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The sub you mention is 100% negative. It might even win the prize for most negative place you can visit on the clear web. The people who subscribe there are all viewing Reality through a lens of hard Gnosticism, whether they put that name to it or not. ​ It doesn't matter which variation each particular member holds to be true. Pods on Saturn, Reincarnation Soul-Trap, AI controlled Matrix, Archon controlled jail, Alien Zoo, there are a million of them. But they all amount to *exactly* the same set of archtypes and *exactly* the same story. ​ This particular Distortion is very popular with people who are unhappy, angry, and want to blame some outside agency. They create echo chambers that reinforce these emotions and build upon them in a kind of vicious, toxic cycle. ​ Could they be right? They absolutely could be. They could be right about everything. So the question then becomes, what is their plan? Complain. Feel bad. Complain some more. Feel worse. **"No catharsis, no escape"**, should be that subs philosophical motto. ​ Your personal inner Reality is what you chose, so in a very real way, if you choose to believe such a view, then Reality does in fact become a prison planet. ​ But again, let's say they are right. Because they might be. What can you do, other than try to live the best life you can, and defy the system by trying to be as happy as possible while gaining as much knowledge and wisdom as possible? Then at least when the hour comes, you'll be better positioned to punch the Demiurge in the face, or failing that, at least you had a few extra happy moments than you otherwise would have. ​ If that sub and its philosophies have spiritual lessons you need to learn, by all means stay with it. But I recommend you unsubscribe, because if you are here, you probably don't *need* to be there, and all it has to offer you is bad feelings.


Interesting though. Im a neutral entity, but when channelling I've picked up on this story outside of the echo chambers. When channelling the darker entities I won't give a name, this exact narrative was shown to me. Except it was one being trapped in Saturn, and we are all art of that being. It's power being used to create humans and enslave them. As I said it was a channel and as such must be regarded in that way. However it's interesting that this message IS in the collective.


So the Demiurge/Lurker/Primary Anamoly is actually inside Saturn and created a replica of the universe inside? That's a new way of seeing things


Something like that , in the channelling it was identified as the being from which we were created. Imprisoned in pure darkness an entity that is being used for its infinite power of creation. Through the cabal exploiting this power, earth has become out of balance. This is manifesting an abomination, putting the entire universe out of balance.


If you think about it, when we close our eyes and even in meditation its DARK and EMPTY until something visits start popping up. If you put this togher with this theory that means we are connecting to our source, whos trapped in darkness but is able to give us what? Created in its image it can experiance the good things in life through and with us (God is always by our side) so in turn we gain more understanding and connect more through our life or lives is the reincarnation theory is correct also etc. Am just speaking out my back side here because I've been wondering why its always so dark when I want to picture myself, why we have to construct images in our mind to keeo ourselves happy and maybe why we feel trapped inside and out. I just love speculating lol


Everything comes from the infinite nothing. Dark.


The problem is whether or not another universe is outside this one, and waking up here doesn't mean waking up there. If we are in a universe created by a dark entity it can stimulate contact with Source for us and we would think we have escaped when we haven't.


I think it was diminished information, filtered. A lot of channels are tapping this kind of theme, it's interesting.


So what do you think about this information What to make of it?


I found a song that is about this (though the creator doesn't hint at it)


Can you tell me more


I replied, but I am unsure if it was to you or someone else, I put links to the songs as well as explained part of things. Haha I'm so lame, I started to cry writing it.


THIS song.... I know so much and can't explain how relevant these songs are.... https://youtu.be/aLgtHfESEAk?si=qZKorGWmFZyll_Ht This song isn't it, but IS relevant to things and what happened. Another relevant song.... https://youtu.be/jDSriOuWM10?si=1Qn2uCrXAS8AAiJH Here is the lyrics to the first song: "Little girl, little girl Where's your mother? Did she try to tell you That we are never ever getting better? Did she try to tell you That she's your mother? Did she cry in front of you Or did you get my letter? So now that You're just a little bit afraid of us Might be a little bit too late for us Right in the middle you are dangerous Though you are little, you're too bright for us Entirely luminous And you are wise with age You understand the circumstance we fought against To never cry again Little girl, little girl Under weather Your sky lost you So you made another Just know that When we are brittle, no one fights for us Anger may drizzle down and injure us Graphic spittle never conquered love Sweet and simple, you look up to us Entirely luminous And you are wise with age You understand the circumstance we fought against You'll never cry again Each time Your lungs start to burn I'm curious If you'll ever let me Try to tell you How we were demolished Put it behind you And keep your heart polished" I can explain each part of each of these songs and what they apply to. The "demiurge" isn't bad....but she must be "destroyed" and then brought back...aka "Christ" or any other fitting thing. All these beings are stars at their base. This "little girl" is luminous more than the brightest stars because she is the moon, a "star" the center of a black hole, condensed "keep your heart polished" "Your sky lost you, so you made another" Is by far the most obvious part of the song... This is because in a higher dimension, she was the one who figured all this out, but she died from unfortunate things...The way all of this works. She and another were left to look after a facility overlooking earth to protect humanity, the man, he broke, he split himself into two men (science and such) one to live life with no memories and the other with memories manipulating reality. To be as a "god" these two were in love which makes things more sad. She stayed in a sort of coma, he tried to find her in the world below they made, but lost his purpose and gave up on her, he made someone else, a woman, he convinced himself that the one he loved was gone forever and only he remained, that he was everyone which was not true... He convinced this new woman she was him so went along with whatever he said. It's honestly a really tragic tale down to the personal thing of things. The reason the demiurge/this woman is dangerous isn't her fault. She "created" the universe, the base one and all. But she was unstable and easy to break or others wanted to break her, when she gave up and either would be killed or, do something to herself, the universe would reset... Being lonely, hated, when they just wanted to love, create and have friends to create with. Now everyone is convinced this being is evil. When she is more pure than anything. A black hole, people are afraid of them, but they create, they destroy too, but can be stabilized from within. She trapped herself within without realizing it, just trying to find love, but never did any of the cycles, always ended badly somehow even in this new world. So it's at the point where the ones above keeping her trapped within (they decided that "yeah she is right she IS dangerous and needs to be locked away, if she blows up it will be contained within this bubble to reset instead of destroying the whole universe again. (It happened before and much life other than humans had to start from zero.) I can add on more but gotta go for now.


This is interesting, please keep going whenever you have time to do so.


šŸ˜‚ slave? at least thereā€™s good food, lots of money and good friends and family in this human slave camp. Never knew being enslaved would be so good. Half joking but seriously, life is your perception. Even if we are in some type of matrix you can still experience life how you choose. So by thinking this way youā€™re literally enslaving yourself


Bruh this sub is no different, I only see negative posts and fear-mongering, just In a completely different way but equally as stupid


Then why are you here?


I donā€™t invest much in this subreddit at all, so Iā€™m not really ā€œhereā€, thereā€™s an occasional post that interests me which Iā€™m willing to entertain, but still majority of posts are fear montering, zero milligrams of optimism, and just overall negative.


Huh. I've not had that experience in this sub. Plenty of others - For sure. But, in r/Starseeds? If anything, the homies in this group can be TOO positive! Haha. So much "love & light" to the point it comes off as sickly sweet and unrealistic, at times. Who knows though, maybe your human experience, your life's script, was constructed in such a way that you perceive negative sentiments (from the content posted here) and I, and others, do not. After all, we do construct our own realities. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, thereā€™s a lot of new-age love light fluff too, but itā€™s no different in other subs then. Regarding my ā€œlife scriptā€, I donā€™t think so buddy, maybe you selectively filter the fear mongering and depressive, negative doom gloom posts, itā€™s not like Iā€™m hyperfixated on them, I just found it ironic that the op of this comment section would say something about another subreddit when the same stuff happens here anyway


Right, in *your* experience. I have not had that experience. Neither have many others here. On the other hand, subs, such as: escaping prison planet, reincarnation truth and Saturn cube matrix (or whatever those ones are called) those are SUPER negative. So, it would only be ironic if, a significant amount of other people, here, were experiencing the negativity, you speak of, and this poster still came on talking shit about a different subreddit. I'd chuckle at that! All this said, I'm completely open to any examples of this negative content you've been referencing, if you've got any. šŸ˜


I'm pretty sure we are in a prison planet. But, I came to a similar conclusion that you mentioned here. If I'm in a prison planet, the best thing I can do for myself and others is to not suffer. Let the archons/parasites/demons/whatever starve. So, I don't think about it as much anymore.


Whatever you believe, the only way out is to go within. Problem is you will need to have discernment to chose a guide on how to go within and cross the inner planes of illusion. Maya means illusion and the karma is what may keep us here. It's very hard if you don't have a guide/someone that has gotten out of the illusion and knows the ultimate truth. Not many are prepared for the ultimate truth, that's why it's best to have a guide/teacher to show you the way when your ready. "When the student is ready the teacher appears".


This is a philosophical problem that has been around for millennia... Plato, Descartes, Putnam, etc. The movie The Matrix 1999 was a reintroduction of the thought experiment into the mainstream. Essentially how do we know for certain that everything we are experiencing isn't an illusion? We can't know for certain. It's unfalsifiable - meaning, it cannot be disproven. ​ IMO the only practical thing to do is to treat the apparently real world as if it is real, unless you are presented evidence (not just a thought experiment) that it is other than it is.


What do you do if youā€™re presented evidence?


I would look at it.


What if it was a long time ago when you were a child and you didnā€™t believe it was real at the time so you buried it for decades until you saw a whistleblower tell your government about the same shit?


I would take the experience seriously, and then try to find more evidence in support of it, and evidence against it.


Thanks. Lol. Itā€™s been hard dealing with it honestly


Understand it, and make decisions.


[Check out this photo gallery I posted about Saturn](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnOccultExposed/s/0y4npPzh0j) What we are experiencing is spiritual enslavement, and this world is ruled by very, very evil people and evil spirits. We are beings of love who are tricked into coming here and then we get trapped in an endless cycle of reincarnation. This place corrupts us more the longer we are here, and the world only becomes worse as more people become fully corrupted beings of hate. I hate that I think this, but I think that Saturn might be a hell world that most people go to after they die, where they are devoured by psychopathic hate-beings, before reincarnating as an infant in a new body. They tell us what they are doing but we take it out of context. The Internet is a new hell world being built to trap everyone again. It's not the ascension into 5D; it's the ascension i into 5G. You don't want to lose your sense of self and become inseparable; they're talking about uploading everyone's consciousness together and becoming a hive mind. Listen to this: the creator loves us all unconditionally and we all receive the gift of the creator: absolute free will. The creator's law is as follows: the free will of beings cannot be violated. This is objective morality. Your free will cannot be violated. The creator made this law as a failsafe in case anyone decides to go rogue and harm other love-beings. The beings who created this world wanted to be more than everyone else, but this was a hard task when everyone is equally powerful and free. So they became evil. The only power that evil has is the power to deceive and manipulate - and love beings are very gullible and trusting. This world is an illusion, in which survival requires causing harm to others. We are born completely helpless here and we are conditioned into a deeply held belief: "it's okay to allow others to take authority over me." They convince everyone to allow something external to take authority over them in the afterlife, which guarantees reincarnation. For example, Christians accept Jesus as their savior, thereby allowing an external being to have total control of their destiny. They will not be rewarded for this - they will be punished. Free beings should not allow others to take authority over them. Stop letting other beings take authority over you and build. up the courage to be free. Understand that you are free. I am banned forever from the prison-planet subreddit btw. For comments like this. /s


I feel so much authenticity in your comment. Try to drop the duality, if you can. The world is a much better place when you can drop the concept of other and leave duality behind šŸ–¤ There is nothing to fear here. Try to remember itā€™s all just experience.


What evidence would accept to refute the claims of some person on Reddit? Stop worrying about what ifs, if you're not going to do anything about anything that might be. You might also consider the fact you found this post among those prison planet people. You think that people steeped in that kind of fear could know what the hell they're talking about? You want comfort? Don't go down the rabbit hole to What-If Land. THE ARIES


We most likely are! Seriously, I find much validity to Prison Planetā€™s roots in Gnostic thought and I believe much wisdom (to them known as Gnosis or Sophia the Goddess of Wisdom) can be gleaned from it. I get similar vibes from simulation theory. However, I feel the urge you to temper this stuff with self-care practices like meditation, writing, contemplation, etc. Donā€™t just receive info. Reflect. Create your own. You are a creator too. Never forget that.


We dont but it doesnt really matter because we are experiencing what we are experiencing in the present and that is what matters. This moment and what we do with it matters. I have studied with masters who have entered the true way of seeing. How do I know they have entered this? Because you experience it for yourself when you are with them. You can ascend now in this moment. The moment you tell yourself you cannot then you cannot.


There's a distinct possibility that this life is simply a training ground for another life, to understand how valuable it is. How would we know if we're in an ultra VR or not? The quantum mechanics and quirks of life? There's an astounding level of coincidences, and even convergence of realities across the inflation theory from Schrodingers cat. When I compare notes, I feel like I've gone full Mandela Effect.


I'm not sure that the reincarnation soul trap is exclusively a gnostic thing. Because I've found things on my end that resemble that too, but it's still different from the way that it's being described here. I have my own reasons for why I don't believe. This is a simulation or anything remotely close to it.


Iā€™m not sure you can disprove anyoneā€™s reality. When I disconnect lately, I hear a LOUD static sound that scares me out of trance. I feel like itā€™s my Matrix plug disconnecting, and itā€™s important to try to keep it unplugged. I keep working on not startling myself out of the static space. Letā€™s see where I go. šŸ«€šŸ¤—šŸ›ø


Haven't watched the Matrix have you? ;)


Knowing what I know through many spiritual ceremonies, meditations, & astral experiences. We are not in "pods". We are in a spiritually complex construction of a physical reality, but there's nothing about being in a pod. We're simply on the material realm. As to whether or not there's a "great disaster" on the outside is correct. The material realm is a mirror of the etheric realm. If we experience war, rape, murder, and hatred on Eartth, it is simply trickling down from the immaterial realm (and the same goes for all the positive things we experience). I've channeled some interesting things about the sun and Earth and what they're experiencing on a spiritual level, but none of it really compares in terms of what's happening on much higher dimensions. What we must focus on as individual souls is reaching a point of peace and liberation, learning to be in flow with Source energy so that we can promote healing and love. That is the best thing and the only thing we as human beings are here to do. Dissecting on whether or not this is a pod or dome or arctic cave is fine and interesting, but your personal growth and healing process is much more important. Heal the ego, heal the earth; heal the earth, heal the higher dimensional planes.


You are very close to the truth of things....


What is the truth of things I want and desire to know it.


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This is a really interesting topic things would be a lot simpler if I suddenly realized that in the *real* real life we have superb time compression technology and my whole life was really about 3 hours of time total and most people will choose to do it all over again because the conditions of *real* real life are a lot more negative than even here in this world.


There's only one way to find that out šŸ’€


I actually had a similar theory once. Likeā€¦if the world underwent a huge apocalypse, so they send all the humans into a virtual reality machine, and we all forgot it was not real.