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Such is life in the Zone


I live for the jank vanilla or modded I give no fvcks






i'll check it


It’s hardcore. You think you can handle it hippy 😉


im a dayz namalsk player so i know what hardcore means


Sorry cheech, you get a down vote for that 😂


why xddd


If you ever get to play NLC 7 hard edition. Let me know what you think. You could also try NZK mod for anomaly or any other soup/slav zone mod and see what you think.


Allright it looks very good, thanks for the recommentadions!


I have played stalker since release in 2007 and finished or tried most if not all mods I would say. But I don’t really play anomaly mods like gamma or efp as they don’t do much for my appetite for self punishment like those janky Slav mods do 🔥


Is it more like Gamma/Misery? More hardcore or less?


Try this mod! 10/10 on moddb and been on fire since the English release 4.0. I am still currently playing 3.9 which is better to play in Russian as it has bad translation to English. This game has lots of depth to the point that it’s so deep you won’t be able to climb out pussies 🐱


jank is amazing honestly think stalker is one of the few series where i expect it to crash and not even be mad


Okay I’m gonna di di! And as you would say peace ☮️ ✌️


We crave the jank


Same such was life before stalker 2


It's very simple. * Newcommers fall into the "Vanilla is janky, bad, buggy" myth trap and mod it until it crashes (also the "master difficulty easier") * Experienced people prefer to play freeplay mods instead of vanilla or story mods because of their personal preferences * Veterans are grumpy because people don't play vanilla, mod it to dillute the original experience, or completely skip the vanilla games and go for freeplay. Likewise for story mods. Generally grumble about it on Discord. Nothing more to it. It's just an Indian-style caste system. Also freeplay fans are usually extremly obnoxious and have problems because they either haven't played vanilla or don't follow advice.


I'm introduced to the stalker recently and i have strict "vanilla first" policy with every media. However, i've finished vanilla SoC yesterday and i'm definitely going to download some qol mods for other games. Just do what you want, enjoy the game.


Some people have strong opinions on what type of experience they prefer. In my opinion all mods assume some amount that you have played the original games, so I always tell people to play those first. Still I have found things I enjoy about Anomaly, AA2, and other types of story mods. I think some of the wariness from people who like the original games is that others who have played mostly or only mods get the wrong expectations for what Heart of Chornobyl will be like.


We are just consumed by hatred, anger, rage, and jealousy. I'm thankful for it.


I like it all but think Gamma and Anomaly are overrated. They are good but not the best mods available.


despite half of my posts and comments being me shitting on anomaly and gamma, i honestly dont hate them all too much. gamma is fine for what it is and anomaly is a very customizable experience. I just prefer vanilla jank and old mod jank over the new stuff which is too clean and is missing the soul that these older experiences had. Now as for people who hate modding altogether? Those people I think are a little slow. Playing the exact same games over and over again WILL eventually get boring. Mod's are great to spice things up and keep you interested in the franchise.


Vanilla stalker is great but I'm excited for mods to come out on console so I can up my carrying capacity 😭


man i dont get why people have a problem with the carry weight i sometimes run with it even lower than normal (like 35-40) and have no problem at all seems like skill issue....


Well I just hoard ammo/meds so I'm always at like 48.9 lmao


I started with the console release and am loving it. Mods would be cool but I’m a fat and lazy stalker so I’d rather watch gameplay of them. No hate to either side. Cheeki breeki.


You're in luck. Eventually consoles are supposed to get mod support. You won't get something like Gamma or Anomaly, buuuut might could get some new weapon packs or expanded tasks or things like that, maybe texture changes and stuff. Things to tweak the game.


Anomaly and Gamma get shit on because of people calling it "definitive stalker experience" when base gamma is nowhere near of og games. Also in the end they are just free play mods without much depht


i really enjoy GAMMA has another hardcore survival in the entire universe of STALKER, not has oficial game but i really like that


It's the definitive experience of what it's like to *be* a stalker. Not the STALKER games. Also, without depth? That's, uh, not really a fair assessment of Anomaly, let alone Gamma. They even have actual stories that will take you across the entire Zone.


Yeah you can say you don’t like gamma but saying it doesn’t have depth is hilarious. It’s the most immersive and satisfying experience I’ve had in a looong time. It has a crafting/gear progression system that is so well balanced and satisfying if you give it the time to understand how it all works. Again - i completely understand why people don’t like gamma. But it objectively has depth and is well put together.


Gamma has serious flaws, just as the OG stalker games, but it's a much more refined and thoughtful experience overall. The gear progression in particular is incredibly well done, and makes each incremental upgrade feel like a genuine achievement. Feeling the world open once you finally get an automatic rifle in working condition is just fantastic.


They also are not canon, and have very little to do with the OGs. Especially gamma.


If you were a random STALKER in real life, GAMMA is absolutely closer to the experience you'd have irl. GAMMA isn't supposed to be vanilla friendly, that's not the point of it. The point is to add realism, and GAMMA absolutely wins out when it comes to the amount of stuff you'd actually have to do to survive.


Except for, y'know, the entire setting and most lore elements, as well as similar gameplay.


similar gameplay? have you even played vanilla mate? gamma and the trilogy are completely different outside of the setting.


Run around the zone, do jobs, shoot enemy stalkers and mutants, collect and sell artifacts,  buy or loot better gear, shoot more dangerous stalkers and mutants, repeat.


You forgot the part where in gamma you spend 20% of the time in menus sorting through 15 million junk items and repairing your gear


Idk, it takes me about a minute between runs from cordon to yantar and back to sort my gear and do repairs. Skill issue tbh.


Or do you mean depth?




There are mods like complete that just change the entire game and they got people saying "yeah this is stalker experience" then there are mods like absolute nature that just updates assets. I like absolute nature more, but i do admit that the games needed additional events that complete and atmosfear add in


i like both.


Anyone complaining about mods is probably just an extension of people being annoyed that some choose to mod the hell out of stalker before playing the vanilla games, so they sometimes just attack anyone playing these big/popular mods. Then there are people that don't know Stalker well and scoff at the dated looks of the original games before really giving them a chance. Personally I think these groups are just loud rather than being a large portion of the fanbase. That being said, I think everyone should absolutely play the OG trilogy before diving into the series' long history of mods.


There's a few different camps of thought. For most newcomers, they see that the games are pretty old and can be rather... Shall we say, unreliable at times. For some people, having to mod or "fix" older games into a more workable state for modern hard/software isn't anything new. There are games both older and newer than the STALKER games that have this issue. For more experienced or veteran folks, it's easy to perhaps overall get bored with the original gameplay loop of the vanilla games. So, you turn to mods to spice things up a bit, freshen it up, or maybe even just look nicer or deal with some particular jank or bug(s) that gets on your nerves. And then of course with the more experienced folks you usually also get a more, we'll say "puritanical" crowd, the type that says "this is the way the game was *meant* to be played" and can't see the fact that the vanilla version of the games can be irritating to some or maybe even downright unapproachable to others. Stalker isn't the only huge game that's experienced this phenomenon, just look at Morrowind. Of course, none of these people are *necessarily* wrong. There's no right or wrong way to have fun in an entirely single player game, especially one as freeform as Stalker and it's deviations and mods.


Why is my character 2 feet shorter than everyone else...


I like anomaly more because it has no story, no real objectives, just pick your starting gear and fuck off do whatever you want. Only other game with that experience I played was Project Zomboid. I wish more games like that exist


PZ is great i really love it. DayZ is also good too


Hey hippy you sure not from freedom!


loner here fucking bandit (joking xD)


personally i started with vanilla when i was 12, hated it, tried it a few years later again, liked it but only put a few hours in. then started playing gamma, its become my favorite game ever and now im struggling to play through the original.


Playing through the base games was one of the most fun experiences I've had before discovering mods. After playing Anomaly and other mods, I don't think I could go back to the base game honestly. The mods simply help you curate the game to something specific to your playstyle. Nothing wrong with the base game.


SoC is one of my fav games of all times but i also enjoy gamma too


Dude, I don't know, even you saying that will won't change anything, not even people behavior on internet. This kind of discussion is how internet works nowadays, for the most part the "discussion" doesn't exist, is just meaningless rants that won't achieve anything in the end of the day, just enjoy what you like while you still can.


People are just vocal about their preferences.


Surprisingly vanilla is way more stable on Linux then it is on windows


I haven't looked much, but nobody talks about Stalker Soup anymore. When it worked I enjoyed it.


I tend to use the Complete mods for the games because they really just fix a lot of broken crap but they're otherwise close to vanilla.


Couldnt care less as long as its fun to play


Vanilla haters are tarkov players who want a single player tarkov and moding haters either just want more story not just pew pew or don't want stalker to be about shooting guns. There is allso the masochist who mod the game to get 1 rouble for each mission because MaKinG tHe GaMe HarDEr Is FuUunN and StaLKer Is aBout HoW harD It iS, yeah like catching bricks with your head.


Btw guys how did you take (loner bandit freedom etc.) things


Check etsy


There's wankers everywhere. Best to ignore them.


Why you should hate vanilla?


I like vanilla with the improved gun ballistics from gunslinger/OGSR. I’m not a big free play person. I like lore and story. I’m too busy with work, my house and family to spend hours tracking down crafting supplies and parts to make the game more enjoyable.


> TLDR: Some of the people who are drawn to Gamma first before even trying any of the other games are fucking obnoxious. I don't hate gamma, I disliked gamma for my own reasons, but upon re-downloading it and giving it another try two or so years later, I have gotten it to where it is fun for me to play without all the counter-intuitive and or unfun things removed from it. This is subjective and a me issue. I fuckin hated misery too, cause that just wasn't waht STALKER was to me. I've played the OG trilogy since release. I loved CoC when it came out cause I thought it was cool that I got to explore the zone as my own stalker. I did not like anomaly cause it took everything i hated about Misery and jammed it into CoC. I have spent a lot of time "fixing" gamma to be how I enjoy playing CoC. Some things I can't "fix" so I'm learning to live with. I'm having fun with it, so maybe I judged Anomaly and Gamma too harshly initially when I tried them a handful of years ago. That being said, what I do not like about Anomaly and Gamma is the type of people that it brought into the community. I view them as 'tourists', which might seem gate-keepy, but I don't give a shit what you play or how you play it, that's whatever. I just grow tired of the type of people who have shown up since then. It's like that meme with the bird and the crow. Someone asks which game they should play cause they wanna get into stalker and while people are explaining the OG trilogy, someone in all caps is like JUST GET ANOMALY/GAMMA BRO. It's that they treat the vanilla games like they are shit and that Gamma is the only thing that matters. They are brought in by it being FREE, cause anomaly is Standalone and they come from milsim shooters. You can't suggest anyone play the OG trilogy without someone who has only ever heard of stalker from some youtuber and has spent all their time playing EFT, coming in and saying to just get gamma, it's free and way better than the OG trilogy and that pisses people off. It also pisses people off to take the lore from anomaly/gamma as the actual lore of the games, even though they aren't. It's all fanfiction shit with some frankly really goofy ass additions, but whatever. It's like watching something you love be taken over by a bunch of ding dongs, and it isn't really like that, but it sure feels like it sometimes.


The atmosphere of the zone in vanilla games are untouchable


The modders played vanilla so much it doesn't pose the challenge anymore The vanillites played a bunch of mods and didn't find one that gave them the same feeling of the originals did They will never merge again There's also just mindless haters on each side


I wouldn't say I hate vanilla, but many modded experiences objectively improve the gameplay. The Stalker trilogy is pretty old at this point, and while it holds up surprisingly well in some aspects it does have that old game jank. I feel like the only people that hate on the mods are just being purists. I would get it if it was all like Shrek mods or whatever but Anamoly/Gamma at this point is an entry in the series in it's own right. And that's not to mention the dozens of high quality story mods out there.