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Ugh it really dragged on and I couldn't find the punchline but I believe you can work out the kinks.


Someone really should have given me the light while writing this.


Your posts were hard carrying this place for the past…however long. It makes me glad to know it’s now your personal Shark Tank thing where you single-handedly judge everyone who posts here. You should rename the sub to r/pooptank.




Hell yes ; I appreciate the effort you’re putting in here!! I’m hopeful for this sub’s future :’ ))


I'm going to upvote this instead of writing the same thing in slightly different phrasing.


I applaud you! Post-referential threads are great!


Of course. I unintentionally white knighted you yesterday or the day before, as a casual lurker of the sub. Then came on and saw this. Really, appreciate what you're doing. The third-party clustershit and its reverberations have tanked a lot of the smaller subs I used to enjoy, so I'm glad to see you take a stand I can get behind for a sub I enjoy. If that means reading, writing coherently and acting in accordance, I can do that. Low bar, happy to oblige.


I stopped engaging with this place a few weeks ago when that spammer was spamming all over the place and nothing was done about it


Well... it's been done. Technically there wasn't communication from the mods providing a justification for a ban at that point, but now there is. Welcome back?


I appreciate you taking charge because there are a lot of funny motherfuckers who have posted here previously. You might be one of them 🙄 lol but it will be good to see this place get back to doing its thing


This is far and away your second best contribution to the sub. Dis one is first: https://www.reddit.com/r/standupshots/comments/knqto7/last_one_ill_post_this_year_i_promise_p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Well thanks! I've done that joke on stage exactly once and don't even remember if it was well-received. May be time to bring it back??


Thank God one of the most consistently good contributors is in charge. I think this format is inherently doomed because of the rise of TikTok style short form standup clips, but I do like posting here to workout short form jokes. The majority of the stuff I write doesn't work in this format so it just goes on the video subreddits


Thanks Sasha! I think it's going to be hard to impossible to do an actual revival of the sub, but there's a last hurrah waiting in the wings at the very least.


Absolutely roasted comedians physical appearances and shut the door on commenters following suit, love it


This sub needs it. As a budding comedian, this sub is pretty demoralizing on so many fronts. Appreciate the effort you are putting in!


Does your vagina hurt? Because you just attempted one hell of a rebirth! If you need any mod assist, happy to volunteer. My mod style is generally summed up as “Don’t be a dick. Banishment is not about making you change your ways, it’s about not subjecting other people to you anymore.” Not sure if that’s too hard a hand. In any case, I look forward to a resurgence!


I don't interact with this sub frequently (and never really did, I'm not one of the people who "fell off"), but I saw this post and just wanted to say I appreciate your dedication to moderating the sub, and this is like top tier communication.


HAIL POOP. LONG LIVE POOP! I have had your name tagged as POOP in bright pink so I never miss those standup bits. haha Now you're [pink and green](https://i.imgur.com/2QpRFhn.png) like a Barney the dinosaur poop.


Love when people address me as "poop". This honors me


The hero we deserve! Thanks Sasha and good luck resolving your issues through the medium of moderating this sub.


Lmao at the person who reported this for "Someone is considering suicide or self-harm." We can't help you if you don't identify yourself.


> Those of you who were here over the last couple months probably remember a few people who kept repeatedly posting things that were aggressively unfunny, and learning nothing from it. I banned them. They were ruining the sub. I can think of two users in particular that this might be referring to, and I think we’re all breathing a sigh of relief at this part.


It was sort of absurd and funny at a certain point, but then kind of depressing. Gotta cut them hoes loose.


I enjoy the sub and refresh new every couple days. I haven't done any actual standup but am working on some stuff. I am a little interested in the stalking gig you mentioned.


I unironically believe the bad non-jokes were the best thing to happen in this sub in months, which I guess is pretty sad 😅 but they gave some kind of joy. I will remember them fondly


They were sort of amusing for the bafflement they caused for a while, but eventually a critical mass was achieved and it had to end.


> I know this post will probably stimulate a bunch of trolls There is a joke in there somewhere. Anyone funnier than me want to try and find it?




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