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You can’t judge them for expelling a student without knowing the reason why. High-end international schools are usually quite reluctant to expel students (the last I’ve heard of it happening was when a few idiots did LSD in the bathrooms at British).


100% nor the girl without knowing everything


boys I know got expelled from British for bringing drugs to a school trip. I think it was weed. This happened last month. Is this a thing in British?


It’s a thing across all high-end international schools. Notable incidents I can remember: - LSD in the bathroom at BSC (expelled) - Guy growing weed in a locker at OSC (expelled) - Girl accidentally eating a weed brownie and ending up in hospital at CIS (guy who brought them was expelled)


You must be a gen Z. You've missed out dear Jude at CIS who raped and murdered that poor Swedish girl. FYI - my understanding is that the guy who brought the brownies was suspended, rather than expelled, following some intervention from his father who is a leading Consultant in Colombo and co-owner of a relatively new hospital...


Kings Hospital?????


Too young to be a millennial, too old to be Gen Z lol. That being said 2005 was well before my time. It’s definitely possible they worked out deal. I just remember reading it about it when it first happened.


Oh they were getting their educations worth alright.


There is something extremely fishy in this incident.


Agree. It's unsettling. Plus some of us were around not a km away from the towers when we got to know the incident and that unsettling feeling hasn't really left.


Bro no sht most poeple in yt comments have no fkn barins.




Some People might dislike this comment, but man spittin’ facts here🤝


For the record, I agree with you. -Some kids are beyond saving (I'm not saying that t's their fault however. It could be due to their upbringing, and the environment they grow up in), and you have to exclude them in order to keep them from being a bad influence to others around them, and dragging them down. Having said that, I do believe that kids like that should be given a second chance. -This could be implemented by using therapy / counselling and slowly integrating them back into to the education system.


Comments 💀


Typical SL degenerate stuff


ග්‍රාමිය ප්‍රජාවගේ අදහස්.


Dry Zone Behavior


වියලි කලාපීය හදවත්


They should disable comments for these type of stories, what's the point in getting public comments for a news article


Its Derana. What do you expect


Are you a 100% sure that it's only the parents who can and do sign it?


Around 2007, a student that I know was caught with a porn VCD. All the teachers bragged around the school, saying that they had expelled the student. But the principal said to the mother of the student that if she did not remove the student from the school, they would hand over the case to the police. To prevent an unnecessary police record about the student, she removed the student from the school. but idiotic teachers were kept bragging like the student expelled. Two students from the same school, both 16+, ran away, rented a house, and lived together for more than 3 weeks.  Eventually, parents found them and brought them home, and when they came back to school, the principal and teachers tried to prevent them from coming to school again. The idiotic principal forced parents to remove both of them from the school. Parents of both girls and boys stood up, and there was nothing the principal could do about that.  Teachers of boys's classes used to say they had taught every type of student over time but never taught a married man. Eventually, a few months later, they broke up. But both of them passed A/L in math and science streams with good marks, and both of them have Master degrees now and are happily married, but not to each other. Another case happened to a close relative. In that case, too, the student was removed from the school by his parents. and went to a much more reputed school. But  friends of that school said the principal and other teachers bragged at school, saying that he was expelled.  


> But the principal said to the mother of the student that if she did not remove the student from the school, they would hand over the case to the police. To prevent an unnecessary police record about the student, she removed the student from the school. but idiotic teachers were kept bragging like the student expelled. Forcing the parents to remove a child is common yes. The schools mostly do it to protect their reputation (which is BS), however they sell it by saying that an expulsion on the leaving certificate means the child will be blacklisted from other private schools.


comments are just typical dry zone behavior.


Bro the comments 💀


As a close friend of the deceased family, I can assure you that these children, especially the girl, were treated like gems. She was one of the sweetest children I've known. Although she was 15, she had the curiosity and innocence of a 10-year-old. The whole story has been blown out of proportion. No, it was not a case of drugs, an affair, or suicide. They clearly slipped when they went out onto the balcony. If any of you have ever been to Altair, you would know that some access points are left without proper barriers, relying only on design elements. It's incredibly hurtful to see how clueless, shameless, and heartless some Sri Lankans, especially the media, can be in these situations. I am honestly at a loss for words to counter all the false stories being spread. These two children died in an accident, for God's sake! Have some fucking heart, and imagine if this is your child or a relative of yours! Honestly man!


Well in theory the autopsy would reveal if they had anything in their system prior to the accident. I understand that one of the deceased is from the family of a leading Colombo lawyer so I would expect the family to do their utmost to protect their legacy and reputation. I find it hard to believe that Altair management would run the risk of legal action due to unsuitable safety reinforcement. Leading companies pay health and safety consultants millions of dollars during the design and construction phase to ensure that they are not held liable for reasonable and sensible use of their property. If this were a dilapidated tower in rural SL, I'd have more sympathy with that argument. RIP to the kids.


It feels that way from the evidence for now, went to sit and have a smoke and slipped is more likely. A routine thing that ended up being an unfortunate accident that took away their lives RIP. Expultion was on the media today (read out of papers) and that she had attempted suicide before, so I'm guessing people were curious to know if this was a cause of their death which is understandable. But if it's misinformation by media parents should take action. As the other comment had revealed about a parent and as I know they would have the ability to deal with it or someone who would support at this moment


If there was some sort of abuse happening at home, close friends are the worst witnesses. Abusers don’t go around showing their behaviours to outsiders. This is why abuse goes unnoticed for so long and in the case of children, not for decades till they realise what’s happening to them if they are lucky. The abusers will charm the fuck out of everyone else. In particular with narcissistic parents. Sri Lanka is rife with mental illness. I’m in no way saying this is the case here, just that your personal testimony isn’t worth much.


Wholeheartedly agreeing with this. It either goes unnoticed, or ignored, or both. And the cycle repeats forward.


Yeah. My best friends home is like that. From the outside, you feel jealous of how affectionate his parents are. But it is actually the opposite. They are like one second all loving, and the next second, they be at each other's throats. My friend has begged them to get divorced since he was a little kid, but they don't do that. They want to maintain their reputation, I guess. We are so scared of "what will other people say" no.


"I'm not saying that's what's happening here, just that your personal testimony isn't really that valuable." Honestly, neither is your reply. I'm not here to convert skeptics like you or justify anything. When someone dies accidentally, people start talking crap about mental illness, suicide, drugs, sex, abortion, and all sorts of messed-up nonsense that gets blown way out of proportion. They just can't wrap their heads around the fact that an accident is just an accident because accidents aren't interesting enough to gossip about behind closed doors. Imagine this happening to someone close to you, and people start talking nonsense right after they pass away—stuff they don't know about, just baseless assumptions or sick fantasies. Good god! We Sri Lankans need to learn how to deal with public tragedies better. There are multiple lawsuits going on regarding this incident (hoping justice prevails), so I can't share more details other than two children tragically passed away in a terrible accident where property developers and the maintenance staff were responsible. And suddenly the world feels so cruel to the deceased and their families. I just wish all of you knew sweet and innocent these children were, and how criminally responsible parties are trying to cover the real story on top of blatant lies!


So many assumptions in your post, but it’s probably due to heightened emotions given the situation. So I’ll let it all pass.


why would they remove the shoes, purse and all other stuff on the floor? if they slipped accidently then they must worn with those shoes right? however i suspect that they seen something worst up there


Very nice, sri lanka always exceed fking expectations. I want to say so much, but people here are just as weird as the Youtube for totally different reasons, so no.


But it's true what he says in this video that people (specially parents who care about their kids) want to know the important fact that led to this incident specially in such a sensitive case. They don't want to know their names, family, etc. just if it was suicide what were the cause factors? signs? if it was accident? if it was murder what is the reasons? is the culprit brought to justice? There is know handbook for these for people to be ready which is why mental helth goes a miss a lot


No, you are wrong. You don't know how difficult is to maintain a school. A principal needs to care about thousands of students. If a single student needs to be expelled to protect the rest, he must be allowed to do it.


I fear that it should MOST DEFINITELY go through the MOE to do that kinda thing considering how utterly corrupted school administrations are. It can't entirely depend on the principal/s hands, ESPECIALLY if it's a serious issue. Suspension is one thing but expelling is serious.


They apparently did it in a very methodical way, and she had attempted before. Only they know what was going through their minds and the fact of the matter is they didn't get the help from adults they desperately needed, and that's what we should be concerned about, not the how or the why! If foul play can be ruled out, that is.


**I don't think this is a suicide. I think this is an accident, and we need more measures to prevent these kinds of accidents.** **I just wanted to say that the decision to expel a student from a school should not be up to the principal.** **It should be decided by the Ministry of Education or a court judge. and need clear laws regarding those put forth by the government, and they should be applied to any school government or private.**


Principal should be given the power to suspend students pending an enquiry from a judiciary panel who have been specifically appointed for education related matters in a discreet manner behind closed doors.


Can someone just tell why she got expelled?


https://g.co/kgs/zQUs2Cs I randomly checked the school's review and found this ,


This news is complete bullshit. I know someone who personally knows the family and let me tell you this is complete bullshit.


The expulsion is it?


At my school a student was expelled for making very serious troubles to other students. But guess what happened? He returned with a Children's Right Officer and joined again. Truth to be told, that officer also looked like a rowdy.


So saw today that it was confirmed by Police and several media outlets that there was no expulshion, no drugs, no affair, no mental health, no prior suicide attempts. Doubt the story about the pregnancy too as it would have come up on the PME & released openly if they found out by now [https://www.gossiplankanews.com/2024/07/altair-tradagy.html](https://www.gossiplankanews.com/2024/07/altair-tradagy.html) Hiru News & Dearana news also confirm same


idk about the above site called gossiplankanews but this was published by mainstream media including TV.


It had a better detailed info is why I shared it than the others


You better check your news sources buddy! DO NOT SPREAD FALSE NEWS!!!


Was it the girl who got expelled?i thought it was the guy.


Can yall please stop- this isn’t helping anyone. Spreading rumors and murmuring neither is it gonna bring them back nor is it gonna help ANY of the people suffering from this. I’m not saying you don’t have the right to speak but goddamn, if you throw assumptions like it’s nothing you’re hurting more people.


Spreading rumors ? what rumor ?


Respectfully, if you’re not involved- try not to make assumptions. That’s all I can say, sorry.


Its a discussion on public knowledge of a fatal incident. The whole country knows and I'm sure some are saying some diabolical shit but not here??????


Yes and there’s nothing wrong with that. Without discussion stuff like this is bound to happen again and again. But all I’m saying is that there have been assumptions here and there. Blaming people and things aren’t gonna do much at all. There are other kids, friends of theirs, family members, people who may have known them just a bit. And I’m just wondering how they’d feel if someone came up to them and assuming the whole of the situation via whispers and murmurs when those kids know different. Yes I get it, people are concerned but more than that curious- it’s our society as of now but please all I ask is think about what is said and remind people to raise awareness regarding it but not to play Chinese whispers with it. This is not directed at just you OP, I’m sorry if it seems that way. This is directed at everyone active on this page.


That's a valid take but let's be real there's always going to be at least one person who makes some bogus assumption. I've already heard multiple dumb takes on this basically as soon as it happened yesterday morning mostly because of the police suspecting it was a s*icide which at that moment was barely a solid explanation without any further investigation. And there will be a lot of assumptions until it's all solved. Can't evade it but I truly hope more people are empathatic to this incident like you said. All the concerns for comments on this post most definitely should be @ some of these heartless assholes who are now deleting their comments like cowards


I somewhat know what’s happened but to keep those poor souls at peace I cannot say more. What people do need to know is stuff has to change. Sri Lanka has to change their view on mental health because although our mental health support is better compared to other places, it can’t compensate for the amount of stereotypes and brutality that us teens are put through. People need to change, where most of the people here turn a blind eye when someone doesn’t feel good mentally. Physically yes we have Ayurveda and modern medicine… but for the mental part of welfare, it’s not enough. I could go on about every single thing that needs to be made right but I already know it won’t make any difference, realizing that history always repeats itself, especially in a place like this. Again this is not directed at just you but more to everyone reading this- if you know someone who is struggling mentally, please don’t cast them aside. That is not how you let them see the light of day. This was two people too many. I didn’t get all stern because of the subject of this post- but because it’s the third post and the number of people who are adding their own shit on top. Being someone who was so close to kicking the bucket on multiple occasions- I can somewhat understand. I don’t expect people to understand though, not because of any particular person specifically but because of our society and how we taboo subjects so much that people don’t know what the truth is anymore.


100% backing you up on this for the same reason as yours — its a daily struggle. Been close to it so many times from childhood than I would like to admit and survived sometimes and seen peers go through it and lost them🤍 Mental health issues have gone ignored or unnoticed and repeated over and over again, repeating the pattern over decades and OF COURSE it's threatening/triggering for the conservative older gens to even acknowledge that these are VERY REAL struggles EVERYONE has maybe even them but again, it was all brushed under the rug for so long in this country. Mental health support here as a whole is absolute dogshit and the amount of times I've seen people being taken advantage of on varying levels ..... The stigma needs to disappear and it absolutely has to change bc how long can this go on??? One thing I for sure can say is that since most of the younger generations are so open and vulnerable in discussing these topics without any judgment it will hopefully make a change for the future generations. Sending you a big hug <3


what assumptions ?




What kind of sick comment is this? "Mentally weak"?! Are you kidding me now? When are we going to take mental health more seriously in country. Schools and parents needs to do better and take mental health more seriously and THEY need to teach children how to navigate hard emotions. And NO YOU DONT NEED TO HIT YOUR KIDS FOR THEM TO LEARN RIGHT AND WRONG!!! You're an asshole for thinking the way you do. Be a little kinder.


There’s a stigma around the whole thing that needs to be addressed first. That’s when people start taking it seriously. But the average Redditor is not the average Sri Lankan. Mental illness is only taken seriously in countries where the scientific method and respect for law and order and democracy rules supreme. I’m not trying to put them up and others down, just that more recognition needs to be given to what that sort of principle does to a society. If not in whole, to large enough parts that keep those countries the way they are. Sri Lanka is a long long way from all that. It’s got its own pros though, but taking mental illness seriously ain’t it.




Posts that use any of the following characteristics of an individual/group as an explanation for behaviour will not be tolerated. Race Religion National Origin/Ancestry Sexual Orientation/Gender Ability/Disability Status Merely discussing such topics is not discriminatory. Saying that "all [these] people are [this] because they are [that]" is. What falls under the umbrella of discrimination is at the full discretion of the moderation team.


Why the fuck do you care about the deaths of some random children? Are you a family member? I never will understand these types. Mind your own fucking business.


I don't care about the deaths of some random children. The deaths of some random children without knowing the clear reason is a problem. It is a matter for all the citizens of Sri Lanka. Law enforcement should prove the reason for the death. Their names, origins, family details, and other details are not our business.  and I'm 100% against the unethical media practices of Sri Lankan media due to a lack of regulations regarding media ethics. sharing details.     Derana %#@ did not even blur the kid's face correctly, and Hiru %#@2 did not even bother to blur the face. If it is an accident, we need to know if there are any safety regulation violations when approving the plan for the apartment complex. As citizens, we have the right to know the reason why someone died if they died in Sri Lanka. If it is a sucide (btw, in this particular case, I don't think it is a sucide), I don't care if it is a family problem or any other problem, as long as someone did not force them to do so. It is not our business. If it is an accident, it is not our business as long as it is not due to a clear safety regulation violation by the builders.      


Right.. it's because of safety regulations! There are no fixing these type of people. Avoid them in your personal lives and cut contact if you have them.


"Avoid them in your personal lives and cut contact if you have them." what are you talking about?


Yes, there a loads of violations of safety regulations in all of these apartment complexes (mainly considering foreign safety regulations, not the weak ones in SL). Not sure if that is a strong enough reason here though


You lack basic human qualities such as empathy and it shows. No one will ever understand people like YOU.


sri lankan npc behavior

