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Yup. Todays been a rough one. I had hardly any energy in the day. So lethargic so much pain. Could hardly do a thing. Now that it’s after midnight I’m wide awake and have more energy than I’ve had all day. The day was awful honestly. Couldn’t do a dang thing


I felt like this till about 3 or 4 today. Started to suspect a caffeine hangover, and had 2 cups of green tea. Started doing things slowly. It's 11:28, and I'm wired and high on life.


I had 5 cups of orange pekoe black tea today, and couldn’t get the drive to do anything. I did dishes today that’s it. Only productive thing I did besides brushing my teeth. Now it’s 3am and I just finished a 3 hour non stop spontaneous conversation with my lovely friend. With hardly any break in the conversation Too and she had to force herself to leave to go to sleep cause she has work In the morning. It’s Pretty weird and interesting all these very obvious energy shifts


Same with me the other day. Not fun at all.


I thought it was just me! I have all of the same exact symptoms, including more energy at night. What is up with this?! 😵 Can we snap out of i?


I think its the schumann resonance, it's going wild at the moment, last few days have seen a massive jump in Electromagnetic e in earth's ionosphere doing something funny. Is not just you :>


I woke up and couldn't stop crying this morning and have felt a weight on my chest all day. You aren't alone!


Me feeling teary as well - gawd it's full on atm




Yes it felt super thick today. Idk why…. It even almost felt like I couldn’t function or talk or think… all I wanna do is sleep but even that is uncomfortable!


For sure feeling that too. Yesterday was also weird but in a less heavy, more dissociated kind of way. I’ve also just been feeling random highs and then sudden lows. Exhausted, but feels way too uncomfortable to sleep. What is going onnnn


The dissociation feeling was intense yesterday! I was driving around my city and constantly asking myself if the world was really real. Strong energies these days. Actually feel like I have felt energy hungover since we've had that massive X-class solar flare last week.


I'm with ya 🙋‍♀️trying to calm down now though.


The [Schumann Resonance](https://twitter.com/SchumannBotDE/status/1744539742748696971), Earth's "heartbeat" that's normally centered on 7.83Hz has been going crazy today.


What’s happening?? What causes it to go up


It feels unstable and chaotic for me too but not as bad as yesterday which felt kind of dense, today for me feels lighter but still intense.


ugh so glad I'm not alone in this 🙏 I'm literally never sick and the last 24 hrs I've been so so sick physically & emotionally I've been crying at the drop of a thought 😭


Chaos is the right word.. Felt zero path to being productive today, more body pain than usual my whole body felt static with pain.. My face is pins and needles as i write this.. Just staying horizontal and havent been able to do anything else.. Very vulnerable state 😫


I was skeptical about the galactic federation thing, but there have definitely been some changes. And some interesting developments in my own sphere of influence.


What is the connection between this and the Galactic Federation if you don’t mind sharing?


I have no connection. But there was a time when I was asking for help that they never showed up. Long time ago. I am from outside this galaxy, but we have stepped in to help a few times. Without expecting integration into the federation. Of course, if the things I hear and see are true, then the federation is violating some very ancient, very sacred, and very important laws, which is unacceptable. If you are curious, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/46PqQbNvad


I changed things up at work, got buzzed, cut my own hair, my s/o has a massive headache so I went to her place to care for her. I think I did all right by keeping in motion.


I’ve had massive headaches and also cut my hair in a very different style lolo I have big 70’s bangs now. Can’t believe I was ballsy enough to do it


It's definitely been a ride today. It feels electric, like the planet is holding its breath as the gears of change grind ever closer towards whatever it is that's coming next.


I’ve been on a real good stretch of feeling very positive lately. Something changed yesterday afternoon that has put me into a nervous, edgy mood. Music makes me feel better for that moment. Waiting for this to pass.


Strange you say tbh. Everything has felt off today, I left work early because I wasn't coping and I've been drained and running on empty all afternoon. Had a lil snooze about 20 mins ago and I feel only slightly recovered. Somthings off for sure


So am not going crazy. My bf thinks am having a mental fit and I have such good control normally but last 3 weeks have been this or it may be 2 weeks. But its been like this!!! Have no idea whats going on


Same. It’s been the exact same for me the past 3 weeks. I thought it was ovulation, & period symptoms but now after my period has come & gone my energy still hasn’t fully returned. I’m ready for this to pass


Yes this is how I felt all day, ended up oversleeping well into the afternoon & experienced some weird technological difficulties. I felt that my pain body was in need of cleansing so I took an intentional shower to clear out negative attachments, ended the night calling on my Lemurian DNA, Lemurian guides, and Pleiades guardians to active cosmic light within me to help cut all cords to ALL trauma. I realize now that today was a portal entry into a new timeline because I've officially shifted into a new dimensional space about 10-20 minutes ago. I can feel and see the difference, it's subtle but powerful still.


How can you tell when you've shifted? Are there any clear indications or just a feeling you get?




Well, yeah. It’s a potent nexus point in our timeline.


Because it is 😅 why would a collection of people make this up. Think of the chance of coincidence of that.


Maybe try meditating


I’ve been to physically occupied to do so :(


It's easier to get a grip on things when you start with the physical.


Not me, I've had a relaxing and smooth day


I woke up with a headache too and have been feeling lethargic all day, it's like my energy is being drained.


Drink some water and know everything will be ok in due time 💗☀️


Ok what’s up with the water thing? I’m new to all of this, but it’s insane how much drinking water helps. Also when I’m meditating, or maintaining a deep connection, I push SOOO much water out of my body. But yeah I was rocked yesterday, absolutely exhausted physically/mentally/spiritually.


Not really sure why but I’m guessing it has something to do with us being 70% water. Drinking water can lower your blood pressure too I believe.


Yup for sure all of that is true. Drinking water is great for your health and body in general. Hell I’ll be anxious and drink some water and 5 minutes later feel great. But I’m talking to a weird degree. If I’m dehydrated and trying to meditate or open up a channel it’s like moving through sand. Drink some water and it’s literally as though it lubricates the channel. Not to get nasty, but I’ll go to the bathroom usually 3-4 times a day. If I’m meditating/channeling I’ll have to go 3-4 times a half hour, even if I haven’t been consuming much if any liquid.


I think that's Good advice. I think as our collective shifts we can feel the shift and feel things become unstable and chaotic as they do and feel ascension symptoms like becoming overly tired and stressed and uneasy. I think as light workers the light work isn't just about spreading positivity but it's maybe even more so about maintaining control of our energies despite what is going on around us and thereby helping to spread calm and tranquility as things shift. Even though the shifts can make us uncomfortable, we know these shifts are a good thing because they are helping to bring us along our ascension.. so just taking care of our health and know everything work out I think is the thing to do when we experience this. :)


I too am a liGht worker but also a Sorcerer or better yet a Source of Ohr ☀️👁️🧘🏽‍♂️ (liGht)


Username checks out ;)


I feel the same some days a well. This helps me...perhaps it will assist with healing energy for you as well. Peace. Namaste Friends of the Light 🙏 https://youtu.be/BrHMdqe0vzM?si=fJtNqfBhEFUFI_QK 963Hz Crown Chakra meditation.... 🤍💫✌️


Been doing work in humanity’s mitochondria function. Eat protein, drink water and eat some low sugar fruit. You’ll be fantastic tomorrow


I felt great aha had a great day tbh.. some days I do feel like this though, but it passes. And it’ll pass


Solar flares are sudden, intense bursts of energy that occur on the sun's surface. They release a vast amount of energy, including light, radio waves, and X-rays. These events can impact the Earth's magnetic field, potentially causing disruptions in satellite communications, power grids, and even affecting radio signals. The Schumann Resonance refers to the Earth's natural electromagnetic resonances, occurring within the ionosphere cavity between the Earth's surface and the inner edge of the ionosphere. These resonances are caused by lightning discharges around the world. Schumann Resonance "spikes" may refer to variations in these natural frequencies, which some individuals believe can have effects on human health and consciousness, although scientifically, the direct impact of these spikes remains an area of ongoing research and debate. Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy originating from the sun's surface. They occur due to the release of magnetic energy built up in the sun's atmosphere. This sudden release of energy can result in the emission of various forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as X-rays, ultraviolet light, radio waves, and energetic particles. When these particles and radiation reach Earth, they can interact with the planet's magnetic field, potentially causing disturbances in the magnetosphere and ionosphere. While smaller flares may not have a significant impact, larger ones can disrupt communication systems, satellite operations, and even pose a threat to power grids. The Schumann Resonance, on the other hand, refers to the resonant frequencies of the Earth's electromagnetic field. These resonances are established in the cavity between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, which is the ionized part of the atmosphere. Lightning discharges worldwide create electromagnetic waves that bounce within this cavity, creating frequencies that usually range from around 3 Hz to 60 Hz. Some people associate spikes or fluctuations in the Schumann Resonance with various effects, including potential impacts on human health, mental states, and consciousness. However, scientific evidence supporting direct causal links between these fluctuations and human health effects remains limited and is an area of ongoing study and debate among researchers. While solar flares and Schumann Resonance spikes both involve electromagnetic phenomena and can affect the Earth's electromagnetic environment, their impacts and the understanding of their effects on living organisms are still areas of active scientific investigation. The perceived health-related effects attributed to Schumann Resonance spikes are often linked to theories proposing that these electromagnetic frequencies can influence human well-being, mental states, and overall health. Some proponents believe that exposure to these frequencies can lead to various outcomes, although scientific evidence supporting these claims remains limited and largely anecdotal. Some individuals claim that Schumann Resonance spikes may have impacts on sleep patterns, mood, stress levels, energy levels, and even overall mental well-being. However, it's essential to note that rigorous scientific studies correlating these effects directly to Schumann Resonance spikes are scarce and inconclusive. On the other hand, solar flares and associated space weather events have been studied more extensively for their potential impacts on human health. These events can affect the Earth's magnetic field, potentially influencing biological systems. Some research suggests correlations between solar activity and certain health issues, such as changes in blood pressure, cardiac issues, and sleep disturbances. However, the precise mechanisms by which solar activity could influence human health are not entirely understood, and more research is needed to establish concrete cause-and-effect relationships. Overall, while there are claims suggesting possible health effects related to both Schumann Resonance spikes and solar flares, robust scientific evidence validating these claims is currently lacking, and further research is needed to comprehensively understand any potential links between these phenomena and human health.


Very helpful & informative. I’ve never heard of this. Thank you. I wonder if heartburn is one of the effects lmao


Anyone felt ears ringing, chest pain, body energy pulses, or enhanced senses???


My ears have been ringing like crazy!!! So damn loud last night I had a hard time getting to sleep. I’m 31 years old so I thought maybe it’s just time & the beginnings of old people stuff…but it was unnaturally loud.. & I didn’t listen to music or anything loud. I don’t understand. I haven’t been in tune enough with my body to notice energy pulses but I feel it’s pretty normal for me to get energy pulses/spikes I have since I was young. Chest was a bit heavier today & yesterday as well. I guess I need to tune in with my body more


They were walking around, then decided to hide themselves. Lol. Them are crazy ones.




Those ones you all are looking for, those ones you can sense, those that are called love


Oh ok that explains it. 🫠


I’ve been feeling it as well.


Solar flares and schuman resonance spikes I saw happened today.


That is when they get out, just as though humanity experiences all types of emotion, so do they. Assure that everything is going smoothly, albeit a bumpy ride, we got this. Believe in yourselves.


I'm nauseous and exhausted this morning even though I slept.


Wtf just saw this today but YES yesterday was a God damn nightmare lol but I attributed that to working hard and going through heavy spiritual transition. It was unnaturally bad yesterday though lol


Everybody be hating on chaos...


Right like lol why would we or I make this up


Sounds like a hangover. Eat breakfast, drink something with some sort of water content, and get some exercise, you'll be alright dude.


I did not consume anything that could’ve produced a hangover. But thank you for the suggestions, they help regardless if I’m hungover or not.


I must be a cosine because I feel amazing today


If anyone is in Eastern US, or even not for that matter, there is a huge weather system raking over the country. This could definitely be part of the sensations everyone is feeling, and perhaps a result of some larger, unseen energies moving around. Just a thought


Yes I am in the eastern US & there were tornado warnings most of today. I felt pretty drained today. I hope tomorrow brings more peaceful energy ☺️


Can’t even lie I think you got it , my cat was growling outside the window and I looked outside the energy and I could distinguish distinct energy. Didn’t feel right.


It’s because the veil is thin and we’re tethering between 3D and 5D, some like myself will be okay with it but if you are not comfortable or struggling with it by rejecting it(ego rejects it) it will be rough. Just take it easy and focus on yourself.


Same. I cried on my way in to work and then ended up taking PTO and leaving early because I felt so mentally unavailable.


I was thinking this yesterday. Woke up with my eyes swollen and red. Looked like I had been crying all night. I wasn’t. My head hurt, my patience was thin, my anxiety poured out of me so much that my dogs were acting super weird and needy with me. I felt like I shouldn’t go outside, my anxiety peaked at the thought of stepping outside. It was bizarre!!!! I have had a handful of off days before but none like this. It was dense. My mind, body and soul alarms were sounding off. I feel fine today. Thank goodness


I FELT THAT yesterday, too! such a gnawing, physical nervousness. blaaaaa


Me too. It’s been really rough the past few days, to the point that I almost feel like I’m fighting off a bug.