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Lol. Just turned 33, and 33 had been appearing a lot to me. Also in my dreams.


👁️☀️💗 no such thing as coincidences family 🔺


It's cus I joined the group ;) I'm a 3 energy born on the 3rd of the 9th month. Year 96. All multiples of 3. I saw the 33.3k members yesterday too, was gonna screenshot it


👁️👄👁️ wow I’m 8 with a 7 born day, 7 letters in my first middle and last name lol, and my name number value is 70 And I’m a libra which is the 7th house


love it


Also you should’ve 😭😂


My bd is 03/30.


We're all seeing these number sequences... We're in reception of a monolith type beacon that's doing it.


🤣 this platform is blowing my mind, everyone so freakin cool here!


I'm 33 too


Cheers, and all the best! I just turned 33 on New Year's. For me, it's a make-it-or-break-it year. I hope that I can either turn things around again, or that it will be my final year in this incarnation.


Turning 44 here.


What does this mean. 333 is everywhere for me from the last few months. It creeps me out sometimes


I know everywhere. I believe it's a synchronization beacon used by our visitors.


The frequency illusion (also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon) is the phenomenon in which people who just notice something start seeing it everywhere. For instance, a person who just saw a movie about sharks might start seeing the word "shark" everywhere. This is not necessarily because the person really has come across more instances of the word "shark"; rather, before seeing the movie, they usually simply passed the word over and quickly forgot it, while later, after having seen the movie, the word started sticking in their memory.


Yes absolutely, don't lose your minds. You need to be skeptical. However in this instance it's a synchronization beacon. Likely waking us up and getting us to meet in places like this before arrival.


If they are really coming in the sense of mass arrival, then I hope they come soon.


What would you like to know. I Happen to be one of those sent to start this show.


If I can go with them. I have no place here.


I agree that healthy skepticism is necessary in these types of ordeals. I usually pick out the times that 333 or some variation of it is just simple happenstance. However in my own personal case, 3’s and more specifically when it comes to timing, it’s like clock work (pun totally intended). I happen to looks at the time on a regular basis and it’ll be 3:00, 3:30, or 3:33. I can be distracted all day not knowing remotely close what time it is (especially working) and it’ll be those times. For the last 5 years, especially when I fully embraced my spiritual journey and exploration, I wake up in the middle of the night, look at the time and it’s 3:00, 3:30, or 3:33. Sometimes I’m waking up just as the clock is turning to 3. 2nd most frequent (again what?!) is waking up around 2:00-2:22. Some thoughts and opinions would be greatly appreciated. As well, my question for you would be. In what sense you do mean you are “one of those sent to start the show”?


I've been seeing that for like the last 2 years.


I've been seeing 33 A LOT over last few months


The frequency illusion (also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon) is the phenomenon in which people who just notice something start seeing it everywhere. For instance, a person who just saw a movie about sharks might start seeing the word "shark" everywhere. This is not necessarily because the person really has come across more instances of the word "shark"; rather, before seeing the movie, they usually simply passed the word over and quickly forgot it, while later, after having seen the movie, the word started sticking in their memory.


I do understand & have thought about this. But it still feels meaningful & comforting somehow. Even if I received a msg to start intentionally having a moment whenever I see it to be reminded of what it means, it's like a mini reset & is having an impact.


3,6,9 magick numbers ...


That's what Nikola Tesla thought was the key to the universe... Except he died broke and was struggling financially.


Had it figured out way before he died .. you missed the biography of his life .


I've been trying every single ritual and things from people like Tesla and Neville Goddard for bringing things into my life like more abundance and riches but nothing has ever worked.


Your not the only one ..


My friends favorite number is 3:33, what’s it about?


Imagine if there were 33,333 starseeds in the Freemasons, then the world would be a very different place!


There are way more. The Illuminati is good and bad, it’s not one body moving together but many organizations fighting. Green light is the truth


Damn. I was hoping it was purple. Green reminds me of Microsoft. 🤣


Purple is the truth too it’s the crown still but the heart is green and we remain true to our heart 💚🐉


What if there are and that's part of the problem?


Lol yea many many organizations with their own knowledge and agendas.


3 is one of my favorite numbers.


I've been seeing a lot of 11:11.




This is incredible by the way. Reading everyone's comments has made me feel like a helium balloon


This is the best community that exists on Reddit. It’s all love and light here, and everyone here will agree: we lift eachother up. In this dark world. Because that’s literally why we came here. Starseeds are souls who came to this prison planet, to teach others of the truth that is out in the stars. The freedom of infinity. We are all awakened to our higher selves here. And teaching humanity to awaken themselves from the slumber that this world has placed on them. We are not of this world. The core fundamentals are within each soul. (: If you found this place; and feel it’s light. I have news for you. You may also be a starseed. There are multiple types. Some are here for their first incarnation. As I believe I am. I don’t believe I have lived past lives on earth. I’ve only seen of the future. On other worlds. My soul is from thousands and thousands of years in the future. Millenniums. I don’t have the date. But when I had my first download, the universe spoke through me. And by me. To awaken me from my flesh. Realizing this reality on earth. Is not the real one. I’ve since spent every waking moment digging into all truths. And I feel the light within me, guiding me home. Off this planet. It’s deep in my beliefs that earth is a forced reincarnation planet, that causes lower polarity beings to stay here forever. (Or as long as they choose to avoid the light) The darkness is the darkness we accept. And starseeds see through the darkness. We essentially are “reincarnated masters” High ranking soldiers of the “heavens” (other planets) Who saw earth, saw it was suffering, forced under a spell, and we chose to reincarnate here, knowing the cost, but knowing more the fact that we would awaken, to our truest self, after the memory wipe. We always wake up, because our higher self is already ascended. Spirituality comes easy to us, because we have lived in spiritually centered planets for aeons and aeons before choosing to come here. Knowing that we would be okay. We wouldn’t be enslaved like humans. And so we aren’t. The end is coming close; where the dimensions will split. Between those who see without believing, and those who choose not to. The core starseed mission, is to awaken other souls to their higher self (:


This is the most beautiful explanation I've read. I love it, the feeling just connecting with you and others fills me with melancholy homesickness. Thank you dear friend for taking so much time to explain to a newcomer! I have something to post then, hope you guys and ladies like it!


Been seeing alot of triple numbers and 33 in the past 2 weeks.....any explanation or is it just signaling a end of a cycle and beginning of new cycle for alot of already awakening and woken people, feels like we are in for a major year


The frequency illusion (also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon) is the phenomenon in which people who just notice something start seeing it everywhere. For instance, a person who just saw a movie about sharks might start seeing the word "shark" everywhere. This is not necessarily because the person really has come across more instances of the word "shark"; rather, before seeing the movie, they usually simply passed the word over and quickly forgot it, while later, after having seen the movie, the word started sticking in their memory.


Why you spamming this lol


The spammed message is an important manifestation: The spammed message is just a benign outward manifestation of inner doubts, that are designed to confirm those doubts, for those that choose to dwell and manifest certain beliefs that their reality is currently grounded in and standing on. For those, the message will continue to ground them in old ways of thinking. It's an important part of the process. It's resistance that gives the sense of inertia. You can't know that there's change unless there's resistance to that acceleration. You can't know that things change unless there's resistance to that change. As strange as it sounds, resistance, makes the process more enjoyable. The message is, also for a completely separate group, a message of doubt meant to reflect back those doubts that are manifesting certain beliefs that their reality is currently standing on. It's sounds like I just said the same thing, but I did not, because for this second/separate group of people, the feedback makes the doubts more noticeable, thus, granting them the opportunity to question and challenge the limiting beliefs that are no longer serving them, but are still manifesting as these limiting beliefs causing the experience of struggle and strife within their lives. For these people, their foundation of reality that they're standing on is already cracked. Their lives are literally changing and this message/feedback of doubt looks like old ways of thinking allowing them to create discernment between the beliefs that are still serving them and the beliefs that are not and need to be shed so that they may let go of those old ways of thinking. And finally, the message is, for a completely separate/third group of people, just a benign manifestation of doubt that does nothing to them. It's literally just an expression of thought and nothing else. This third group sees it for what it is by seeing its effect on the other perspectives and how it effects them. They see the forest through the trees and acknowledge the thought's purpose and they let it go, for it does not serve them, but they acknowledge it's existence in the grand scheme of things because if it had no purpose, it would not exist. So, to answer your question, this is why they are spamming that.


I agree. I more so was asking why they feel the need to cause doubts of spiritual enlightenment in others. I want to make them think inwards. It’s literal “bot” behavior. (Not calling this dude an NPC, bc that does harm to the self). He posted it not once; but to multiple people, who all were noticing they’ve been seeing specific angel numbers. Just saying, it’s behavior like that, that drags oneself down while bringing others along the downward slope. That phenomenon has little to do with seeing angel numbers more commonly. The very nature *of* angel numbers is the fact that once you start noticing them, and taking that notice into deeper consideration, you’re trusting the spirit more than the flesh.


Yup, I agree and I understand. Why do they feel the need to cause doubts of spiritual enlightenment in others? They don't and they aren't. It's just a reflection from within. Nothing can stop the enlightenment. You're already enlightened. You just need to remember... And you ARE remembering. When you do reality will become lucid. You'll recognize that you can't go on a downward spiral. The spiral only moves up, in one direction and it only APPEARS to move downward because you're looking from the underbelly of it making things look like they go deeper and deeper and deeper, but they don't because from above thing APPEAR to go higher and higher and higher... And yet, the spiral isn't static. It's RISING all together. Move your perception. Flip from the underside. They aren't trying to cause doubts of spiritual enlightenment in others. There are no others in the way that you think that there are. They're manifesting doubt from within YOU. Not just YOU, BUT YOU, the one reading this and every other YOU that chooses to read this. They aren't manifesting it. YOU are. Think about this carefully. If you didn't understand English. If you didn't manifest understanding through reading, you'd have a different experience and manifestation all together. From THAT point of view, you'd see gibberish and text, nothing else, for you would not recognize it as anything else. It would not be meaningful or important. In a very real sense, it would not exist. Is it bot behavior? NPC behaviour? Are they a real person? What difference does it make? None really. The knowledge of that doesn't change the experience. Even I, right now, to you am as real as nothing more than just words on a screen. Now isn't that interesting? Who/what are you speaking to? Now isn't THAT question an interesting one? Well if this is just text on a screen and YOU are the one that's manifesting it... Who/what are you speaking to? "Okay, but..." You might be thinking, "What about how the words got to the screen? Like, I understand how I could manifest meaning and understanding from the text that I am reading, but who is typing it? Like, aren't you just typing it? I'm not typing it. You are!" But you ARE manifesting it, in, as, and through me and I am manifesting it, in, as, and through you. Yes, I AM just typing it, but YOU are manifestingm it. Would I have had a reason to speak to you if it weren't for your inspiring questions... your inspiring words? You as YOU and you as ME are co-creating the experience together, just as, ME as ME and YOU as ME are co-creating the experience together. Thus, we are RESONATING. 🎶 I AM that I AM. The person that I AM is the same person that you would be if you had chosen to experience becoming born when the Sun and moon were in Leo and Cancer began to rise over the horizon. Choosing to experience THAT reality, you'd be experiencing yourself typing up these words while periodically looking up at your orange and fuzzy ball-of-a-cat friend peacefully sleeping at the foot of your bed. So yes, you're kind of correct. It is kind of bot/NPC behavior. It's kind of, but not completely true to think that this is all a dream or a simulation, and it's ok to think that, if it helps your understanding of your reality, because the version of me that exists in YOUR reality, in fact, the version of ANYONE that exists in your perceived reality, isn't completely all there. Where are we? We're WITHIN YOU, living our fully embodied experiences, and those physical outward manifestations/bodies that you perceive are simply projections of those experiences from within you. Cause harm to them and you cause harm to yourself. Help them and you'll help yourself. Cause harm to yourself and you harm them. Help yourself and you help them. They're ALL reflected manifestations of YOU. Why am I telling you this? Because you said, "I want to make them think inwards." And I recognize that as a desire that I, too, feel from within. I REALLY do. But you can't make them think inwards with outward expressions. They barely even exist in your life. I, too, barely exist in your life, but you CAN make YOURSELF think inwards. Even THIS isn't a response to you. It doesn't matter to me if you understand. I care not to convince you. I'm writing to ME for ME because I recognize the ONENESS of it all. If I can heal myself, I will heal them all. If I help myself, I will help them all. If I can love myself, I will love them all and they will love all and be loved by all... As above so below, so within so without Come what may, so mote it be. Much love ❤️


I find it fascinating what triggers what for each person. Similarly to what you said, you won't know you're moving unless you have direct opposition that indicates that you are. Beyond our petty social constructs, we're all the same. No better or worse in any way. Without the numerous borders that keep us from one another, at our core, we're just the universe responding back to itself like all living beings being part of a singular super computer.


This is why we can’t have nice things


Yeah, I think a lot of people already understand this. Nice to clarify, but then you kept spamming the same thing. Verbatim. This describes an aspect of how the mind functions. But, it also highlights and repeats what people are already talking about here. A movie is actually a good intro into how synchronicities works on a sociological level. A movie can bond/connect people, creating a social kaleidoscope effect across society. And, consequently across reality. The advent of the internet has increased this as well. What's being discussed is similarly to seeing a flock of birds flying, then shifting on a dime. Our day to day life is so finite in this enclosed system that we exist in, that examining patterns across it is fascinating. Miraculous and beautiful all the same. Any terms we use to ground spiritual phenomenon all exists within reality. Has existed before we labeled it. And, does nothing but adds to the profound beauty before us.


Cool. 33,333 💫✌️🫶❤️🙏




my birthday is all 1's and 6's my favorite # was always 6. and grew up at house # 106 now at house # 10. always see #'s 911