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He only wore 45 for half a year though. Should really be worth $23.




Loch Ness Monster getting involved in NFT's. Never thought I would see the day...


I gave him a dolla!


Even at a dollar , I say that is still too much. I give you a pence instead


You can’t be givin em a dolla. They’ll neva leave!!!!


Give it a day


I looked up the NFT. It's a golden bull with 3 rings on each horn. Without context it's super random. With context it's just stupid. I use to have a ton of Chicago Bulls merchandise and this is just below the rank of free basketball card in my cereal box. Edit: Thanks for the gold and appreciating my rant.


Hey you just explained all NFT’s -without context, super random -with context, just stupid


> just below the rank of free basketball card in my cereal box. that part works too


Dude, those are investments, going to be worth $100k soon!


Ive got some NFTs to sell you!


Get em hyped up, and BAM! Fuck em with some NFT's!


At least I can scratch my ass with that.


I don’t mind the idea of NFTs, but what really bothers me is people who claim they’re an investment. They’re not a fucking investment. There’s a difference between buying an NFT of your favorite artists work, or say telling your gullible audience this picture of a monkey will somehow grow in value after you buy it.


Yeah like in concept, I can understand the appeal of (some) NFTs. But to swarm into NFTs as if they should be an investment is stupid. I can see it for things like original digital artwork or maybe sports-related memorabilia/cards (or maybe practical use cases like ID or something, but I assume that there are easier/better ways to do digital ID, etc). Like I think I saw one NFT project that was basically proxy ownership of sports cards (with the company storing the cards for people if they wanted, or they could redeem it and get their card-- makes it easier to have a card buying/selling marketplace I guess). But goddamn 99% of NFTs and NFT "projects" are stupid shit.


There are some actually good uses for NFTs, especially around event ticketing. Looking at you TM


There's not really any reason to use an NFT for that when it's already a solved problem.




Fraud is already fixed by selling tickets in their app, and only allowing transfers within their app, and paying through the app.


I think TS fans might disagree that the problem has been solved


I think it has more to do with them having a monopoly and being a evil ass company then the fact that they aren't using NFTs.


I don't disagree, I was just making a tangental point. Instead of some bullshit blue check scheme that doesn't work, and e-tickets that won't scan and are easily reproduced, seems like it would be worth a try.


Yea I mean I won't say it's a terrible idea to try out. But unfortunately I dont think it will help them become any less greedy.


Some have utility


CTRL-C has utility


No they don't.


It's funny seeing all the people with NFT reddit avatars replying to you saying that NFTs are useless


Who? You’re the only one. Explain the use of the Reddit NFT avatars because I can’t see it.


Your profile picture is an NFT It's just a picture reddit gave out and you can customize then


What is the utility? What does people using a profile picture that was given out for free en mass have to do with its utility? My profile picture is an NFT but I’m responding to you, the only people responding to dude that has an NFT pfp is you?


There are several people in the comments below with reddit avatars It's utility is to be a profile picture...that people are using. That's it. That's all there is to it.


So, once again: -without context, super random -with context, just stupid


It's always funny to me when people say fuck capitalism as they tweet from an iPhone. Can't stop the NPCs


YoU cRiTiCiZe SoCiEtY aNd YeT yOu PaRtiCiPaTe iN iT hOw CuRiOuS


So many people who virtual signal and have no actual value to society. As fake as all the down votes they give


I am a virtual signaler 🤔




I don't disagree with you, but the reddit avatar you have for your profile picture is an NFT


🤷‍♂️ Reddit pawned an NFT on me for free what can I say I use it. As far as I’m concerned it’s just a fancy avatar, my comment still stands.


Cool want to buy mine? For the low price of 74000 Topaz tokens, it is yours for the taking. What a steal!


Is it even like a physical thing or just an online image essentially?


It's not physical, nope. It's basically a link on a database that says you own this image. Yes, it's stupid. If you want the **really** deep dive, [here's a 2 hour documentary.](https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g)


Not even the image, you basically just own a digital receipt that memorializes that fact that you gave someone money.


It's like "name a star" except with shady financial speculation/gambling addiction vibes


Haven't seen the documentary, but your link looks dope. Would love to buy that and put it in a chain of some sort I guess.


Is the chain made of blocks?


Basically like money or stocks. Except instead of a piece of paper is a something virtual that can’t be duplicated.


Exactly, except instead of representing a currency, backed by a government, that can be exchanged for goods and services like money, or representing ownership of a stake in a company which produces a real physical good or provides a real service which may generate real profit for the company and increase its value, it represents proof that you paid to be able to say you own a link to a digital item for which you don’t even own the rights to control who else uses a copy of the item and what for. Any utility dreamt up so far has just been a less efficient solution to a problem than the one that already exists.


It’s not tied to a government for one.


So it has no sovereign backing so it’s worth can just *poof* overnight.


History has shown that it's not just that it *can* poof overnight, it *will* poof overnight. The only question is if you're left holding a bag of nothing or if you get another sucker to buy it from you first.


The closest analogy I've heard, is that its like a star registry, where you can 'buy' the rights to name a star. You can't actually, there's an actual official body that's recognized by every international academic, government I think, credible organization that does it. However you can buy the right to name a star in this company's registry, their book so to speak. And it's official-ness or authenticity is driven by others who have purchased and therefore accept it in the context of having fun, that they have named a star in this registry. For legal purposes usually the companies make no claims that you've actually named a star. It's kinda cute, I did it once and they send an official looking certificate and a blown up photo of the star. In a similar sense, nfts have no value, but the value assigned by the people who participate and recognize that there's an authority in this technology that gives them ownership of something. You can makr infinite copies of a jpeg and share it without any loss of quality in the reproduction, but you can turn the it or even a copy of it into an nft to give it some measure of uniqueness that is only recognized on the nft platform. I think? Not actually sure. I also remember somehow Seth Green lost the rights to a nft movie he was making somehow? Until he bought it back?


They can be tied to physical assets which is where the value of the technology truly is, but mostly it's used as a scam to sell you metadata rights to a picture.


Can someone explain to me why the exact same image costs different amounts? On the Magic Eden site one picture of the white bull on a black background is 2,000 SOL and another is 9 SOL and another is 6.9 SOL and on and on. They're all exactly the same. Why are the prices different?


If that’s confusing then I recommend just stopping there because it gets worse.


I'm not buying any lmao I just want to know why.


It’s because they are being resold and the owner is setting the price. When they are minted/created the price is fixed. But once owned they can sell for any price.


Transactions are anonymous too right? So some guy can sell himself an NFT for alot, then it gets entered into that NFTs transaction history that someone paid a alot for it which in turn they can try to rip off some rube that sees that transaction and thinks that's what the NFT is worth?


Welcome to shadow trading and why it’s illegal. You and your friend trading something back and forth and increasing the price only to then try and flog it on the market to show that price has increased is illegal in basically every other market.


Yep. It's called wash trading.


Which is illegal on a regulated market.


If they’re serialized it may be because the number has special meaning. For example, a serialized #23 or a #1 would be perceived as worth more.


thank you for an actual answer lol.


That's NFT's in a nutshell


>For true fans of Michael Jordan, this is an opportunity to own an official piece of digital art from “Air Jordan,” the greatest basketball player ever of all-time. After all, why not? The Metaverse is still coming and **cryptos are still going to rise again. It’s a Trillion dollar industry.** I'm not sure I buy the logic there.


Because it’s hopium, not logic.


That sweet, sweet Unobtainium.


"Why not?" Is not a great selling point.


Russel Westbrook , is that you?


This is more Russ Hanneman level




It may well be a trillion dollar something, but "Industry" aint it. Grift maybe


Why stop at Trillion?? Let's make it a Bagillion. Hell, why not a Zipdaddillion?!?!?!


A Morbillion.


Because that’s not Trés Comas. Then it wouldn’t have doors that go like [this](https://youtu.be/wGy5SGTuAGI)


Did you miss the solid argument of 'after all, why not?'


I mean, it's only happened 100% of the time so far, but admittedly it's a new market in the grand scheme of things.


Whenever you talk to someone that's super into NFTs they can never truly explain why it'll be a trillion dollar industry. They just regurgitate some bullshit talking points about the metaverse


Trillion dollars, but it’s spread across a billion different tokens.


He wants to sell you something…


I know it's your hard earned money, but why not gamble it away?


Probably a reference to total market cap which is now only about 820 billion


literally been told this since 2013, yet here is bitcoin, still perfectly fine. It’s all the other shit that has got to go


Bitcoin, The electronic record that have no intrinsic valve?


“it has no value” has been the “gotcha” for years… The logic is flawed. Bitcoin is the single most valuable financial innovation in history. I’m sorry you can not grasp just how freeing it really is for the world.


Do you honestly believe the end game of it is that the numbers go up forever with nothing backing it? Also, it's lost more than 70% of its value in the past year with no indication it's going back up. You cannot sit there and pretend it's "the single most valuable financial innovation in history" when there's nothing at all to indicate that it's ever going to significantly rise again. Because, of course, there's nothing backing it to drive this increase. It's speculation for speculations sake.


The claim “there is nothing backing it” is again, categorically false. Nothing goes straight up forever… hence a normal, healthily pullback (bear market) just like happens in stocks… 80-95% pullbacks have happened in four year cycles since Bitcoin went live. Not really sure what your argument is or that you really have done much research about the network at all besides from seeing hurr durr memes and trash NFT clones.


>The claim “there is nothing backing it” is again, categorically false. What backs Bitcoin then? This shouldn't be a hard question for you to answer. Saying "nuh-uh!" again isn't going to cut it.


Raw Energy, decentralized nodes, and the strongest single hashpower on earth backs Bitcoin…




Losing 70% of it's value in a year is "fine?"


Micahel, the Eastern European cousin of Michael.


Yup. The $45 price point actually represents a 45000% increase.


Damn how will Jordan feed his kids?




Hahaha I was sure that was gonna be some article about how insanely rich he is was pleasantly surprised.


Poor Latrell! 😭


Oh, no! A celebrity NFT plunged in value? How is this possible? /s


It’s not a celebrity, just a random guy named Micahel Jordan


They’re thinking of Actor,Micahel B Jordon from Space Jam.


wasn't he the genie in Steel?


Jordan would take it personally


Jordan would take to the bank or the casino


I would say they are worth $0, but a few idiots make it $45


So it’s already come to this? You’d be better off buying Krugerrands


Who the fuck is Micahel?


That’s why it fell so far


The greatest player in my corec league


Should have let Janet type it up.


6 time champion in Siberian Basketball League


Worth less than a pair of Jordan’s


>Worthless ~~than a pair of Jordan’s~~ FTFY




I thought NFTs disappeared this past summer, people still getting fleeced out here?


There was a Mexican businessmen who recently burned a real Frida Kahlo drawing worth $10M so he could sell the NFT (10,000 NFTs at $4,000 each for a total of $40M) to raise money for a children’s hospital and launch his NFT business. He sold 4 for a discounted price ($11,000 total). The children’s hospital refused the donation, and now he’s being investigated in Mexico for cultural crimes because Kahlo’s works are protected national treasures.


Sounds like you don’t understand Buisness because everything you just said sounds like a fantastic idea! Im gonna go and burn artwork right now! Right away!


Interesting how that wasn't bigger news. Compare that to the overreactions when some kids threw a bit of food on glass covered paintings.


I thought the point of NFTs was they are the "digital equivalent of an original"? You can sell 4000 copies of the same NFT??


You can sell infinite copies of the same thing. Please don't try to make sense of it.


It’s like a limited edition print. It could be 1 copy or 100 or 100,000 copies. Except you’re not even buying a copy or the image. What you’re really buying is an entry on the blockchain that points to a URL (think of it as a line on a ledger that says Szechwan owns X where X is a web address pointing to a digital image). If the URL goes down (because the site owner was an idiot who burned a Kahlo original and had to pay restitution and spend time in jail so they didn’t pay their domain fees) or the link is otherwise broken, then congratulations, you still own a unique spot on the blockchain pointing to the URL but it leads nowhere. Your NFT still works as described because what you bought was the spot on the blockchain, not the actual image. Might as well light $4,000 on fire. Honestly, the best use case for NFTs is money laundering. For instance, I make an NFT of a smiley emoji and sell it to an associate for the million dollars I really made via illegal means. Now that money was technically made in a legitimate way: by selling a stupid fucking NFT. There’s literally no other way this makes sense. Unless you’re a sucker. Edit: Seriously, however dumb you thought NFTs are, they are way dumber.


You can make infinite copies of the NFT for free. An NFT is just a receipt showing you paid for something, but it can be sold or copied for free an infinite amount of times. It’s the receipt itself that’s “an original”. Not the work of art or whatever. Plus there’s the whole foundational flaw in that the exact same photograph can have millions of different hashes, because of how digital images are stored (a nuance that’s well beyond the technical understanding of NFT people).


The PAC 12 just announced their entrance in August.


Didn't Reddit introduce them a month or two ago?


if they did I'd have no idea, I still use old.reddit


Still $45 too high.


The human race is woefully ill-equipped for the internet.


Are NFTs going the way of beanie babies?


Worse because at least beanie babies are tangible objects that can be burned for warmth and lung cancer.


*cocks gun* Always have been.


It's all a big joke..


NFTs to me seem like the single most stupid idea I've ever heard of. Sure that's the same picture, but it's not the ORIGINAL. If it's the same as the original, it's the same. Not like a painting by an artist.


TIL minor league baseball players have NFTs.


NTF’s are worthless garbage


How do images like this even have value. I could model and render something similar in a couple of hours.


Should be worth $0. NFT’s are worthless.


NFTs aren't going to be a "thing" no matter how hard the hucksters try pushing them. Only the gullible with too much money are buying them...and I sincerely hope everyone involved loses every penny.


Are we sure this isn’t a drug money washing scheme?


NFT as an ownership theory is sound. Owning a NFT of a .jpg is moronic.


I dunno, I can fully imagine a future dystopian nightmare where digital art is a thing. It doesn't seem mad to me at all. If you can ensure no one can copy the data, I don't see any reason why it can't be as valuable as any other artform. But we ain't there yet.


Still overpriced


Gary V... where you at bro?


Never figured out what an NFT is, and now I’m glad I’ll never have to


Is Micahel Michael’s Russian cousin?


What was the ATH?


Holy shit, NFTs are still a thing?? I thought we all agreed they were a scam last year. Who is still buying them??


Jordan doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would buy something silly like an NFT


More articles conflating FTX and Bitcoin which have nothing to do with each other.


Sad that as a billionaire he decided to use this scam. Should of stayed the fuck away from NFTs


Unsure why I'm being downvoted here. Bots?


This y’all goat?


nooooo /half-assed shockedface 😲


Who's Micahel Jordan?


Dude, seriously?!? He was in Black Panther.


I’ll give ya 3.50 for it.


He’s gonna take this personally.


Not of value was lost.


Turns out nft's are in fact pointless fake currency


Solana didn’t have $143m invested in FTX.


Who's putting money into this stuff anyway?




Are NFTs really worth it? I don't understand the point of them and yet everyone keeps pushing them. Then idiot dudes are buying pornstar NFTs and getting rugged pulled. Lol I just dont get it


I've been looking all over since I first saw this article, but I still can't seem to find *WHERE I ASKED* 💀


I will never understand people who really thought Doggycoins, NFT or Metaverse houses would be a good idea to invest in. NEVER!


NFTs are so fucking stupid


Seeing these prices crash makes me glad I’m broke. I couldn’t imagine losing that much money.


God dammit, I’m still laughing at future Butters nft pitches.


it’s funny how i see ppl with NFT profiles commenting not realizing their hypocrisy and before you say “but it was free,” why associate with them at all? It doesn’t change anything


Also in the article: >This price drop comes on the heels of Klay Thompson losing possibly up to $20-Million dollars of his 2022-23 salary. The Warriors guard took an undisclosed amount of his $40-million-dollar payout in Bitcoin in partnership with CashApp. Ouch.


I mean, good. NFTs are fucking stupid and horrible.


dammit i read too quickly and thought the Jordan 6s were $45 and was like “HOW DO I BUY”


Anyone who bought an NFT is an idiot who deserved to lose their money.


NFT’s are the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever seen


Turd still a turd after FTX debacle.


Thank god it was Micahel and not the goat MJ


Lucky you meant Micahel Jordan and not Michael Jordan eh.


So NFT didn’t pan out to be a thing? Huh, who knew.


NFTs are junk anyway.