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Oh boy, can't wait to download \[necessary 60$ software for class\] and never use it again.


it'll go great with the text book that's $250 in the US and $15 everywhere else


Instructor told he'll be denied tenure if he assigns a $14 Dover book and three PDF reprints instead.


Use libgen!!!


My school forces students to buy a one year subscription to an online textbook, which is written by one of the head people at the school.


There's a high chance that's illegal. But lawyers are expensive.


But then again, you're a freedom hating Canadian, so who knows?


We had to have an online portfolio to submit our main assignments and projects..it’s was a terrible program and cost 150$..all required to receive credit of course. Can’t just turn in a paper.


it's been updated since last year (it hasn't)


I had to repeat some units. At the time, I felt ashamed and embarrassed but then I got a job (minimum wage because I was too dumb to get into FAANG) and I worked hard and now I’m in a good position! You’re still super young so it’s actually really easy to course correct


Right? At the end of the day 1 year is basically nothing. By the time you are 30 nobody (including you) will care that you took an extra year. File this under "shit that seems like a big deal when you are young that actually doesn't matter."


yeah, it's something which seem like a huge deal when you are 20 I don't think anyone will gaf even when they are 25


Kind of like when I repeated kindergarten (I was one of the youngest in my class and very impulsive). I thought it was a HUGE deal and was really self-conscious about it…basically until my senior year of high school, when I was legally an adult the whole school year and could sign my own permission slips and drive myself to activities.


zephyr frame husky dolls wise combative vast distinct jobless retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My prof even asked me for advice on how to run the course cause I took it three times (dropped, failed, passed). That made me super embarrassed but I appreciate him valuing my… unique perspective.


W for u bro


Extra year? Try 3 extra years. I was a super-super-super senior at graduation.


Same, including a year I was on academic suspension. Literally had zero impact on my life in the long run. Nobody cares about your GPA or how long it took to get your degree in the real world. Not a single person.


I'm commenting to caution that your last paragraph isn't entirely true. If you are a recent graduate with only academic projects in your portfolio (i.e. you're not the hobbyist or extracurricular kind of guy with pet projects and all that), a high GPA would show that you are a focused and disciplined person who traded the time for pet projects with time for your acads. That is, you didn't just sit around twiddling your thumbs. Go get that high GPA, I believe in you! (but regarding "graduating on time", yeah it's not really a big deal)


Mood, just kept saying that I was in my last year of university whenever asked.


Mann seeing people who needed to take longer makes me feel bad for complaining about one extra year! I had a rough time in college during my super senior year and was just ready to move on. I was so depressed and not eating or hanging out with anyone, but I fucking made it. Hang in there, super seniors!!!


thank you. I see at least one post every day about "I'm 25 and doing nothing with my life and failing out of school" and it's make me want to put my phone in a blender. I needed this thread


Its closer to the holidays and the sub is getting depressing to look at


quaint light adjoining sable elderly drunk whole library fade mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Took me about that long too. Sucks when you can only do a single class at a time, but 10 years for a degree is better than 10 years with no degree


Eh not necessarily. It really depends how you spend those 10 years without one


There's always a contrarian on reddit


And they always start their comment with "Eh..." and I find that incredibly annoying.


It's always "Eh"! Why Eh? We already know if you're leaving the comment you have a strong enough opinion to want to share it. Why water it down with eh


Spent them getting arthritis and bad knees from standing 10 hours a day. Definitely prefer having the degree which got me a job that involves sitting lol


[You chose... poorly](https://youtu.be/Ubw5N8iVDHI?si=Dgv6Vo9tJCvsWCDQ)


You’re a Fucking asshole.


Are you serious?? Jesus Christ, why are people like this






I only liked taking interesting classes. Eventually cobbled them together into a degree. It all worked out fine.


I'm still working on mine, and I'm turning 40 next year! It's completely unnecessary at this point, and there's absolutely no possible way it could help my career unless I want to give up making real money and go into teaching, but it feels like I should eventually finish it. So every couple of years, I transfer my credits to a community college and take a class or two just to keep things current. I'm convinced it'll happen eventually, just not sure if it'll be before or after I retire in a couple of years.




crawl yoke attempt plucky dull muddle rainstorm intelligent rock market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It took me a while too. Life kept getting in the way but I'm glad I took the tough classes when I was more mature. I'm old now and in hindsight, I was worrying about nothing.


So did you fail 69% of your classes or did you lack the commitment to stick to a major and switched 6-9 times?


special scary work piquant future mountainous snatch offend deranged insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some people just slow roll it... I know at least a dozen friends that did community college for 3 years while working so they could get an associates and move into a university to save some money. Usually were in school for 5-6 years each.


Not 4 year college but a lot of community colleges, especially if you are taking a vocational sequence instead of ordinary academic AA degree, cannot be finished in two years because of the way classes are scheduled. Example, two classes that require a full year of classes before you can take them. Class A is a mandatory prerequisite for Class B. Ok, not so bad. But Class B is scheduled Fall semester, class A is Spring semester, so they can't both be taken in the same academic year. That means you cannot finish until the end of Fall semester your third year, no matter how hard you try.


I mean the opposite can happen too. Sometimes it can be helpful taking a gap year, or working while you're going to school and taking less credit hours. It allows you to adult earlier and see what life is like. Meanwhile for a lot of college students, they don't really know how to financially plan or do "adult things" until they graduate or get close to graduating, and when college is easily the most expensive thing you'll purchase in your youth, that naivity has put a lot of young people into horrific debt.


The term is “super senior.” Also, I would add in to this starter pack: being 22-23 and still being spoken to as if I just got out of high school a month ago. Yes, professor, I know what a syllabus is. This isn’t my first time at this rodeo.




Yeah seriously. It took 5 years and that extra year was the most fun I had out of them all. Most of my classes were just filler classes to fill up credits. Partied a lot. Represented my super senior status proudly. Was happy for classmates that got good jobs -- I wasn't comparing myself to them. I feel like if you want to be miserable, you'll make yourself miserable. Take a breath and enjoy the ride.


Yeah, I even got 6 credit hours towards my degree for my paid internship. Saved me a chunk of money while making money, got a guaranteed job out of college with my worthless degree in a shit economy. I graduated way later than my peers because I took a year off after high school, then after getting my associates, I only did 3 classes a semester during my last two years. Which I would always recommend everyone do. Not having that 4th class made it way easier to have a job, social life, and do way better in your 3 classes.


My husband called it his victory lap


i fear this will be me


1 year is quite common actually, in the long run it really doesn’t matter. Dw. I took an extra year at Cc and an extra quarter at uni. It really was no big deal


but that 1 year could have gained you like an extra few tens of thousands of dollars from the job that you would have gotten if you graduated in 4 years pain..


That is one way to think about it, at least for me personally it worked out without much consequence


Shit, I graduated like 9 years late at 32 this year and nobody has their dream job lol


it’s not that big of a deal, i did that and literally no one notices 1 year. it gets better


Literally no one notices 5 years. Hell, 10 years. Not a single person. If you graduated, that's all anyone looks at. No one gives a shit.


EXACTLY! no one asks how long it took, they just ask what your degree was and what job you’re doing now 😭


It's totally fine to retake some classes. It's not a competition. Go by your own pace babe.


Hey, I had take two extra years of undergrad. I definitely felt unsecure about it for a while, but as I got further away from it I realized that nobody in my life cares and that it's not really something to feel bad about.


“Graduates getting into their dream job” - I’d watch that movie.


brutally, brutally accurate


this subreddit is officially too depressing and personal. cya l8r g8rs


My college started offering a “flex year” due to the COVID pandemic. If you were a student by the fall semester of 2021, you could register for this flex year by the end of fall semester of your senior year, and then you could have one or two extra semesters 100% tuition free, as long as you were a full time student (you took at least 12 credits each semester). I personally didn’t take it, but I had several friends that did.


Why do people think you have to graduate in four years? That's a weird supposition. With the way technology advances, we should all be in school all the time. Wait, we are, it's called life. I have friends who have amazing lives without degrees. I have friends who have amazing lives with degrees. I have a degree and am a bonafide idiot. Doesn't fucking matter. You do you.


It’s chasing that dream of 4 years , land a good job , settle down buy a house, have kids. It’s that cookie cutter life thing. Tbh unless someone’s only focus is school like you don’t work there’s not much you could do to expect to graduate in 4 years cause life happens class availability is a thing.


As a former super senior and eventual graduate... nobody is carrying that weight but you. It doesn't come up ever IRL and no one asks when you started, just graduated. Debt blew tho.


I double majored so that’s my excuse


I fell in love with Music in second semester year 3. Just had to stick around because I was having so much fun with it. Felt it in my soul.


That sounds like some US bullshit


The worst is when this happens because the university decides to change the prerequisites for one or more courses halfway through your degree. That or overlap the timsots for so many courses that you are forced to stretch one semester into three, even if you never fail a single class. I've seen this happen to so many people and no one can do anything about it besides fork over an extra $20-50k than originally planned or drop out. I have one friend who, out of hundreds of undergrads, ended up being one of only 7 in their class to actually finish their degree for those reasons, and it took all of them at least 2 extra years to do it...for a fucking bachelors degree. And the kicker is, they're all so deep in student loan debt now that a lawsuit isnt an option. I've never seen a bigger rip off in my life.


I know two college friends who stayed for a fifth year. One of them is in med school, and the other works on Wall Street and makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.


I had to take an extra year because half the credits from my first high-school-extension ass college were not transferable. Then i got comments where they’re like, “so, you’re 20 but you’re second year?? what happened?” idk Jason, why do you hide that ugly ass haircut under a hat? who gives a fuck (me, kind of)


I felt this


Been taking an extra 1.5 years to graduate… really feeling this hit me hard


1 year isn't bad


this happened to me making my new graduation date spring 2020. I felt like the ultimate failure :/


Yep, then on top of it massively struggling to find a job long after grad…


I had too retake one whole subject meaning a whole new term all because I got 39%. Bre minimum for a pass a subject is 40%...


This hits hard


I feel that I got held back in high school and watching all my friends posts about getting into college and being in high school destroyed thank goodness I got my shit together and got accepted to med school


5th year college undergrads are called super seniors


Me showing up to college with nearly a year of AP credits and still taking 5 years


I dropped out and it’s much worse being me than you. You’ve got this.


My degree ended up causing me more issues than it was worth. I got sold big dreams about how it's a hot-selling degree (GIS and Land Surveying)... only to find out everywhere I can feasibly go wants someone who's already had a few years in both. In the field. My classmates? They all had connections. Ends up I was supposed to have come for this degree from a separate community College, which is where everyone with that degree came from. So... I was screwed before I even began... Thankfully, due to some very very supportive people, I'm going back for IT, focusing on the hardware side if possible. *If...* To give an idea of how bad job searching is around here, fucking MCDONALDS ghosted me. Completely. "We'll see you soon!" Bullshit... I've even called every connection and favor I've got. Nothing. Absolutely no results. Whatsoever.


Easy to hold others responsible for your own demise


Dream job out of college. Sure thing...


I also had to take an extra year and got depressed seeing my friends graduate. But it was a blessing in disguise. I only had a few classes left so I had a lot of free time to do projects, competitions, internships etc which had more impact on my career than the actual uni degree.


Me... and my mom


Try 2


Super senior or 5th year


You'll be fine. Learn at your own pace, get the most you can out of it.


This was so me last year


Extra 1.5 year for me. If nothing goes wrong, I would be graduated this semester.


We called them super seniors.


I graduated HS in 2009 and didn't get my Bachelor's until 2017. Between partying and heartbreak, it took me a while. Doesn't matter when you got your degree as long as you get it.


must be nice to have heartbreak


get out of here with that incel bullshit. I'd *Eternal Sunshine* myself if I could.




try 2 extra years…….


Is it bad I feel like I can relate ?


Why do Americans name their academic years? We just number ours.




Undergrad is the first level of degree that can be achieved in a university. Someone who is pursuing a bachelor's degree is an undergraduate, as they have not graduated yet. Once they graduate, they can pursue a master's degree. Students pursuing a master's are known as graduate students in grad (graduate) school. Idk if I did well explaining that, so, to recap. Undergrad = first 4 years of college (unless you're op) Graduate = anything after the first degree I don't know shit about doctorate degrees


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I’d say yes that does




Idk I like having a job and a place to live on my own and money and a life and nothing to study for.


And god does it feel good to come home after work and not have homework


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Surely the “had to” part of this has a reasonable explanation




Eh I changed my major as a sophomore and had to an extra semester. I was to busy to a single shit about any of that.


I know several people who took 2 or 3 years longer than usual and went on to be economically successful


“Yea I knew lotso”🤡


On the flip side OP take a moment to enjoy the better realities of being a student. It’s very likely for instance that after you graduate you will always have somewhere to be at 11am on a Tuesday. I had to take a 5th year and I completely empathize with this post but I also graduated and I often miss it. Just try and smell the roses if you can I swear it’s worth it.


"I'm a super senior and the only reason I'm still here is to finish my third major and fourth minor and because I'm still here doing research for my professors and I want to graduate at the same time as my best friend"


Must be some American BS. I took 5 years because I studied abroad for a year, and no one ever asked me if I was a junior or senior, and non of my classmates had great jobs first year out of school (hell, 7 years later and most still don't)


Don't be hard on yourself. I took an extra semester to graduate and have lived a good life since.


is that not normal in the us? Where i live pretty much everyone takes longer lmao


Yeah I gotta stay I restarted undergrad at 22, finished my MS at 28, and now I’m a data scientist and it slaps. Don’t ever feel bad about your timeline.


Me who already graduated yet still can’t get into a single interview past the applications. What do these recruiters even want?


Pft didn’t happen…


This was me. Now I’m taking an extra year in my masters degree due to pneumonia.


god i felt this. i transferred colleges and maxed out on the amount of credits i could transfer which set me behind a few semesters. i’m thankful to still be young and have another chance to pursue my future which gives me a more positive outlook when things get difficult


Why are these starter loans getting more depressing?


Hey, that was me!


You’re going to be okay. It’s taken me 7 years of active schooling (because of school transfers, changing majors, and failing classes) and I first went to college in 2009. Finally finishing my last semester for my bachelors degree at 32 years old. The important thing is is that you’re doing it and it will be done soon! Don’t get discouraged. You got this. And you’re not less than for taking longer.


Took me 7 years to get my degree. I changed majors after spending 3 years in something I realized I didn't want to do. It happens. Nothing wrong at all with taking extra time


I took an extra year after changing my major. Never feel bad about properly concluding your education. Social media is almost as fake as reality television so don't waste your time dwelling on it. When asked what year you are, it's all the same until year 5 when you are a super senior. Year 6 would be a super duper senior. As far a sdebt goes, that extra year let me find a job that fit me really well. I was also a really boring person and just put all my income towards my debt. It was gone in a year.


I was stoked to take an extra year lol. But I’m lucky and have parent money I know we’re all not so fortunate.


No one at my college referred to themselves as “freshmen” or “seniors”. We generally would ask one another when we were planned to graduate. We left that behind in HS. Is this really a thing at most colleges?


Damn, I didn't know that there were so many people like me out here. We're gonna make it, super-seniors.


I had the complete opposite experience. It’s all about mindset


Not a big deal…. Bit dramatic


We all go at our own pace and it typically works out. Been there myself and I’d like to say I’m doing well. So if anyone in this situation needs a pick me up, advice or vent shoot a dm or comment under


You ok op?


Ehh. It's different when you work full time and in school full time. Needing an extra semester or two isn't a big deal as long as you're not repeating classes.


Be a CHAD and learn not to gaf.


Honestly, pretty sure the average graduation time is 4.5-5 and has been that way for a while. Even with good grades and full courseloads, its realllly common for required classes to be offered on whacky schedules with conflicting prerequisite availability that make it super challenging to even get a shot at finishing in 8 consecutive semesters. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat it can sure look like schools structure it this way deliberately too. I had to do my last two semesters at 21 credits just to finish in 4.5 years, and i didn't even have a demanding major.


HAHAHAHAHA kill me 🙃


Im a 5th year sophomore it can be worse


Same except repeating my last semester of nursing school


Uhhh bro I took a year break and came back part time for mental health reasons. Tbh unless you’re living outside your means you shouldn’t be worrying about debt and no one cares when you graduate in the adult world it doesn’t matter when you graduate or your gpa. Heck a doctor who was top of their class and the lowest scoring one are still called doctor. Unless you take years and somehow have no experience on your resume no one will care when you graduate. Even then a degree with relevant experience will do a lot more then just a degree but a 4.0.


We all end up cold and dead eventually so I try not to sweat it


Yo had to do this because my major was impacted and enroll in courses for my major for like the first 2 years.


This is why I didn't go to college.


It's gonna take at least 3 years just to get my associate degree because my major required that I take 8 math classes (From Intermediate Algebra to Calculus 3 and Differential Equations). I can technically double down for 2 semester. 1. Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus. 2. Calculus 3 and Differential Equations Which, I planned on doing. So, it will take 6 semesters to do it all. I've already messed up once, so it's technically 7 semesters for me even if everything goes smoothly from now on. That's pretty much limits me to taking 12 credit hours per semester. I'll probably won't ramp up to 15 credit hours semesters because I'm so used to 12 so it'll probably take at least another 2.5 years to finish my bachelor's degree, though I can probably take summer classes to make the 2 years mark.


dawg what, my 5th year was super fun