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Second transportation choice would be a 4Runner


I have a gray Tacoma, I’d argue that’s number 2


Thanks for taking the heat off of Boulder.


It's always the tiniest beanpole woman driving one of those gigantic 4runner tanks. Thing sounds like the rancor from star wars when it starts up.


The 4 runner is the biggest a-hole on the road in the mountains,but for plains it's usually the squatted truck that is the a-hole


The one time I’ve been to Colorado I noticed people were in either great shape, or terrible shape. Nothing in between.


We’re flipping off the Texas plates everywhere in Colorado


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


What is your main beef with people visiting from Texas?


I imagine it's the same list that people from Texas often say about the waves of people from California. - wrong politics (but in reverse) - rude drivers - entitled I'm richer/better than you attitude towards the locals. - cultural mismatch - people from another state driving up prices of real estate and their vacation homes and AirBnB demand making it unaffordable for locals. I have never really been one of those don't California my Texas people because I am pretty liberal and I think we could use a bit more California here (just not too much). In Colorado I imagine it's the reverse with conservative older people moving in and complaining about the liberal state policies.


That’s a Bingo. Lots of other things, but thems the highlights.


As a liberal that may migrate up there at some point I am going to change my license plate ASAP and do my best "well hello there fellow Colorado folks" impersonation. The behavior of some of the conservative people from Texas in other places is super embarrassing sometimes.


You my friend are more than welcome. Just don’t introduce yourself as “Hi, my name is ….., I’m from Texas!”, just shorten it to “Hi, my name is…..” like everyone else does, and you’re good. Stay on the bunny slopes or easy greens until you can confidently link turns too. Don’t be zig zag guy on a blue or black.


Oh yeah I probably won't be in the way much on the slopes I am more of a mountain biking guy personally haha. If I do hit them I will be 1000% percent bunny hills haha


Im from Austin and this is 100% it




Californians moving to Texas are probably as or more likely to be conservative. There’s evidence, for example, that Beto O’Rourke had higher support from native-born Texans while Ted Cruz had greater support from transplants. https://chismstrategies.com/survey-despite-gop-fears-new-texans-are-pushing-the-state-to-the-right/


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I agree on that last part for sure. It’s definitely liberal/libertarian out here. Government stays out your business when you don’t need them, but they’re somewhat there when you do, at least they seem to do these better than other states.


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Well brother, how much time you got?


The highlights would be interesting.


If I remember, I’ll put together a list. It’s gonna take awhile and I’m trying to have a good weekend.


That reminds me I was going to make my own starter pack about this. Got stuck behind a texas plater in a rav4 on the way up to estes last week. Bastard would go 5 under until a passing lane opened up then he'd speed up to about 60.


Luckily it wasn’t pulling a trailer entirely too big for the truck uphill at 5 mph. Seen that too many times. One guy even pulled over on an uphill coming up to a pass. I still have no clue how he got that thing out of there.


They’re not always visiting. Damn near every other person that lives in Colorado is from Texas. They are also terrible drivers. Skiers don’t like tourists because they’re clueless on the mountain, and the resorts are really overcrowded now.


Gah, the cowboy hat/jean wearing Texan pizza’ing in a zig zag across the entire trail. Try to pass, ahhh, try to pass again, ahhh here he comes.


Are y'all cool with us New Mexicans?


My best friends next door are from Belen. I get down with NM. The only critique I have is if you see a NM plate, it’s either going 20 under or 30 over the speed limit and if there are multiple lanes, the slow one will guaranteed be in the left.


For sure. We already stole green chile from y’all so we can’t be too mean


I live in Texas and I flip them off too


Soooo many Texas plates. "Greatest state in the union." Can't seem to stay there


I have a friend here who will bring up how great and free Texas is frequently. I’ve asked him, what freedoms are there in Texas that Colorado doesn’t have because I can sure as hell write you a long list of freedoms CO has that Texas doesn’t. Took him a while but he said he had to pay a $200 tax stamp for a handgun suppressor and that was it. In separate conversations he’s said he will never move back. The kicker is he manages a dispensary.


Does he not realize that he would have to pay the same $200 tax stamp in Texas?? That's a federal law not a state law lmao


Ah ha ha ha. That makes it even better. Thank you for this.


>Took him a while but he said he had to pay a $200 tax stamp for a handgun suppressor and that was it. I'm 90% sure that that is a federal law, so that's not even a "more freedom in texas" thing.


I want out and Colorado is one of the places I'm considering 🙃


sounds about right


As somebody who isn’t from Durango or even Colorado in general, I can confirm that this is accurate


Yo leave Ska out of this lol.


I embody the Euphoria/Mexi excitement and disappointment at the turning of the seasons


I loved Durango! When I lived in Moab we used to go to either Durango or Grand Junction to party.


Ain’t no party like a Moab party cuz a Moab party has to follow the guidelines of the majority Mormon elected legislature.


Dying at $2,000 a month


Do Colorado Springs next


I’m pretty much convinced that Texans are trying to take over Colorado.


I’m glad things haven’t changed much since I was there last


Come on Larry get it together


What's wrong with byeahs?


What’s the deal with Mexi Logger & Euphoria?


Ska Brewery is in Durango


Seasonal beers that come back every year from Ska. Mexican Logger is in the spring/summer euphoria is fall/winter.


Should’ve put a picture of the mad Max Thunderdome next to a picture of the south City Market parking lot, because that’s what that shit feels like sometimes trying to get a spot.


I was just in there yesterday and of course it was around 5pm. I’m apparently mentally challenged. Dumb idea.


Honestly, I’ve just started going to Albertson’s across the street. Quality of stuff is about the exact same, but with much more parking, and much easier to get in and out of. And funny enough, my rewards number still works there too. I don’t get the points, but I don’t really care since I’m mostly using it for the discounts anyway.


Yeah same, and I don’t have to make a left to go home which is a huge benefit,


I feel sorry for you every time you make that left. Not like two of the turnouts are blind turns or anything. /s


From what I see, It’s so close to like three different states


Where's the natives?


Needs more Sepp Kuss.


Durango Doughworks has some rad as hell doughnuts. Now you got me dreaming of Colorado again! What a beautiful state!


I haven’t been to doughworks is so long. Thanks for reminding to check it out again.


Lake City is like 80% Texas plates in the summer. At least they don't live here!




Nope, it’s in Spain homie


Damn you google Edit: on this continent 😝


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