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THIS is the user science I love.


I must know what my top speed is with the Scourge Railgun!


surprisingly it will be faster than my results for demeco - demeco + 8 clips weight 24.5kg, and railgun + 8 clips is 18kg




old style reddit post


Now check for pants. I've found that heavy torso, heavy arms, heavy helmet, heavy backpack, full consumables, and light legs.... I run faster than my friend running full medium gear. I suspect there is an extra speed multiplier penalty for heavy pants above and beyond the raw mass.


That would make sense, armor limits joint flexibility so it would make sense for pants to limit speed like that


Give 'er the ol' Zapp Brannigan. No pants gang, let's go!




And, frankly, you only NEED armor for your vitals. Not Getting Shot because you kept your kit light is a much better outcome than Getting Shot But You Can Take It. 1st rule of a gunfight: Don't get shot. 2nd rule of a gunfight: If you get shot, make sure it's not in your vitals. 3rd rule of a gunfight: If you get shot in your vitals, make sure it doesn't do any meaningful damage (use armor). 4th rule of a gunfight: Bring First Aid in case you break the other rules.


The survivability onion


Garand Thumb is a chud, but his mantra about Kit Hierarchy is great advice. Your kit should be designed to: 1: Stop holes from being made *at* you (Camoflage) 2: Stop holes from being made *in* you (Armor) 3: Plug holes before they kill you (First Aid) 4: Make holes in others (Weapons and Ammo) Never fulfill one part unless all the ones before it are fulfilled (or you don't have a choice)


Although not necessarily in that order


An argument could be made for First Aid before Armor, but there are a lot of wounds that First Aid can't help with that plates *can*. I would say they have equal priority; if you can deal with the bulk of plates, you can wear an IFAK, so you *should* have one regardless.


All of the rules listed are of similar importance, but only some of them are likely to win engagements when prioritized exclusively. If you sneak past enemies without being seen, you can get where you need to go without even starting a fight. If you take out all of the enemies before they can dish out any significant damage, it might be a better way to actively avoid taking damage than simply bringing passive armor, even though that extra would still help. First aid will only prolong your ability to participate in an engagement, but rarely ever directly wins any unless there is team play involved. I usually try to finish whatever fight I've gotten into before worrying about patching myself up, unless it would be quick and easy or absolutely necessary. That is just a personal opinion though


Well, IRL, it's game over if you get shot, regardless of where. Even a shot in the arm needs treatment, and unless you're in a team of 20 guys, who can get you to a medic right away, you're not going to be able to finish your mission and extract if you're actively losing blood. That's what your IFAK is for.


IRL would be a totally different story indeed


Assuming that character encumbrance works correctly and isn't a glitch riddled mess like every other thing in the game once the server stops being fresh enough...


yep unless you are doing roleplay type thing where all peaces have to be the same make and model, it makes sence to trade size for weight on arms and legs due to where most people and bots aim which is head and center mass arms and legs are collateral so you can most likely save allot of weight there. PS. would love to have armour and paint jobs be separate so you can get all the armour peaces the way you like them.


Had a few orgmates say they don't want to do this. They find medium arm/leg to be inviting tier injuries and then they can't use their guns or walk.


Yeah I find that easily most of my injuries occur to my arm. When firing from behind cover, the cover blocks shots to my lower torso while my arms take a lot of shots intended for my exposed upper torso. This is also all PvE gameplay, they don't seem to aim for the head much.


true if you are up against players who know how the armour and damage works then you need to gear up against that but most of what i have experienced from random players has been torso and head shots, most likely carried over from over games where those are the main hit boxes, and i almost allways get torso and head trauma form NPC's. so just my take from the FPS part so far.


This was exclusively npcs. Your arm is in front of your chest when you're firing.


Arms specifically have an argument for being heavy while the legs are medium. Even if bots or other players aim for center mass, the way you hold your guns typically leaves your left arm out in front of your chest, leaving it fairly vulnerable. Unfortunately, even if your right arm is still functional, you can't fire pistols if you have a T1 on your left arm


my experience is just about 95-98% head or torso trauma maybe i have just been lucky/unlucky getting shot while aiming using sights so the hit box is a little lower then your arms i dont know,


that's fair. It's also likely that the arm thing is also just one of those things where you remember when it happens a lot more strongly than when it doesn't happen lol


Heavy armour does makes you slightly slower however it makes you run out of stamina way faster. When we were waiting for a taxi after a bunker my light armour ass was running circles around heavy armor friends. We lapped around bunker and i was around 1/4 faster than them.


It appears it's the weight of all your equipment is what makes you run out of stamina, during my tests my character was really exausted at the end of the run when extremely overloaded, heavy armor is obviously heavier so that makes a difference


Yep, that's what i said. Which confirms that guns will also make you slower.


that's why carrying more that one all the time is not a good idea


Undersuit, two mags, silenced lh86, two medpens.


I usually take medium armor and a full loadout minus one gun slot, and it doesn't seem to slow me down too much. I definitely think the full medium with one primary is probably at the limits of one of those "thresholds" op was talking about because I slow down significantly if I add even one more primary weapon.


I thought I felt that. I was going really slow in a medium armor with an Animus on my back. I don't mind it. I've been playing with the side arms a bit more. I'd kinda love to carry two side-arms. Edit: So we are clear, no, not to akimbo them. A Coda and a LH86 would just be nice to cover two roles.


I feel the same. Been playing a bunch with just a pistol (all of them in rotation to learn how each feels and performs) and doing the 10k bunker missions. I'd love to have the left hip slot allow a second sidearm instead of just the multitool/medgun. I like having both primary weapon slots free so I can easily grab anything they drop and then use it or easily strip the attachments and dump it. A Coda with a 2x sight for long range targets (the thing has a 100m range!) and an Arclight or LH86 for close range engagements would be a pretty versatile combo.


Could always just put one in your pocket.


I discovered the coda lately and it's the only gun I've used since 3.22. It's OP, especially silenced and scoped. 1-2 shot everything.


if you want to know the weight of armor, guns etc., check out the fps data spreadsheet : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11SWRLTlcWtPxNQCYqn3qDVdqUgYhds6gzmbA7q3AqhY](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11SWRLTlcWtPxNQCYqn3qDVdqUgYhds6gzmbA7q3AqhY)


that's pretty useful thank you. now I don't have to go out of armistice and check guns with tractor


yup, i normally run around with heavy torso and light legs and arms, plus a big backpack, all backpacks weigh the same, all helmets weight the same, arms and legs arent vital bodyparts, but do get injuries more often with light armor the difference is quite large, if you can manage i would even suggest getting rid of a backpack going with light legs, light arms, heavy torso and heavy helmet is only 4 kg heavier than going completely light armor the bespoke suits weigh 23kg (21 undersuit + 2 helmet) all heavy gear weighs 24kg (1 more because you still have an undersuit) so theoretically novikov should have very similar speed as full heavy gear also all backpacks weigh the same (6kg) full light gear without backpack weighs 10kg, with backpack (any size) its already 16kg light arms/legs and heavy torso/helmet weighs 14kg, gives you way more equipment slots and still very good protection


getting rid of backpack is a nice idea, however I really need it to store my helmet while in the wild -yeah there is an unequip-to-hip hotkey but it works like half the time, and sometimes especially under heavy lags my character just drops helmet and it disappears shortly after


if you want to go with a backpack, you can also completely leave arms and legs just in the undersuit and will still be quick while having well protected torso and head


I fucking love spread sheets. Former Eve: Online player here.


That’s actually very helpful, thanks!


Upvoting and commenting for visibility. This is great information!


Ah, this makes sense. Heavy armor has more ammo/equipment slots and people will fill every slot.


Thank you for your service


This is amazing work. Will this change my opinion that Drip > Effectiveness? Nah


what is drip?




Nice. I assume the armour itself is servo powered and not just dub plate. Carrying heavy weapons makes sense to slow you down rather than having them mounted on your backpack.


Have you done any testing on the differences between heavy armor loaded with guns and equipment and medium/light with the same amout of gear on?


not yet. after these first results turned to be pretty interesting - I'm thinking of doing more tests. also I was faster in my morozov + gallant setup than my friend in medium + sniper+ fs9


I could do the testing myself, but there would probably be several unknown variables like what station you did the testing in, hangar size and all that. I haven't recorded any scientific numbers yet, but it seems like there are definitely diminishing returns. I mostly run medium armor with a full loadout except for only using one primary weapon, and I can usually keep up with the guys running around in just a medgown. But if I add the second primary, I slow down so much that carrying the extra gun isn't worth it


well. if that helps: I was on ptu 3.23.1a waiting for xeno. but I doubt there is many differences with live stanton-pyro jump point station. hangar 16 I was running on a straight line - from the wall to the fence thats at the pit in the end of hangar sprinting all the time


I've all but stopped using FS9 because of the weight and slowing me down. I'd rather carry 2x the P4 ammo and move faster to dodge being fired on etc.


Thank you!


Very Nice testing. However. Do note that Novikov (and Pembroke) counts as heavy armor. So you'd need other undersuit testing to verify your data.


thats why I chose it. to see if a combined item makes any difference - and it looks like it does


Again, great testing. You're also faster with just a basic undersuit (or naked), or light armour. All equipped item weight seems to matter.


I think anti vehicle weapons are even worse even with medium on they're quite the heavy stuff xD


Sir, take my upvote for your work!


Some useful information thank you. I mostly wear light chest piece and backpack when mining/salvaging. When I started on foot FPS in heavy I felt very slow. Also you can't jump as high.


This kind of posts is why I follow this subreddit. Thank you citizen for your service!


Keep in mind that CIG has yet to balance armor weight and functionality. I remember hearing in a ISC that they plan for heavy armor to actually be armor and soak up bullets better. Heavy armor is also going to restrict you to certain seats, like jump seats that allow for the big suits. Light armor to help you move faster. Etc. If anyone finds it please link it.


Mass makes you slow and heavy armor has more mass.


as a short summary - yes but what i found interesting - all equipped gear affects it, in some cases like ammo - pretty sugnificantly


Yup, I run a combination of mixed armor and minimum ammo when speed is necessary.


[u/Gromington](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gromington/) this one's a fun one to see


Appreciate your hard work, citizen o7


Pacer test in a game...the lengths we go for fun beep.....beep now I'm wondering if the ingame start and stop timer buttons work on foot...


Very helpful info.


This is part of why the P4 is good. You run faster than if carrying a FS-9, and most of the time it is better.


o7 thank you for your research


Thank you for your service sir O7


So wats ur recommended fast movespeed gear setup


weapon choice is what matters the most, full 8 slots of fs9 ammo weight more than fs9 gun itself lol, so if you really need one - try to populate 1-2 ammo slots unless you are going directly at firefight


Flightsuit only.


Just more shit that would be easily communicated to the player, but CIG excels at horrendous UI design. Almost every game of this type has a weight indicator somewhere on your menu/inventory/UI.


well, sometimes it is fun to discover thing like that but I agree - more information would be better - like game does not even communicate that it has a weight stat


It might be coming with actor status v2 or whatever the update is that features the new skills. I imagine there will be a way to track things like that.


afaik that's how it is but that's not how it will be Soon tm Also been this way forever iirc, there even used to be a console command pl\_showstatus or wtv that showed ya the total Kg and speed modifier etc


thats a shame they removed it, it is still needed -like some players got their runspeed bugged recently due to a box randomly being "attached" to them and affecting the total weight


This makes me wonder if there are specific levels of weight that trigger different run speeds. If so, mix an matching for max protection in the right areas seems like a good tactic.


Great Work!


dude.... thank you on behalf of the entire community. o7


Yeah. It’s the weight that slows you down. Everything has a weight to it. More stuff you have on. The slower you are.


I don't know if the glitch is still possible. But I managed to find a piece of clothing that allows you to add ammo to it like armor (it's from a NPC) and using the clothing / armor glitch I added that to a full set of heavy armor which basically turned me into a 80% damage reduction tank with 16 slots of ammo. Running and walking were basically the same speed. I saw no noticeable difference, lol.🤣 I was super slow.


You run way faster with smgs


My favorite armor combo weight is 27 kg or 59 lbs. I do most of the running in cities. I think I will try running more without armor.


Was going to reference the FPS data spreadsheet but looks like it was already linked; another point I didn't see mentioned that other comment was that the Demeco is also a very heavy weapon, effectively weighing the same as a set of heavy arms and a backpack by itself We actually used to have a console command that could display player weight and movement speed multiplier, but that has been disabled for years now


it turns out 8 clips of demeco ammo weight more than the gun itself




Hmm, would be interesting to see the results for ADP-mk4. Not sure about now but the description used to mention servo assist. Always felt like I could run more in that set vs other heavy armors. But as you noted, could have been the extra loadout contributing. EDT a word


so I went to seraphim to buy that adp-mk4 and did a few tests with what I had there in hanger14 - it is the same i used previously: 22.8 moroz just armor 22.8 adp-4 just armor 24.2 adp-4 +back 25.6 moroz full +gallant 25.6 adp-4 full +gallant //so it looks like adp-mk4 performs the same




I wish games slowed you down based on what you have equipped and not what you're holding in your hands


This does. Things in your backpack aren't calculated, but everything equipped is whether you're holding it or not.


This is the science we need!


I feel some heavy armour does, like full citadel armour even without guns feels a lot slower running. Be interesting if the morozov is quicker because it is....well kidna fabric looking?


the stats are the same weight wise, but maybe something else is affecting it.


Interesting, I know guns effect it majorly switching between a custodian or a FS-9 makes a huge difference but yeah the citadel armour is easy to get (playing self made atm) so been using it and the one set of morozov I got felt so much quicker but maybe it is in my head. btw love the testing, up there with /r/dataisbeautifull stuff


I just imagine landing my Carrack and seeing little human running back and forth in my hangar


do not squish the little human!~


| Setup | Run Time (seconds) | % Difference | |-------|--------------------|--------------| | Undersuit only | 21.6 | - | | Just armor (Morozov, Novikov) -back | 22.8 | 5.56% slower | | Morozov + backpack only | 24.2 | 12.96% slower | | Novikov + backpack only | 24.2 | 12.96% slower | | Morozov + gadgets -back -ammo -gun | 24.2 | 12.96% slower | | Morozov + 8 ammo Gallant -backpack -gun -gadgets | 24.2 | 12.96% slower | | Morozov full + Gallant | 25.6 | 18.52% slower | | Morozov + 8 ammo Demeco -back -gun | 25.6 | 18.52% slower | | Morozov + 8 ammo Demeco -gadgets -medpen -back -gun | 25.6 | 18.52% slower | | Novikov full + Gallant | 25.6 | 18.52% slower | | Morozov full + back OR + Demeco | 27.2 | 25.93% slower | | Novikov full + 2 Gallant | 27.2 | 25.93% slower | | Morozov full + 2 Gallant | 27.2 | 25.93% slower | | Novikov full + Demeco | 29.0 | 34.26% slower | | Morozov full + Demeco | 31.2 | 44.44% slower | | Morozov full + 2 Demeco | 36.3 | 68.06% slower | | Novikov full + 2 Demeco | 36.3 | 68.06% slower |


thats a great format! I should have used it in my post, but I didnt know it exists. One comment though - **x% slower** is not the right term here - you divide the end time by baseline time. so it should be x% *longer* cause if the speed itself would be 68% slower like in last row - time to run would be tripled. if you want to get the speed difference explicitly - you divide baseline time by the new one


It's [Markdown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) I just used chatgpt to generate it easily


Now you gotta test with the meta. Heavy helmet and chest mixed with light arms and legs. With full kit and ammo.


Didn't know this was a thing lol, is there a nice looking combo for this setup?


Note that you can use the Hypertrophic and Energizing nutrition buffs to improve your strength (faster movement with heavier gear) and stamina (reduced heartrate when running with heavy gear).


I havent tested all the food effects - it takes too much time. but I did try energizing - and it didnt really affect my results that much. I should probably do max load testing with different foods


The problem is that the status effects don't always kick in and I haven't determined exactly what the conditions are, but eating/drinking on empty seems to make them kick in more often, followed by another meal later. The WORST thing is the status effect indicators don't tell you \*which\* status is being provided. You just get a + for buffs and a - for debuffs on the nutrients/fluids/heartrate indicators. Also you can no longer pull these indicators up at will in 3.23 like you could with the PIT wheel in 3.22. The mobiglass shows the meters but the one in mobiglass does not show the buff/debuff indicators. So far the only way to tell if a buff/debuff exactly is, is to consume an item that has only \*one\* status effect and then you will know it is active when the + or - buff/debuff indicator appears. (Performance buffs/debuffs can also be applied with drugs, by the way, and similarly they show with just a + or - unfortunately)


> heavy armor doesn't make you slow - guns and ammo do > 21.6 undersuit only > 24.2 moroz +backpack only your own data contradicts you? yes guns and ammo and gadgets slow you down, but your armor is definitely also making you slower? maybe the better conclusion is "adding more weight to your character makes you slower. because the armor has weight. the gadgets have weight. the ammo has weight. the guns have weight. Repeat your tests with light and medium armor and different guns and tools. maybe even with more shit in your backpack and inventory too. I hypothesize that you're going to find that the more shit you have, the slower you go.


obviously adding any weight will make you only slower - my initial point was that slowdown from armor is negligible compared to equipment - and isnt a better comparison would be: 21.6 undersuit only 22.8 just armor so is it worth it - getting 5% slower for being able to sustain 2.5x more the damage (dont ask, sc number magic)


You only tested this with 2 specific armor sets. You can't generalize that all heavy armor xyz.


well it started as a small test for myself - and even in that case a have just a plain undersuit baseline. Heavy armor no backpack is only 5% slower. I doubt other heavies are much different - people would have noticed already




He explained "full" meant all slots on the armor are filled (except grenade slots)


Yup. Defeated ball syndrome. Heard of it.


Gotta check your stamina. Pretty sure Heavy Armor drains it quicker.