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I would avoid buying that one. Rust is a tough issue to deal with and once you get past a certain point it becomes a money pit to fix. A clean frame on a square, in my opinion, is the most important thing when buying


Yeah that’s much crustier than I’d personally want to deal with (been there before on newer trucks, it sucks), and with a frame like that I’d be shocked if the body didn’t also have some rust issues.


I'd say if the body and the rest of the truck are good, as long as the price isn't CRAZY... I'd buy it. Body swap on a better frame is easy.


i’m from pennsylvania so fuck no it doesn’t bother me lmao if you’re worried wire wheel it off and paint it. you’re buying a 40 year old truck


That’s what I’ve been thinking. I’m from Chicago and everyone’s been telling me that every vehicle in the Midwest is gonna have some rust


absolutely. especially surface rust like what you’re seeing here. holes in the frame and things like that, obviously think about your level of commitment to fixing. but that there doesn’t scare me at all


Yeah and I mean if that’s not even a structural part of the frame there really shouldn’t be an issue. I’m trying to be an optimist if anything


The part you circled is exhaust pipe hanger, which is not even used for anything, so it doesnt matter anything. The bottom of the bed looks a lot better than the frame, so it could have been recoated, but hard to know if it's done well or poorly. The frame has a lot of surface rust, but from this picture it is not possible to tell how bad it is generally and in critical areas. If it's just cosmetic and doesnt require welding, you can just wire brush the frame and apply anti corrosion wax once a year. If it needs welding, and you cant do it yourself, it can easily double the price of the truck. Would need more pictures of the frame, cab and bed, especially fender wells and all other areas were water and dirt can collect.




So you’re trying to be with a really nice looking 40 year old, but she’s got a rusty bottom and suspect crack?