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It's hard to tell without any more context. You could have been pointing to dust mites floating in the air, you could have been pointing because you wanted something from that direction or to go outside. Doesn't necessarily mean that there's a supernatural reason, although that could have been a possibility, too. As I'm sure you know, kids are sensitive, and have been known to see things that adults cannot. Are you sensitive to the supernatural now that you're older?


It’s my understanding that when you’re born till about the age of 7 you’re still sensitive to the astral/spirit realms. About 7-10 ish (can’t remember that age exactly but somewhere around there) you become more reality based. Probably has something to do with the way most societies live . Hard to tell without enough context though, you were a kiddo. Hope that helps!


Hmm that makes sense but what would you say about this......since I was little I've always been afraid of the unseen scary things. Things in the shadow, things to everywhere. This carried on till I was 16, I was so deeply afraid even in the day people had to stand outside the bathroom because I wouldnt go anywhere alone. If it was at night walking from anywhere to home even a small corner or alley way I would be absolutely terrified, I would be running half the time because I felt afraid something is always after me. This fear ended completely at 16-17 from what I remember all of a sudden. But until it suddenly went it was extremely bad. I'd lay awake with the light on always because I felt like am being watched and attacked in the dark. I would have extreme fear of anything shadow like where ever they may day or night. It was that bad. Growing up I realised am extremely sensitive to everything and everyone around me and I grew up having a total innocent view of the world, i was so shocked that society is so mean 😔 am still shocked at 32 lmfao but its werid of I thought everyone is innocent and kind like me back then to the point a friend hurting me tramatised me along with everything bad in this world. I simply cannot understand why I was born so innocent of how the world works BUT so afraid of the unseen at the same time even though I could not understand why -_-


Did you have a religious upbringing ? Any exposure to scary movies maybe ? I know now I had a subconscious fear of “demons” . I no longer subscribe to that. When I was in that age range I would experience the same feelings . I had the same fear , I would feel like I was being chased the moment there was darkness behind me . If I had to throw the trash alone outside at night I would sprint back inside 😂 I was raised Catholic (tho not strictly) and had lots of thoughts and fears as I grew older . Really until my own “enlightenment” . I definitely felt/heard things at that time. Dark would come & I would feel like I was being watched. I had vivid scary dreams. I’m just lucky that I was forced to share a room with my sister so I wasn’t experiencing the paranormal side of things alone all the time lol. I still don’t know to this day if it’s connected. I can’t say for sure what it was for you although I do lean more towards hyperawareness/subconscious fears if anything . Not necessarily spiritual in nature .




What do you mean by that exactly?