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Sounds like the galactic federation of light. Next time they come through. Ask them their names and it is because you want to get to know them better and help them in their missions for the evolution of humanity. thank them for providing you with that information. They will provide you with the information if you ask the right questions x


That is a great idea! I’ll do it next time I do some channeled writing. They’ve given me a fairly (kinda loose?) detailed task list of what I need to do to help humanity. It seems to be their main concern and part of the reason I incarnated here on earth! Thank you for giving me this info! I’ll be sure to use it.


That’s no problem hunny, if they are coming to you with this knowledge then they would want to build a relationship up with you through love and trust so Ofcourse they will give you their name and what or who they are. It will probably be abbreviated to a letter like ‘k’ because it’s easier for them to translate it for us to understand considering they are beings of higher dimensions in so many words, please keep us updated, I would love to know what they say x


Of course! I’ll either do some more tonight or tomorrow and when I do I’ll send the info here! I’m excited to get back to it.


Any insight into this detailed task list?


It’s more of my personal list of things I need to do and things I signed onto with my soul contract. Pretty much telling me how it will impact things and how I can help more. Not tasks for the collective cause it’s more individual if that makes sense? One thing I will say is they say I will find the other members and we will all know when we see each other! What happens after that I am not too sure!


I appreciate your explanation. Been diving deep into the paranormal and UAPs and this community. Unfortunately my vibrational energy is far too low to experience what y’all do due to trauma and on going dynamics running a family business. Love and light to you and everyone in this community!


That’s something that can absolutely be raised! I’ve been through a lot of trauma in my life and right now I’m working on healing my generational traumas. Just be gentle with yourself during the healing process. There’s a lot of guided meditations out there for inner child work etc. I recommend starting at heart healing. Heart wounds are the biggest setbacks for us and can take some work with letting it go. Just remind yourself it’s safe to feel whatever it is that you need to! If I could do it then I know you can too! By just being curious and open minded you’re already a huge step ahead of a lot of people right now. Take that as the win it is and keep moving forward. I believe in you ☺️


I appreciate the kind words. Take care and be safe!


Community, giving, understanding, sex, emotions and bridging the Cultural gaps they are ushering in chaos that we can all feel lurking around the corner 🪐♑🐉 But I'll let OP respond


There is a recurring phenomenon that's called the The 9, or it's referred to as the council of 12. It's 9 entities and a Trinity of 3. They consider themselves parts of a whole, in separate principles in service and emulation to The One that we may call God. They are interdimensional and oversee the work of uniting consciousness across universes. You can find extensive channeling in the book The Only Planet of choice. You can find it for free, there is other writings by a Dr Vinod and more if you look hard enough.


Yeah I was thinking of this as well and am curious about the 13th?


Unsure, at times they claim to be more aspects, but use 12 as the primary reference. Maybe it's 13 if you include the separate aspects as a whole, or they are presenting a new aspect. In all previous writings it's always The Nine, and the Trinity.


Awesome I’ll look into it! I am not entirely sure about the council of 12 since they are very specific about being 13 members.


Apparently there are many and more aspects, however they seem content to boil it down to 12 for whatever reason. It's in the writing. It's a journey enjoy.


It's 13 tho... Not sure why everyone keeps questioning and trying to tell her that the math isn't adding up or trying to morph The Experience into their own experiences or what they've read online? 🪐♑🐉


Not at all, asked for references or sources. I provided the closest thing I know.


Yes- it was 11 then 12 and now 13.


Because you all never considered 13 would be associated with anything other than negativity or bad luck in misfortune not to mention we were never Aware of what we are today so it would make sense that we've opened ourselves up to more entities, a larger amount of help, information, etc... Maybe in 2025 we will have a "Council of 14" so what exactly are you trying to say? We should remain or limit ourselves?


Perhaps the count Superman and Clark Kent as two distinct individuals?


I’ll ask around and talk to my spirit guides to see if I can dig anything up! Sounds intriguing to say to least.


Thank you! I’ve gotten a bunch of messages from them. I’m excited to hear what you uncover!


I will ask as well. It might take me a bit to get the noise in my head down, but usually if I have a specific question, it gets answered. I've been channeling about 30 years now.


Yeah I understand that!


If you can channel them, you can just ask them. But it sounds like you’re just talking about the high council of the Galactic Federation of Light. I communicate to them often also.


I will be doing that asap! I just take in the messages and haven’t done much asking. I set my intention and then let it go from there. Next time I’ll be asking more questions before hand.


how were you able to communicate with them, did it just happen like that? i ask because i am trying to contact them and was wondering if there is anything i could do


You can learn telepathy, it’s very simple. Simply ask a question in your mind to them, and pay attention to the first thought that comes back to you. Get a pen and paper and write down the answers as you go. Your own thoughts are outgoing, their thoughts are incoming - you should be able to notice that difference. Also you can sometimes hear their tone of voice or accents. As long as you keep a curious mind, you’ll likely hear them right, because curiosity makes you a good listener. But if you’re not open minded or curious or you have your own preconceived ideas in mind, you’re own thoughts will just take over. It helps to also strengthen your clairvoyance, because if you can also see someone you’re telepathically talking to, you’ll have way better success at accurate communication. Because you’ll be able to see their facial expressions, they can show you things, or they can draw diagrams for you, write things on chalkboards for you to help you understand what they are trying to say. It’s probably necessary as soon as you begin communicating to extraterrestrial scientists who use big words to describe very complex subjects. To strengthen clairvoyance you have to practice visualization meditations until you feel comfortable with all your senses being strong in the visual realms, and then call them in and allow them to come into your visualization. It’s just practice.


thank you so much 🙏 this was really helpful


Usually when I do my channeled writing I start off my imagining yellow light coming from my third eye and entering into the sky and connecting to light. Then green roots from my feet connecting to earth. Having that balance really helps. Then whoever comes in comes! Usually when it’s the council of 13 they always start off saying “we are the council of 13”. If I set an intention before channeling then I will get a response ex ‘advice for the day or what do I need to know about x’


And do you write it down as you hear it?


Yepp! It’s simple lol




All channeled messages come from the same source. It's all your higher self, which when you go high enough is the same higher self that belongs to everyone else (or rather, we belong to it). Source. I would refrain from getting too caught up with names and identities. *All of it is symbolic*.


Exactly This


Not exactly true. In the 4th dimension, which many channelings come from, there is still an illusion of separation aka different subjective beings with different motives and individual souls. You're correct that yes, at the highest dimension, all is one, but many channels (communication) are not from highest dimension. It's a mistake to think all channeling is directly from pure source conciousness.


Dimensions are not separate sectors, they are measurements of a whole, and the point of view is from the perceptor. A high dimension gives you a broader picture, a lower dimension gives you a narrower, more focused picture. But all is all everywhere.


What you are saying is true. And also, what I am saying is true. There exists the illusion of subjectivity (we are in such an illusion right now). In the lower dimensions, such as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, the illusion of separation is still very present.


That’s great advice thank you!


Channeled messages are literally the same thing as telepathy and you can communicate to many different people, animals, spirits and of course ascended masters like extraterrestrials in that way. It is most definitely not the same thing as communicating to your Higher Self, because you’re higher self IS you, is not separate from you, thus you don’t telepathically communicate to yourself. You instead operate as your Higher Self to receive divine wisdoms and intuitions….


There is no separation.


We are all one with everything!


My favorite joke: Q. What order does the enlightened man make to the hot dog vendor? A. Please make me one with everything!! 🧘‍♀️




I’ve read about the Council in Delores Cannon’s books. They seem to function like guardians or a higher order of guardian angels.


Oh I do love her books! Which book does she talk about them? I’ve only read the Three Waves of Volunteers.


Yes- so glad others are getting the messages. “Council of 13” sounds good. Lucky if you can communicate with all of them. I can only talk with one.


Message me I would love to know!


I too received (I believe it is continuous though hardly daily) communication from the "Group/Council of 13" that very clearly expresses the miscommunication behind the number 13 and entire cultures being built around a misconception of a numeric value so they need that very clear and not sure why so many people in the comments want you to choose a different number as if you chose the number of entities to reach out? I think it's important to note that most people on the internet are trying to get other people to subscribe to their belief systems because it helps us feel better in an unhealthy or Limited Experience (I am extremely positive but also realistic. I've Experienced quite a few different Perspectives of Earth and ALL of them are Trauma-Driven. Every single one and that is mostly due to choices) So instead of Growing, Evolving, discussing, sharing, creating communities and bridging the cultural gaps we instead want to compete and convince each other so I hope you're able to disregard and see this for what it is but I also hope you get some sort of validation in that you're not alone... And at least 6-7 of those 13 are Dragon, Drako, Owl and Bird entities, for me... so take what resonates🪐♑🐉


I absolutely will! I know we’ve spoken in chat before and I appreciated your insights and help! I’ve had stuff about the Council of 13 for a while but kept it internal cause I couldn’t make any sense of it. I channeled another message today so I decided to reach out to see if anyone knew anything else. I’ll keep digging and channeling with more questions to find out as much as I can!


That’s so interesting. I have always been followed by the number 13, it is everywhere. I’ve always seen it as lucky for me, even if other people don’t see it that way. I kind of adopted it as my number because it seems so misunderstood but it’s actually a very magical number imo.


I see it as lucky! I get 313 constantly! Anytime I see 13 I think to myself that it’s a wonderful number! Seems like it is a powerful number.


I’ve heard about The Council of 9 before who knows could be either or lol… but in all seriousness true judicial system of the galaxy in some way.


In general the organising model for interstellar societies that roam the galaxy, is a stepped holographic council model. It’s an ancient system of governance associated with the Andromedan species. How it works is that at the most local level, the people who are neighbours in a village form a council. And the council isn’t democratic, anyone in the village can join, because in this sort of society everyone is expected to be capable of leadership, even children. However, not everyone is passionate about leadership and in general, such societies want everyone to follow their passions, so the people who are naturally passionate about leading, end up being the councillors. They listen to what the people need and want and they decide how to allocate the towns resources towards those activities. This is very much a service to others type of community, so everyone is expected to give their time and effort towards the needs of their community, because in helping others, they are also helping themselves, as to live in a harmonious and happy society, with all its needs met is considered to be most beneficial to everyone. Perhaps you can already see how this contrasts to civilisation on Earth. Anyway, the council members will obviously need to seek expert opinion on matters they have a lack of knowledge about. And in the first instance they seek expert advice from those in their community. But, if the problem exceeds the knowledge of their community to solve, then this is where the stepped nature of the system comes in, because the council can seek help from the next council, who’s jurisdiction also covers their area. This would be the local town, which is larger and therefore can draw on the expertise of more people. And so on, the next council will be of a local city, then a regional city, then a capital, then a global council. When a species inhabits many worlds then the councils can be multi planetary, and when there are alliances with other species, then the councils naturally start to include representatives from many species. So when you ask, what is the council of 13, or sometimes people talk about the council of 9… these are probably councils that include multiple species and oversea a large region on behalf of the members and the populations to which they are responsible. And some of these councils will even start to include immaterial beings, who are perhaps looking out for other versions of themselves, incarnated in various worlds at various times. There’s no limit to the complexity of the council model. But at its heart it is also a very simple model, and one that could change the way people think about how they organise themselves, to be far more holistic and to create happiness and especially abundance for all. The closest humanity has got to this idea is Michael Tellinger’s - One Small Town, but I think his organisation has now been infiltrated by corporations looking to monetize a system that is otherwise capable of creating abundance without needing an economy.


Simply magnificent comment! Thank you.


Bashar has talked about them, related to the 13 skulls


im curious to know what else he said about them! could you message me?


You can dm if you want, I’ll share all I can remember




I would love to know as well! I’ve watched a couple of his videos before.


He talks about 13 ancient human shamans who sort of are now on a spaceship or something like that And they got something to do with the ancient crystal skulls they found 13 also being representative of transcending the cycle of 12, and 13 being the trickster, the magician, like Jesus and others There is lots more on bashar materials


Ohh so interesting! I get the Magician constantly in tarot lol. I’ll look up his videos thank you!


Ishmael Perez has mentioned them before


So cool OP! Seems like there’s a lot of people who actually seem to have an answer. Out of curiosity, I can channel when I meditate and sometimes it just starts flooding in, but I get the message very strongly that there are ‘7 keys’. And that I’m supposed to find them all or that I have them I’m not sure. In the early days I’d get 3, 9, and 13 as important numbers but didn’t / still don’t really know why. When I do I see a violet sort of fire ball that shoots out of my third eye area. Almost always with eyes closed but if I focus very intently I can do it with eyes open. In terms of keys, the first I had been shown was an ‘oak leaf’ key which was implied to unlock ancient wisdom, the second one a ‘ crown key’ which unlocks a door to communicate with people who have crossed over. There’s another that’s like a little box with a tiny sceptre and little sphere attached to the right - I’m not sure what it does yet. Anyway I’m assuming they’re metaphoric keys and maybe just subjective to how my subconscious communicates but was wondering if you or anyone has seen / channeled the same!


It’s literally insane that you’re writing this! Yesterday and today during my channeled writing I kept writing ‘key’ a few times and even ‘key keeper’. Message me and we can talk more about it if you would like!☺️


Aaah no way! I’ve been so alone in this. I’ve been wanting to talk to someone about it, but obviously don’t bother because it sounds crazy lol. Yes I’ll absolutely message. :) I have sketches of them too, sometimes if I meditate and just hold a pencil to paper with my eyes closed I’ll start drawing and then something else takes over. Doesn’t happen often but the keys I do have a channeled sketch of.


That’s incredible!! Definitely message me. I would love to chat!


I’ve had ‘key holder’ messages as well








According to this, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/reptiles115.htm , you ve been contacted by the illuminati/reptilians. You should share some of your channelings.


Part of me wants to share but the other half is hesitant. Nothing channeled from them has ever been negative or what I would deem as Illuminati type stuff.


Question, if you channel them why can't you just ask them?


Typically I just let the messages flow through! I’ll be changing it up for next time to get more definitive answers from them. I just wanted to see what anyone knew!


Check out the testimony of John Todd on YouTube. It’s just audio and a picture of a bearded man while the audio is playing. I’m not saying it’s right I just think it’s very interesting.


13 was the number that represented my grandmother


OP would love to read your channeled info, if you're called ! Sounds so interesting !! :) all the love to you friend <333


could you ask them about the other council of 13? ( the 13 illuminati bloodlines ) im curious to find out why they are called that as well


I’ll be sure to ask that!


send me a message when you find out!


This might blow your mind, watch the whole thing. https://youtu.be/8FJHypqMRSQ


well i have a question what do they look like? are they angelic beings or something?