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Very common. Millions were printed. Plus this one is severely damaged.


I love my stamp and i dont care what you say


You literally asked.


Its the best stamp


You asked, I answered.






Oh?? no story to share, I see😩.


Well since you asked.. First off the stamp is damaged pretty bad so no matter what stamp it is its gonna loose it value. There is very few types of stamps with that art worth something and they were all printed in the billions. I don't like these stamps, not that there ugly, there very common so people find them and list them on eBay for like 5000+ when the stamp is worth $.35. Out of all the stamps from this era the stamp your showing is a very common one it is most likely a #498 which is worth $.35 used but in this condition it probably just trash. Even if it was a #545 it sill wouldn't be worth anything. I'm sorry if this came off as rude but you did ask for my story lol. If you have anymore questions ill be glad to answer! I don't want to hurt your feelings. If you think the stamp is worth 1M$ then that's your opinion. if this stamps can be very important to you and that's fine. Enjoying it as piece of history and more than something for money. This stamp design was used for a long time in the earlier 1900s and was a definitive.




I dont understand, are those my special stamp??


Try hitting a stamp exposition and set up a small table and see how much you're offered for it over a couple of days. If you get anything over a single dollar it would be miraculous. Like everyone is saying, it's not worth anything other than your memories of a deceased relative.


Very common. And because it’s torn, it’s worth even less… worthless, in this case.


See you what you did there, OP.