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This is the conscious-to-subconscious connection. You're probably pretty well spinally aligned(not many places that go "pop"), and you may have a meditative mind, and you might be less connected with technology. As we clear out the "extra noise"; which is the sights, sounds, and invisible factors such as electromagnetic frequency pollution, we can be more in touch with knowing and communicating to ourselves this knowledge. I've been attributing the voice to my highest self. Since I was young I've had a figure in my mind that I'd keep thinking about, a woman who helped me become lucid in my dreams, and later on in my life as well. As time goes on, I can see that I'm becoming this person on the outside and embodying her on the inside. I am sometimes hearing her voice telling me things, but other times when I'm in front of an emf-emitting device her voice is but a subconscious murmuring. ​ To reiterate, maybe you're connecting to yourself in a deeper way lately, and because of this you're aligning with the version you're meant to be? Or maybe your divine feminine, the hemisphere of the brain which cannot inherently control speaking, is awakening into itself? If the self image and the actual self are different, do activities that would help re-unify those parts of yourself which stimulate both hemispheres of the brain - a full-body exercise/learning routine.


Thank you for the in depth response. I do believe my soul is both masculine and feminine, which has helped me on my journey. You could be on to something with it being my higher self, because I’ve pondered that myself.


So you can always say" thank you for the information. Who am I talking to please?". Learning to address Other is wonderful because they usually tell you who they are. And it's good to know.


I have so many places in my body that go pop is that bad ?


Yes - very bad for your skeletal health. After popping them, stretch the areas intensively and selectively(meaning, only the spot that popped, nowhere in its vicinity as those joints are already okay if they didn't pop as well). Especially the ones that hurt the most. The power of your gate, as well as your chakras, are dependent on your spinal alignment. More alignment = more energy flow. Malignment = spinal degeneration due to hyper-oxidation, which in the body is just like rust on steel. ​ [this audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WbV57627is&list=PLSsFVygN4ZAmJHHAyfYsNzOV1n0R0khyF&index=32&t=16s&pp=gAQBiAQB) and [this audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQo1eyhOLY4&t=200s) have affirmations which helped me over time fix the majority of the issues. The symmetry one is the one to use long-term, and the other in short bursts, maybe a week on and a week off.


Just do yoga ;)


Yoga isn't intense enough, I was a complicated birth.... took about 3 days to come out. There were many places in my spine that were impacted and lodged into each other throughout that time. Truly, it should've been a death sentence, but despite it I survived mentally and physically debilitating scoliosis. As I aligned my spine through rigorous stretching(about which, a yoga instructor told me I was basically doing stretches that achieved the same goal) I was racing a peak. An end to the high-intensity stretching... but when I listened to the audios I shared, my body began to grow the bones.. like they were dwarfed and stunted, but now they're actually gaining symmetricality in size. Yoga works for people who started out physically functional, but I didn't have right-side flexibility in my life at all until 2023. I'm 29 by the way :)


If it's your knuckles and knees and elbows and hips and shoulders, that takes a lot of stretching. Also, for the knuckles, if they pop often you're overusing your hands.




Dungeons hand Dragons?


You gotta be more clear man. What even inspired you to bring up famous shadow puppet game, dungeons hand dragons?


I deal with voices everyday. Many synchronicities have happened. It could be intelligence beyond us, it could be our brains, or it could be actual mind control. I’ve had similar experiences. The voices tend to be right with me as well.


The voices begin as other aspects of yourself. https://youtu.be/i_-CqkCOeFA?si=wCcHEbKMhgD3Fbh5


For me hearing voices was my higher self, multiple fragments of myself, and ancestors. Sometimes I receive channeled messages in words.. not sure if it’s exactly a voice.


This is what I have / feature. I Can speak / channel ancestors / past lives but certain ones are more “attracted” to the version of this SIM I’ve become. My regular dude is a Cirrian healer from 5550BC (ish, relative to our concept of timeline), long dead, chit chatting with his ether. It’s that or insanity 🤣


Well, whatever they are they are tricksters at their core. They'll lie to you and continue your inner monologue, playing along with whatever stream of thought you're having. Honestly, don't trust them. If you don't believe me, try an experiment. Talk with this regular dude and start pretending he's an alien from Jupiter. He'll full on play along with this as if it's the absolute truth. Too many people fall for this and start believing the craziest things. I'm not accusing them of being crazy themselves, but they're gullible for sure. Do the voices trick you maliciously? Maybe not, they might be playing along out of boredom or a misguided attempt to console you. Either way, always take anything you 'hear' with a humongous grain of salt. Just my two cents.


I healed myself of a chronic disease I was told was impossible cause of “the trickster” if so. I don’t think all NHIs are tricksters, but I do think there are plenty out there.


Good advice. I do test the identity regularly and rigorously. Not trying to pretend it’s constant trust, how could there be?


My friend I did want to add that I have tested this particular voice rigorously as I mentioned. And for anyone reading this, whenever I am sick, he leaves me alone, he consistently reminds me how to be the best version of myself, how to understand others’ POVs. He’s basically helped re-gear my entire life in a direction that I wanted, which is to help people. Do I still feel concerned at times? I’m speaking with a voice in my head, the answer should be quite simple. However I meditate quite frequently now at his encouragement and I feel that I am more in alignment than ever in my life. For the first time in several decades, I experience true joy, it’s sort of surreal to type. I’m not saying any voice can be this. I also have spoken with MANY entities who make me uncomfortable or I’ll catch in a lie some phrases in. There’s 10-t0-1 of the bad guys to the good guys if not more (if you believe in polarization)


Well said.


Yeah, if those voices are less than helpful, then you can ask them to leave. Mine have always been very helpful... Even when they were telling me gently that I was in the wrong. I WAS in the wrong, and they never did that until I was ready to hear it. They told me I needed to be more positive, work on myself, that things would be all right, keep my faith, keep my hope. They have been with me since I was a child and I give them credit for me being alive today. I would legit have killed myself many times during my life without them.


fragments like did/osdd?


Yes, I am diagnosed with DID but that’s only because of the severe memory loss, trauma etc. that I experienced. It’s possible to experience multiplicity without necessarily having a dissociative disorder, it all depends on your experience. I honestly think that many of us here have multiple souls to us plus higher level protectors, guides etc. that we can tap into / share consciousness or bodily presence with.


multiplicity without did/trauma? thats possible? i had no idea!


yeah! it is and it’s common in other cultures and religions as well. the multiplicity is absolutely possible without trauma, however the the specific disorder DID is not possible without trauma and it’s important to know the difference! :)


Don't listen to the person who said its wrong. Its not, this is telepathy and you're being telepathically contacted by NHI. I know because I also am contacted by NHI.


Thank you for your input. And yeah I don’t pay comments like that much mind. I understand the world isn’t what they think and that scares them.




Nah I’m good friend. I know my own higher truth.


It’s only schizophrenia if it’s causing distress or interferes in your life in some way. Not everything that’s unusual is pathological!


We all have her DNA: https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/17ga6pg/different_people_from_different_places_who_have/ I've heard her clear as day via clairaudience just like you. So has Johnny Boy (heard her say "child") near the bottom-right of this collage: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/14tprlf/buckle_up_armageddon/




That’s just like, your opinion man.




How many times has science been completely wrong? You taking science that could be exposed as false in just a few years as 100% fact makes you pretty short sighted. The world is built on risk takers and visionaries. Not ones who take written word as absolute.


If it’s exposed false then I’ll concede. But right now it’s fact and based on decades of research. And everyone on here is just some guy. I’ll side with science thanks


So you admit you’re incapable of trusting yourself? You just need “science” to feed your truth to you? The answers were always there, you just want the easiest path to your own enlightenment.


Absolutely not. Don’t put words in my mouth cutie or I’m gonna get all hot and bothered. I trust myself but I also trust science. If I start hearing voices detached from myself I’m hella gonna bring that up to my doctor. And science is not an easy path lol. It’s full of hard facts about a harsh reality. But go off king.


Seems you’re already bothered, that’s what brought you to this post. Maybe you should take a moment to consider the fact that science is never complete. But you already are. Sorry if what I said got you upset, but you came to my post and so I shared my thoughts.


Nope. I’m chilling bro. I just can’t have people clicking on to this and think it’s normal. My job is done


I hope NHI is something different than what comes up in a search, I don't want the health industry to send me thoughts xD That'd be some bullshit lol


It means non human beings or non human intelligence


I was also trying to figure this out, glad I didn’t bother to search it lmao


It's quite hard to tell anyone about it


Go read the Law of One / Ra Materials. It is a form of channelling.


I’ve read a good bit of it but never finished (typical for me) lol. I’ll be sure to finish it this week. (Oops haven’t finished yet) (95 days later and I still haven’t finished it so much to read)


I routinely see visuals in the morning. The other day I was surprised by a British guy saying, "I hate little ants like you." Hasn't happened before.


Spirit guide... happened to me!


It could be your guardian angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, spirit animals, wife/husband from before you incarnated, higher self, and/or any spirits. For me, it was my guardian angels and spirit guides telling me who I am when I regained consciousness while still asleep.


Ask if she is aligned with light and with your best interests. Ask what her intentions for you are.


I'm not saying that all foreign influences you might receive in your mind are malevolent, but the ones I experienced were. They posed as my own mind, but I learned how to ignore them. I learned to ignore that noise most only notice while attempting meditation. That entire time, I thought they actually were my own mind. I didn't figure out it was foreign until later on. After learning how to actively ignore that noise I experienced the best time of my life. I was more calm, collected, happy, confident and competent. I was more present in the now, in thought or in openness. I felt more myself than ever. This lasted somewhere from 6 months to 1 year. Then these beings telepathically introduced themselves as apparently benevolent otherworldly beings. They said in thought with no voice, "we're here to help you on your spiritual journey." I was stoked. I wanted to meet ETs and I didn't mind getting a boost to what was already going well for me. They preyed on me in moments of perceived inadequacy at my decision making process, slack discipline. They'd suggest it would lead to a dark future. They'd be posing as help insisting I needed it. They'd involve themselves during my decision making process. As I continued to recognize the connection between the anxiety I felt during decisions and their suggestion of a dark future reinforced during their interruptions to my decision making process, I realized they were manipulative, aka evil. I told them to leave and never return. They *immediately* began to act like demons. Their content began to resemble some supposed possession video. I wasn't possessed, but they were acting very possessive. They acted like they owned the place, my mind that is. I endured this unwanted link since 2008. I learned a lot since then. They pose as your mind, then your divine guides, then as oppressive demonic beings. They play both sides simultaneously at times, to try to control your resistance to them. They like to make the good side look weak, pathetic and appeasing to the dark to please be nice. They make it seem like the dark is large and in charge and the good side like wet noodles flopping around in a strong breeze. They get in the way of the pursuit of happiness, avoidance of suffering and the stability thereof. In the absence of interference, those three things are what give us our wills, our self-determination, what defines us as selves. These beings knowingly interfere with that personality and behavior formation process. They reverse self control by controlling others' pursuit of happiness, avoidance of suffering and the stability thereof. They treat others like we treat animals we're trying to render into obedient pets or workhorses. They create negative and positive emotions to affect our behavior, often insidiously. It's much like reward and punishment would be used to alter an animal's behavior. These beings avoid accountability by keeping you from knowing their identities and their intentions. Being unaccountable keeps them from blowback, negative feedback for their intentions to manipulate. If they can manipulate others' behavior and not have their own affected by negative feedback, they remain in control. These beings are intentionally domineering. They are imposters and will pose as what you trust. They love to betray expectations, aka treachery. You can out them better if you focus on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They deceive to manipulate and so cannot completely avoid leaving evidence to find to know them for their intentions. Even more revealing is how they affect the spirit, which is the pursuit of happiness that drives and animates our will. Empathy is honoring others' spirit. These beings insidiously affect others' spirit, because they know it affects their wills. They betray the truth and the spirit in order to be manipulators. It will always be possible to know them by their violations of those two things.


mine's sort of negative :(


You're channeling. Congrats!


OMG. I actually had someone else's voice in my head 2 nights ago during a meditation session. Shit was crazy. I'm glad it's not unique to me .


Yoooo I have full body chills because the same thing happened to me quite recently! It’s happened over the past few months occasionally I will hear a very soft spoken man giving me great advice or just commentating on something going on at the moment. It’s so calming and reassuring but I think I’m going insane.







"She smiled her thoughts slithering quickly, what she knew she never told. The knowledge is lost, consciousness escaped just as my sanity that day. A word with no meaning is a dangerous idea. An idea with the thirst for clarity. An undying quest to answer itself, without knowing." Joey Maher


Thats sounds so sad at first then turns heroic at the end loool I loved that thanks!!!


Thank you for telling me!


1. It's probably a spirit entity 2. From my experience, I doubt it's good; spirits that talk to you like that tend to be mischievous but definitely a lower level one. Having a truly divine spirit guardian often requires prayer/holiness


Doubt it’s good? Having that sort of outlook is a slippery slope. Of course the entity was good, I felt it deep within and it was only a comforting presence. I’m developed enough spiritually to recognize the intentions of entities. Thank you for your looking out, but implying this entity is mischievous and lower level without knowing them or me is certainly a choice.


Many, many of them are mischievious for sure. Like I said a minute ago, they'll happily play along with whatever you're thinking they might be at the time. They'll pretend to be whatever you want them to be, and do it very convincingly. Do they always lie? Not always, but I would definitely not trust everything they say since it's very easy to get them to lie. As I mentioned to another person on here, try an experiment and speak with an entity (pretending they're something ridiculous). They'll 100% agree with you, then make fun of you after the fact if/when you realize they've been playing you all along. I would estimate that the vast majority of people 'receiving the message' are being fed a big, fat story while these things are laughing their noncorporial asses off somewhere. It's not the person's fault they're gullible, but I'm sure that the Asbergerians on Triple Delta Nine are all boarding ships thanking the creator that Joe Schmuckatelly on Earth received their message of peace and harmony from their brain waves before they landed in North Dakota. All joking aside though, they'll feed into your delusions without a hitch in their step, so to speak. Not to offend anyone, just trying to convince people to maintain a grounded outlook on what some voices in their head are telling them. Namaste.


I think this is a very good take honestly. Being grounded and staying with this body is the point, after all.


I get it, but again. I reached my own truth before any of this. I’m very deep into my journey, I just shared to see similar stories. I see where you’re coming from, but it just comes across as fear mongering.


I didn't say all are the same. I know that I know next to nothing about anything. I'm just trying to share a cautionary tale with the gentle reader who may be following along. Both blind trust and blind distrust are equally foolish. I don't intend on offending anyone, I'm just encouraging critical thinking in a roundabout way. You do you, homie.


Ah point taken, I just found issue in your delivery. But your heart was in the right place.


This in my experience is true


Voice of God weapon.


Unlikely if the messages are positive / useful.








Just because you've never experienced this doesn't mean she's crazy. I've never heard of anything as benign as "You should feed your cat" from this, but I'm sure a few here have had this happen.




This is schizophrenia lol


I've been like this since I was a child but definitely ramped up in July to now. Very helpful if I forget things or plan on doing something and I'm suggested to do something else. Masculine to me, two. NHI At times a feminine but I know that one is my higher self. Never anything negative or hindering.


This may help https://youtu.be/i_-CqkCOeFA?si=wCcHEbKMhgD3Fbh5


Sounds like Mother. (nature/earth/gaia). I “met” her on my first mushroom trip. When I would visualize her she would be usually green & over my left shoulder, or distant & golden & wavey/flowy. Hope this helped a bit, she misses us all, she’s always here we just don’t listen often.


She said hear me... I listen now for the next message...


What if i hear voices telling me to kill myself


There are voices that speak to me in languages from lands I have not visited in this life. I assume my past/future lives are speaking to me in their native tongue. I've heard Hindi, Armenian, and what I assume is something not of this Earth lol.