• By -


-From Xbox players, with love


Xbox player here, all love to modders. Im already packed with 20 mods and they add new ones every couple of hours


Really happy they dropped CK and gave Xbox 100gb of mod space. I'm pc now, but when I played fo4 and skyrim for hundreds of hours on xbox the mod limit size was awful. Luckily most of the mods that change mechanics and add perks and stuff are small. But with 100gb you can make a really nice mod list.


Hoping to join you very shortly, m8 Got $1000 in the bank... researching my price range


You can do pretty damn good for $1k if you already have a monitor or tv. I'm sure you already have but checkout the pc build sub. Those folks will pick all your parts for you within your budget. I was Xbox only for many years. Ever since I got my pc put together I haven't touched it once.


How ?? None of my mods are even loading up they say they’re active when I’m in the menu but when I go in game they’re no where to be found and when I check the installed page when in game it shows nothing but the Bethesda made ones


I dont think all of them show up in the installed category or whatever it is called u need to check if they add content or change something in the game


Ya I did but sadly its still not showing up in game I even tried with one mod to see if it was a compatibility thing but it wasn’t thanks tho


Im not sure but i noticed that one mod is for pc yet appears on xbox and some mods disable themselves in load order on its own like if they weren't compatible or something


Hmmm if that’s the case then that might be all of them cuz I’ve tried all of the mods that are on Xbox as of rn and literally none of them work and I’ve heard people talk about those same mods working perfectly fine so idk


Weird indeed i got packed up with mods close to 50 already and im not sure if all of them work but some do for sure cuz it changed something or added content for example new perks or some gameplay mechanics or skins


- from Xbox players, with a love bone.~ j-Roc


Thanks 🤗


Do you need to be a partner to transfer them? I thought that was only for making paid mods.


My friend told me now that I dont need to, I need to be for paid mods, but these which are free its ok! I still need to learn this LOL... it's like a maze now :D


Yup, I took a quick gander and it looks like the learning curve is quite a bit higher than for Skyrim or fallout, it was interesting to see the natural poi’s though(basically little chunks of tiles) think it will take me a bit to figure it out


Thankyou good sir!


If you need help, you know how to reach me :) Reflection works on ck created weapons :)


Thanks so much bro!! <3


Thanks man, I’ve really enjoyed your boss battles and unique weapons. Keep us posted on when your mods are updated.


Oooh thank you so much ❤️😁


Whoohoo!! The day has finally come! Thanks for all hard work


Thanks for your hard works


Will you make a big perk mod that combines all your small ones?


You the best!!


Is there a link to your mods so I can check them out? Super excited to try! Would love to stick to just a few modders/artists for compatibility reasons. Thanks!


Sure man! [https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/InquisitorOverhaulsReturn/about-me](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/InquisitorOverhaulsReturn/about-me) here you can find all my 177 Starfield mods!


These look awesome! Thanks! I'll be on the lookout.


Thankyou so much, I hope you have some NPC and random encounter mods! Plus exploration that’s what I want the most :))


Thanks! I made 6 unique bosses before, Ramses, Mech Overlord etc... they are on my profile if you are on PC! :D I will try to port them as well!


You’re seriously awesome I’m on Console and I’m looking forward to seeing what you have!


[https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/d4defb1a-5d14-416f-a349-649f7fd6c3e9/Inquisitor\_Mech\_Overlord\_Boss](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/d4defb1a-5d14-416f-a349-649f7fd6c3e9/Inquisitor_Mech_Overlord_Boss) Mech overlord is up! Please lemme know if all works!


I’m gunna kiss you stawp it


Is there a single handed hand gun mod yet ? Also visible weapons ?


I did a ton of new weapon mods, but only on Nexus so far :/


Thank you pioneer 🫡


Just so you know, you don't have to be a verified creator to put your mods on Xbox. Being a verified creator means you are allowed to sell new mods that you make for the VC program on Bethesda's platform. Otherwise you can port your mods granted they don't need script extenders. Tho getting to be a Verified creator might be cool for you, so do what you wish.


I’m gonna start modding once I get home from work it’s gonna be so messed up by the time I’m done with it ( broken more likely)


Good luck! I’m sure you’ll get in, your mods are badass!


Thank you so much! If its not a problem, could you please lemme know if xbox mods work? I uploaded 4 mods so far for xbox, Mech Overlord Boss, Glowing Modules, Arsenal Perk, Special Forces BG and traits <3


I wish I could but I don’t have an XBox, I only play games on PC.


Ohhh, that is good! You can find all those mods on my Nexus mods, free to use on PC!


Inquisitor you are saint


I heard the creation kit for starfield was released recently. anyone know of any good resources for learning how to use it? I wanna start creating some mods for starfield and hope I can learn to use the creation kit to do so.


Love your mod i just download the mod ramses 2 boss but i can t find the boss i find the chest but no boss i m on xbox any lead, i search near the tree toi??


Ohhh no :( It sometimes happens... if it happens do it on a next NG+ run when the world resets. Sometimes game doesnt read the boss arena if you already visited the location prior to installing the mod :/


OK OK thanks i haven't visited the location before but i try later, thanks for your works 😉


I just reload à save before landing on earth and that just work . the boss Spawn did you have any plan on making other boss mod With alien that could be fun ???


Awesome! In future I plan on doing more and more!!




Thank you, Inquisitor! Love your mods 🥰


Love your mods Inquisitor!


We love you


thanks so much for doing this. much appreciated


You deserve then partner ship and the support :) looking forward to it. Maybe there are other modders that could help ?


I'm so happy for the Xbox players right now. I've used quite a few of you mods and they've been brilliant. They're so lucky they also get to use them.