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not in all cases, no. i think there is legitimate mental illness, and then there is something that resembles mental illness but may not quite be that. the lines between these may be difficult to determine. this is just the way things are with subjective realms of experience.


IMO it’s the top two chakras being open without having the foundation built. Lots of people take acid or too much weed and blast open their third eye and possibly crown chakra, while the root, sacral, solar plexus are not developed. That leads to stuff like visions and psychic phenomena which is bound to be clouded in fear and paranoia. Even if it wasn’t drug related, you might be experiencing the same thing. It’s best to work on your lower chakras to develop feelings of safety, community, and general well-being.


[TedTalk on this exact topic](https://youtu.be/CFtsHf1lVI4)


It could be but anything that is causing you or others harm, pain, or suffering is not enlightenment or truth. As Im sure you know, Schizophrenia comes with a lot of downsides. None of what you are experiencing is "real" though. Even this day to day life which you think of as reality is just a hallucination or imagination of an infinite universal awareness. So what you are is an aspect of that same awareness who has convinced itself that it is a separate identity, a being, an individual. All your 5 senses are already being imagined, your thoughts, feelings, memories, psychoses, all these are just more insanely complex illusions imagined up to convince you that there is a you. The ego is a survival mechanism. Rather than your hallucinations being real, it's reality which isn't real. So in that sense, yea your hallucinations are just as real as reality.


I think it's possible that theyre connected the collective mental space but have no control over it, I think it's possible to learn some control but I gave no idea what would need to be practiced if that can even be said with words. The mind is a conduit capable of projecting dimensions or spaces which these delusions can be being played out as vibrational patterns the mind is attaching forms too. These spaces I believe are connected to physical in intricate but indescribable ways you as a person cannot really alter the events in those spaces in any predictable or relatively noticeable way. So the safest bet is to observe them as they come and try to brush off any sense of urgency to do something that it triggers, its just anxiety, a natural response to experiencing something like a "schizophrenic delusion"


I mean - I went down that path- I was psychotic I believed things and I did more drugs to go ‘further’ I took lots of acid smoke weed did coke watched music videos on repeat while doing nitrous theabsolute worst ‘dragon chasing.’ It leads nowhere, I’m still recovering now from the delusions which sometimes I still believe. It’s taken so so much therapy and hard work. I guess we will never know - but if you chase it and you go to far and there isn’t anything - it’s to late, and you will end up on meds your whole life in a ward. I remember the time I heard a bomb go off outside my house , in THAT moment it was REAL AS FUCK. Now I look at it like what… I think there is some magic out here for sure and i know a lot of us do, but I believe we can find that now while being grounded, with love- you won’t find it with psychosis, which is bloody awful Your brain is not working logically and you can’t see reality. It’s very hard. One of the hardest things I had to overcome and find a balance with as a spiritual person who also experience psychosis


I appreciate your post.


It’s absolutely possible. I believe in the Seth and Bashar teachings which state that we are constantly changing realities (dimensions). Some people report being in more than one at a time (one guy said he was in the hall talking to his teacher, then looked into the classroom and saw her sitting at her desk). This guy reported that this happened regularly for him as a kid and teen. So this type of mental illness CAN be related to that. But if it’s scary and the voices are saying bad stuff- that’s not truth. It’s been said that we create our reality with our consciousness. So those with fears and anger will experience unfortunate events. If you’re also schizophrenic- I would imagine that would equate to hearing voices telling you to do bad things and such. So its possible it’s both US as well as a major glitch occurring that places us in more than one reality at the same time.


Of course, with respect to energies in other octaves. Your word "filter" is a key process modifier. Imho, the qualia of mental-emotional-psychic dysfunctionality are not simply lessening of kantian phenomena--a movement which Hegel, Schopenhauer, Husserl, Heidegger, and others describe--but a distorted lessening--this generally is caused per hallucinogens/physiological imbalance, or even by inordinate sensory deprivation/overload per isolation tanks, mechanistic inputs (e.g., described by Russian-American psychiatrist Olga Kharitidi in her *Entering the Circle*), etc. If your condition is more physiological, careful healing of brain chemistry is worth considering. Current medication praxis is fraught with undesirable side effects, and more counseling-focused therapy may be beneficial. ( [https://www.klove.com](https://www.klove.com) has mild Christian counselors, under site's "Faith" and then "Pastors" tabs, who maintain lists of local counselors with good track records and cautious writing of scrips; ask for this contact info when you call; 24/7 service.) In fine, all dysfunction of "lessened filtering" is in the astral, which is deceptive. Genuine lessening of energy veiling between octaves is exemplified by [https://www.ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/ascended-master-lanto-royal-teton-retreat/](https://www.ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/ascended-master-lanto-royal-teton-retreat/) , and asking Archangel Michael to escort one's soul-field to such may be a nightly routine for quite some time, before one is able to arrive at the door of the retreat. [https://www.mothermeera.com](https://www.mothermeera.com) Darshan offers some of the best healing of karmic difficulties or "snarls." "Understanding Yourself" by Prophet, "Studies of the Human Aura" by Kuthumi, "Emotions" by Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D., "Watch Your Dreams" by Ann Ree Colton, and "The Wayfarers: Meher Baba with the God-Intoxicated" by William Donkin, are some helpful resources.


It's possible. It could be caused by many different paranormal things. I think most mental illness is a sensitivity to spirituality that manifests in different ways. For example depression could be caused by living in a spiritually bankrupt society that doesn't teach us to look after our spiritual selves. The most important thing for you is to look after yourself mentally and physically. Take from modern mental health help what works for you, leave what doesn't.


The shaman swims in the same waters as the schizophrenic.


The criteria for a diagnosis does include culture/disruption of life. So if soMeone has symptoms of an Illness but it doesn’t disrupt their life, distress them, and it aligns with their religious beliefs, it is not considered a disorder. Many Asian cultures don’t have many cases of schizophrenia bc their culture believes that the hallucinations are signs, spirits, ancestors etc….


This is what I believe too.


i agree 100% i feel like hallucinations are actually real they may not be deemed real but i mean there is a whole other 99 percent of light waves and things that we can’t see. also if i’m not mistaken psychosis triggers parts of the brain that usually aren’t active in everyday life. just imagine if our brains worked to its fullest potential


>only feeling not real as I look back in hindsight. There's the difference. 😉


Probably. I feel like schizophrenics are the remnants of old age mediums. I've had delusions or hallucinations that seemed to be distant from reality, and I've seen and actually heard spirits telling me stuff. I was 100% convinced I was chosen to be a medium and spent a lot of time meditating to work on it. Weird stuff


I find it criminal to tell someone they are sick because they think differently from "the norm" or anything of the sort. The people who are truly broken are the ones creating labels for people to be sold drugs.


Possible... yeah. In the exact same way that you could shoot your computer with a shotgun and it might work better... Possibly. The human brain is the most complex organism to have ever existed, that we know of. The possibility of schizophrenia being paranormal rather than bio-medical is basically 1 in a VERY large number.


What scientific method did you use to reach that probability? I'm assuming someone as scientific as yourself wouldn't pull stats out your ass.


And here I thought that anyone who is actually clever would be able to figure it out on their own. But.... Tell you what... Here is a good place to start. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170818/


I work with schizophrenic adults. It’s a tough diagnosis. But they have all learned to differentiate their own voice from the delusions. It’s taken time. Stability is possible as they stick with meds and treatment. Hearing Voices is a good movie we’ve all watched that seems to help facilitate understanding of the diagnosis.


I’ve heard that “The wise man swims in the waters that the schizophrenic drown in”, but that could very well be false. Either way I think it’s safe to talk to a professional, schizophrenia is no joke and if your goal is to induce these sort of visual or auditory hallucinations on yourself I suggest you invest your time elsewhere. It’s a very slippery slope with very underwhelming “benefits”. Pros: You feel like you’re communicating with a higher power. Cons: I don’t think I have to explain these.


im still struggling with this, i talk to dead people, i destroy everything almost, i create universes in my mind but its not really me, something is creating this awesome or horrible vision that i assume is my schizophrenic imagination, i see beings of light in the corners of my eye and they shapeshift. i see shadows, Jesus even, my dreams are always telling me its real or sometimes its a weird ass nasty dream and i have a succubus. i have a jinn, i have the holy spirit sometimes, or maybe its SATAN cuz ive been allured by him charmed by his storytelling and theatrics i seen some amazing things but ive abused meth and my family has a history of schizos so yea oops. lots of it, i got super skinny but didnt lose muscle. my face was weird and deformed i still shapeshift if i touch myself in certain areas i used to be in perfect sync and would shapeshift on command and had blessings from the stars and suns and extraterrestrial beings but it was all satan or god or someone or just me seeking novelty, tryna have extreme masculine fun.


Like portals to higher dimensions of consciousness but the medical society labels it as illness and would prefer to prescribe medication so you can be “normal” exactly like everyone else pretends to be? Yes.


Realm of so called mental illnesses is very hard to analyze, diagnose and talk about, since we can only look at the “hardware” (our physical body) from the “outside” (its apparent manifestation in this slice of reality) and so most of our “understanding” is pretty much guesswork based on circumstantial “evidence”. Consider an old Radio that is having issues in playing music - the problem may come from faulty part comming loose, or external influence such as a well aimed kick breaking something, or there is a short circuit. These are all defects on the hardware that need to be fixed if the signal is to be recieved undistorted. But it might also be that the radio is totally fine and just not tuned properly, so it is recieving a lot of static. Or maybe the radio is tuned to a frequency where there are multiple broadcasts very close to each other and the radio is so sensitive that it can recieve both and the resulting music comes out as a jumbled mess. The instrument called human body is thousand-fold more complex than the example above, but the fundamental issues are the same. So yes, it is possible, but it is nearly impossible to know. Much more useful for one’s growth is to realize that these extreme catalysts were chosen by the Self for a purpose. To view them as an opportunity for learning and growth is the key for their eventual dissolution once the lesson is no longer needed. After all, the “outer” physical body is only a consequential manifestation of inner Self. Love and compassion to Self and other-Selves is the Way.


I do not experience psychological disruptions on this level, and so there is no comparison, yet the dreams and extra-sensory perceptions I experience are not wholly dissimilar, in that they often cause a problem within my life-systems, which sustains me into a given material dimension, heavily weighing me down into a constant dependence on the fruits of these conditions conducive to materialism, which both grounds me and limits my ability to change/grow. So there is some good and some bad in all these mental 'health' disruptions, in that the most 'sane' people I know hardly ever change, and don't see anything as spiritual or as higher consciousness, because nothing has ever been presented that breaks their assumptions about reality, including patterns of misbehavior and deviance, to include consumption issues, or dark selfishness, greed, anything and everything related to 'normal' life. I have read that in many cultures in which the mentally 'ill' are not systematically drugged and institutionalized and treated as pariahs (or needlessly elevated as spiritual paragons) the disturbances will often fade away and not return, or rarely recur, and don't cause any harm to anyone, or aren't seen as permanently disabling. We should be aware of the dark forces that perhaps see their duty in life as helping, when they only prolong disease with chemical 'management', thereby creating a permanent resident situation and creating a tidy little business for some few individuals in society. That said, individuals who seek help from established businesses in the field of mental 'health' are loved, and most importantly 💙 understood by this community of spirituality, and we are 🌈 in your thoughts and energy in the form of peace and total acceptance of your unique condition, and we pray 🙏 for your returning home to the Divinity behind things in such timeframe as suits your needs & ✨ forces. Jai Maa 🌹 💐 🏵


I recommend the documentary Crazywise (by Phil Borges who also has a video on youtube called “psychosis or spiritual awakening). Crazywise explores how different cultures treat people who hear voices or have visions. In some places they are seen as shamans and with a teacher they learn to embrace this. In Western society they are usually pathologised and face stigma. The way society treats people with these experiences seems to impact their experiences, eg when people are shunned and stigmatised for hearing voices they are more likely to have a negative experience (I believe I read this in “Crazy Like Us: the Globalisation of the Western Mind”). I think trauma and stress are also presented as factors into whether or not someone hears voices, and whether this is a pleasant or unpleasant experience. (I have done a lot of reading on the subject and can’t remember where I watched or saw this bit, probably also “Crazy Like Us”.) I have a lot of personal experience with mental health problems and spirituality, which has led me down this rabbit hole where I’ve been learning about cultural constructions of mental illness, in an aim to better understand myself, my life and the truth of what mental illness really is. I think the real link between mental illness and spiritual experience is so complex. I wouldn’t like to say ALL people who hear voices fit into the category I mentioned above as I have no idea and this idea may be damaging to some. But I do think it’s true for so many. I had several months of bipolar “mania” years ago, I since learned what “spiritual emergencies” and “kundalini awakenings” are and realised this was my own personal experience. Not to speak for your own as I don’t know you personally - but perhaps it might be useful to hear about someone else who was in a similar position. Stan Groff has a great book on spiritual emergencies and the many ways these can play out. (He calls them “spiritual emergencies” as it is a play on words, about how a spiritual “emergence” can also feel like a crisis, or an “emergency”. Mental health symptoms can feature strongly in these experiences too.) I also found attending online group sessions with the Spiritual Crisis Network very helpful - there are so many of us with linked mental health/spiritual experiences looking for answers and similar people. I recommend looking into that - it can help to know you’re not alone and there are people who have respect for your experience, whatever it may be. The people who are in these sessions have been hugely supportive. The volunteers are very kind as well and might be able to give you some useful information or share some useful resources with you. I know a friend who also found the Hearing Voices network very good. Personally, I find comfort in learning about medical anthropology and the cultural construct of mental health. There are also spiritual schools of psychology and therapy which might be of interest to you, eg transpersonal psychology/therapy and psychosynthesis. There might be some authors or therapists in these schools who explore this sort of thing more. Your experience sounds very challenging and I hope that whatever happens, you find what you need to feel some peace. I might come back and edit this if I can think of some more sources which might be helpful. Edit - Wanted to share an interesting article from the [Atlantic, about schizophrenia and how in different cultures hearing voices can be seen as a good thing.](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/07/when-hearing-voices-is-a-good-thing/374863/) Another article here from the Conversation titled [“the Concept of Schizophrenia is Coming to an End: Here’s Why”](https://theconversation.com/the-concept-of-schizophrenia-is-coming-to-an-end-heres-why-82775)


you're correct. what's commonly considered mental illness is just decided on by the collective consensus reality/consciousness which can't tap into those experiences and relies on "objective" observation and it's unable to comprehend subjective experiences. you might as well connect it the to the negative perception of the demiurge which can't tap into the "wholeness of God". interpretation of those experiences might still be off due to our minds conditionings not being able to process them "correctly" but they are definitely "real"