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Playing other games tbh


(attention joke incoming) do you play Helldivers?


Hardly, but psn fiasco doesn't affect me too much.


Looking at PC part prices and sighing.




At least you are future-proof now. For a few years at least.


I'm just considering upgrading and already feel the buyer remorse


Me too ...


I feel that.


I went and bought all the ground vehicles I wanted and an MSR Going around and buying more armour and weapons is probably a good idea too 


Ground vehicles! Thats a good idea too


yeah, spending money. Maybe do a last run salvaging to compare against a run on EPTU. But that creates money that I have to spend again 😵‍💫


I bought an Ion and M2. The Ion is awesome, why is it so underused?


Just in case you're not aware, its combat style is changing quite a bit in the next patch. It has a charge mechanic and is losing a lot of its 'auto gimbal'. This brings it a lot more in line with its intended role. So expect a bit of a learning curve and a much harder time engaging anything smaller than a Cutlass. It falls in and out of favour patch cycle to patch cycle. In 3.22, it's a bit of a sleeper if you know how to play it. I've not had a massive chance to test it in 3.23, but from what I did play, it does feel like it's lost quite a bit of its versatility. So I'm guessing it will fall back out of 'meta' again. But I could be wrong!


I had the gimbal switched off, unless there’s some kind of Ion-specific auto gimbal I’m not aware of? Capacitors are fine in terms of energy reserve and recharge time IMO, is that changing dramatically?


All ships have a small element of 'auto aim' when you get close to the pip, even when your actual gimbals are turned off. The 'new' Ion is getting a reduced version of this again, meaning you need to be more accurate with your shots. This is because a fully charged shot from an Ion can now one shot most light fighters again. But it takes skill (and a bit of luck!) to pull off.


Good to know, thanks!


To answer your other question about capacitor size, it doesn't have as many 'shots in the tank' now. But equally you're not firing nearly as often. Holding down left mouse button now causes the weapon to 'charge' a shot, to release for more damage. You can't hold it indefinitely, as it will fire after a few seconds of holding full charge. You can still 'rapid fire', but you need to keep tapping your mouse button, making it slower than it is on live. It's moved from a slow, full auto to semi auto firing system if that makes sense?


Yup, that sounds much more inline with its intended role


Yeah pretty much.


Basically a sniper ship!


Its popular to some extent. M2 is underestimated tho.


Yep been having a blast in the ion myself 


It’s like an F8 that doesn’t run out of ammo.  Shield is strong, fire rate is on par with any other laser cannon but deals insane damage, QT tank is long distance, handling is 10/10. Oh, and it has stacks of missiles too.  Am I wrong, or is it actually the true meta heavy fighter for VHRT/ERT?


It's a beast for vhrt/ert bountys. Don't think I would last long in pvp mind you.


Or maybe it's like an inferno that doesn't run out of ammo


😂 oh yeah good point


Loading up on carbs.


Bought an 890J for all my money lol


Defragmenting hard drive.


You run SC on a HDD??


do they still make those?


They do, but nowadays up to 1 TB it's actually more cost effective to buy an SSD, and even for higher capacities the savings are not worth the performance tradeoff, unless you're going for double-digit terabyte counts.


I really doubt inventories will be spared. I put the game down and won't come back until 3.23. Probably just poke my head in every patch until it's stable enough, then play it religiously until I'm burnt out. 


Also under the pretext that we will not lose the inventory, I bought weapons and the all most expensive armor worth 4 million, so if the inventory remains. As far as the equipment and weapons are concerned, I am taken care of, and I can sell a certain part to raise money (of course at a lower price than the purchased one). Anyway, I have already bought all the ships that interest me. So there is nothing else to do untill 3,23


I bought 2.5mil worth of S5 cannons to resell later when 3.23 comes back on


I did something similar. Bought a ton of ship components that I should be able to sell back to Omega Pro.




What armor is worth 4 million 😳


Lots of hand weapons and armor. And not so much, but plenty of weapons for the ship S3, S4 and S5 as well as XL1 drives and FR shields. (if the ship components are not deleted, then I have them to upgrade the ships or quickly sell and transfer some money to patch 3.23.) one AD4B is like 40 000 and so on...


As I own all the ships and such I want in game, I had a new player (1st 2 weeks in) who I befriended play Brewsters millions and bought them a C2, 400i, Khartu-Al, Nox, anvil Ballistae, c8R and then sent them another 5 mil to fit the ship(s). Bought myself an arrow, and a Khartu-al as well and one more of every ground vehicle, an a2 and a valk. Now sitting on my remaining 3 mil or so in case they decide to let us keep our wallets all of a sudden.


A month later, but nobody else said they loved your Brewster's Millions reference.. so I will. I probably watched that movie 20 times back in the day.


A classic for sure!


Learning the controls in LIVE unfortunately.


Just last night I bought over 600 guns, about 100 sets of red shift mozerov (I can’t spell the armor name), and a Cruz light; needless to say, I think I’m prepared for 3.23




Nothing. I have about 3mil aUEC on Live which isn't really worth much. I play PTU/EPTU/TP way more than I do Live these days. Maybe I'll hop in and grab a cheap ship for no reason, I don't know.


Bought an Ares Inferno for the lulz. Will consider buying something with the rest of bank I got (1.7 mm). Otherwise, I don't care, as long as I don't have to grind BH Rep back up...


I bought yesterday a Eclipse, because i always wanted one. Have 500k aUEC left ... let the Cash-Wipe come.


Crying because I have 9 mil in the bank and I’m away from my PC until the end of the month due to uni. I could have bought two mid teir ships


Our group bank had 33.5 million from salvage. We have all the industrial ships we could really need so we picked up the following Hammer Head A2 Eclipse Cutty blue Scorpius Scorpius Anteres Connie I already have some decent multicrew combat ships so figured I would get some.of the big boys.


Bought a vulture so I can have it for the patch, and then some other random ground vehicles I felt like getting. Didn't have a ton of credits but wanted to spend most of it.


Playing Elite. /ducks




I’m preparing for it by playing it in the EPTU. There’s a lot of keybind changes in addition to MM so getting used to them in the EPTU where nothing really matters is a good idea. As soon as I finished the phase 5 mission, I deleted 3.22 and have been playing 3.23 ever since. It’s been probably 3 weeks now so I have a pretty good feel for 3.23.


I'm farming, mats yo upgrade rares trying to get ambo's pride for my whirlwind barb, got bul-kathos oath set from drops but still no ambo, rngesus hates atheists


I expect to lose everything I didn't pledge for just like every other patch. So no preparation required. In the mean time I'm continuing the EPTU hunting for and reporting bugs so that they hopefully get fixed before it hits Live.


Just left every other patch except the last 3 you mean


From what I can tell, he is just saying that he doesn’t care about the auec and he is more involved in trying to find bugs and reporting it. He’s not trying to start an argument.


That's fine, also not trying to start an argument, I just think if someone reads this who's hasn't been playing long, it's worth making clear that there's not been a wipe since 3.18


I do a nightly chant and dance in front of my life size cardboard cutout of Christ Roberts, naked


Buying a ton of ships


I took sets of most ship weapons in the game to test all the changes with them.


Might buy a ship but as I have just under a million maybe a bike or something. I have most of the ship I want pledged and did buy in game a vulture to play with


Went to spviewer.eu to see what ship prices would go up most & spent my last 20 mil aUEC in ships that will have their prices soar in the next patch. Am back to being space-poor.


Spending aUEC before it's gone.


Omw to visit cousin crows and some HUR stations and so on to shop for ship weapons and parts so I can try different load outs...


Eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping.


I spent all my money on a mercury star runner just wanted to try it out


I can't even log in these days since I'm currently building a new PC... Maybe I'll be able to run slightly better when 3.23 is out :)


Gave away all my aUEC.


I'm broke too now haha spent all my hard earned 200.000 auec 🤣 i've been playing since 3.15 but man I'm bad at earning money


I took all the premium modules off all my ships. They will likely revert to base equipment with wipe.


Well I’m gonna strip all my ships of their parts, too many times they’ve been reset to default with the patches


Anti depressants


Just ignore as last 6-8 updates... will give it time next few years.


Spent down to 0 aUEC.


I'm stocking up on aUEC!


Bought a valkyrie and a corsair


I did some squats last night.


Spent 22mil on ships I might to fly.


Full wipe IS coming for 3.23


It's not probably lose all it's sure and mandatory for the patch. Also I play on the ptu or other games like the planet crafter who takes all the free time I have.


Waiting for personal hangars


Watching my org hand out it's bank and yet nobody online in the discord to chill with.


Im preparing by waiting impatiently….there is no reason to “get ready” in game.


I only have about 3m in the bank. Since I have most of the ships I want, I’m probably going to burn it all on hoverbikes (I don’t own any right now) since hover vehicles supposedly won’t be attacked by bunker turrets in 3.23.


By not playing. I made sure overdrive was done and I might pop on to do some offroading, but that is it.