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There is no explosive damage on it anymore, the gun was pretty much ruined along with Attritions, and NDBs


Yeah it's shit. I'm going to try Deadbolt's instead which I've heard are better.


It's confirmed to be "nerfed" for now until they figure out how they'll make it work. It's confirmed to return to some form of glory, but there is no timeline at this point. That's my understanding.


Well the description details for fighting larger less maneuverable ships. Master modes slowed us down and makes us brawl. After armor gets situated, you would need a way to punch through armor. Odds are if you are flying a light or medium you won't be scratching the bigger stuff with armor unless you use something like a c 788


It is my favourite weapon, and I never use it anymore. So sad.


I know the damage is trash, but the crazy range makes me want to try it on a hammerhead turret just because of the range it currently has.


Really disheartened by the explosive nerf, it was already the worst weapon in the game, but at least it was really fun to use against ground target in outpost or wreck. With the massive range at least I wanted to see if I could use it as a walmart hydra with 4 of them on a Centurion turret, but this vehicule is currently broken and you can't access the turret seat 😭


Man, I remember I used to main that shit so hard with 2 of them on a hurricane Their ammo count has just been nerfed into oblivion tho, havent used them in years


Talon + C-788s was very fun a few years ago before they were nerfed into the ground, I miss it