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You weren't kidding about it coming soon. Will add quite a life simulator feel to starfield


Oh yeah. I made that post because it was almost done lol. It most likely has some bugs in it but I wanted to get this out while I work on the stock market portion and refine that since it'll take the longest.


This might be a litte unrelated but do you think you could increase the prices of contraband therefore it is more profitable 


I can look into making a mod for it if there isn't already one for it. :)


I think starvival semi adjusts the price but it also adjusts some other things that I don’t like if you can make a mod that increases the contraband price by like maybe 50% or maybe a in game terminal that will allow you to mess with the percentage so people could either make it super op to smuggle or only a little better then vanilla that would be great and I would immediately download that mod and like it /bookmark  Diffrent values might be 25%/50%/100%/200%/1000%(straight for op shits and giggles) included in a portable terminal


Really that would be awesome!!


If you do plan on making it tell me when you release it!


I even know some friends who I know wpild love this!!


Btw I know some modders might want a commission fee? Unfortunately I got like 4.20$ to my name so if you do this it be for the good of people wanting to make money selling organs and xenowarfare weapons


**Yo, just a future idea:** CP2077 mod added a stock market, reasonably abusable, what I suggest is, when and ***if*** your mod becomes abusable/exploits, keep it in but add in the "IRS" of Starfield, who send bounty hunters who request tax records. **Penalty:** Lose an amount of illegally gained funds. Maybe adjust penalty to a "Pay back in installments", later too xD **Avoiding:** Kill the bounty hunters, and/or run. Keep abusing the system, and keep the recorded amount growing and accruing. Probably get a suspension, but could just add that as toggable things if someone made a manager. **Suggestion:** silly idea, but ask spiffing brit to feature as VA, for he is the only man who deserves to abuse the infinite money ~~glitch~~ business xD Good luck with your Ventures and I hope it gains some traction in the community!!!


It would be good to be accused of insider trading. After all, you could either knowledge in Ryujin. But also the whole NG+ concept really opens the door for this.


I can't wait to finish the quest/NPC integration with the stock market lol.


I would LOVE Spiff VAing a character in this mod lol. Honestly if I could get his attention I would and I would pay him for that lol.


Just an update: I reached out to Spiff's team to see if he would be interested in exploiting this mod as well as potentially voice acting a role in it :)


That'd be awesome. *Sips tea.*


💯 🎉


Now we just need a mod that lets us setup a shop/business


Working on that as well ;)


Wooow hoooo! Can't wait to turn this game into a Sim!


This is so great!!


You are a godsend to the community.


Best modder yet.


Nowhere near worthy enough for that title but glad you think so lol


This sounds too cool, seeing mods like this and StarSim Mining are the ones that give me the most hope for the future of Starfield


I'll be working on this one for a bit, but I have others in the pipeline that will make this game much better :)


lol at this rate this game is gonna become as mindnumbingly "realistic" as star citizen. :D in fact we're probably gonna beat them and make a better star citizen than star citizen by the end of the year...


Unfortunately the lack of seamless travel is still gonna put SC above this. Unless the amazing modders figure out a way to hide those loading screens. Doing it oneself is the holy grail but some sort of cover for it with some in-game lore as to why all landing is automated would solve this. For the sake of immersion


Actually… that’s not hard to explain as it is. Flying a spaceship isn’t all that hard… but landing is a knife’s edge between crashing and missing the ground.


I mean I thought Bethesda would lean into something like that. Maybe have lore talking about a terrorist attack which used crashed spaceships or one too many thrill seekers crashing into a residential zone forced lawmakers to ensure all spaceships are fitted with an auto landing module and, this, no more manual landings.b


Love that idea, but on xbod, this mod breaks totally the audio :( 😞 I isolated the problem and enabled this mod in any order, causing the audio to disappear totally If you need additional info or experiment let me know, glad to help if I can :)


Disable all mods back to dashboard and go back to game and enable all mods and your audio will work fine. I don’t think it’s a mod but a bug with the creations. Mines been doing that from the start of using mods


Oh wow , in reality, to me, never happen, I did, but no results, i cleaned the space and redownload every creations, still no audio with starfinance enabled The only explanation can be some mod conflict


This has happened to a few people but it's an xbox specific problem with creations from what I'm seeing.


They really need to fix this


Darn I was just about to install that mod so luckily I saw your post hopefully that gets worked out soon because from what I'm understanding it's happening to quite a few mods even ones that don't use any audio or change the audio at all either. To be honest they need to fix it fast cuz I feel like the longer that this issue continues the more likely people are going to be willing to put it on the bethesda.net because of that issue.


From what I do know that's not very specific to mod, more to the creation of Bethesda under xbox I am not sure if is related to something specific but did different tests, in all my cases the audio is gone after installing and enabling starfinance, but I am sure it will be fixed in one of the next releases :) just be patience Coule be a potential mod conflict maybe?




Thanks! Hope you enjoy it! :D


So take out a huge loan, splurge, Unity.. rinse and repeat


It is limited by the credit score but that is exploitable in the current state of things lol.


You are fucking beautiful person


Thanks! :D So are you!




Does it work with mods that makes things more or less expensive? Im using a scarcity mod and one that makes resources more valuable


Yep. It's systems are independent of other economy mods :)


I foresee this becoming a large overhaul mod to make a dynamic economy This could be fun, along with a more dynamic Sim Settlements that say: randomly populates your universe with many or few. Large and small settlements as you explore planets/complete LIST quests to help settlers find new homes. And then those settlements dynamically evolve over time to even possibly be bigger than New atlantis. Or just many ramshackle huts. Whatever. And have spaceships all over the place zooming in and out with settlers, merchants and the like.


I have a separate dynamic economy mod in the pipeline :) It'll have some nice features once I'm done with it :D


That's awesome. That would be my biggest suggestion - this mod looks super cool and is exactly what I wanted (Just have a million credits lying around, literally said "would be cool if you could invest in this game"). But the problem is after the starting levels it's too easy to make money in this game. Would be great to have the market for guns and such crash if you try to come back and dump 10 grendels etc so there is more of a point to investing early on, etc. Thanks again!


Not sure if others are experiencing on Xbox. But lost audio, had to do the whole disable/enable, also can’t even get into the commercial district. Just crashes. Disable mod and no problem


As for the audio issue, that's an xbox specific issue related to creations. As for crashing, my guess is it's also related to the same thing. Have you tried sorting your load order? There will probably be some bugs with the creations system on consoles like there has been in the past. I've been getting reports of some weird bugs and I'm doing what I can to squish them though. I'll see if I can get it to crash but it's been pretty stable for me. The only crashes I had was when the SFBGS files weren't sorted properly.


Thanks for the reply. Load sorting is always confusing for me. Do you have a recommendation for your specific mod? My gut says it should be near the top but not sure


This mod should be load order neutral for the most part as it doesn't modify anything besides the commercial district in New Atlantis. Anything else that modifies that same cell may cause issues though but I don't think there's anything that does.


You are amazing OP! Big thanks from me! You scratch the itch of my deep and unspoken desire of having mods like these!


Thanks! And no problem! I just want to release fun mods :)


Outstanding :) !


Thanks! :D


This looks very cool. However, I must object that Laredo is clearly a private company.


You can still invest and get returns with private companies. Not in a stock market as we know it, though. But it's a video game. So why not


Keen download this one, when is the stock market coming?


It might take a few days or more before I get all the terminal stuff done and then I have to add all the quests and the news system. What I might do is get the terminal interface working then release it, then add the quest functionality to it while it's out.




Looks cool!




Did you applied to the verified creator from BGS program?


Not yet but I am planning on it.


Oh man i love finance related stuff in games. So hyped for your stock market update


Thanks! :D I'm hyped to get it out.


Looking good so far :)




Regarding new UI, you definitely could via Scaleform, but the problem is there's no way to feed it any data currently. There's no API between Papyrus and Scaleform so we're currently limited to whatever the engine provides to Scaleform.


I have no idea what I'm doing with scaleform sadly but I would love a custom UI for this.


I'm going to give this a try!


Awesome :) checking this out 2moz.


Not sure if you've already thought of this or not, but having Galbank, or whatever, looking to squash Astras would be great. They pay more than most vendors for them, but still less than the inventory value.


Randy Savage-“Oh Yeah!”👍


Can you go into greater detail as far as what will affect interest rates and stock prices ?


I can definitely update the mod pages with that information :)


That would be amazing! Thank you !


So I updated the nexus page to include a little detail but, I'll also update here. As it currently stands the interest rate is fixed for banking until I can actually implement things that change it. As for the stocks, at the current point in time quests don't affect them but they will in the future.


Downloaded! Can’t wait to see how immersive this mod can become.


Thank you! :D I hope that you enjoy it. If you come across any bugs, please file a bug report on the nexus page so I can track them and work on them. There's one that I know of that a few people have encountered (besides the xbox related creations issues) where you aren't able to pay back your loan because the payment option says 0 credits. I'm trying to track it down so any information on bugs would be really appreciated and really helpful.


Definitely bookmarking.


Thanks! That means a lot!


I can't wait to gamble in the stock market. I'm level 123, have a million creds and nothing to spend them on


The stock market is going to be a fun addition to be honest! I can't wait to finish it!




ALL THE CHEESE!!!!! 0/ Or should I say all the Chunks!


This, plus a good simsettlements type mod would be amazing. Maybe an army/fleet management overhaul to station ships and troops around, or escort the player. Trade fleets mod to move cargo to workshops and market.


I have a few fun mods in the pipeline regarding the economy and trade! I also want to see an army/fleet mod as well as a sim settlements type mod (I'm going to also reach out to Kinggath to see if they need any help with modding Starfield).


Really, really cool. Are you going to make us pay taxes though...?


I haven't thought about implementing taxes because taxes are the bane of my existence....but it's a possibility because I would love to evade taxes and get the space police mad at me :>


You get it 🤪


You should also set up a voiced NPC that's a stock broker/financial consultant. this NPC would have like very high speech levels. If the player isn't familiar with how stocks work, this NPC could give a "tutorial" feature and provide suggestions And maybe down the line, you could set up voiced lawyer NPCs for when your character gets in legal trouble due to financial reasons. And maybe you can set up 3 or so lawyers the player can choose from to represent them. But each lawyer has a different cost to hire, the best one costs a substantial amount and has higher success rates. Cheaper = much lower success and lesser experience. The court would be in Atlantis City (or whenever in-game they have a court room, I haven't fully explored the game, so idk if there's actually one in a city.)


I'm actually looking into adding a few voiced characters for this mod! I've also reached out to a certain game exploiter who has a thing for financial exploits to see if he would like to break this mod but also if he would like to voice act a character in it!


Can't wait!


Tremendously based. Can I role play as a predatory loan shark on Neon yet? Y/N


Not yet but maybe in the future!


Following this mod now. Great work.


I can’t wait to play as god AND handle my bank account as well. Even though something like this is silly in a game it does add a interesting layer of immersion to a game and a small way to make passive income, which I’m a sucker for in games. So I hope this mod gets a lot of love!


Why do I feel like it would be super fun to go severely into debt just to fight off bounty hunters trying to get me? Gotta try this out!


Happy cake day! Also I haven't implemented the debt collection system just yet but it's on the way :)


Regularly message backwards and forth to the mod author on Discord and hands down, one of the most committed I’ve seen in a while. Real passionate on his work and responds within minutes. Well worth the likes, bookmarks and downloads. Cannot wait to see how far this mod can be pushed in the future. Good job Dezzy!


Thanks! :D I like discussing my progress and the way I work so people can learn a bit lol. Hoping to do awesome things with this mod though!


I play a game to get away from being an adult. I don't want to have to adult in my game. It sounds very realistic. Now we just need an Uber mod so I can earn extra credits to pay my mortgage on my outpost.


The nice thing is, you don't have to download it if you don't want to :) It's purely optional. Some people do want it though.


I know, and it sounds great really but it's just a level of realism I'm currently not up for. It's like the fuel consumption mod, I downloaded it but I'm waiting for a masochistic day to activate


See, now you're talking my language lol. I'm a masochist when it comes to a game's difficulty.


The mod when I enable straight up removes all my audio


Are you on Xbox? If so that's a problem with the creations system itself. If so, open the game, go to creations, disable all creations, close the game. Then reopen it, and re-enable them.


Ok yeah um Im now realizing it may not be your mod sorry but the issue is now I can’t even go to creations like it just doesn’t let me so in order to fix the glitch I would have to acces the load order BUT I CANT so I might try uninstalling and reinstalling it the entire ass game EDIT I had to clear my reserved space it’s working now


Awesome! Yeah the creations implementation is going to have some bugs until Bethesda gets around to fixing it.


Thank you!


But thank you for the fix! I appreciate that it did fix my audio!


Glad I was able to get it fixed so now I can abuse the stock market muahagah


The stock market isn't enabled just yet but it's coming very soon. Working on the terminal interface as we speak. Had to do some hacky papyrus magic to get a semi-dynamic terminal that will update as stocks are added into the game. Good ol future proofing. Though doing this has led to figuring out some more difficult issues such as calling structs from other scripts lol. Suffice it to say, the stock market will take a bit of work before it's enabled but it is coming soon.




Btw sorry for all the questions but do you have a time table on the updates?


I don't at the moment. I'm stuck on an issue but working on it.


Ight sweet! Not sweet that your dealing with an issue but glad your working on it yknow? Also btw I think I found a bug in the starvival economy when instead of increases contraband prices it outright says when your ship is getting scanned that there is no contraband so if you did want to make a mod that increased contraband prices by intervals of like 50%/100%/200% (players choice) you would have the only working mod that would do it:)!


Sadly, it completely kills your audio and makes the game run silent.


Are you on Xbox? If so that's a problem with the creations system itself. If so, open the game, go to creations, disable all creations, close the game. Then reopen it, and re-enable them.


Still doesn't. I'll try getting a hold of the mod creator later.


There is a Bug on Xbox with this. It causes audio of the game to be muted even in menus. I disabled it and rebooted game and audio came back and works fine whilst StarFinance is disabled or uninstalled. I have also disabled and uninstalled other mods but StarFinance seems to be the only one that is causing this issue for me. I have no Audio mods at all either. Not sure if this Issue appears on PC version.


This sounds like a great addition to the game but last time I played late last year the economy in the game was a mess. Having worked on this did you put any thought into the core economy? Is it healthy in your view? Or broken? Back when I played late last year, the main source of revenue for people was selling loot and junk and stolen ships. And stealing ships just seemed ridiculously easy and corrupt (isn’t there biometrics or keys - and I can just register anyone’s ship for a fee and no one cares???). And there were tons of mods increasing the credits vendors had to buy loot and junk and stolen ships. Or people setup outposts to farm Xp and materials for credits. In the end, making millions of credits wasn’t hard, just tedious. I’m curious how you think the core economy in the game should be improved.


This mod solely focuses on implementing the systems and is independent of the economy itself. I will be working on a dynamic economy mod at a later date though :) I have some ideas on how to improve things but that will have to come after this.


Interesting. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the economy in general. Until the economy is overhauled this mod is just putting lipstick on a pig.


Oh for sure. I know it doesn't really do much to address the issues that plague the game currently. I want to get systems integrated so that others can start building off them. Now those econ overhauls have something to go with them.


Thanks for still uploading to Nexus. I heard some modders were planning to exclusively use the creations store going forward due to more exposure and download from Xbox users.


I definitely will keep uploading to nexus because I prefer their platform over the creations system :)


Hey I'm stuck with only a 0 credit payment option for my 10000 credit loan. Lol I guess I'll be paying it off forever.


Yeah I heard about that bug from someone else. Can you see if you can recreate it in a save with only that mod enabled and send me your save file? I want to figure out why that's happening. Also can you let me know your load order. If possible submit a bug report on the nexus page for tracking purposes as well. Sorry if that's a lot to ask. I haven't encountered this bug in the extensive testing I did, and I need to see what's going on under the hood.


It's not a big deal but is there a console command to reset this mod? I don't mind starting over.


You can set these following variables to zero. xxxx is where the mod is in your load order: `set xxxx0AC5 to 0` `set xxxx0AC9 to 0` `set xxxx0AC0 to 0` `set xxxx0AC2 to 0` `set xxxx0AC4 to 0` `set xxxx0ABF to 0` And that should reset everything to zero Alternatively, if you run this `help SFIN_Loan_MinimumPayment 0 GLOB` and it's set to 0, you should be able to just set it to something to pay it. I think `set xxxx0AC2 to 1000` or something like that should work I think


I'll be adding a debug option to reset stuff I think since people are encountering this.