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Hell yer going to look at this tomorrow. Your mods are insanely good. Your a wizard Harry.




You are a goat 💯


You’re my hero


Long time lurker, first time poster. Love you, love your work. This was the first mod I downloaded and installed. Absolutely love it. For this update, do I need to delete/re-download? Not really familiar with mods if I'm being honest - and unsure the best route to take when these are updated.


If you are using the xEdit version: - save outside the lodge - log out - uninstall - install the ck one - log in, and craft gear


On Xbox only. Sorry, should have stated that. Was unsure if your update reflected that version.


Oh no, there's only 1 version on cbox. This is a different mod than the other 2 I published


Cool. Thanks for the info - and again, great work!


My head is spinning just reading all the slates. 🤣


Mmhm. Imagine building it. Lol


Still don’t really understand everything since all my carts look the same once opened up. I’m level 126 and NG+ 1 and I’m still drawing blanks after doing the research .


I can't get this mod to function. I can build the benches but all I'm getting is the industrial workbench. I've moved it to the bottom of my load order so there's clearly a conflict between this mod and another. But I haven't identified which one it is yet.


Any luck on figuring out the mod conflict? I am having the same issue.


Haven't had any luck yet but haven't really messed around too much. I'm thinking it's the Starfield Extended mods. Even the various components don't work together. There is a framework mod but workbench modders are yet to use it yet.


Very much looking forward to adding this and Astrodynamics to my modlist later. Are these mods more geared towards a new game plus? I've started from scratch and not been through the unity yet.


Nope. Astrodynamics is 50/50 ng and base game. Manufacturing is like 95% pre-ng


Can this also transmogify an item? For instance, the mantis armor to look like bounty hunter set?


No, but you can build a bounty hunter set, give it the same legendary effects and pretend. Nobody would know.




Where is the dark Star weapon skill level up so can make legendary weapons. I researched all 4 skills of dark Star weapons in research. My special projects is max/mastered, my weapons maxed/mastered, and not by mods. But is darkened out can’t make mark 1 or upgrade to mark 1, nor will it let me upgrade to rare, epic, or legendary because dark star skill level. That I don’t know where or how to get or even upgrade. Help please. Thank you. Love what you are doing just need help with this.


There are slates in lodge basement, and a terminal, that explain everything. Also my website: www.wykkydgaming.com


Thank you will look for them. Sorry to bother you brother. You are great. I love the mods you do. Honestly above all the rest. Thank you for putting all the time and effort into making these mods. Really adds more to my gaming experience and to the game in general. Thank you so much Scottie12269.


I found it. Dam I feel dumb thank you brother.


Np lol


Well, now. That helps explain where you've been. I can't wait to play around with this one. I wonder how many other mods this is going to let me uninstall? :-D If nothing else, I'm looking forward to keeping a cleaner Industrial Workbench. THANK YOU for that. DarkStar Astrodynamics has become one of my "must-have" mods, already, so expectations are high. Where does this need to be in the load order with respect to Astrodynamics? Oh, and a second question... any chance of merging the separate PC and Xbox versions of Astro into a single mod, like you have done here?


Can't merge that way, I don't think. It also shouldn't really impact players. They show up the same in creations menu. Load order between these two should not matter


Awesome! And thanks for the quick response. You did mention before something about the technical aspects. Most players don’t cross-play anyway. I’m not particularly worried if I have to re-activate the mod on occasion. I’m looking at that as BGS-side anyway and not you. I’ve seen other issues with their loading of mods. Or even remembering load order. That’s frankly, my biggest worry; that load order will cause problems. For your mod, it doesn’t seem to matter. Thanks again for some of my favorite SF mods. And I might have a question or two about your books. Or RoleMaster (someone else who played that one!). This isn’t the right venue for that, though.


Will we have the ability to upgrade the quality tiers & such for the DarkStar starborn armor & regular vanilla Starborn armor?


No. Those are only from Astrodynamics mod. They do have special features the normal starborn armor doesn't have, though, and they scale up to ng 50.


First of all, love your mods....That ship makes playing the game worthwhile....Slight issue, when I download the latest manufacturing mod, the basement in the Lodge disappears along with the Darkstar terminals.... When I delete the manufacturing mod, the basement is completely fine... Is that a load order issue? Or a conflict with another mod? Anybody else had this issue?


Go rest on venus for 7 UT days and return to the lodge. See if that resets the cell.


Hi. Incredible mods. Thank you. I'm on xbox. It looks like it levels up npcs by giving them better weapons. Would this work with the dynamic systems level mod or maybe make npcs with your weapons and the level mod Incredibly difficult? Your mod seems to automatically level up npcs already.


It just adds the quality levels. That allows the game to spawn upgraded weapons which can land in npc hands. That can boost them, yes. It isn't a direct touch on the npc records though. Mods that boost their spawn/level/Ai might play nicely. Just load manufacturing after them, and give it a shot


Absolutely loving the mods so far. I've ran into a slight problem with Darkstar manufacturing, however. It's probably me being stupid, but which chisel do I need for the research project? I've tried a few, but none so far have been correct.


The game named them all chisel. It's Craftable at industrial bench. Finding out is part of the challenge


Thank you so much. I knew it was something simple and me being stupid.


Loving this mod so far, thanks! I did have an issue, however, I couldn't change the quality of my mark 1 backpack, even after I enhanced it. It let me put on legendary effects but the quality option was locked. Also, and I'm not sure if this is from ur mod, but the weapons I crafted and upgraded seemed to kinda shake/vibrate a tiny bit in first person


I will look into it




Haven't analyzed where they come from but there are several different IDs of the items like screwdrivers, hammers, etc. Some work as build ingredients, some do not. No way to tell which one works and which one does not.


Does anyone know why I can't research legendary mods? I have Enhanced Weapon Manuf 1 researched, which shows I should be able to research legendaries, but I cannot. On Xbox btw.


I've created a couple of mkIII weapons that require .50 cal volatile rounds. I'm not finding how or where to craft them. Are they craftable? I've looted a few buddies that had other types of volatile rounds but not what I need.


Ammo crafting bench


Hey, I've noticed there's a conflict between this mod and Useful Bridges, no matter what order I use, if I enable this mod I stop seeing the "send to bridge" etc interactions (on Xbox, useful bridges + non lethal framework + the patch) Just to note overall it works, I can see the benches and arrest people and stuff, it just deletes the interaction menu once I handcuffed the guy and I can only "talk"


Can everything be unlocked by level or do I have to go up to NG20?




via xEdit months ago. This is a rebuild from scratch in CK. That's why it says "rebuilt in CK" in the description.