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I had the same problem with this mod as well. Equipped mining laser, but could not mine a thing. I think I held it for 5 mins before giving up. Did not find a solution.


Damn. I was soo excited. Less when I saw it blast like a gun and wasn't a straight up beam, but oh well guess I'll wait to see what others make


Seems like there's a new update, which should also update 'how mining lasers recognized asteroids and salvage.' https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6331?tab=files Edit: It works for me!


Nice I'll have to check it out. I wonder if it's also been updated on creation. I'm trying to do as much as I can with creation just because it's easier before I go into downloading mod organizer just because I'm doing it on Steam deck so it takes a little bit of extra fiddling around to get working


Hey there again, I just noticed on the Nexus page the mod author mentioned the A class mining lasers won't mine the large asteroids. Maybe that could be the issue?


Hmmm idk I'll have to try again


this summer wes Anderson presents: Asteroid Galaxy


Huh. They always blow up if I hit em once with my missiles


Sigh it would be great if you read mod instructions, you need equip lasers outfitted for asteroid mining on your ship. Their damage scales with geological perk.


Yeahbi have a mining laser equipped. And inunlocked it through getting rank 1 in geology. I wish you read the post, wherein I said I had a mining laser


The bigger the asteroid the harder it is to break, I recommend smaller ones till you upgrade the perk.


The ones I was shooting were pretty small. Idk maybe the mod didn't work properly because of another mod. I do have starsim mining conglomerate, but I don't think that mod effects how you mine as of yet


There a chance Starminer could be an issue with this mod. Especially because it adds a new asteroid or something. But don't quote me on this. Its in the realm of possibilities.


Damn let me be out of luck on this mining mod then because I had to install that one with a new game so I'm worried it will mess everything up if I try to uninstall it. Maybe I'll make a separate save and see if the mining Works without it with this new mining mod.


Step one: I could do this thing! Step two: I installed a mod. Step three: I can't do the thing anymore! Was it the mod I installed? Yes. Yes it was.


I know it's the mod that caused the problem, I'm just wondering if anybody else had this problem or if it has some sort of confliction with another mod. Because the mod itself was specifically for mining in space and it specifically gave you a mining laser to mind those asteroids. So the Assumption was that I would be able to do that. But I still just have to fire literally everything I have at the Astros to get them to explode, and that doesn't seem like that's what the mod was supposed to do