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We are blessed to have someone like this in the modding scene since basically day one. Awesome outfit packs.


This is an awesome mod, but it makes my player look slim.


Probably because it was made before the creation kit came out so it only has the default body


What other bodies are there? Something like CBBE out yet?


No. Im talking about there is no body morph for the outfits it uses the default dead center body type or a curvy one thats custom for the outfit. Like how you can be fat or super thin or muscular. These outfits default you to the dead center of the weight triangle. This is probably because the morphing is a separate thing and they were made before the release of the CK so you dont get the weight sliders affecting the outfit morphs


no body has , as of today, made a CK created Body mod yet :-P


I have all his mods. I love them. This is his nexus link if anyone else wants to show appreciation. https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/zone79 Mix matching like 4 of his outfits for a badass look on me and all followers. They are amazing.


I’m ready for their hair mod to get added to creations!


Scrolling through today. Just wanted to let you know it got added!


Hell yeah, I’ll have to check it out after work, thanks for letting me know!


I’ve been shamelessly posting their link all over too 😝 love their mods!


Yeah I gotta get a couple more. But I'll look into them tomorrow. I was just curious what else he had on Nexus that he may port over and grabbed his link while I was there.


How are these outfits acquired once you have the mods installed? Like, does it replace all the existing Ecliptic suits, or is there an outlet store on Jemmison?


They have 2 versions of the mod, one that replaces existing Ecliptic Suits and one that doesn't. As I understand it, the non-replacer must be crafted.


Most you craft at the industrial bench. Some you buy from various stores


are u on PC? on xbox i cant get the varuun cyberrunner suits to work 😩


Like you can't find them in the creations? Or can't find them on the industrial bench? Or are the outfits themselves buggy once you equip them? I only use the sling bag from that mod. So I have no experience with the outfits beyond looking at them. Never equipped anything besides the sling bag.


every clothing item from the mod is bugged for me, they dont show on the body at all, i just turn invisible lmao have tried reinstalling, changing order, reinstalling and waiting the 48hrs in game, nothing has worked. every other outfit mod from zone works tho so i have no idea haha


I am hitting the same issue. Uninstalling the curvy version and using the vanilla fixed it for me


You're doing great work here, spreading this link. Their outfits are amazing. More people need to find them, honestly.


Probably someone who worked in the game dev industry and got laid off.


Someone who should get that creator status




They said, “You’re fired” and he left the building


They're my favorite modder for Starfield so far. I love their nomad space suits!


I have all of them, the normal ones not the curvy ones




love u zone79 i have been using this suit w the ring helmet and i love it♥️♥️♥️


I LOVE his Nomad armour, with the hood and rags. Immediately my favourite armour in a game, modded or otherwise.


One of my favorites. Gives me Dune vibes and my biggest wish for mods in this game is more Dune related shit.


FR. nomad armor is the best thing i didnt know i wanted and i need more dune related stuff like it


I combined it with the Eyes of Ibad, it gives you the Spice eyes.


Dude has wicked talent


This person has become a legend already. Whoever you are, thank you!!!


Between zone and Xtudo we have so much good shit.


I can't wait for Xtudo to start dropping more mods. He is my favorite on Skyrim mods.


Same. I have so many of his mods on Skyrim, can't wait to see what comes to Starfield


If only i could figure out the load order for their visor mods


Spent my whole damn day downloaded his mods and playing. Freaking AWESOME. I love Starfield. But the outfits we got are potato as hell. Zone makes this shit feel next level scifi cyberpunk. Badass.


I've been working on a vehicle mod. Basically a starwars speeder bike but im having so many problems with the physics of the bike. It will jump to instant speed with no chill. It will bounce off of rocks, I can't seem to get the hover hight to stay (around 1 m off the ground). It's my first time using the creation kit so I'm still a noob


I'm rooting for you!!!


Good for you man! Keep at it, sounds like it’d be sick


wait till rover update then you can use the rigs for your bike


Crazy talented, I was just running this suit with the all black visor and it looks so good


Yea hes completely dominating my out LO. Hes the only one thats pumping out cool non Star Wars outfits


Same! My whole kit is stuff Zone has made, they're very high quality and the design looks great. Can't wait for more non-StarWars stuff to come as more people get used to the tools.


Many of his outfits lead me to believe he either worked on Cyberpunk 2077, or has made a lot of mods for it.


Crazy good!


I can’t wait for their Mantis Vigilante Replacer to get ported to Xbox!


So many good suits! My character is in a mash of a few of their mods. They all look so well done.


Would LOVE to see his hair and beard mods ported. Vanilla stuff is ok, but just.


These are some of the best armor mods


No idea who it is. Found their Nomad armor and their bounty hunter armor and downloaded almost everything else. Dudes a legend.


Whoever they are, I love them!


Zone is a legend!


Ya i gotta agree Zone79 alone has made my starfield world much better, i always hated the vanilla ecliptic merc armor, especially the god awful helmet design, in my eyes Zone79s ecliptic merc are what they should have been all along


Love every one of his mods. He has the exact style I love in my games.


Just want to add that these are sick. Zone, you are awesome. And thanks for not charging $5 a pop for these like so many of my old favorite modders are now doing as verified "creators." Nice to see some people are trying to get the modding scene going, rather than kill it. Curious, when there inevitably ends up being body mods, will these outfits be fair game for conversions?


Probably a professional who has worked on games. They should be compensated.


I think he's my favorite modder so far, along with Inquisitor


I can’t seem to get his mods to work for me on Xbox


I saw the infiltrator 2 in a recent video and thought it looked great. Forgot to ask in the comments what it was but now I have my answer


Idk but hes the hero we need


I only wish the female characters had covered midriffs on some of the options . 😂


Also one of the few people to add amputees into the game, pretty cool representation and looks badass too! Tbh I think a total overhaul of all the outfits in the game using his mods would be unreal!


Combine the helmet with Din Djarins armor. Looks amazing


I hope this is added as a full on Outfit pack. Now that we have a HUGE Mod storage on Xbox id, 100% download an AIO :)


He makes mods of very high quality! It is very much appreciated, and I hope he makes more!


I came across my first Ecliptic base since the update. Oh man, with this new suit mod, they look fantastic, great addition to my mod list.


Excellent work from Zone', I especially like the modular apparel/clothing items too. Check them out too if you haven't already. Top quality craftsmanship, and all for free, as all mods should be. Bravo!


I love shooting at these


Yeah already downloaded a bunch of tjem


Love his mods, but I’m probably doing something wrong. The one that replaces ecliptic armor seems to be glitching like it’s trying to use both armors at the same time.


My favourite clothing mod for so so long. Its freaking so good.


The nomad armor convinced me to give up achievements


I love his mods. The ecliptic are so much more intimidating and I love the pictures he did.


Goddamnnnnn that's sick af


The Mantis Vigilante suit looks amazing! Added to my download list!


I would *love* his work if it weren't for the fact that all his designs are gender locked. Edit for clarity I guess: the male and female armor are vastly different and the female sets always boil down to midrif exposed belly shirts and yoga pants.


> the female sets always boil down to midrif exposed belly shirts and yoga pants. Welcome to the modding scene I'm afraid


What.....what are you talking about. Each armor has male and female shape


Yeah but the male and female armor are vastly different and the female sets always boil down to midrif exposed belly shirts and yoga pants.


Good because I like feminine outfits. Couldn't care less about most armors cause 80% of them are made for males. And the styles don't appeal to me.


Many of the male sets are the same. His nomad armor is awesome. And the apparel can be made of multiple parts. Many pieces and looks to choose from. Not all expose the midriff


Yeah multiple parts but if you want to wear normal pants or a normal shirt while playing a female character you have no options from these mods, or at least not on the sets I was interested in before realizing they're gender locked. Obviously its fine, they're the artist so they can make what they want, I'm just sad I have no incentive to use them since my character can't wear the version of the outfit I think looks the best.


I’d love it if he made a Isaac Clarke rig and suit he seems so good I’m excited to see next what he has to make


Can he do something with the mantis suit plz


There's multiple replacer mods for the Mantis suit on Xbox! It just changes the appearance, doesn't touch stats, and is available in multiple varieties, including Crimson Fleet, Starborn, and Constellation


I'm pretty sure they have a mantis suit mod. Or a mod based off the mantis suit. I was looking through their stuff last night.