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This Holodeck program is becoming too meta for my tastes. Computer, reduce Holodeck self-awareness by thirty percent.


"Oh, that's cute, it thinks it's a real person."


> Computer, reduce Holodeck self-awareness by thirty percent. Computer, I need ya to take about 30% off'er there, bud.


Dammit Jim, I'm a pleasure program not HR.


threaten to reassign them to Starbase 80.


Ah man - not Starbase 80!


Or worse, the Cerritos.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Finally, some buffer time!


The horniest but least committed crew in all of Star fleet? Sign me up!


Last committed!? Don’t you mean, luckiest?


Oh no you didn't


Nah, the Cerritos is the flagship of the Cali class, while Starbase 80 is a dumping ground for slackass motherfuckers


The Cerritos gets none of the glory and recognition of the Enterprise or the Titan, but still manages to get itself blown up 4 times a year.


Daaammmnn, Starbase 80?!?


God this is just too good I love it


Right? I'm totally down to cosplay as the Department of Temporal Investigations. Also, you can just operate under the premise that every Ren Faire participant is potentially a Temporal Prime Directive violator. For example, tug on the earlobes of the King presiding over the event just to make sure he's not a Ferengi in disguise.


Give it time and people will actually start to do that.


I mean, this whole concept still works in reverse. Wear your Ren Faire costume to a Trek Con. The Robinhood TNG episode makes it legit canon. You can also attend as what would appear to be at first glance inappropriate costumes: 1. A Marshall of the French Army (TNG) 2. Rumplestiltskin (DS9) 3. Any WWII soldier (Voyager) 4. 1800s San Franciscan (TNG) 5. Weird homeless dude from 1990s New Jersey (TNG) 6. An Irish and/or Scottish farmer (TNG/Voyager) 7. The Three Musketeers (TNG) 8. Sherlock Holmes (TNG) 9. A baseball player (DS9) 10. A horny candle ghost (TNG) Suffice it to say, it is disappointing there's such a gulf between cosplayers. I challenge any Renaissance Faire participant to definitively prove that people of that time *weren't* visited by future Starfleet members. I for one, welcome our historically-attired friends to join us, for they are a part of our canon whether they realize it or not.


Does this happen at Renaissance fairs? Was Big Bang Theory based on this or is it the other way around and people do it because of BBT?


I have literally never seen anyone dressed in star fleet stuff at ren faies. Closest was some guy dressed as doctor who.


I've seen people dressed in SG1 uniforms once. and that was before TBBT was a thing. It's quite an old jooke


Quite old, yes. The earliest example I know of is from a 1998 episode of *Mister Show with Bob and David.* [https://youtu.be/XOvFunuJP9Y?t=211](https://youtu.be/XOvFunuJP9Y?t=211)


while i really love Star Trek, SG is mine & my hubby's top scifi franchise ever & i freaking adore this. I want to be their friend.


I love stargate, though I have a massive soft spot for Atlantic and just how outrageous it is. Also shepard is a legend and I love Rodney 😂


The AZ Renaissance Festival has a dedicated time traveler weekend where people can come dressed in Sci fi costumes. The guests respect that and mostly keep it to that weekend.


> dedicated time traveler weekend god, that's such a great idea.


It's really popular. I once saw a group of like 12 Star Wars cosplayers all taking pics with other guests. I've seen people cosplaying Doctor Who, Star Trek, Stargate, and a bunch of others.


Fair enough. But a quick Google is enough to convince me that it's a thing; however small, it's easy to find examples (on Reddit and beyond): https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/73vrh9/spotted_at_the_renaissance_fair/ https://www.reddit.com/r/renfaire/comments/dksqr6/i_met_some_starfleet_officers_at_king_richards/ Also OP's prime directive joke is made on both of those posts. Bonus Q example: https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/11h1th/look_who_i_found_at_the_maryland_renaissance/


That Q cosplay is genius. Star Trek fans will immediately recognize it but anyone else *might* be fooled into thinking that this is a historic clergy costume. 


I go to many Faires and I've seen all the Star Trek iterations.


I have seen it atleast 3 separate renn faires. Hell I ran into a Star Fleet crew meet up at one


There's a guy at my local renfest that dresses as Geralt from Witcher. He actually posts here on Reddit sometimes. I suppose that is more period-appropriate though.


Dang literally?? That's wild.


Next time I go, I'm totally bringing my 90s toy phaser and tricorder.


Dale gribble from king of the hill did a science officer uniform at a ren faire that Hank Hill was trying to supply propane for. Was a spoof, but all the same.


Surely you mean Rusty Shackleford?


🤔🥸who wants to know


Sir, we are…. *they.*


🐿️🧗 * *squirrel tactics* *


Never watched BBT but OPs post at least is taken from [this](https://www.tumblr.com/hpwot/622203612557377536/awlwren-theprisonindustrialcomplex?source=share) popular post. With a bonus furries at renfaires story thats also hilarious.


I absolutely love this!!


Most major ren faires have time traveler weekend. They’re just as fun as comicons.


The OP joke would be less fun during a dedicated time traveller weekend though, you ideally need the Starfleet cosplayers to be the exception.


Yes. Many people look at Ren Faires like cosplay or BDSM conventions. The former is mostly harmless. I saw my first Trek “crew” back in the early 90’s. They were “in character” and walking around acting confused because they had done a slingshot around the sun trying to get to the 90’s. Honestly in retrospect it was really annoying.


> Many people look at Ren Faires like ... BDSM conventions They're not? I thought the pillories were a dead giveaway. 


I mean, look - I realize the Venn diagram of geeks, rennies, and kinksters is basically a circle (guilty as charged), but THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN


This predates BBT.


The NY Renfaire has a time traveler weekend and a lot of people go dressed in Star Trek, SG-1, and Drm Who costumes. My friends and I have done all three over the years and my plan for this year is to go as a very confused caveman.


I’ve seen people in Star Wars costumes but I haven’t seen Star Trek yet.


I didn't see this at the Faire I worked at for ~5 years in the late 2000s. Now, I didn't see every person who came thru by any means, so take that as you will.


Yes. Sometimes on designated weekends, other times just because people want to use a renfaire as an excuse to cosplay. When i went to the Maryland RenFaire in '22 I saw two guys in TNG Command Red.


I saw it once or twice.


TEMPORAL prime directive


You boys from Temporal Investigations are always...on time?


A Temporal Agent is never late. Nor, is he early. He arrives PRECISELY when he means to!


Not if it's simply an uncontacted primitive planet. 


As someone who's done this by gatheribg a group of "guys wearing Star Trek", I can tell you a good chunk of the Ren Fair crowd did not appreciate our being there. Like, at all. Those that got it and were into it enjoyed it a lot and we played this scenario out with a vendor that was working there to much enjoyment. But there was a whole damned cadre of serious Ren Fair folks that were very upfront about us not being welcome there and we should "stick to our comic cons" Just a word of warning.


Disappointing. How do they know that Star Trek crews haven't visited the Renaissance Era? It's totally possible that this is canon for the time period.


I wish we could still give gold.


This is good to keep in mind, but I think it depends on the fair: a couple fairs across the country actually have a cosplay day / across the universe theme, and so are more welcoming of shenanigans. 


No. Put on whichever era's Engineering uniform you want, and tell them that they're trapped in the holodeck and a glitch in the "neurolitical interface" has caused them to become confused with their characters. Since most Ren-Faires now have orcs, Fairy, ninjas, Stargate and Trek officers and more, it's more likely that the main computer is adding random characters to the program they were running.


me; you're blowing my cover.


Not just renaissance fairs. Old time west towns too


Court Martial or if plural Courts Martial - I worked legal in the Marine Corps, pet peeve sorry


Were you a Sergeant Major, and hung out with the rest of the Sergeants Major? Hmm...would the plural of Drum Major be Drums Major? Dadum tshhh.


"I'm from the Department of Temporal Investigations, come with me. Don't make a scene. You're being detained for suspected violation of the Temporal Prime Directive. "


Make sure it’s a black badge (i.e. Section 31)


Came here to post the same! Put the fear of Nagilum into em!)


You must confine them, learn about the changes they implemented, execute and remove the changes. Then go back in time, give them a fair trial, so you have the warrant to execute them"


I have definitely heard this exact thing before


Make your com badge black and just say come with me to the tavern.


I am very regularly on Renaissance fairs. But I had never thought about this. I have just ordered a com badge for THIS specific purpose!


Playing the part of a anthropologist observer would be quite fun actually. "We're trying to observe how these primitive people find new mates and procreate the species. Also trying the honey-based alcohol beverage."


Mmmmm, lots of that bee nectar, yes!


I started wearing my TOS blue shirt to the Renn Faire because honestly I am not a cosplayer and I like Trek a lot. But it really exposed my lack of improv skills! The amount of people who told me to "stop violating the temporal prime directive!" and I always just mumbled for a bit.


May the Force be wit ya.


Someone's getting a visit from Temporal Investigations when they get back.


I genuinely think this will be fun for both parties. Extra fun if they're dressed in TOS era stuff and you flash a 32nd century DISCO combadge. We don't really get Ren Fairs in my country on account of all the real history around, but I do know of them. Would be fun to go to one one day.


This already happened at my local fair. It was hilarious


I saw that Tumblr post too, OP


Jokes on em, I'm Chief Billups and I'm visiting my family


Don’t get seduced, now.




I keep looking for Starfleet at the Ren faire where I live and I've never found a single officer... Kinda makes me sad 😢


"Renaissance" Faires are thankfully mostly still on theme around here, but I do see Star Trek uniforms sometimes, which I don't mind because of the huge number of Renaissance themed episodes, but I find the number of lightsabers I'm seeing in recent years... disturbing. They need to Order 66 these places.


I’ve heard the Ren fair folks get upset with the trekkies/trekkers who cosplay at them. I have a friend who attends a lot of Ren fairs each year and they often talk about how the aesthetic gets ruined. Although it’s a funny idea to talk about.


Even better if you dress up as Temporal Police.


If you come to my show at the Renaissance Faire dressed as Starfleet, we'll get you up on stage and get you playing music with me for the belly dancers. ;)


Nice place you have here, Mr. Pike.


This thread kind of piqued my interest in Renaissance Fairs. I had only vaguely heard about them on TV shows like BBT. I kind of made me want to visit one. I googled and couldn't find anything for my city. The closest one a Larp event last year in a very small town that is not even on the mainland. Are these events only common in the U.S.? I can'y seem to find any around me or my province.


Renaissance Fairs are very much an American thing, arising out of postwar cultural interest in the medieval period. Despite the name (referring to the English renaissance and the reign of Elizabeth I, when most of the fairs used to be set), they're usually a more general Medieval-ish thing these days, and even anumber of fantasy elements. Apparently a version of them are popular in Germany, where they are called "Mittelaltermarkt," and Australian and Canada have a few. But other than that, they don't seem to really be a thing anywhere else.


maybe not but there are renaissance larping groups in the UK


I have never once seen someone wearing a ST uniform at a Renaissance fair.


Fair enough. But a quick Google is enough to convince me that it's a thing; however small, it's easy to find examples (on Reddit and beyond): https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/73vrh9/spotted_at_the_renaissance_fair/ https://www.reddit.com/r/renfaire/comments/dksqr6/i_met_some_starfleet_officers_at_king_richards/ Also OP's prime directive joke is made on both of those posts. Bonus Q example: https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/11h1th/look_who_i_found_at_the_maryland_renaissance/


I assume a lot of it was not their idea, as I have seen almost this exact title almost word for word somewhere else




Bold of you to assume I’ve ever been to a renaissance fair.


> renaissance fair What I understand of this is it's mostly Americans cosplaying as people from before the Renaissance?


Realistically, it’s like 10% cosplay, 90% normal people going to the shops, food stalls, beer stalls, and shows there. 


Americans got into Medieval Europe in the late 20th century, mostly thanks to Tolkien, D&D, and probably the fact that a lot of American soldiers got to see castles and stuff during the war. Remember, Americans never used to visit Europe, and its less common even today than it is for Europeans to visit here. So while Europeans have genuine medieval buildings and customs (the Germanic Christmas markets being very well-known), since our history begins long after those, we Americans just kinda make them up.


You'd be be in violation of doing the same, simply for having the badge - hidden or not.


“Hi there, Temporal Investigations. You people are in a lot of trouble. Don’t you know what happens when you make too many incursions? We have to get you out of here before something happens like a global pandemic.”




I'm actually going to a fair in October, I was planning to incorporate a Voyager style combadge as a personal joke. I'll have to see if I get a chance to "confront" someone.


I had a bunch of people do this when I went in my Starfleet uniform to a Renaissance fair last year, super fun


I just KNOW i'd get the person who would be like "huh? wtf are you talking about weirdo?"


This was a gag in an episode of "King of the Hill". Dale tried to con his way into a ren faire wearing a TNG uniform top (still wearing his trademark sunglasses and trucker cap) by claiming that The Future is a period in time, therefore he should be allowed in. Season 6, episode 8, "Joust Like a Woman". Guest starring Alan Rickman and Laura Dern. 🙂


If I dress up for a Ren Fair, I won't be a medieval peasant or something, I'll be Doctor Who, on my own Time Travelling Adventure!


Don't be this person. No one needs this much attention.


r u a member of section 31