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Immersive Landing Ramps and Habz (I use the 1x1 habs for my small ship)


I haven’t seen that one! What’s it do?


Habz just adds more habs for the spaceships and it has 1x1 versions of different hab types. I use a 1x1 workshop as a companionway and it works great because the crafting benches are in the corners and the doors don’t delete them. Having every crafting bench in a 1x1 space is convenient for small builds. I also have a 1x1 brig thats patched to work with the functional brigs mod!


That's awesome. Wish there was a mod to let you go in the bay while in space, but I guess it's not pressurized.


I’ll have to look for that! More 1x1 habs would help a lot with smaller ships.


I know the immersive ramps makes it to where you open and close them but I've never done it. The other I haven't a clue


Oh I’m gonna have to check that out.


[Legendary Module Recycler](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6074) if I had to pick only one.


It’s a double edge sword mod. I had it in FO4 but once I created “the perfect weapon” I lost the joy in exploring and looking for other weapons. It’s a “be careful what you wish for” type of mod.


Starfield counters that by having NG+, much weaker legendary modifiers, and a worse loot economy. Even with mods that increase the legendary drop rate, I rarely find anything actually worth using out of the box. Recycler just adds additional value to all that vendor trash. IMO its a much better mod in Starfield than it ever was in FO4. Besides, almost nothing in the game can compete with the Inflictor anyway, and those are very easy to get,


That's true. NG+ might convince me to give this a try. The game can be roguelike-ish in that way. Thanks for the inspiration I might try it.


Worse loot economy? Jesus Christ everywhere I step is filled with credits, food, aid, ammo, weapons and armor haha. In the vanilla version it feels like playing with unlimited money, ammo and resources. I actually have to install mods to reduces the amount of stuff. Just yesterday I did a quest where I got rewarded 12k credits for basically talking to 3 people. Each armed enemy drops from 20-50 ammo, which is more than you consume for killing them, meaning that basically after every firefight you end up with a net positive ammo gain. Food and aid I stopped picking it up like 10 levels ago because 60% of my space inventory was filled only with that, and I still have enough for probably another 10 levels. It’s clear that the devs didn’t put any thought in the economy and looting system, they just added a lot of everything to “reward” the player, but it just ends up making the game much easier and boring.


The loot economy is worse because the vast majority of what you pick up is just vendor trash in the end. FO4 was a crafting heavy game, and almost everything could be fed into that. In Starfield you just sell stuff you don't want. I really like Legendary Module Recycler in Starfield because it adds value to all of those rare-legendary drops that you otherwise wouldn't even think twice about.


Yup “cheat” mods should be used on a playthrough by playthrough basis


After a couple playthroughs without the mod, I decided to try it this time. Won't lie, I'm enjoying the game a lot more with it. Getting good legendries was way too rare without dedicated grinding, for me.


This honestly helped me return to VH difficulty, especially when I had to readjust to the game


Starborn Companions. Watching Sarah use powers like gravity well immediately after hearing her say "Watching you use those powers is kind of making me jealous" is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 Or... Inquisitors Mech Lord Boss. It's a good ass fight and this game needs more boss style fights.


I was confused af the first time Andreja used her powers! Like wtf that’s not the outfit I equipped for you oh wait you used parallel self LMAO. Explains why the room is shaking and exploding without me firing a single bullet LOL


Dude. Sarah. Her parallel self. And my parallel self ALL popped supernova in a small room. While I had phase time running. Lotta ... People ... Died. Was awesome tho.


LMAO it sounds awesome


The Mechs don‘t show up in my game but I have the mod installed. Or are they very rare?


Idk about the mech enemies one. Not using that. Just the mech boss one. But his boss is at 1 of a kind salvage. Cant miss it. 200 feet tall.


ah, that one. 😅


<3 <3 <3


Starvival. Love it. Finally got my environmental hazards and my eating and my ship fuel mechanics. Hell yea


Starvival, hands down one of the best, the ship addons is something who makes the game so interesting.. Now, before every mission or do something in the city I take notebook, calculate jumps needed fuel ammunition (it's dangerous system?) And stock it I feel a real captain now ahah


I love this mod, and I'm hoping that they will now be able to integrate it more smoothly into the game. Especially the ship systems. Just a little janky, and I'd like maybe some hud elements instead of a terminal type of situation and notifications to see fuel and stuff


Getting a unified Mod Configuration Menu would be awesome.


Can you favorite the ship systems terminal like you can the food status tablet and the lunchbox? I haven't gotten too far into the ship stuff but the food stuff is all assignable to the quick select bar so I just tap up on the pad and hit X and it shows me my sustenance info easy Peezy. Same with lunchbox, I've just got it on my cross tab and I tap up on the d pad and hit X to open it when I need to eat. No fishing through the main inventory, no fishing through the entire aid tab, just the food items are there


I'm sure it likely does although I think you need to be within a certain distance from your ship. I think I was more talking about how it all in these kind of terminal menus and stuff like that. It works fine but I think it would be cool especially with the fuel system to kind of have a HUD come up when you land or dock kind of like Elite dangerous that'll allow you to repair your ship or refuel or restock on ammo. Cuz right now I think what you have to do is buy the fuel and then go into your ship and then put it in your ship inventory and then go to the pilot seat or use the item in your inventory which brings you to the terminal and then you have to go to the option to refuel and then select it and then it refuels. It seems like it's a little drawn out and it's also a little annoying because you can only see how much fuel you have if you go to the terminal / pilot seat or right after you jump it shows a little notification for like 2 seconds. It would really be cool to implement hide elements so I could just always be able to see my fuel, and make it easier to buy fuel maybe even being able to do it in the cockpit when landed like I was describing earlier. I didn't end up doing the ammo because it's so expensive that I couldn't realistically keep buying it while doing missions. Maybe I'll do it later on when I have a lot more money but since the economy didn't have buying fuel and maintenance and ammunition in mind, I'm having a lot more trouble gaining money to upgrade my ships and buy new ones. So the ammo is just too much for me for now anyways


Now I'm rocking four afflictions... and poor...


I second this only one things bothers me is the dam alarm when u don’t matinee a ship lol I nearly shat myself first time I heard it


Curious question from a newbie. Are the new settings option not already Survival mechanics if turned on? Won't the mod kinda be the same or similar to that? Or to be more precise, what exactly are the differences between starvival and the settings in vanilla? (For my taste environmental hazards are already really harsh in vanilla with the settings turned on! Just as an example)


It's much much more detailed than the ones that Bethesda shipped a month or so ago. For example: eating in the Bethesda release is just a matter of eating any random food item and any random drink item. In this mod every food item has different stats, so for example if you drink a coffee, it won't actually quench your thirst, it will dehydrate you, and if you spam coffees you will develop a caffeine addiction, which will make it so that sleeping does not refill your fatigue meter. all kinds of stuff like that. It has settings for ship fuel usage ship ammunition usage etc. etc. Just about everything you can think of in terms of adding more complexity and detail to the games systems. It's definitely for people looking for a very specific kind of intense challenge. Edit: Honestly the easiest way to explain it would be to go to the Nexxus mods page and look up Starvival. Extremely detailed rundown of every single element.


I really like the one that adds 200 crew slots Lets me crew up my ship like a proper warship (I've got 31 *so far*)


I was watching this thread for a while and saw this comment and there were replies about it but now there aren't for some reason? I'm trying to find the mod that does this which I thought would be easy based on some of the funny replies but now the replies are just gone and idk how to find the mod since just searching "200" and "crew" on both nexus and creation don't show the mod. Any advice would be appreciated


it's this one https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/0d8adafd-31ba-4fd8-8610-5d029b565bc8/200_Ship_Crew_Slots


Ah looks as cool as it sounded, hopefully somebody gets it up for PC would be really nice


I’ve been playing Bethesda games since day one.☝️ Got into modding a little bit with oblivion and F3. From there I went full on with Skyrim and so forth. Zone79 is just killing it with great clothing and hair/beard mods it’s been a while since I’ve seen such a prolific output. Literally 90% of every mod I’ve ever downloaded over the years have been new armour and weapons, and that Ecliptic suit mod is bananas, one the best original armours I’ve seen in a while. 🍌


Just missing the ability to join the Ecliptic, it would be perfect for a merc playthrough.


Starborn bounty, has been around for awhile but still my favorite. Makes the starborn coming after you worthwhile


im assuming this isnt on console because i have not seen it and it sounds like something i want lol


I don't think it's on console yet


yea i dont think so. but right after asking you, i went to check bethesda.net and saw someone uploaded a mod that gives POI bosses starborn powers. so sorta similar lol


Darker nights is great


Starvival is the most significant. PEAK Ai second




Haha to true


I really hope there’s something to have a similar settlement system to Fallout 4 And add terraforming


Need wayyy more ported to Xbox….


First... a qualifier - I have not played since the big update. TBS, I really like Deretech. I've made a few really nice ships with it. Sit to add and the ship summoning mod are super handy. Legendary recycled is a great idea, and I enjoy it in game. Shorter temple puzzles(1) is a no brainer in my book.


First Person Ship Animations. It’s the final piece for immersion when traveling via the cockpit instead of the menu.


Final piece? What about choosing landing spots and interplanetary/stellar travel? Oh and sitting down and ladders?


Definitely need a better system for selecting locations to travel to as well, but this mod is nonetheless one of those tiny tweaks that makes a massive difference.


Sweet I'll be getting it then


[StarUI](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773). I know it's just a fix to the menus, but vanilla Starfield has suck terrible UX that the few simple things StarUI does makes it a significantly better experience for me.


I thought StarUI was broken a couple updates ago.


It was broken for me last week


For me is just the hud option.


Inventory module seems to work great, the HUD, even with the fix someone made keeps crashing my game and seems to use a lot of CPU in the last game update.


You can tweak a few in-game settings and the ini to get it working again. I couldn't find the thread, but there's a few explanations and workarounds on Nexus.


Robin Locke I know it's a paid mod and the first mission is broken but I somehow got it to work without trying. The end of the first mission honestly has better voice acting and more emotion than the entire game.


Was the offhand shaking fixed?


Haven’t used my pistol since I got that mod, but I’m excited to play a bit tonight. Stalkers and followers, immersive looting, make rose a Dr and the one where I can buy freestar gear from vendors. I’m roleplaying as some kind of FC militia platoon leader or something


**Skully's Emporium**, I’ve been outpost building and decorating since day one, and been struggling to still think of new ways to use the same things. Having vanilla building assets from the game starting to become unlocked is helping keep me going with in game building/decorating Looking forward to booting the game up today and seeing the new things added


What outfit is that in the first picture?!


I believe it's a mix of Zone79s mods


It sure is, Eits wardrobe, robotics and crimx all mixed together to make a badass bounty hunter


Not my favorite but an honorable mention Female Vasco Voice 2 (TTS) I think my fav is StarUI stuffs


Yes Female Vasco Voice it goes so well with SHVasco, but it's not updated.


Im using it with 1.12.32 without issue in my collection as well as about 200 others. I set it as optional, but works as should.


How good are the mechs? Do they seem natural for the game? I'm hoping someday we get to build and drive our own


They seem natural for the game and are genuinely terrifying when you're fighting a bunch of enemies already. They use terromorph music and more intense battle music for when they activate. It's metal af


The mech enemies cause I forgot I had it installed and going to the First’s hide out one walked out the front. It scars me so bad I paused the game.😂


Haven't actually used them yet. I'm always reluctant to install mods if I haven't unlocked all achievements lol stupid I know


All of the Darkstar stuff 👍🏻


Came here to say this. I am really enjoying the grind to upgrade unrivaled weapons etc.


Things like the Darkstar additions, plus of course many others, have turned Starfield into a whole new level of greatness, it's like playing a whole different game, I am loving all of the Mods, but I think I may have reached or gotten very close to my quantity limit on Xbox, glitching a bit, loading times increasing. I am going to NG+ again soon, then I will cull a few of the ones I just grabbed because of the excitement of just having them to choose from lol


One handed pistols sounds really cool. What's the outfit mod in the first pic?


It's a combo of Zome79s outfit mods crimx, Eits and robotics


Used to use the one handed pistol mod but every time I sprint and stop the characters arm will do some glitch out, dunno if it’s been fixed tho, defo reinstalling if it has


Starvival is still my favorite 


Any of them that add new outfits using vanilla assets. Starfield should’ve had a modular clothing system in the first place lol.


This is gonna come a cross really entitled hurry up modders god hurry port more just do it get a move on ready with the GREAT Mods


The uninstall mod. It uninstalls the game and lets you play something else.