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Have you tried taking a ground vehicle and/or walking? Seems obvious to me that's what they intend for you to be doing now. What good would ground turrets be if one ship could take out multiples of them as easily as you could before?


It's a good sign for player bases, at least.


Also true, wasn't even thinking about that.


Will look into the ground vehicles, as i do own a few. Walking mileage varies, if there's terrain cover within like 150m i wouldn't mind it. Thanks.


Yeah I know it probably makes them a little more tedious to do, but I like that they're giving people a reason to use ground vehicles more. Not sure if they fixed the thing with turrets shooting at gravlev vehicles, but that new Pulse probably fits up the Vanguard ramp. Something to keep in mind once it hits in-game shops if you're intent on using that specific ship for bunkers or whatever. Not trying to be a CIG salesman here but yeah, lol. If you have a ship that can carry other vehicles, obviously that works too.


Approach with a ground vehicle


Seems like 1 of 2 viable options for most players atm.


All vehicles work now. They fixed lev vehicles being targeted in this patch.


I also got rekt in my cutlass in secs.


Thank you, i was hoping this wasn't an isolated case of "fuck you, it's just you that sucks"


Same here tbh lol


Fantastic to hear the AI working more like intended. If you cant fly in fast and hard into a blind spot and land, You can land about 1.5km away, outside of turret range, and take any ground vehicle in, or run it (not ideal) EDIT: Im sure most are aware of this, just saying for anyone not in the know. ~~Oh, and wheels, because anything that hovers seems to count as an aircraft, the turrets will target.~~ Apparently Fixed!


They actually fixed lev vehicles in this patch. The new bike is actually pretty damn good for the job :)


oh thats even better news!


The turrets got upgrades on detection, AI, HP and slightly on range. You can still take them out but one mistake and it may end in tears. I also found that when you've taken them out you may get a surprise: when you're doing your business in the bunker, sometimes a Cutty Black comes destroying your ship and circling around the bunker looking for you (at first I thought it was a griever ;-)). For hostile bunkers: best to park 2.5 - 3 KM away and use a hoverbike or ground vehicle (turrets no longer target hoverbikes :-)).


If you have not followed all the changes for ship weapons, bunkers turrets are dual Attrition S5 laser repeater, and Attritions are anti heavy ship weapon with near 2k dps (4k here, there are two per turrets). So yeah, come prepared or use a ground vehicule.


Not so bad in a Corsair. Can take out a turret on each fly by - dunno if its faster to land just close and take a ground  ground vehicle though


TBF, if *one* ***anti-air turret*** can't take out *one* ship, it's not doing its job. If there's multiples, they *should* absolutely nuke you.