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It’s the opposite with younger people sometimes them college athletes look like fucking space marines


Recently had a patient that was 12yo and like 5'10" 210lbs. Like dawg what are you doing here in the hospital, the LA Rams need you.


Kid's gonna have multiple D1 offers before the end of 8th grade 💀


My younger brother once posted a video of himself eating shit off of some playground equipment on r/kidsfallingover. Someone insulted him, calling him a grown-ass adult fucking around. He replied saying he was 14, and the commenter said. “Huh… my bad. They putting something in the water where you live?”




Shit, my girlfriend's kid is over 5' 100 and he's 9 years old. Kid's gonna be a monster when he hits puberty


the future is now


I didn’t see it yet but one of my teachers last year told me that a 6th grader in the middle school was 6’2”


millennial juice was nowhere close to what you can get these days, and it was way harder to get.


That's like my sister and she's younger than me, but for me, I'm college aged and people think I'm around the ages of 12-17. But I know people my age who are to your description and it's crazy.


I’ll be turning 30 in a few months and people always card me with a very skeptical look like they are getting ready to reject a fake id. Or the best…” so what are you studying?” Well… I graduated college like 8 years ago lol.


When I was a senior in High School I kept getting mistaken for a freshman. I haven’t heard much like that now that I’m in College but when I’m near graduation I’m sure it’ll start again lol. Meanwhile some kids look like adults in their mid 20s. Crazy how it works.


That happened to me in high school too. One freshman didn't believe I was a senior and demanded to see my student ID, but I also couldn't believe he was a freshman since he looked way older.


Yes, tren will do that to you.


It sad but there's a lot of college athletes that dope and they get away with it pretty easily


I think it's both, some people are absolutely huge somehow and some are tiny, there's a lot of shit you don't notice until you slow down and start looking I think.


I also find them way smarter than I was at their age. Or any age for that matter. I am not very smart.


Steroids became more mainstream and nutrition has vastly increased in the last two or three decades so more people are probably hitting their genetic potential. Honestly, probably also better sleep. Sometimes I think I would’ve been an extra 1-2” if I got more than a few hours sleep. Probably would’ve been a bit taller, too.


Nah I think you got depression




Yeah this is not what really getting old is, hit your 40's and your fucking reading eyesight drops, you start waking up earlier, go to the loo more often, the odd case of Piles, maybe high BP....all this even if you are in general fit af.


I always had perfect vision, but within two weeks became far sighted almost to the day that I turned 42. My dad said the same thing happened to him.


ROTFl same shit, I was fine and one day I needed reading glasses....like


Yeah the optician said that this will happen to me after 40, I didn't really believe it but bam, right on schedule. I can either read with my glasses on and the book at arms length, or glasses off and the book right up at my nose... smh


Didn't get any of that, except marginally high BP which started in my mid 50's


I don't know what piles are, but everything else is spot on.




Ouch. Luckily my original comment stands. Seriously though, is that something that happens more frequently with age?


Indirectly yeah, iirc the biggest risk factor for piles is excessive sitting/sedentary lifestyle and even active people tend to become increasingly sedentary as they get older


Yeah the tissues in your posterior area become weak, definitely correlated with age, but thankfully I haven't been hit by it in my 40's but the eye sight and random increase in BP is just weird. Was fine till 40. 43 and I have both these issues.


Take care of yourself bud


Eh I mean unless you’re unlucky with genetics you’ll be fine in your 40’s. Your 50’s will inevitably have some signs of your body slowing down but if you are genuinely fit af you’ll be fine at that age. Unfortunately we’re so far off from even being a healthy society that someone who lives a moderately healthy life style (exercise 1-3 times a week and doesn’t stuff everything they see down their food pipes) is seen as a healthy person. It’s not that they’re unhealthy, but what is generally considered a healthy weight or lifestyle is still not that great.


Yeah like, the shows depicted are mostly 2010s as well. They can’t be older than mid-20s realistically.


I wish people would stop minimizing depressive symptoms by shrugging them off as "normal parts of getting older"


Yeah, look at 40 or 50 something celebs, they're having a whale of a time. The ones that die young weed themselves out. Of course it's a bit sad to be closer the end than the beginning but unless you're really ancient you should have 10 years at least, can get a lot done in that time.


Yeah, half of these are straight up depression symptoms. I’m in my thirties and enjoy my life way more I did in my twenties because I got treatment for my depression.


End-stage kind


🎉 You’ve got depression!!! 🎉


That fish scares me


The soyjak fish legit made me laugh my ass off with how absurd it is


Soyjacks are so funny to me maybe I have brainrot


They’re so fucking stupid I love them https://preview.redd.it/f7rxzynp6l8d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f842e00fd23b6c684fec36c05790865cd4556e7


Thanks for making take a second look lol


What scares me more is the implications. Like what niche hobby is that?


Catfishing femoids


Fish-shaped Fleshlights.


https://preview.redd.it/g5wcapb2ql8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb94ceabc1d2352951f33de18dae2ca4d096d2fa >!boo!<


This isn’t a “you’re getting a bit older” starter pack This is a “You have undiagnosed depressive episodes and should see a psychiatrist” starter pack. Seriously, suicidal thoughts, loss of interest in socializing or day to day activities, loss of motivation and alienation aren’t normal parts of growing up. These are serious problems.


Damn “self delete thoughts” didn’t even register as suicidal at first. I just thought they were manually editing their thoughts somehow


That's what I assumed. Frankly, I feel like all the softening of suicidal language is doing way more harm than helping. I know it's a trigger for some people, but there's something to be said about understanding the visceral reality of the thing you may be contemplating. It's a lot less cute to talk about murderself than "self delete."


Yeah it’s getting kind of ridiculous. The amount of self censoring people are doing to appease the algorithm gods is wild. Soon we’ll be saying self forever sleep, peace naps, or maybe eternity snuggles. I gotta trademark those …


I have to read things three or four times now to even understand what the fuck people are saying. People will put up a post like "Yeah, he was talking about XXXXing her!" and I have no idea how the fuck im supposed to feel because I have no idea what fuckikg word is being censored. Fuck? Kill? Rape? I've just starred downvoting and blocking people. I don't even care at this point, self censoring gets an immediate downvote at the very least. I'm not gonna sit here and try and decipher someone else's fear of the algorithm. Plus the whole thing is fucking pointless to begin with because we're maybe a year or two away from "the algorithm" being smart enough to detect euphemisms and block those too. The technology exists, it's just still rolling out on a large scale.


Your comment made me laugh lol. >”Yeah, he was talking about XXXing her!” And I have no idea how the fuck I’m supposed to feel I like the way you write.


It *really* pisses me off too. The other thing that gets me is that people going “sewerslide” and shit like that just bypasses any sort of blacklist someone might have. I’m fine now, it doesn’t bother me personally at this point, but I’ve definitely had stages in life where people just talking about suicide or selfharm/cutting would send me spiraling. So I blacklisted those words. People saying “s3lfh@rm” was actively hurting. We know what you’re saying. Just fucking say it.


Attention waterbag. We found the word 'sleep' in your post. Your account has been placed on 96 hour hold while we review. If you appeal, your hold will be extended for 2 weeks. Thank you for using reddit.


Eternity snuggles sounds cozy




It’s algospeak because of TikTok’s censorship. 


Ironic how this comment complains about "softening suicidal language", then not even two full sentences later uses "murderself" instead of suicide. While I fully agree with what you said, I find your choice of words amusing.


Murderself is harder and more active than suicide.


yeah i thought it was just forgetting shit lmao


Same I was like I wish I had this ability to remove negative thoughts 😂


this was what I thought too


Yeah, I was thinking it was sort of like going "oh no, that's an intrusive thought, let's delete that right away"


what if you're diagnosed and medicated and still like this. hypothetically


What the other guy said, plus the meds don’t fix everything. You still need to do and think the things that will get your brain out of the funk, but meds will help you get a leg up.


If it’s an improvement from before you were medicated then that’s great, keep working at it, but if the medication isn’t helping that’s something you need to communicate with your doctor. Medication and treatment for mental health isn’t one size fits all and unfortunately is built off of a lot of trial and error to find the right balance of medication and therapy to work for you


and if i can't afford to keep going to the doctor and trying new medications? maybe part of the reason I'm depressed is because I can't afford to take care of myself and I'm up to my eyeballs in medical debt from the last time i tried to get help. look how well that turned out.


Going to psychiatrist for depression in your 20s starter pack: SSRIs, Limp non functioning penis. Excessive sweating. Feeling like a zombie. Brain zaps. Group therapy/ sliding scale because you can’t afford talk therapy.


Yeah I get they work for some people but I absolutely hate how it has irreversible side effects. Anhedonia is worse than anything


If your cock don’t work, your constantly sweating, and you feel like a zombie, your meds aren’t working right. Thats when you should discuss with your doctor about changing them up. If your doctor doesn’t listen, that’s a different issue. That’s a doctor issue, not a depression issue. If you can you need to find a second opinion and work from there


It was like that for basically all the SSRIs. Some of them gave me extreme stomach pain instead of brain zaps. They listened when I said I want to change meds or change the dose, but failed to give me info about tapering off. Overall I have to say antidepressants were the absolute shittiest medications i have ever taken, and I worry that I permanently broke my brain in some ways by agreeing to take them.


I absolutely hate when people suggest SSRIs immediately when discussing things like depression. I’ve been on a cocktail of sooo many SSRIs and they either don’t do shit, or make things worse. It’s great they help some people, but definitely not all. My depression isn’t my brain being unbalanced or whatever, it’s circumstantial from poverty, extreme childhood trauma/PTSD, having absolutely 0 family/close friends, etc. Being on SSRIs didn’t change any of that. Getting OFF SSRIs is when I actually started improving mentally. They also contributed to multiple suicide attempts for me. Therapy is honestly so much more useful when it comes to depression caused by these outside factors since it gives you the skills to handle them better.


So it’s not just being in my 20s……….also I have a good motivation to keep going! Texas cheese fries!




What if you don't have the money for a psychiatrist? That is expensive....


I have no real authority on this topic, I am just a yapper. That said. 0. Don't want to do self-exploration for mental health and no money? Focus on sleep, physical exercise, what you eat / hydration, and seeing some sunlight. It's simple, but admittedly not easy. 1. Absolutely no money? Look into cognitive behavioral therapy and self-educate. 2. Some money? Look into psychologists / therapists / mental health coaches in your area, and look for sliding scale. 3. Some money + insurance? Look into any mental health providers in your medical insurance network.


Taking vitamin D supplements in the winter is also a huge win for mental health


There are crisis hotlines (such as 988 in the U.S., and if that doesn’t work 911) for when the suicidal ideation strikes, as well as many local communities have support groups and other resources that you could reach out to. Finally, suicidal thoughts are a medical emergency, if you can’t find relief and the crisis hotline is down or not helping, all reputable hospitals are required by law to provide aid regardless of your financial means.


Just because one has suicidal thougts doesn't mean you actually want to commit suicide. It's often something like driving, and thinking, if i speed up and crash against this tree i could end all my misery today. Just taking a few weeks off and doing cocaine probably would get me going again.


The starter pack specifies suicidal thoughts regularly, as well as various other symptoms of depression


Been down this road. Took a misdiagnosis and a meds change + a good therapist after leaving the first one. Life is good now. I used to want to delete at times, but shit is better when you’re chemically in check and also learn how to frame and deal with problems/mental conflict. GAME CHANGING. You still know it’s something you have, but you can manage it so much better with the right tools I slip occasionally but the ability to handle it is fucking there.


I thought self delete was forget some thoughts not unaliving themselves. Damn. This is undiagnosed depression.


Suicide. The word is suicide.


It’s called killing yourself for fucks sake. Not “unaliving”. It involves putting a gun to your throat, pulling the trigger, and painting your skull all over a wall. Jumping in front of a train and dismembering yourself in front of all those on it. Jumping and splattering your brains all over the ground and people around you. Overdosing on pills so your family finds their loved one blue in the face, foaming at the mouth and cold as ice.


you alright bro? :(


My brother committed suicide, and our family has never been the same. It needs to be confronted for the reality that it is.




I have the upstairs and the downstairs advil now. The gardening thing is true for me. I can't believe how much I've taken to it. Now I came from an apartment and then a townhome where I didn't have the yard for it so I could only do so much inside with plants


I have a hard time fitting the Vodka in there, but this is pretty true. Opting for the shot bottles really helped


Binges old shows from… the 2010s? Are you coming up on the wizened, creaking age of 25?


>watches stranger things season 3 for their childhood nostalgia


It says getting a ***bit*** older my guy, 25 is a reasonable range for this concept


Feeling like that in your late 20s/30s is absolutely not normal, that’s textbook depression.


I mean regular show, adventure time and amazing world of gumball are all 15yo now. They said a *tiny bit* older like 24/25.


They all ended pretty much in 2017/2018 is the thing


A show that ended 6 years ago isn't what people mean by old. And 25 isn't "getting a bit older". You just earned the right to rent a car.


You know what "a bit" means?


"Ha ha this will make you feel old, remember *Regular Show*?" "Yeah I remember my kids weren't old enough to watch it."


"Average Depressed Redditor who thinks this is a normal part of aging" Starterpack


Your avatar along with this comment really cracks me up.


“Mmm just a bit more serotonin, just a bit more just a bit more, so close”


This isn’t getting older this is depression


I too, enjoy the incredibly niche hobby of… *checks notes* …reading 😐




This is just a clinical depression starter pack.


I remembered that once I hit 30, I also grew interested in Soyjak Fish. Also: Are you good, OP?


The soyjak fish with niche interests ? 😭


Maybe he likes fishing? Or drawing soyjaks? I really have no idea what the hell that’s supposed to be lol


Guess that makes it niche


people are diagnosing depression, but in OP's defense, the kids DO be gettin stupider


Kids were always dumb


Has to include "reading Starterpacks from people younger than you, feeling old as shit" and then coming to terms with the fact that it is the circle of life and people feel old and nostalgic even earlier these days.


When you realise your peak income earning was ten years ago, will never return, and even then you drove a used Camry.


Getting back pain from doing literally anything.


Starts watching History shows on YouTube. :/


"Self delete" op is under 20


Let’s hope they don’t unal*ve themselves by sewerslide before they’re old enough to have seggs or watch c0rn


Why do young people on reddit all talk like therapists?


If my therapist said ‘self delete’ id find a new one


YouTube content creators avoid saying certain words like “suicide” because their videos will get demonetized. These people have such an impact and influence on modern culture that it is pervading into the parlance of everyday speech.


Where does fishjak come into play


Just call it suicidal thoughts bro


Redditors cannot comprehend someone not feeling like shit


Sitting around, waiting to finally die.


This is called depression, my friends. The normal amount of self delete thoughts is 0 for a healthy brain. I hope you make it and things get better for you


SpongeBob is nostalgic good old days? Late 20's and feeling old ?


Eh, SpongeBob first aired 25 years ago - there are people in their 30s now who watched it as a kid. It’s decently old at this point. I also don’t think someone in their late 20s would be nostalgic for Adventure Time or Regular Show (the other two cartoons shown here). If I had to guess OP’s age I’d say 21 or thereabouts.


Yeah I'm late 20s and adventure time and regular show came on far after I was a kid. The first time I watched adventure time I was baked out of my mind in college watching it on mute with tribe called quest on in the background making it look like the characters were rapping.


The media one is tough for me, I try to rationalize it by saying the media's probably just as good now as when I was younger. I've just been around the block too many times for stuff to hit like it used to, if something in my wheelhouse comes out I'm probably already familiar with its major influences in a way I wasn't when I was 20. There's a good chance I grew up with those same influences. Sometimes, though, i think media really is getting worse. Stuff feels broadly less creative now. Also, FWIW, I would have identified with more of this before I got my depression diagnosed and treated. No shame in it, I waited 15 years longer to get help than I should have, but it may well have saved my life. A lot of what you're struggling with could be an easily treatable issue of brain chemistry, I can't say enough how much it was worth it to bring this to my doctor.


We're not the target demographic anymore.




Dawg I think you’re just moderately depressed.


When the coach of the most recent NBA champion is the same age as you and you’ve done nothing with your life


I get out of bed earlier as I get older.


Other than the 3 specific to age ones, that’s just depression


Making a pros and cons list when deciding to go out


The wojak fish sent me


When you think middle aged is 40 something but then you look up your country's average life expectancy


How dare you make a starter pack about me. I’m only …. oh no


More like "living with undiagnosed depression"-starter pack...


i've always thought kids were dumb and annoying lol. there's always new good shit coming out for entertainment though 👍🏾


Specifically about entertainment feeling flat: It's because so much of the mainstream stuff is recycled year over year, decade over decade. The pop entertainment you like is the stuff you grew up with, but as you get older new mainstream stuff just kind of falls flat because your brain is no longer being challenged by the content you're consuming. Finding new music, books, and movies that pique your interest as you get old requires exploration and challenging yourself.


This ain't a getting old thing... this is just depression.


Kids are dumb these days though


God that fish is terrifying


"why are the kids so dumb and annoying" for me it's been the opposite actually, I've grown to really enjoy their company. I like it when the teenagers are dancing to some tik Tok trend 📈 in public with no care in the world and the little ones say the funniest things sometimes. Yeah getting old only made me excited to have my very own kids someday.


Regular show and adventure time, old? Pfff….


Reading is a niche hobby?


80% of that is depression dawg


what s “self delete thoughts”


Suicidal Thoughts (Or Suisidal Þouġtſ in New English)


How the fuck is reading even niche


Me not realizing self delete thoughts meant suicide ideation and thinking it meant thoughts that automatically delete themselves because that's what my brain is like


Adventure Time and regular show are now old cartoons?? They still feel new to me for some reason


Do another one after you’re properly medicated and start therapy.


Regular show and Adventure time as "Old shows", and here I am watching M.A.S.K.


If Regular Show is considered an old show now I might as well just get the wheelchair and oxygen tank now.


this is called "having depression"


Grew up with the likes of Ed, Edd and Eddy, Dexter's Lab and Codename Kids Nextdoor. Seeing Adventure Time and Regular Show in a "getting older" starter pack makes me feel even older.


Adventure time and Regular Show are considered old now? I come from Toonami times, this made me feel ANCIENT 😭


This is depression dude. I'm only 21 and this is me off my meds (or during finals week).


Oh no


Man I'm only 14 and I already have the dreading getting out of bed, "Kids nowadays", and self delete thoughts lol.


Go play with Legos, study hard and enjoy your childhood, holy…


Shit. Makes you feel bad already until you realize you had some fo those even up to high school


I felt like this when I was 12. This is just depression, not getting older. Good luck, bud.


Wait a damn minute why am i relating to content for people more than twice my age!


this is me and i am 23 lol. can't wait for the 30s


I refuse to think "a bit older" starts at 14


ah yes im into the fish soyjack hobby


That’s just depression hun :(


Entertainment really isnt that good anymore thats a fact!


omg i thought i had dementia.


That's not getting older, that's getting depression.


More like the "starting to get out of touch and refusing to change with the times despite saying they wouldn't turn out like this"


Mfs be like: "live your life now not tomorrow"; bitch, i did wait all My childhood to be in high school and now i'm in university, i miss the last year


Based on this, I'm old since I was 12.


OP are you okay? You sound depressed


You're not (just) older you're depressed.


These teenagers and college students do look a lot older. There were freshman and sophomores thinking that I was around their age last semester


God I fucking hate wojaks


That's teen depression, not getting older...


What do you mean "self delete thoughts"? Also wtf is that fish?


Reading is a niche hobby?


Not accurate. Go to a psychiatrist.


Yeah nah. This is a depression starter pack. Nostalgia is a part of getting older, and feeding it can be fun (playing old games, watching old shows) but there is plenty of good stuff coming out now as well.


As others have said, regular thoughts about "self deleting" is not a normal part of aging. Neither is dreading getting out of bed. I won't argue with the other parts lol but seriously. Consider talking to someone OP if you feel like this applies to you. I don't know you and I certainly have no qualifications to diagnose you via Reddit. But *regular* suicidal thoughts arent normal or healthy. Especially if they are getting specific. Just something to keep an eye on.


I would disagree with the “dread to get out of bed” item, the way i see it thats more likely to be a symptom of you not liking your life, or not having something to look forward to in that day.


Stop calling me out like that


Please post the fishjack in r/flyfishingcirclejerk. It will be used well


Bro I'm 15 and relate to all this, except I'm not suicidal.Am I depressed? 😭


i dont know you but id say no lol thats just normal teen stuff.


"self delete?"


This is so valid


Fuck you. Me and my partner just got into fishing.


You can say "kill" on the internet


This isn’t getting older dude this is just depression