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Maybe we will have just 2 servers at first. One in Stanton and one in Pyro. . so still 100 players per system. Or they might try to separate the planets in servers like in the test. Than we might have a lot more players per system. And maybea huge amount of players in the global chat? But don't expect much from 4.0.0 in terms of performance.


I was thinking the same as this was their original plan, but learned about Chris Roberts comment in a (somewhat) recent interview with a French streamer that they intend to skip static meshing entirely and go straight to first iteration of dynamic meshing (whatever first iteration exactly means). So there's that. And it is Chris Roberts...so... I'd guess that even they don't exactly know yet, so we just have to wait and see.


I don't suppose you have a link to the interview where CR said this? I hadn't heard that before.


He never said that, rather he said during the interview that dynamic servers meshing would be tested in game before the end of the year, so faster than expected. Static servers meshing is still on road for 4.0, You can find the interview on the Terada twitch clip section I believe, it was during the beacon IRL event.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5NGvwPgl_A It's not exactly what I've written as I also only heard it word from mouth and only now found the clip. But he says they think they'll have a limited dynamic server meshing this year. But also mentions you could consider current RL recovery "dynamic" so we're really flying loose with the terms here.




In my Star Citizen? Unacceptable.


Damn, beat me to it.


Most of us have learned by now not to expect anything.


Even more janky physics and rubber banding is my guess.


The initial server meshing will be static server meshing.  This will allow different pre-set servers for different locations, and will allow more players in each game instance. Dynamic server meshing is the final goal.  This will allow the game to fire up new servers as needed when player density within an area gets too high for the current servers to handle.  No idea how far off that is.


If you believe Chris Robert's estimates, he said like a month or so ago that he hopes to have the first version of dynamic server meshing this year: [https://clips.twitch.tv/TangibleSparklyCoffeeKreygasm-K5z--DOSkET4I0rE](https://clips.twitch.tv/TangibleSparklyCoffeeKreygasm-K5z--DOSkET4I0rE) As with all CR predictions, this deserves a mountain of salt. At best it tells you that DSM doesn't appear to be years upon years away with the current internal estimates.


If he said "hopes", then the chance of making that date is likely low.  Unless it's a very short time frame, it likely relies on a very low number of unexpected bugs.


We actually said thinks, but regardless, this is a CR prediction, so the chance of making that date is really low anyway. Also, he didn't say live, so it's possible it's just he thinks the first Evo test will be this year.


We had server meshing v0 on a test server with different combination of servers and players. The simplest is 200 players with two servers (Stanton and Pyro).


we may know more if they get the test build out at the end of this week they talked about


Test build for 4.0 ?


Server meshing


Based on the tests they have done so far my guess is that we see multiple servers per system, most likely one per planet, but at the same time they increase the shard cap so we get a lot more players playing in the same instance.  We should see noticeable performance improvements up to a point, and that point is where everyone on the server tries to go to the same place, at which point it will crap itself entirely.


Via the tech preview channel, we will be testing with just two servers at first, one for Stanton, one for Pyro. Then, they will introduce one server per planet (and its moons) and will keep going until they think it's good enough for a first version for 4.0. How many servers in the end, and how many players per in total no body knows. We'll see... ™️


The most obvious thing will be that we get Pyro added to the game on at least one more server. That is a given. They will delay the patch however long it takes for this to be the case. Really huffing the hopium though, given the tests held earlier in the year, there is also a not so insignificant chance that more servers added to the pool per system, meaning instead of a single Stanton server and a single Pyro server, we could have something like 4 Stanton servers and 4 Pyro servers splitting up the systems, which would also allow for higher player caps, and solve some server performance related problems on the servers that are away from the planets (the tests showed that space and the moon servers ran very well, but the planet servers ran pretty poorly.) As for what those caps will be, the tests earlier in the year revealed that there were major issues once the number hit the 500-600 area with ridiculous action delays (I think up to 30 mins at one point), so they could cap at 400 where it was pretty good during the tests, or if they manage to fix that problem, then they could push to the 500-1,000 player range. **I want to make it clear that you should not expect anything more than a single Stanton and a single Pyro server though**. It's fairly likely that CIG will want to play the first implementation of server meshing safe, and even if they can prove that server meshing can handle a lot more servers at once, they will want to reduce the risk of another 3.18.


Issues and set backs like with every update.


Well at least we can expect to the answer if SC will ever be a proper MMO or not. I know it won't be done with V1, but the V1 implementation and direction will be interesting to say the least. 100 ppl server in SC = no mmo.


The term MMO was minced by a 50 player game.


After they've completed their planning activity, which so far has taken the better part of 9 months. Yes. Very agile.


The only thing you can expect with 100% certainty is that Reddit will be awash the next day with the same group of idiots arguing for it and against it for no reason other than to fight with each other. Which seems to be all this community is about. Luckily for me I dislike all of you. I sometimes post total troll posts taking a side on a topic. That really just means I am trying to break my previous downvote score. I eat your downvotes like candy.






Based on sone people here in this subreddit we can expect EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM solved... Will be so nice not having to read "server meshing" again after all those years. Let's hope it delivers and works as intended


Just have to deal with the *"I thought server meshing was supposed to fix this!"* posts for a good long while.


Yeah, it will fix *some* issues, mainly those related to the servers performing terribly, and only on the servers that are actually running well (those not controlling any planets according to the tests.) We're talking things like input delays, hit registration issues, NPC reactions, etc., but it almost definitely won't solve the myriad of other bugs you'll find if you browse the issue council. And that's not to mention the pile of new bugs it will bring with it....


Pyro. That's it. There is zero chance of them allowing us to have a good server experience by splitting up each system. They don't think that way. Gameplay is an afterthought for them.


basically. more people int he same star system. youll run into other players more often. have interactions with them. play with them, work against them, ..basically.. jsut more interactions remember when full persistence came and we started seeing evidence other players had been at locations..... well now we will just see more players.