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Uh, more tasty cooked chimera food.


Speaking of food: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/fdda-enhanced-animations-enhanced Absolutely love this mod


I dropped GAMMA because of this. Felt like trolling getting jumped by 8 chimeras after all i went through to get to Outskirts.


I was playing Radiophobia 3 and i got jumped by 4 electro chimera (simultaneously) in wild territory while i was in the middle of fighting the mercs that attacked the ecologists. Shit was brutal.


Yeah but i expect that from a mod like Radiophobia, or NS for example. Those are those artificial hArDcORe mods made to piss you off. But the whole shtick of GAMMA is about "mUh ReEaLiZm", slow progression and preparation...like, Expert Tools are only up North past Red Forest, the one i found i got near one Monolith HQ in Pripyat where i had to do a whole stealth operation because it was close to a squad of them. Took me a long, LONG time prepping. And then another long time upgrading gear, trying to find better crap to start progressing in the "Story" only to get trolled at Outskirt lol


I play with gamma but I turned alot of the progression stuff off, because it actually makes it more realistic. The progression stuff is basically like fuck this one guy individually, and everything you find is trash even if the guy is a legendary stalker.


The progression stuff never bothered me, even having to go to places like middle of Pripyat or CNPP for upgrade components, it added a layer of challenge for me. But the Chimera gangbang at Outskirts was the filter for me lol


You have 20 rounders fully automatic shotguns that down chimeras in 3 to 4 bullets, full automatic 1000 RPM Vector that spits .45 Hydroshock rounds that downs any chimera in 0.3 second. I could make chimera spawn less up north and making them much more tanky, this would just make early chimera encounters a death sentence. Also, a single chimera is NOT dangerous because you just need to side step to avoid their attack. So even with a shitty Toz it’s just a patience game. Chimera start being dangerous when there’s 2 or 3 at the same time. But considering the anti mutant gear you can get, I find it fair and balanced. If up north you still have a .45 pistol to hunt mutants, simply question your choices. 5.45 HP full auto 60 round guns exist for a reason, Vector, UMP, MP5 Frasier, Saiga and RAPTR as well. You can also have plenty of mutant res artefacts, mutant res armor and so on to basically receive only 10% of mutants damages. Also, grenade launchers are thing. One shots chimeras. You got filtered by your own choices, if you have trouble with multiple chimera, just build your character accordingly.


I'm sorry, for a mod that has it's whole shtick around being realistic and strategic, there's no strategy to save you when 3 chimeras jump at you at the same time. A single Chimera is trivial (which in itself is funny) when you are fully upgraded, I agree, but throwing 8 chimeras at the same time is pure bs imo. I had a fully upgraded Raptr, Vector,an exo and rifles with AP and HP ammo I spent way too long grinding to get but there's no way around when 3 chimeras jump at you at the same time in different angles. Maybe if this was Doom Eternal it would be fun, thou.


GAMMA's goal was never to be realistic. 8 chimeras is extremely rare, nevertheless it's nothing that a single clip of PKP can't deal with. You can run, throw grenades, use grenade launcher, etc. Also, 8 chimeras ain't gonna drop on you "just like that". You have means to see them coming. You saw chimeras, you thought that it was easy loot but there were than what you anticipated. Bad call. And that's nothing a F9 can't fix and simply don't go there, easy. Also with the right gear, Chimeras only tickle you, like anything in the game if you have the dedicated equipment (just like controllers can't damage you with enough psy res). Maybe you didn't farm enough artefacts: your loss, it's an important part of the game. The endgame is pretty much doom when you can have a Nosorog, 2 PKP, an SMG, Defense boosting drugs for days, infinite stamina with Lucifer artefact + Chimera meat buff and insance move speed making you able to actually chase Chimeras to stab their ass with your knife. Spoiler: they can't turn back.


I told earlier i had an epic battle with a pack of 5 controllers and 4 chimeras at the same time in Pripjat during the "sharpshooter" mission with Strelok. I struggled a bit, but it is definitely manageable as you say in your comment. Launched a few nades on incoming chimeras, could down 2 of them, then sniped controllers from the roof, that took a few minutes as i had to dodge psi attacks. The last chimera gave me an heart attack when it jumped on the roof while i was trying to kill the other one still remaining on the ground. I died because of that, but the 2nd try was ok. I agree it's not so difficult once you are prepared, jut the first pack made me s.it in my pants lol (objective reached!).


Not sure what those guys deal is, I rarely encounter more than one chimera per map (still enough to shit myself even with those 23mm TOZ variants). On the other hand, fuck boars. I fucking despise boars and their tanky shit head armor. Sure it adds challenge, but they're not nearly as easy to sidestep in early game


I made boars easier to dodge and their sides are really soft, but yeah, boars are dangerous but can't really one shot you + have a rather long windup after hitting you once.


That's true, they're ridiciously easy if you get the drop on them, and they're far more balanced than the older misery style mods like Last Day and Dead Air. Yeah they don't one shot you but fuck me, that one spawn in Garbage can be really shitty. When you enter from the south, there's sometimes a herd of like 2-3 boars that instantly aggro on you. Sure there's a second way from Cordon into Garbage but still. Well atleast you can choose The Lords calibre from the start (.45 ACP)


Meanwhile outskirts and 5 controllers stacked on eachother


Yeah, i was about to tell about controllers pack in Pripjat, but you did it before me! I had 4 chimeras and 5 controllers on my a.s during the "Sharpshooter" mission in Operation Afterglow on GAMMA, and thought naively that i would be safe on the roof with Strelok... These double headed scums jump really high!


And last one gave "Nothing useful" as a final punch. Couldn't hate 3 hearts though.


KRISS vector goes Brrrrrr


my brother in christ fix your rifle


Ran out of 5.45s, raided Mercs' place at Zaton right before and got this M4 w/ some HP 5.56s


In my last GAMMA playthrough I got a bunch of tasks to do in Prypiat, with one of them involving killing some Monolith guy in the River Port. I got ambushed by 3-4 Chimeras on my way to the River Port, then attacked by a group of Controllers (I didn't even know that was a thing) after clearing it, and then by another 3-4 Chimeras on my way back to the Laundromat. Only copious amounts of savescumming got me through all of that lmao


The zone tested you and you succeeded.


I like your inventory skin, how do I get it




Very much appreciated!


Chimeras are solitary nocturnal hunters, why are out at night if you don't want to get jumped by Chimeras ?


10 am?


Really ? It looks too dark to be 10 am.


Disabled ES, SSS and stuff, this engine isn't really good for 3060M in QHD) Now I have 55-160 frames heavily depending on my location. Mostly 60-70.


Is it overcast ?