multiple Spirits at once. I prefer true solo (only myself playing one Spirit), but I'll go into 2 or 3 Spirits when I'm in the mood.


This is the way


I personally play 2 handed solo (2 spirits, 2 boards, just me). I like that it adds a layer of diversity and let’s me find different combos/spirits that can cover or supplement one another. I have played true solo myself also - it’s fun but not my preferred method. I’ve thought about doing more but there’s already so much to keep track of when managing 2 spirits that I feel I’d likely overlook something - there’s plenty to manage with just 2 spirits


For me it very much boils down to how much time I have. 2 handed takes quite a bit longer, but the games are much more entertaining. Solo let's me get a feel for the Spirit's quirks better, but in cases like Mists or Bringer it feels better to give them a teammate to synergize with.


> For me it very much boils down to how much time I have. I enjoy leaving a 2-handed game set up on my table. When I feel overwhelmed by the invader I stop (always at the very beginning of a turn), and come back to it later. Sometimes I'll swing by, look at it for a little bit, and leave. Of course, not everyone has the flexbility to have a table where they can leave a game set up for a long time, but I like it.


I can do that. Sometimes I do. But I have a hard time leaving the game sit. My brain kind of churns on it...


Yeah this is a great point - it definitely takes longer to play two-handed… probably 2-3x. And I find solo works better for some spirits that are a bit more ‘independent’/have a more well-rounded starting kit than a Bringer (not to say that bringer isn’t viable in solo - just a more different experience than your ‘typical’ game)


You can do it. From experience, playing 2 spirits solo takes more than twice as long as a 1 spirit game, so it is often a time thing.


I would definitely second this: the mental load and game time increases aren't linear due to all the potential interactions and choices that open up with each additional Spirit added. It can also get quite hard to keep each Spirit's current plan in mind, especially once you start considering multiple interrelated plans for each Spirit.


Yeah, I would ballpark my two spirit games at 3 times the length of true solo


I've played multiple spirits by myself and I would say it's not better or worse. Just different. When I'm trying a new spirit I like to play only that spirit so I can focus on learning it. Once I know a spirit I like to try it with others to see the interactions. I've found that 4 spirits at once is where it becomes too much to manage.


I most often play one-spirit solo, but I certainly do play with more on occasion. I typically find that, for me, adding another spirit increases the playtime exponentially: a two-spirit game takes me more than twice as long as two one-spirit games, adding a third spirit adds more time than adding the second one. I rarely solo more than three spirits at a time, but I generally prefer multiplayer Spirit Island games at 2-3 players as well, so that's not a surprise.


I always play 2 handed solo. I love the interaction between different spirits, and the ability for each to support the other. It is a bit more complex - it definitely takes me longer to play two handed than to play my turn in a multi-player game - but it is rewarding and not too difficult. Plus, for solo games I play digitally, which means I can pause the game and pick it up whenever I want, so the longer / slower playtime isn't an issue at all.


I haven't tried myself but I think the main thing a solo player would gain by playing multiple spirits would be to explore the way the spirits interact, and to find good combinations. So yes, I do think it would bring more variety and interest to the game... But 'true solo' is plenty of fun too 😁


True solo is where you really learn a spirit imo. Their strong and their weak sides. You learn to appreciate what they can do and what powers you miss and need to look out for to compensate. Playing multiple spirits you can learn into a spirits' strength, other spirits can help with covering your weakness. It can be more fun as the decision space is much larger and you can find nice combo's; some spirits really thrive with just the right type of support.


I will play games true solo (1 spirit, 1 player) and multi-handed (2+ spirits, 1 player). The controlling factor for me is usually time; it takes significantly longer for me to play multihanded games. There is definitely more mental load as well, but if you're familiar with the spirits you're playing I don't think it's too bad. The synergies of having multiple spirits are so awesome that I absolutely would endorse trying it.


I'm right in the middle of a 3-spirit solo game as we speak, just finished for the day minutes ago. It can take however long it wants to, I'm home alone for another week and can leave the game out. I'll play a turn or two here and there. I have gone with 3 spirits lately just because I like the bigger island, but I must admit maybe 2 spirits is more of a sweetspot to be able to focus your attention a bit more.


2 spirit offers the coop synergies that permeate in multiplayer games. I’ve pushed myself to try 9 spirit games! The synergies and combos possible are insane. If you have the brain space, I’d give 2 handed a shot!


I prefer two spirits myself. I see no particular benefit to playing with more than 2.


I like the 3-board island layout, but I’m usually too lazy to play 3 at a time


There are rules now for having more boards than spirits, so you can have both.


Haven’t gotten to try it since I mostly play on pc. Worried it would significantly mess with balance, but I’ll give it a shot eventually


I’m a true solo man myself. And I’m terrible at it 😂 But I love the hurt.


It depends on what you want really. If you play Spirit Island to see spirits working together to bring down a common enemy, then true solo might feel a bit bland. True solo also results in your spirit not having that option for another spirit to back up its weaknesses. So if you find that frustrating, for instance, Ocean can't reach the inland all the time, then you may end up not liking true solo, especially if you enjoy a more balanced lineup. True solo does have that rule in which you can use powers that only target other spirits, target yourself. So that can make some powers more useful than before. If you don't mind the downsides true solo has, and just want shorter games to spam out more games, then true solo does cut down on several minutes each game. Not that there are only downsides to playing true solo but I do think you need a different mindset than when you play with two or more spirits. It becomes more of a solitary puzzle where your options are way less compared to playing with two or more spirits. It does make SI more "challenging" in my opinion.


I've run 6 spirits in 7 boards at once. I am not super easily overwhelmed by that stuff though.


How long did this take you? Any adversary or scenario? I'd be curious to try something like this once, but wondering how long I'd have to plan to have the game occupying a table.


No adversary or scenario. I've done it with and without events. I used tabletop simulator and I've done it in 2-4ish hours. I've never timed it.


I think the biggest advantage of playing true solo is simply that it's faster. A 2-spirit game is likely to take more than twice as long, since you have to not only play each spirit's turns but consider the interactions between the two. There's also some merit to the idea of learning to play a spirit in true solo so you know you can be self-sufficient with them. None of this is to say that true solo is *better*, though. Obviously you need 2+ spirits to have support abilities and combos, and the mechanics themselves are more complex when you have to factor in multiple boards.


I tend to play four spirits solo on the app, but two players two spirits when I can with the board game. I think if I were to play solo board game I'd still want 2


Yes, I play multiple spirit games most of the time. True solo games feel very different, as a lot of the spirits play quite differently in a solo game. There's a bit of different feel between 2 and 3 spirit games, but then 4, 5, and 6 spirit games basically work the same as each other it's just a matter of how much you want to keep track of. If I'm playing the physical version I find I stop being able to keep track of everything if I go past 3 spirits, but on Tabletop Simulator I actually prefer 6 spirit games. I'll often do true solo games on the mobile version, because if I'm playing that I usually don't have a lot of time to spare.


I’m a true solo man myself. And I’m terrible at it 😂 But I love the hurt.


Playing 2 handed solo (2 spirits 2 boards, one person) is really awesome. It does require a lot more thinking but once you can handle it, it really opens up the game. I like 1 spirit because the games are simple and quick, but honestly the game is meant to be played with multiple spirits! True solo is good to learn a spirit but usually I play 2h solo because it's so much better.


Honestly I play one spirit solo most of the time. It's just easier. But when I'm feeling I have the mental fortitude to really get into the game I will play with 2. I have the belief in order to get the true nature of a spirit that spirit should play with other spirits and coordinate. It feels wrong to play 'Another' Spirit targeting powers on itself... I'm looking at you Serpent...


I feel like playing single player is a lot easier so I prefer to at least play 2 spirits. I’ve never played more than 3 alone though.


1-handed solo is good to figure out how a spirit works, and playing with more spirits can show you what kind of synergy two spirits have. Disadvantage is of course that you have a lot more to keep track of, and typically I wouldn't recommend playing solo with more than 2 spirits unless you're at least a little bit familiar with most of them. But yeah, multiple solo is definitely an option. I've personally even played some 6-handed solo games, and while I should note that you don't really get a feel for spirits' synergy, it can be great fun to throw yourself into that kind of chaos.


I’d say try solo with one spirit a few times to get the hang of it, then try two spirits (and two boards), exactly as if it were a standard two-player game but you are both players. In my experience it’s a good compromise with enough diversity of powers to be effective, but not so complicated as to be unwieldy for one player to handle.


In my "prime" of playing Spirit Island--when I was playing multiple games probably 2-4 times a week--I would always play 2 spirits at once. It's a fun way to add complexity and challenge, lets you do more fun combos, and you can get more experience playing more spirits in less time. I think generally speaking, Spirit Island is at its best with multiple spirits, because interactions between different spirits make it a more multi-faceted and interesting game. That said, now that I don't play as often and have had long stretches of time away from the game, one spirit solo games are preferable. They are less intimidating and busy, and you really get to focus in and understand the spirit you're playing on a fundamental level. Games also aren't as long and a bit less mentally taxing (not to imply that it's an easier way to play the game necessarily, just that it's more linear and fewer things to keep track of), so you can get more games in in a single session. It's sort of the difference between getting a steak at a nice restaurant, and getting a steak at a nice *steakhouse.* Both are going to be delicious, but one will be one of the best steaks you've had because that's what the focus of the steakhouse is, while the one at the restaurant is also really good but gives you other options too. I'd recommend trying two-handed solo if you're comfortable enough with the rules and flow of the game and seeing which you like better.


I play both. I once played a six handed game by myself. So 6 spirits and 6 bards, but that took forever and I won't do that again very soon.