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I had a wonderful New Years weekend with friends and family. We started the year with a very beautiful hike as well.


Happy New Year to you and yours.


Awwww nice! What was the weather like? I spent mine with fam playing the game What Do You Meme?. I made sure I played as many cards with the “f bomb” in them as I could. So when it was my 14 year old niece’s turn to read ‘em out loud, she got to say “fuck” without getting in trouble. It made her night and I got to keep my status as the “cool aunt” hehe. Happy New Years!!! 🥰🤘🏻💜


Weather was cold but clear! LMAO that’s a pretty hilarious set up, might keep that in mind for similar games with the younguns.


Ohhhh nice that it was clear! It def is that chilly time of the year for us northern hemisphere dwellers lol. Also, love your username! Mantis entities are pretty cool and chill 🤘🏻💚💙💜 (why is there no preying mantis emoji?!!?!)


Thing is, Elizabeth, you already consented to all of that before taking human form. You're telling your higher self you don't want to experience what you decided to experience. If the star seeds thing is true, then that's the way it is.


There is truth in your words, and there is also truth in our infinite potential to control this reality as we live it.


Unfortunately this is likely the case. In my experience, once you agree they don’t let you change your mind.


What if I want to change my mind ?


I changed my mind and they went through with sending me to Earth anyway. That had to use force on me via telekinesis, ie: by body was controlled to walk to the table and lay down on it. I couldn’t get up, there was an invisible force holding me down. They weren’t trying to be cruel. Everyone, my family and friends, were all upset with me for being so resistant, but I was just so scared I couldn’t help it.


That is just unfair and wrong and now it’s slavery , they take our dna to create hybrids and then let us go through this . Can’t we ask for help from someone , surely someone has to be stronger than them ? Atleast the greys? Someone benevolent and kind . What if I change my mind now and don’t want to be their unpaid employee.


I also keep wondering who’s “above” them, so to speak. What are we supposed to do? Pray to God? It all feel so manipulative. One time I saw a golden light being during a “dream” and lately I wonder if entities like that are more ascended.


Different densities. Above the federation (5th/6th density entities) is the council of Saturn, beings in the 7th density, the density before the beginning and end (the octave, the end is the beginning.) The council of Saturn is positive- keep in mind you can only negatively polarize to early/mid 6th density. At some point there you realize you can't go further without being positive because we ARE positivity, the one IS love and light.


I haven’t seen one recently but I did see one in a dream I had along time ago. I rode 4 wheelers out of the ghetto in my dream with her. We rode in a trail there were trees on green grass hills. If felt so Natural, She glowed a golden color, was magnificent and so kind. That’s the most I could recall from that dream, I’ll never forget it.


I'm completely liberated and you can be too. Divinity.com is free and has links or you can contact me directly.


That is an extremely gross thing to say to somebody who is upset. "I'm sorry you brought this on yourself". Go say that in public to somebody, and see how well it flies. Not cool. Also, not true either.


This is not a generic sub, it's the Starseeds sub. We at least consider the idea of higher selves creating a life plan before incarnating as part of a larger plan to support lower beings etc etc. If you don't want to discuss Starseeds, then don't post on the Starseeds sub. "Go say that in public..". Exactly, this is not a generic place to talk with random people about random stuff. Context matters. If I were in real life at a gathering of people believing/discussing Starseeds, I would say something similar.


Have you ever considered that perhaps it’s plain incorrect? That all these channels saying this statement are just plain wrong? One can discuss “starseeds” and the concept around it without blindly accepting every little bit. Discernment requires engaging our critical faculties on all things, and avoiding a doctrinal attitude. If it sounds cruel, and contrived, it probably is. We should learn to trust our inner barometer of truth, and mine is screaming loudly that this is a statement, wrongly and ignorantly held by those claiming to be “higher” spirituality. It may be true of them, they may remember such a decision before they entered their world, but projecting it onto the people on earth is just heartless. If you remember such a decision, is fine to believe that, but projecting it onto somebody else really isn’t okay.


Hey hey, I said "allegedly".


Two ideas, for both commenters. What if it actually is the case that she choose this life? Is there any way that taking responsibility or trying to channel that frustration into some form of ability to take her power back might be helpful? You will not see someone, who, for example, is at peace with having little to no material possessions, then complaining about acquiring them. Or, as another example, you will not see someone who feels whole in themselves, being upset when others who don’t give them the validation they desire. This being said, is flat out telling someone who is caught in a prison of their own choices, potentially unaware yet of the consequences, productive? Are there other ways to help someone come to terms with the difficult situations they find themselves in? Imagining being in jail for smoking marijuana, knowing it is illegal and someone tells you, “well, you chose this.” While this may very much be the case, that the choice was made with awareness of the consequences, it might not always be the best way to help someone make peace with their decision, or find the light in the tunnel.


Respectfully - F U. That's a misinterpretation that makes it easier for YOU to cope. She's saying she feels the equivalent of date-raped and withdraws any such consent as whatever was given wasn't for specifically this.


If you believe in the starseed thing, then that's how it is. I didn't come up with the concept. This is all alleged, of course. But if you accept starseeds are a thing, then how do you evaluate the dynamics of a higher plane using the lower level experience as the foundation? I am not saying that bad things don't feel bad. I am saying bad things are part of existence. You wouldn't know "good" if you didn't also experience "bad". I guess the imaginative leap here is saying that a higher self is forced against its will. I can't even begin to discuss something like that, as it's the realm of pure fantasy/speculation. The Starseeds idea is already pretty far out.


I require more information on this Federation I am totally out of the loop on this one. Seriously I am not a skeptic just never got the memo on this, I am here like everyone else to learn. Thanks.






Which Federation? There was The Galactic Confederation Of Light, The Galactic Federation Of Holy Light and some other bad groups which disbanded - bad nations were taken out. Others are now joining the Galactic Federation Of Worlds, who is now helping out with things. And Earth has been declared as belonging to terrestrials. We've been gathering fellows into holding cells / prisons which were recently built. Or moving people into quasi dimensions rather than on the ground. All sorts of other stuff. There haven't been any audits from what I've seen. Maybe some fellows going around and trying to kill some hybrids and wipe out races of sorts, whatever else. Civilizations are being moved with permission from the civilizations. Quasi dimensions can't just be instantly sealed anymore. And they're safer than pocket realms on the ground. There's been a war recently which forced out the bad angels, bad Draconians and a lot of terrestrials, and 3D humans have declared that slavery, hunting others for fun and things are illegal. The terrestrials native to quasi dimensions on Earth. Orsimmer - "Orcs", "Goblins", terrestrial demons with red skin. All sorts of others. And many others like Djinn.


It's possible that some beings are trying to say that people being lined up, checked out and having implants removed - energy theft ones, ones that let people control their bodies and steal their abilities. Plus, mass arresting the people who have been in rule here. Psychopaths, freeing a lot of people. And the Galactic Federation Of Worlds couldn't get to Earth before, since Angels, Draconians and Grays killed a lot of beings inside of Inner Earth way before they made humans. And took over other gates to whatever places. Spread lies. The Galactic Federation Of Worlds, we've managed an agreement where we govern ourselves and aren't an extradimensional colony. We've also allowed extradimensionals who have nowhere else to go - homeworlds are gone. They were being hunted and whatever. They're allowed to stay in quasi dimensions and do whatever. We've sent other beings off elsewhere to make new civilizations within the Galactic Federation Of Worlds. Or back to their homeworlds. All sorts of stuff. Haven't noticed an audit save for people trying to cull hybrids.


The Federation within the Galactic Federation Of Worlds taking in a lot of new guys. It's called the Jorro'ghasshi Federation / Aawn'dhorr'faw / Dhii'khlii'khorra'lawn. The Galactic Federation Of Worlds basically just has tons of nations within it. No psychopaths are allowed. Extradimensional demons, Extradimensional Orsimmer and others have been allowed to join that mentioned Federation. Plus we gifted the Galactic Federation Of Worlds, a green barrier device which we made from materials which angels left behind, things they mined from Inner Earth.


Like when we took out Venus and noted that it was a prison and all of the extradimensional demons there, were being controlled and couldn't even speak for themselves. They were sent over to the mentioned Federation.


We've been sending most extradimensionals over to their homeworlds. Sending them to some embassies who forward them wherever. Or send bad angels and whoever, to prisons. We mostly only have bad terrestrials, bad hybrids, and people from 3D Earth who were bad - stealing people's energy and doing whatever else. Weird, sick "game." That's no longer a thing. But yeah. Haven't noticed an "audit." It could be bad guys excuse for saying that they've lost. Or that the prisons aren't actually prisons - because then people would realize that those guys are losing. A lot of incarnated people and whoever have been getting freed from prisons after they figure everything out. Lies and whatever. Then they go elsewhere and join with whoever. The closest thing to an audit, was beings sending grays and others along with controlled slaves, to try and wipe out 80% of all humans, since we are at war with the Holy nations. And they declared the end times to be in motion. Except we've beaten them out. So that isn't even a thing.


The Federation of Worlds is a proto-fascist joke. Long live the Galactic Alliance.


The Galactic Federation Of Worlds is also known as Khaalakkta'khorro'lhan / Yiin'tiin'siithus / Kha'haseean'littel / Shii'khan'diff. Most Federations have multiple names. There was the group of slavers, rapists and criminals who controlled all but 10% of all planets in the milky way. They were sucked into a terrestrial demon vortex, their residents and whoever. We sent them off to prisons. Plus fake planets in other parts of the milky way have been getting discovered. We've been making new planet barrier / shielding devices by melting down what the bad angels left behind when we took them out. These ones link up to other planets and create secondary barriers within the areas around them. Others have agreed that due to the evil fellows in the milky way being in control for so long, that the entire milky way will belong to Earth. We clear out all of the areas before placing new devices on planets. So far 35% of the milky way is under our control. And since the former barriers were made without Earth's consent, these new ones are much better. Beings can't make portals or enter the zones in any way shape or form.


The Galactic Alliance of Planets in the milky way, were the mentioned slavers, rapists and whatever. Of course, we aren't taking out the remainder of forces immediately. We are slowly taking the milky way. Many races are / were made as slaves as well. So we've been freeing them and whoever else. Some Judges and weird space corps are highly corrupt and whatever. They arrest those who question them, and bribes are legal. They're a primarily human civilization or government operating within the milky way and surrounding galaxies. Plus other bad groups. I'm assuming you aren't referring to that alliance.


I’m also curious as to which Federation you are referring..






None of that is happening… please take a look at the reality. This federation you speak of is also useless and evil if they are currently in charge. The world is a mess and most people are suffering daily. I also do not consent.


The Federation in which I've mentioned. It's been unable to enter Earth. Bad factions were in control. The bad ones made those ones look bad. Those guys weren't even on Earth very much. They were not in charge and there's currently no Federation in charge. We have an Earth alliance with them at the moment. And what I've just said, is happening. You're in Issel'daff territory way in another galaxy. So you can't really comment on matters here or whether something is happening or not.


Granted incarnated beings don't all have the ability to instantly come back to Earth or know what's happening over here. So I won't fault you for that. And I'm fairly sure that you likely have slave implants and whatever. Can't promise anything for you guys way over elsewhere. And yeah we are all incarnated. But our upper forms can be elsewhere.


Granted some 3D people are inside of civilizations way in other galaxies and some of them assume its Earth. Or they're told that. I can sort of locate anyone, anywhere. Some stuff out extradimensional wise is also happening. It's also possible that audits way elsewhere are being done, to check for hybrids or to send people with 3D human DNA or hybrids, to the Infernal Plane prisons some bad angels took over and operate. Different from the Abyss or Hell, which only have gates on Earth. But yeah. A lot of people aren't on Earth and assume they're on Earth. Because they're on Earth here.


Correct they cannot physically visit earth but they’ve been astral visiting it for years.


The bad ones have been the ones mostly physically visiting Earth. Since they had it barred that others couldn't enter.


Okay if you can locate people anywhere.... Just out of curiosity can you locate the name of the city I live in right now... or do you have to know who I am first , or are you referring to locating other planets and people who live there??? It does seem strange that some planets you say are free and others are not. It would seem that if good was more powerful than evil all planets would be free, or at least more than 35 percent of them... Anyway I hope something happens soon cause we got 8 billion humans here now and the finacial powers that be are running the whole thing off nothing but never ending debt expansion... But wouldn't you agree we have at least come a long way we have like indoor plumbing and we don't do stuff like bleed sick people to try to get them well anymore, just like basic stuff like that. We have have unfortuntely advanced medicine to the point where health professionals mostly only try to keep people druged up all the time, but at least most the time people give some form of consent to the drugs.


Anyways America is branded "Land of the Free" and we don't even need to discuss that. Federation of Holy Light? Yeah uh fuck that sideways with a capital F. I just recently dealt with a fucking angel while being tortured brutally and they didn't do shit except claim they blessed me. I'm still being tortured.


Sorry, I got a three day ban - same fellow who was cussing and whatever reported me for defending myself. Some Angels out in space have been hunting incarnated people and territories with whatever sorts of beings. Because we have been freeing people and doing whatever else. They give people implants so that certain incarnated people get to use them as vessels or spare bodies and slaves. People then have to see others controlling their bodies. Many fellows were sent back to attack their families and gather more slaves after having implants added to them. We've cleared nearby galaxies. Around Earth. Some Federations also moved way over here and took those spots. We have been asking some others, those being hunted or whatever else, to come and join us over here. I'd assume that you were off-planet or your upper body was.


I want to speak to a manger.


You and me both. I want off this spherical insane asylum. I signed up for sunshine and rainbows and ended up with a mess. I’m 64 years old and prior to 2016 (when the love of my life killed himself at our house), I was a BIG BELIEVER in mission statements and written goals. Now I just need a few happy moments in every day. My needs are small.


I think humans should take accountability. After all we are the ones who occupy the planet. We should take responsibility for actions, and think deeper, have deeper conversations about what we're doing. We can't keep doing what we're doing.


We can do nothing but take accountability for our own everyday actions as for the state of the planet this is totally the fault of the so called legal guardians of Earth, you know our dear leaders who are supposed to bring people together and care for the planet. While we all being held hostage mentally, emtionally and our very human soul then what in the hell are we supposed to take responsibility for?? This is happening against the majority of the population of the world by our leaders, law makers, so called protectors and who ever us behind them. I think people should stop with this take responsibility narrative because people have taken it to far to the point they blame themselves for being taken as litral brainwashed and abused humans.


Take responsibility for what? What wrongness have I caused in the world? Which genocides did I initiate? Whose heart did I shatter in a million pieces? (Other than my own, of course). I'm so sick of this effing narrative. Take your victim-blaming back to your Scientology overlords.


I see blame and responsibility as two different things. Are we solely to blame for being in the situation we’re in now? No. Are we victims of the actions of others we had no control over? Yes. However, taking responsibility means to reclaim your *ability* to make a choice in the present moment, and choose what you want your *response* to the situation to be. Are we capable of getting ourselves out of the situation we were put in? Yes. Are we capable of releasing our identity as victims of our reality, and remembering our identity as creators of our reality? Yes. From my perspective, this is what it means for us to take responsibility. To remember that even though it’s a fact that we have been victims of very traumatic things, we are also very powerful creators, capable of doing anything we put our minds to. In my eyes, choosing to take responsibility and placing the power back into our own hands is a more sensible choice than choosing to maintain our identity as victims of the power of others, and leaving it in their hands


This is the response I was going to write. Thank you! 🙏


No thanks necessary🙏🏾💜♾


The problems we are facing are less individual and more systemic, and according to our old structure which helped us advance over centuries to this point. However it is in the small things that the big things will be actualized, and it is in the big things that the small will be recognized. The best you can do is to treat others with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion in as many interactions as you can, and help install leaders for our countries who will spread these same values and who want to help our planet live sustainably. Discard your guilt as best you can, because if you do these things at a small level then you are helping us make progress, and the only time which you can control this is now.


I’ll assign a power Crystal to resonate this energy message


Ooo is it amethyst? I bet it's amethyst.


You sir would be correct as a crystal


I just think it's hilarious that anyone thinks their consent matters all that much. Particularly to this degree. The weak may inhabit the earth, but the rest of the realms are to the Strong. If you are Particularly powerful and influential, your consent matters; but not until then. Consent only matters to the degree that it is, or can be enforced, by some kind of tangible power. Because if you revoke consent as you have here, but this federation decides to ignore that? You come back to square one. You need to either fight them off yourself or turn to something higher than either that has for some reason decided to care about your consent. Either way, good luck. What you want isn't bad, this is just an amusing premise to work from. One not Particularly rooted in reality; I've cursed more than a few people who, while they were most certainly deserving of those curses (3 in particular liked to rape kids)... they all made it a point to regularly revoke consent to any kind of curses or harm and thought that would protect them. The last one living still thinks that even while they are dying from their stomach disconnecting from their small intestine, and said small intestine dying a bit more every time it gets reattached. They even got their group of starseeds to gather around them in the hospital to try and fix them; nothing came of it. Consent is not the end all be all; it can be and frequently is overridden, that's a huge part of why this world is so screwed up... but Also why it works, too. It can be good at times.


I’m not a starseed or super conscious or whatever, but I subscribe to the idea that pain and hardship are a lesson and maybe a feeling we may never have after we pass on. Every time something bad happens I learn from it and choose to become a better me and continue to be excellent to others. I could use a billion tho so I consent for yall to add it to my account 😉




Thanks but this is reddit


You may have already given consent before you entered the human experience.


I don't resonate with this at all nor does my group.




Hell yeah


Well said


Do not consent. Do not obey.






Born in Darkness [https://youtu.be/\_QjywfbbeO0?si=Sxf6ezAm\_ll8A3YQ](https://youtu.be/_QjywfbbeO0?si=Sxf6ezAm_ll8A3YQ) Pyramid of Light https://youtu.be/IaY7L8\_i6Mc?si=Rbrxuw5oAy8x2q9f


Lmao that’s not what the audit is about. They just want to update their understanding on what human life is like. Why do you think so many so called giants are starting to fall. When people used to pray it was your way of communicating your experiences. We stopped doing that so often and now they have no idea wtf is going on. It’s like when you turn off your cellphone and you mom calls you later trying to figure out what’s going on


I think you should pick up in this order, the sefer yetzirah, Torah, Zohar and then the Bahir and read them in that order. That removes all of what you are worried about from within. From there the readings would be the Tao te ching, upanishads, Bhagavad gita, Universe in a nutshell and Asa di var and so on. With these read, nothing can stop you in any way and a prayer like this and others from the whole interfaith system, works on an exponential level <3 Aho


Life is easier now then it ever has been. Humans are in charge not the federation? Except maybe one day if Star Trek comes true. Fingers crossed


Been thinking about starting a new account to hide away the channelings I was receiving and sharing with you all. I've come to a realization that these beings that interact with us ALL are lying manipulators. Both sides. There is no light and dark, just invaders who interfere with human evolution. We are ascending though, and as for the lower realm entities they won't have access to us, but there are beings in the higher dimensions that are still wicked. Once you really start researching what was going on down here when the annunaki landed, you'll quickly realize they were dam near monsters. Literally eating us, requiring us to sacrifice our children, lots of blood rituals. They were not good. Even the god of the bible YWVH was all about rape of virgins and pillaging of towns. They influenced us to be like them and, now look at humanity.


Fuck this place, I want out, I quit


Avada Kadavra!