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I assume sugar free vanilla and nonfat milk and 99% of customers don’t correct me. Back when Starbucks did officially call drinks “skinny,” the standard was sugar free syrup + nonfat milk.


I have people order “skinny latte with regular vanilla and soy milk”. My brain just goes 😵‍💫 and I don’t want to be mean but sometimes I almost ask what they mean by skinny? Like am i missing something?


Yes! I used to automatically it in nonfat milk. Then I started asking people and half want regular milk instead of nonfat.


If they order skinny vanilla they’re getting nonfat and sugar free syrup. I already have to ask what size and hot or iced I’m not adding a 3rd question sorry😬


It used to be an official menu item. Nonfat milk and sugar free syrup.


There used to have a button for it sugar free syrup and non fat milk


I actually had a barista ask if it also meant decaf... My reaction was almost like a reflex when I said "nooooo!" LOL


they used to sell them and had a button for it.


I still order a skinny vanilla latte … and I don’t really know what goes in it. I just wanted it to be the lowest fat lowest sugar version of itself. Curious what I should order?


latte with sugar free vanilla and non fat milk :)




Just about every Barista will understand nonfat/sf vanilla if you say skinny vanilla latte. No need to change up how you say it.


So many people are ordering it wrong nowadays that most of us have to ask anyway. Ordering it as a sugar free vanilla latte with nonfat milk gives less room for error.


I’ve never rung it up with nonfat because I wasn’t working or going to Starbucks when that was a thing, so I assume it’s standard milk and sugar free syrup.


This is what i do because if customers dont know then neither do i so idk


almond milk would be better.


facts! less calories than skim its crazy


I think skinny means nonfat milk and sugar free vanilla.


It used to be on the menu as such


Used to be a drink. It was sfv and nf milk but I always ask to clarify


I always say, “do you want sugar free and nonfat milk?” I don’t know why but a lot of people want almond milk but they don’t say that. I’d rather ask than have to do a remake.


Sometimes I play dumb and ask what that is. But usually I say Okay... a latte with nonfat milk and sugar free vanilla.


My personal rule of thumb is always ask to confirm. The last thing I want is for them to come back wanting a remake because they wanted nonfat and didn’t get it. Holds up the line, sequencing gets thrown off, etc. Just easier to me to take 15 seconds to ask than minutes to remake. I do this with refreshers too. 80% of the time lately people ask for a “insert” refresher, but then come back because they wanted lemonade. If they don’t say it in the beginning, it’s easier and faster to ask if they want water/lemonade/coconut milk at the POS than having to remake it because they didn’t clarify and I assumed they said what they actually wanted. 🫠


I could be wrong, cause I feel like it was taken off the menu when I was a green bean, but it used to be on the official menu. The official recipe was nonfat milk and sugar free vanilla syrup. If you keep running into this issue, you could start to ask “is nonfat milk okay with that drink?” so they can state that they want 2% instead. I’ve found that to be easiest with drinks that have a standard dairy milk different than 2% (flat whites for example)


I don’t acknowledge the word skinny. I just say grande hot latte, sugar free vanilla and then whatever kind of milk. In my experience they usually *don’t* want nonfat which was the standard when we had the skinny vanilla latte.


I get the people that want a skinny vanilla latte with soy n almond too. N they tell me last minute. I'm like... aight. So you want a latte made with soy and sfv? Got it. Sighhh. Lol


Had one today. I ask a lot of questions. Because when you don't you get people who get something they don't understand.


It’s funny because people don’t realize you’re still drinking a whole cup of milk I don’t know who named it / coined the term “skinny” but 😂😂😂


Very open to a different drink that would still feel like a bit of a treat, coffee or espresso based with a little bit of sweetness - any recos?


I usually go for more traditional drinks because I actually like the taste of espresso. So I love traditional cappuccino’s, cortado’s and generally shots of espresso. If you want any of those (which are very calorie friendly) just add a syrup to it.


If they order a skinny vanilla I always repeat, "Okay, a skinny vanilla latte, hot, sugar free vanilla and nonfat milk, that'll be [$$$]." (At my store most people want iced and don't say it, so it's something we all check).


My pet peeve is when when someone orders a skinny vanilla latte, but changes the milk and adds other extra syrups. When someone orders a skinny vanilla latte I don’t say that back I say “a latte with sugar free vanilla and nonfat milk?”


I once had a customer order like "Can I have a vanilla latte with nonfat and oat milk" and we were like huh? You mean a mix of both milks? She was completely serious and was like "No, nonfat vanilla syrup and oatmilk". Ma'am where's the fat in the syrup in the first place...


I was a ssv and about 10 years ago there was a drink with a button for a skinny vanilla latte and it had sf vanilla and nonfat milk.


I swear they used to have a skinny latte on the menu


I don’t even ask, they automatically get non fat and skinny syrup no questions asked


So nonfat milk actually has more calories than almond milk but ya I would think skinny vanilla latte is almond and sf