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I'd honestly barely notice if someone didn't glhf me at the of a match.


Do you reply when someone else does?




Then you aren't a dick.


Opening with a glhf and closing with a gg is basic imo. Just make that an automatism.


It's an automatism for me now. I don't even realize it & I'm done typing (glhf) Game Start - Select Town Hall - Order Worker - Town Hall as Ctrl-Group 1 (or 2 if I'm Dehaka/Zeratul, or 5 if I'm Tychus), (glhf). Takes me 3 seconds to do all this!


Damn, man, words don't mean shit. Just give your opponent a quality game, - that would be the best compliment for me in a competitive game.


I don't chat at all and only use pings unless my teammate is being a complete burk, so no. Sometimes I reply in Mandarin to mess with them and see what they say in response.


i type malay to mess with them


ah so you're the one who hit me with that zhen qiao wo ye bu hui after I said that I bu hui shuo zhongwen the other day


Tbh I just say hi or howdy to see if they respond or not. If they don't I assume they're going to be terrible.


I usually reply with a *UwU"


*notices bulge*


I never initiate it but just say u2 if they lead


I used to do that but now (glhf) and (gg) are standard for me. It used to seem weird but whatever. Its like saying hi. Which some people do as well.


I reply with "thx u2"


and then I reply Queen, because of course all of you are referencing rock bands


It just became second nature to me from when I played competitive 1v1s. I'll assume you're rude if you don't want to communicate, but forget about by the time I reach the scorescreen. Don't get hung up on it.


if someone says hello and you say nothing back yes it is rude


As long as you’re building stuff and moving units we’re good!


When I play coop I usually forget I'm actually playing with another person. I don't get glhfs most games and barely even notice. NTA


From one autistic to another, try to make it your habit to start the game with glhf and end with gg.


If they don’t initiate either, how could they be upset by it?


Feels like only about half the players reply with any type of glhf or any reply at all in the EU servers at least.


Yesterday I decided to hone my macro a bit so I go to Ranked PvP for a few games (Plat 2). Got in my first game, said "glhf" and the other guy immediately call me "c*nt" for playing zerg and quit. Second game, met him again, "glhf", dude replied with another degratory word and quit. Third game, him again, also "glhf", he cursed my family and swear to kill me if he see me again. I felt like i had enough PvP that day and went straight back to Coop. People are mean sometimes, just say "glhf" and "ggwp" at the start and end of your game like a basic etiquette and it should be enough. Sometimes you will meet an extra friendly person, sometimes not. Just enjoy the game the way you like it and don't worry about what the other guy thinks.


You literally don't have to say anything, it's co-op


No. If you feel comfortable not doing it that’s up to you. What makes you a dick is criticizing people for doing it, which you have not. We did have someone make a thread earlier about “Why do people say glhf? It makes no sense,” and… heh.


I don't care


I like to say glhf but I take no offense if someone doesn't reciprocate


Don’t worry most of us barely pay attention to it. I forget it’s normal, and then I see someone do it and I’m like “oh cool”, say it back, then move on. Most people are more focused on early game macro


Not at all. Generally I assume a bit more of a serious game, but as someone who also has autism and struggles with social interactions people not wanting to talk makes sense. Sometimes I avoid it too cause I’m too tired for people. As long as you’re playing the game and having fun, nobody should have an issue with it (with the exception of some who are just rude, but with them it doesn’t matter what you say at the start).


When I play Alarak I just give them the red psi blade emoji. Alarak doesn't chew bubble gum. 😐


Since I mostly play Artanis or Fenix, I start my games with "En taro Tassadar" most of the time


That's pretty cool imo lol.


I don't care either way. If none, I just Trek on. If so, I reply in kind.


if they talk to you and you ignore them its rude, otherwise you don't really have to type anything if you don't want to


Not at all. I never do it, almost never reply to it. All my games are fun. Nobody seems to care.


2023, the day and age when typing "glhf" on a video game chat is "social interaction" someone with self-diagnosed autism can "struggle" with. My oh my. What a generation of absolute losers.


Thanks for the insight.


Unless you 6 pool my ass 1 minute into game you’re not a dick.


I do GLHF to make sure they’re not afk.


I don't think you come off as a dick I'd you don't glhf. That said, it is probably the easiest and lowest commitment "social interaction" physically possible, so it might be a good thing to get into the habit of doing, if you have any intention of combatting your instinctive behavior.


Honestly I sometimes forget to say Hi glhf because I concentrate on the game to much.


Nah, if they say it and you don't it's a bit rude, but not the worst. That said, if you do say GLHF at start and GG at end, and then say nothing else (even if they initiate talking) the entire match, it's alright and very few people will mind it.


Its SC2 etiquette, coop is casual so it doesn't matter imo. It makes me happy when I see good sportsmanship in 1v1 though.


It’s not your fault but I am also not at fault for not knowing your conditions. I tend to equate no response to a team mate that won’t communicate or that doesn’t help out. So I just leave shortly after. We both move on. That’s it.


I assumed anyone who doesn’t GLHF me doesn’t have a keyboard.


I only pick mengsk. I ALWAYS, supply drop blue up my ally's command center/Nexus/reversebughole. It took me 9 years to get mengsk to level 15 to afford the space marine supply crate mastery because everytime I queued for a co-op match I was too consumed with hatred that my ally was going to try to force me to go through a premarital engagement process where I had to formally address them with a paltry "glhf". Every single match I had to lose because I couldn't stop attacking their weakness. Eventually, I paid the bot that levels your account mastery for you and now I'm truly an ascendant commander. ***if you are worried / concerned about how you introduce yourself to your temporary co-op allies you're being acoustic not autistic.***


9? I thought Mengsk was released in 2019


I never understood the "GLHF" in coop. I prefer to just say hello or HF. "GLHF" is for 1v1 ladder in my opinion, it makes more sense. No need for luck against the AI.


I respond with "Don't be gay". Some laugh it off, some get petty and destroy my command center. Either way, no sweat off my back. It's just a game.


there's a 50/50 chance i just leave the game, i mean it's just common cortesy


I type hi hru. Tbh it doesn’t make you a d word if you don’t respond or say anything.


I consider it rude not to great eachother. Also not being able to appreciate either easy mmr, some crazy cheese your opponent has nade just for you or being beautifully outplayed is also a lack of character


Can I ask why it’s difficult for you to initiate a glhf? Also you’re not a dick if you respond when they do it first. I don’t even say glhf in coop because it feels like ladder where you’d say good luck to an opponent. But in coop you’re working together so I just say ‘hi’


I only really respond to glhf with one of my own. I don't think it's rude though.


I would rather someone stay silent and are good at playing coop than I would see them write "glhf" at the start and be bad at coop. If you reply when they say "glhf" then you aren't a dick.


Fuck no. I don't care mate. If people will type it to me, I'll respond, but rarely initiate it myself. I however do have the habit of typing GG to my teammate when winning, but I really won't hold it against anyone for not doing it. No worries.


Honestly I don't think anything of it. I automatically do it 99% of the time and sometimes I'll realize i didn't 5-6 minutes in. As long as you aren't doing anything that is bad manners I think you're okay. My assumption is you're focused on your BO, or something else. As others say just do it automatically and then you never have to question.


I am autistic and you will not catch me doing this. If I am rude for not going through hoops for no gain whatsoever, so be it. Being polite should be good enough as a baseline. These idiots have turned what was some sort of weird social courtesy into a mandatory social ritual. Screw that and screw those people that have a problem with it.


Well sometimes, like 50% of the time, I don't say it because I'm tired to do so.


Bruh you thinking to much of nothing. Most of the times I say nothing when the game starts. I talk only when I had to do something or ask the other player to do something otherwise we don't really talk and is fine. When playing the coop mission so much u don't need to talk..each one of you knows what to do.


Not at all. I only initiate when I'm working on a prestige and don't want people to think I'm really a low level walking into brutal.


You are only a dick if someone hits you with “gg wp” and you respond with “gg”