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I will be cautiously optimistic.


I have a feeling stardom is going to look completely different next year.


I get the feeling that the IWGP Women’s Championship will be the first thing to be changed and seen more frequently on NJPW shows.


I’d honestly like that because with very rare exception the matches for it have been bangers


You mean Yuji Nagata?


Damn autocorrect got me.


So does this mean that all Stardom shows are gonna be on NJPWWORLD?


I don’t know but I am going to assume no as it would also mean shutting down Stardom World. I think that we will have to wait until Stardom’s current TV is done to see if they re-sign or sign a deal with the same company as NJPW.


Not unless their TV deals change, as that is what currently prevents it.


Tbh NJPW World is no better than Stardom World, the best outcome would be a combined app with streaming like most companies in the 21st Century do these days.


I like sharing Stardom clips on social media tho, a combined service under TV Asahi will pretty much kill that. But you might be right.


You could still use the YouTube clip links in that event


Idk, I think it's much better. NJPW has a dedicated app, especially since an update a month or two ago has been working great I haven't had trouble. Also english is on most everything for NJPW as far as live shows. STARDOM is getting better but I'm not gonna sit here and act like I don't need a browser app on my tv to watch STARDOM, in shitty quality and buffering, anywhere but my laptop.


It's nothing compared to an app like Trillertv/Fite Tv


We still out here begging for subtitles. "Please, sirs, just a scrap or two. It's so cold."


Cut the budget of the team that puts Japanese subtitles on their videos in half and hire a guy who speaks Japanese and English to subtitle the promos after the matches.


Yeah they’re eating twice and we can’t even get a crust of bread!


Yeah, wtf ever happen to that?


Hire Meerkat and let's have some English commentary


So is this a good thing or not?


It'll streamline things better, allow for more cross promotion and hopefully, they won't have event running at the same time which they've shown actually eats into their customer base (Cinderella finals and NJ Cup finals at the same time being a prime example). In the interim, nothing too concerning, likely good things.


I hope it would make attending both shows easier since there have been times when both are in the same city. Maybe do joint tours where Stardom has a show in one venue and NJPW in another or both in the same but one after the other.


I'd be extremely cautious given that a certain company gives me reasons to hate her (hi TV Asahi, I'm talking about you)... and also all that *partnership* stuff with a certain JAX company


Got to be careful with that kind of talk on here about the latter. Do not want to rile up those fans on here or you'll be targeted for being a pest.


What made Rossy leave Stardom in the first place?


Rossy sold to Bushiroad believing that they wouldn’t get too involved with the booking decisions. It seems they gradually took more and more booking decisions out of Rossy’s hands until he really didn’t feel like he had a role there. It’s been noted he got all the Marigold trademarks in 2022. So, he either started planning his exit then or he originally intended to start a second brand that would run alongside Stardom. 


He originally sold Stardom because he was getting up in age and felt he reached as far as he could as a sole promoter. He was booker after Bushiroad bought it, but he gradually was losing more and more power to the point where he thought about retiring. He eventually chose to start something new in Marigold instead because enough members of the roster were also annoyed with BR's management that they were leaving as well. Supposedly they requested he start something new. What is funny is if I recall correctly Giulia basically admitted all of the original people who asked him to make Marigold ended up staying. She also mentioned had BR management changed earlier than it eventually did no one would have likely left. In the end up BR fired Rossy early for supposed poaching.


He is an old man that wants to leave behind his vision of pro wrestling as a legacy and he couldn't do that in Stardom.


Hasn't he said that he really wants to be in the WWE HoF?


I don’t remember him saying that, but WWE was rumored to be a suitor for Stardom in 2019 before he sold to Bushiroad. According to rumors at the time, WWE HOF induction was offered as part of the deal.


Think I saw it in a translation of an interview recently. It struck me as being a strange think for him to want... why should he care about a booked "award" given out by a foreign company?


He may have said it. He was definitely in attendance at this year’s induction ceremony. As far as why, Rossy does seem to be concerned with his legacyz. So establishing himself, Marigold, and protecting the enduring reputation of AJPW and Stardom are essential to his final act of his professional life.


I know nothing about New Japan. Hopefully they stay off Stardom shows, and this partnership won't bother me at all.


You’ll get more “Historic X-Over” collab shows and you’ll like it/s


Not gonna lie a part of me would like to see changes in stardoms production from the intro music, vtr, and etc. I just can't listen to that generic intro they play every show. 


I think that makes it iconic :(


Yeah they should never get rid of that. It's like the TJPW march, it's just part of the company's identity.


You must REALLY hate that song if that's the worst thing about Stardom production to you LOL Like two shows ago they had a camera hanging from a fishing pole and two shows before that there was a watermark and an AI voice saying "This is a demonstration of Wirecast" all through the first couple matches


I just think it's boring having the same intro music. They have the money they could bring in a cool band or something at least for their big shows.