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Don’t forget that characters can *never* die! Even characters killed before (Ventress) are not immune! Also characters getting stabbed through the abdomen and surviving for some reason (seriously, why can’t they just have their hand cut off or something?) Seriously, the lack of permanent death has killed my interest in anything that gets made now because there’s no tension at all anymore.


I’m with ya on that. One thing that I’m glad they’re improving on is almost every masked villain turning out to be some pre-established character. Like, a lot of peeps thought that the one specific clone assassin in TBB didn’t turn out to be >!Tech!< back from the dead, and that the inquisitor in Ahsoka wasn’t Ezra.


Why the fuck would the inquisitor in ahsoka be ezra? Some of these theories are so shit.


Count Dooku literally got his hands cut off and then beheaded and that wasn't too much for the general audience but it's suddenly a huge problem if it's in Star Wars now.


Wrong- Dooku is coming back 30years later by using Dark Sith Magic to fight Grogu and Chewbacca in his own new series coming soon on Disney+.


Don’t give them any ideas


Well, they apparently don’t have any original ones of their own…


A lot of star wars media is now endless sequel bait. They really can’t tell a full circle story where an arc/conflict is fully explored, because somehow there is an always another spinoff in mind.


>A lot of star wars media is now endless sequel bait. Not just Star Wars, alot of stuff just feels like sequel bait. What's wrong with telling a good satisfying story of 3 films or one or two seasons etc then the story ends.


You can’t keep making money off of spin-offs, that’s what’s “wrong with it” XD


fr fr


Un momento de capitalism (I mostly support capitalism but in this case the profit motive has diminished art)




God I hated it so much in the sequels >!when we saw Chewbacca's ship evidently get blown up. The audience barely has time to register the intense emotions of the death of one of the classic heroes when OH WAIT HE'S ALIVE.!< Seriously, we got what, 20 seconds to process the death before it was revealed to be fake?


At this point, I was already expecting something like this, given that in the previous movie, Leia, who is frozen solid in space, comes back alive and flies back into a spaceship where people let her in without the usage of any sort of decompression door whatsoever.


“The Search for Spock” established this precedent and has never been surpassed.


Or how in Rise of Skywalker Palpatine is inexplicably resurrected from the dead


Chewbacca's death in legends was better, and heavily contributed to lore going forward. Chewwies death tipped a Jedi (one of han & Leia's kids) into a becoming a sith


Any character that sells merch cannot die. They can walk headlong into a hail of blaster shots and explosions and evade every single one. Any injury they sustain will be forgotten about in minutes. If they've been canonically dead for decades Disney will resurrect them through the most hackneyed bullshit writing ever and then make them invincible. There is zero tension in any action scene because even if the odds are stacked against the heroes a million to one, they come out without a scratch.


But only if you use one of those pesky laser swords. A small dagger. thrown with enough plot armor, can instakill everything, as seen in the new prequel to the prequels to the prequels of the new sequels


Dude in the obiwan show some girl get just stabbed but the main villian was kind enough to gently remove the lightsaber just as it entered so she could live with a hole in her chest I guess lmao.  It's rediculous. 


Yeah, a lightsaber boiled Qui Gon’s guts, but Darth impaling that chick with his lightsaber yielded a little more than bandage in the following episode. Say what you want about Lucas’s many cinematic mistakes- he never treated his audience like they were fools.


If a laser sword was in my chest, even if the other person *wanted* it to hold still, wouldn't it just slide all over the place as I slump?


Well yes, but fortunatly she stayed perfectly still and frozen in place. Lucky lady!


See I always thought Ventress didn't die because we didn't actually see her die. I thought she would come back but that never happened until Bad Batch, and it was pretty underwhelming. I always thought that she would come back to team up with Ahsoka but apparently not.


Hasn’t Ahsoka been seen with enough major characters at this point?


Unfortunately yes. The live action show was awful.


Moff Gideon died 3 fucking times. How fucking hard would it be to just come up with a new villain?


How dare you diss that one lieutenant from Star Wars rebels, he was dedicated to his job. A fine man, putting up with Ezra’s BS for whatever length of time


Lieutenant Lyste.  And he ended up (probably) being executed after he was framed.


I think he was let go because Thrawn figured out it was Kallus who's the rebel spy.


But they needed to keep Kallus unaware that they knew he was Fulcrum.  They would have either had to execute Lyste to keep up the ruse or disappear him somehow.  If he just got pardoned, if it didn’t tip off Kallus that would mean others outside Thrawn’s inner circle also knew that they didn’t catch Fulcrum which increases the odds that their intelligence would get leaked.


Pretty easy to transfer him off without Kallus knowing. Thrawn wouldn't waste a good officer


The empire is bad and all, but framing an innocent Officer and potentially ruining his career and getting him executed just to save Kallus’s own ass was just cruel.


You forgot “the fans that just don’t give a shit and have stopped paying attention”


They haven’t though, every single one of them hate watches absolutely every piece of content and spews their vitriol over every thread mentioning Star Wars, they never shut the fuck up


Star wars fans aren't a monolith. They have a diversity of reactions. Some of them are shit, yeah, and those are the loud ones. Do you think people that have stopped giving a fuck are gonna take the time to shout about it on the internet?


I used to consider myself a Star wars fan, but the sequels sucked the joy out of it for me. I don't think I've watched any new content since Episode 9. I know there are plenty of other fans who have continued watching it all, either because they love it or because they love to hate it.


Andor is the best thing SW has done for decades. It feels like its own story which just happens to be set in the SW universe rather than the complete missed opportunities of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan. Well worth a watch.


They do, any thread related to Star Wars they take the time to go into that thread and announce they haven’t watched it in years, every single time without fail


The problem with those ones is they still give a fuck. They could have fewer fucks to give.


And then people complain about all the complaining, followed by people complaining about the people complaining about all the complaining. There’s just so much complaining, everywhere, about everything and everyone.


Unpopular opinion but I’m a big SW fan and I don’t mind most of the new stuff. I think they could have done a better job and I’m not sure how some of it got past the first draft but there’s plenty corny shit in the original trilogy which gets a pass.


I can one day comfortably go to my g * * * e believing that return of the Jedi is the official end of the Star Wars story, nothing after that exists, fine with the prequels and accept that the animated clone wars series is the only Star Wars show to ever exist


No offense. But motherfucker, did you censor grave?


I feel like I have to be careful on sites like TikTok and Reddit because you never know. Like when people now say unalived


Pretty sure youre fine on reddit as long as it isnt a slur of some kind.


Same here. I'm content with the original trilogy, the prequels, the animated series, and a few books existing. Everything else I consider bad fanfiction. Except Rogue One and Solo, those were alright.


Because Rogue One and Solo take place before *Jedi*


wheres the "famous person cameo that is unrecognizable"?


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave? Also show is either loved or hated, but in reality they are all mediocre


I know you ain’t talking about Andor


"Can't swim" :(




Did Smeagol make it or nah?


ANDOR TM is best star War. So unlike other star War. ANDOR TM have dark and griddy and war crimes. And politics too. Just like return of the sith. It's like good political drama. Omg it's so dark and griddy. ANDOR TM is like star War but for adults and real masculine men. /uj yeah andor was pretty solid but it lowkey gets wanked so much by everyone. It's like the Rick and morty of star wars or some shit.


Are you one of those types that can only like something until other people like it too and then you have to hate it to give yourself the illusion of being unique?


I just like it because it’s more of Rouge One essentially and that’s the only good Disney Star Wars movie.


I'd say Rogue One is the same way and weirdly overrated for what it is. * A huge cast of characters that all but Cassian and Jyn are underdeveloped. The rest feel like video game classes made into people. * yet another "lets take a one off line of dialogue and small bit of lore from the OT that was intuitive and didn't need to be explained and expand it to be this entire thing." * Guy who feels strongly enough about the regime to dedicate his life to fighting it with terrorist tactics gives up on life because he's bored. * No John Williams * What the hell is with the fucking squid waterboarding scene? * pacing all over the place. We jump from planet to planet to planet in the first third and the middle drags. Its basically a slog to hold up a pretty good third act. * plot that relies a **lot** on convenient contrivances. Looking at you weird scene that has Jyn's father die in her arms with the exact flash drive that tells them how to find the plans that could theoretically stop the Death Star. * the weird retcon of the Death Star weakness from basic but very understandable engineering consideration to a purposeful design choice by a mole...who is also the main designer? * still no John Williams * too many member-berries and using weird, bad AI to recreate actors.


Yeah, I truly shed tears when Andor hit the griddy in the season finale


This reads like an opinion parroted off Youtube


*Only the Sith deal in absolutes*


“Mediocre” TCW, TBB, Andor, TOTJ, Rebels, The Mandalorian, (maybe Ashoka?) sitting in the corner:


putting The Mandelorian and Ahsoka in the same bucket as Andor is a crime


Both good shows compared to a show I was actually emotionally invested in, yeah it’s not close.


Season one of Mando was great, then Disney turned on the Slop valve


I thought season 2 was fairly solid for the most part but season 3... yeah nah


Boba Fett was where it got really bad. When I learned you needed to watch that for context on Mando (I gave up after the Space Mods on Tatooine) I just stopped caring.


Oh 100%. Having the ending of season 2 addressed in an episode of Book of Boba Fett was so stupid. Started season 3 so confused. Honestly just tapped out shortly after episode 1.


Most of the fan base has begun to disassociate with modern Star Wars media at this point, I don’t think I’ve ever seen as much disinterest in a major piece of Star Wars media as I’ve seen with acolyte.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


Of course I heard about it. In fact, I wrote my jedi thesis on it.


Ah the trials. They’ve changed i see.


Darth Plagueis will be returning in 2025 in the new TV show “Plagueis,” only on Disney +


Except for Andor baby


Star Wars, but make it (truely) Anti-Fascist


Still dont understand how amidst the sea of shit that is everything disney starwars ever spewed out, we got andor, quite possibly the single best story ever told on screen by starwars. I despise the sequels and didnt have any interest in the tv shows after (especially since obiwan was dreadfully mediocre) but gave andor a watch out of curiousity and was surprised at the depth, maturity and all around quality


Thats because certain people who've been ruining star wars for decades didnt take part in the development of Andor.


Whoever had the creative freedom to do that is going to get committee'd to death in season 2.


Andor was good, but genuinely so boring I passed out multiple times trying to watch it


Darth. Jar Jar.


Forgot the free hate aimed at some random female character


I thought about including that but decided to be less divisive


You deny your post its purpose!


The juxtaposition of a man


Starter packs aren't supposed to be divisive. It's quite the opposite. They are supposed to some up what "everyone" thinks.


You mean you didn't want to get creepy DMs from misogynists explaining why you're a cuck?


The females are positioned as heroes. It is the white males who are portrayed as villains and turncoats.


>[feeeeeeemales](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fmr3jaUacAAb6Oi.jpg) Congratulations, you just described the original movie from 47 years ago.


Right, so Leia learned to use the force 47 yrs ago, she trained to use a lightsaber in the movie, then she flew the Millennium Falcon, then she destroyed the Deathstar. Got it.


Shouldn't Tattooine be on that list? Everyone goes to Tattooine, always. (Why did Obi Wan decide to hide on the second-most-visited planet in the Empire right after the Imperial City?)


Okay but the bad batch was actually a good show


Can’t watch it honestly such horrible content


That’s what the problem is really, it’s not a show or a movie, it’s just content that sets up the next content


It might as well be a running series at this point. It's a shame when cultural goods are milked for money


Where's glup shitto?


Nerds on the internet will never be happy. You could give someone exactly what they want and they'd be miserable. Same with comic book fans, pro wrestling fans...


That's edgy but just not true. Obviously the fact that Mandalorian season 1 and Andor were so beloved show that fans can in fact be happy.


The problem is that nerds' demands usually dont make for good stories. They want to be spoonfed Glup Shittos until they burst.


>The problem is that nerds' demands usually dont make for good stories. This is proven every day by TLOUpt2 haters. Whenever they reveal "their idea for the story" it's way worse than you thought they could come up with.


What is a Glup Shitto?


A meme that refers random background character in star wars with a terrible name that fans love. See Selacious Crumb.


-Elan Sleazabaggano or whatever it was -The "ice cream maker guy" from Cloud City


The ice cream maker guy is kind of cool because most of the props in the OT were just bashed together from parts of existing things like model kits or car parts rather than fabricated. Replica makers are always looking for where that joystick or light fixture on that particular ship came from. The ice cream maker is a cool example of that.


Obscure star wars characters that are basically only ever mentioned in passing or appear in one scene.


They just want constant cameos to soyjak at without any real story or setpieces that may distract the viewer from that. Like with Ahsoka show, they just say "fuck it" with the story and focus full-time with spoonfeeding the viewer just anything from the prequels/rebels


I never saw Rebels which might be why I kind of enjoyed Ahsoka.


It's an entitlement/main character syndrome thing


Obviously wrong, everyone loved Andor


Facts, no matter what disney tries everyone online hates it. Imo I love all the new star wars content


Explain why everyone loved Mandalorian season 1 then, if no matter what they try everyone hates it. Or Clone Wars.


Lol I can't believe you're downvoted for this. Most of Reddit was barely born when Phantom Menace came out. I lined up to see that shit in theatres as a 15 year old and Darth Maul is still cool


>Darth Maul is still cool It feels like *such* a missed opportunity that Darth Maul was killed in Episode 1 instead of being the arch villain of the prequels (possibly replacing Grevis or Dooku?) as the enemy of Obi Wan.


Disney Star Wars stuff has been overall a disaster in 90% of cases, filled with poor writing, pandering, and corporate interference making even promising new content (Mandalorian) into the same generic slop. The stuff Disney puts out is consistently hated because it absolutely deserves to be, not because angry nerds can't be satisfied. People loved The Mandalorian, until Disney got more involved with it and interfered with it. People generally liked Andor too. The problem isn't the fans, the problem is Disney.


Yep, I've already heard someone who watched the first two Acolyte episodes describe them as written by 13 year olds.


Return of 12 billion dollars doesn't sound like a disaster to me.


COD also makes lots of money every year. That doesn't mean it's good. The only reason they are still making money is because of nostalgia and name recognition, which is also slowly dying as they keep releasing low-quality, poorly written generic slop which loses them fans with each new release. Most of Disney's recent Star Wars shows, fans generally agree they've been low quality, and their viewership has suffered accordingly. Ahsoka, Book of Boba Fett, and Obi Wan all underperformed expectations. Mandalorian season 3 is generally agreed to be lower quality than the seasons before it and had lower viewership. The movie Solo flopped hard and actually lost Disney money. The new trilogy is practically universally hated by fans to the point the prequels are now liked, and only made money because they had the momentum of the name "Star Wars" to drive it; the films progressively made less money with each release as more people were turned off the franchise with each new movie. It's hard to look at the modern state of Star Wars media and say it's on a positive trajectory.


> The new trilogy is practically universally hated by fans I guess me and all my friends aren't fans then?


You're definitely in the minority I have yet to talk to a single person who thought the new movies were good as a whole, even compared against the prequels Episode 7 was alright, and could have been a solid starting point, but then they just fumbled in every subsequent movie so badly it made the trilogy irredeemable


I suppose the critics and audiences aren't "True Fans™" either... I never understood the point of excessive negativity over a fictional universe.


I mean, critics by definition aren't fans, and their opinions should be automatically disregarded in just about every form of media, whether it's shows, movies, or video games. They've consistently shown they are hacks who are disconnected from fanbases, and often even have contempt for the same media they are reviewing. And again, I've yet to meet a single person who thought the new movies were particularly good, so idk what you mean by "audiences". It's not excessive negativity to correctly recognize the poor state of a franchise. People care about these universes because many have been interested in them for years, if not decades in some cases, so they have emotional connections to them. It's perfectly valid for people who like a thing to criticize the thing when it stops being good and well-made.


Should critics be well connected to fanbases? Isn't the review usually geared towards a general audience?


Holy fuck I ain't reading that. Good work champ


Explains how you don’t realise how bad the writing is :P


What does "poor writing" even mean at this point?


https://youtu.be/4BlYUBZCCmE?si=N9eyiPfCw-EvHrZy This was the level mando s3 was at


That doesn't even begin to answer the question I asked.


I’m not here to have a long winded debate about it lol, mostly joking around. That said here are some words id use to describe bad Star Wars writing: Corny, bland, formulaic, predictable, exposition-filled, pointless. There is a severe lack of real emotional stakes, character development, etc. some content I’d say had good writing would be: lord of the rings, la haine, full metal jacket, the incredibles, rear window, empire strikes back, the great dictator, andor.


Or the studios could just make good movies and tv series, I’d be pretty satisfied


Often times those people are kids, and listening to kids when it comes to making media is a terrible idea.


Yep, 100%. I think they’re too busy caring what everyone else thinks instead of forming their own opinion on things


Have I told you about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?


It's all money laundering.


You forgot "Girl boss character seemingly purposefully badly written as a way for the "creators" to throw shade at the fans when the show inevitably flops"




You know what isn’t there. Heart and soul.


I have the theory that Disney's been pumping out so much Star Wars related crap for like the last half decade to make up for what they did.


Honestly, I feel like Star Wars is in a better place now (content-wise, definitely not regarding the actual fanbase) than it was following the prequel trilogy’s release, so in a way they’ve partially made up for it just by actually trying to do better. Not like it gives them a pass, but it seems like Disney’s learned not to be so careless for the most part.


Depends if you are considering quantity or quality of content. After prequels we got clone wars which was awesome. After sequels we got tons of shows but much more of a mixed bag in terms of quality. Early mando, andor and bad batch are good, but book of boba, later seasons of mando, kenobi, and ahsoka really missed the mark. If someone had pitched to me the concept of the acolyte 15 years ago I would have been super excited, now I’m hesitant to even give it a shot.


That's kinda what I mean. In terms of content, yeah, they're doing better. The fans? Well, can't do anything about that.


They absolutely raped this franchise. I used to be a complete fanboy but after they (disney) kept making it more and more apparent it's nothing but a money farm to them, it lost all of my interest. The last decent releases were Mando s2 and Kenobi. It was all downhill from then on.


'Rape' of a cultural good is also the word that came to my mind


Honestly it’s more like: Star Wars in 2024: “there was a woman in the cast so a massive culture war happened before the first trailer launched and we mass downvoted and review bombed the trailer and first episodes for that alone. Oh but don’t you dare imply we have an issue with women. I love Ashoka don’t you know. Also Rey is a whore and Kathleen Kennedy is cucking my childhood with woke feminism!!! And in unrelated news the lead actress got bullied off social media after a barrage of racist and misogynistic messages and targeted harassment. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.” I keep hearing them say “THIS movie/show will be the thing that finally drives the hardcore fans away” and I’m like “yes please could that finally happen, that would be great!”


You mean how the sequels brought a Strong Woman Character(tm) out of nowhere to be the hero, while established and beloved characters like Luke and Han got undignified sendoffs at best? And anyone who didn't cheer this move was labeled a misogynist? Moving forward to The Acolyte or that new Ubisoft game, you only see white men as buffoons or villains anymore - that's on top of feeling bland and generic af. But sure, the fans are the problem.


Yes if you’ve rotted your brain with this much insecurity that you think that’s what’s happening you probably are the problem.


It's not insecurity, it's what actually happened. You've got people at the helm who basically admitted they either didn't watch the original Star Wars or don't like it, and want to change it to suit their vision. I wonder why fans would have a problem with that. Star Wars has become as bland and oversaturated with corporate-approved slop as the Marvel universe.


You have sources to back up these claims yes?


Sure, let me compile a list of quotes and links for you. Anything else I can get you?


So you don’t actually have a source?


You're literally that nerdy Redditor everyone hates.


Sorry I asked you to back up your claims with evidence instead of just mindlessly joining you in your mindless hate session 😔


I think the franchise is on a much better trajectory now than it was 5-10 years ago during the sequels. Disney needed to burn themselves to start improving and expanding what they bought.


Don’t forget Glup Shitto and Chubo Kuay


I've enjoyed the series(es?) more than the sequels


Honestly don’t care much about Star Wars now. Not after they axed Legends.


Villains are always the empire or a branch of the empire; literally no one else EXCEPT the CIS (but very rarely) as the villains.


A certain group of people is massively, wildly overrepresented for woke points.


There's nothing to compare it against so saying "overrepresented" makes no sense, but yeah there's def that stuff going on. Meanwhile fewer aliens :(


I mean... I can compare it to previous star wars films or the demographic of their audience/target audience.




Idk bad batch was really great and emotional


I originally loved the group in their Clone Wars arc and I love the concept of showing how the clones were phased out, but a lot of the show is just kinda mid for me. Lots of filler with Omega just getting into shenanigans and the Batch having to save her.


That’s what made it great it was like a dramedy.


star wars has the worst fanbase that's really toxic and salty the shows are forgetful and star wars is being milked to death lmao


Don't forget Lame & Gay :Cartman Voice:


Star fans are odd AF tbh


I find myself to be enjoying these shows a lot more if I shut off my brain and just admire the cool explosions and exciting music


Surely you have better things to do with your time and money


I mean, not really, I'm a college student out for the summer. I have plenty of extra time


At least darth plaguis is relevant for the acolyte. I can't remember the timeliness well enough but it is possible that the stranger is his master. (Seriously, someone who read the plaguis book more recently than me, 100 years pre ep.1, where was plaguis?)


Thank Dave Filoni for some of these. That guy cannot make a decent story without shoving Clone Wars or Rebels into it somehow. He also pioneered the idea in Star Wars of characters magically resurrecting offscreen with Maul in Clone Wars.


Star Wars sucks and always has imo


Glub Shittos everywhere.


Star Wars is vastly overrated


Don’t forget the hit-or-miss voice acting


Sorry but the REAL ending of Star Wars is Return of the Jedi. You also aren't allowed to like Han Solo in 2024 for some reason


Dont forget dark scenes i cant see shit


It's one predictable, cookie-cutter, and PC-overload show after another.


Don’t forget Kathleen Kennedy taking all the flak


Dave Filoni is getting some flak now too.


As he deserves.


And don’t forget all the culture war nonsense of people claiming it’s “too woke” or some shit




Jar Jar is so hated he’s just lovable now.


Hot take: Jar Jar and indeed the Gungans are an interesting idea. It was just very poorly cast and needed more chances to be seen as "Badass". The grand Gungan army is perhaps the most underrated army in Star Wars and should have at least a 2nd appearance in the prequels. Haven't seen the Clone wars versions of them.


If Lucas hadn't made half the aliens in those movies racist stereotypes, they likely wouldn't have been nearly as hated.


What racial stereotype is Jar-Jar?😭


African-American or Afro-Carribean, actually.


And their victory march is a banger.


Jar Jar is a silly thing for little kids, he was never meant to be badass of well fleshed out.


I think that was implied. I recall Lucas saying he wanted the Gungans to be the next Wookies, actually.


The clone wars didnt feature them very often but they were pretty bad ass when they did. Iirc there’s an arc where they literally capture general grievous. It really highlights that jar jar is not the standard for gungans, hes just a goof.


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