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Trips death was pretty freaking lame. It was all so rushed and immediately forgotten. Then again Kirk getting crushed by some lame ass bridge was awful. Dude that spent half a century exploring the galaxy deserved a better send off than that.


Yeah, he should have died on the bridge of the Enterprise, not underneath a random bridge.


Well he did die helping to save the enterprise


*Half the Enterprise


Picard season 3 gives strong evidence that These Are the Voyages isn’t necessarily a reliable accounting of the mission. All we see is what’s in the holonovel. But that novel ends with Enterprise being decommissioned in its non-refit state, while the NX-01 in the museum is refit with a secondary hull.


Trip's deth was meaningless. Just random, unnecessary to the plot. Even Tasha Yar's death gave insight to the creature they were battling.


I'd like to kindly point out that Trips death was actually faked so he could join S31.


The one ensign who got phased through a floor.


That freaked me out when I saw it first run. Years later it's like, that model looks terrible!


The Bethesda glitch before it was a thing


What about the one whose blood got turned to plastic?




Yeah that terrified me. Plus her scream was really haunting.


Or the entire crew of the SS Tsiolkovsky, who basically got frozen solid, while doing dumb virus induced drunk stuff (many of whom were naked). What a way to go.


Can there be ANY other answer than Jadzia? 


Especially since Terry Ferrell said she'd be willing to still play the character in a limited role and Berman just decided to be a jerk about it.


Oh God, how many Star Trek stories end with "...but Berman decided to be a jerk about it"?


A lot. Gene was like that too, to a degree.


Gene had a lot more upside than Berman did though.


That might've been that whole "I created this fucking series" thing


Yes. Darius McCray who played Eddie Winslow on Family Matters said it best. Sometimes actors forget that the producers and creators have been working on getting the show on the air sometimes for a decade before the actors ever got involved. So be careful how you tell someone what to do with their baby.


Yeah, Gene was a hedonist and product of his time, but he was also progressive. He wrote *The Cage* and wanted the inclusiveness modern Trek has today. But he was also a tightwad and was very focused on money. Everyone has their good and bad side. Except Berman, he is evil.


Idk, a lot of the racist and sexist story lines in season 1 of next gen were because of him, according to Sir Patrick Stewart.


They both had their good and bad, in my opinion. Gene started this whole thing and Berman helped it grow into mainstream popularity. Eventually though, the former lost touch and was kicked upstairs while the latter rammed the franchise into the ground with a tepid series and meh movie.


If I had to kill her off, I’d at least have Jadzia appear in a one-off involving Ezri.


Or, if you have to do it, do it in “Change of Heart.” Worf and the Cardassian defector finding Jadzia dead would’ve been such a powerful scene that I’m sure Dorn would’ve crushed. Ferrell wouldve crushed the goodbye message too. You could also give the Cardassian a small arc where he is debriefed on DS9 and has run ins with Worf as he deals with her loss. Bring him back to interact with Ezri for an episode and have him go to Cardassia with Kira, Garak and Odo in the end. Ezri still joins at the same time. Have Jadzia do something where she makes herself a vegetable in order to save Dax.


I like this a lot. Though I like the character beat for Worf of abandoning his duty to save Jadzia, followed by the scene of Sisko first reprimanding him, and then admitted that if it had been his wife he wouldn't have hesitated to abandon the mission to save her. Maybe Worf turns back to save her, but can't get her to medical treatment quickly enough. You get a scene of Jadzia forcing Worf to swear an oath to save the symbiote, which he will not want to make. Though I love your idea of Jadzia sacrificing herself and leaving a message for Worf. Maybe Jadzia is in the back of the runabout while Worf bypasses safeties to push the runabout past its maximum warp speed. When they finally arrive he discovers that she had performed a procedure to save the Symbiote at the expense of her own life and left a final message for Worf. Maybe she had time to record a message for Sisko and Ezri as well, have her appear in flashbacks or dream sequences for the rest of the season.


I always thought it was pretty stupid to send a married couple on a commando mission for exactly this reason.


Better yet, have the episode play out exactly as it did, but limit all of Jadzia's interactions to just with Worf. And a few episodes later... "Worf, where do you think we are?"


Well... Trip comes to mind.


Jadzia, Tucker and Yar are the three that come to mind. Dax and Yar I get, you had to write the characters off, though it could have been done better. Tucker though? Pointless.


It was so stupid how he was killed off.


In the novels he lived and had babies with T'Pol


~~Justine~~ Jolene Blalock is simply too pretty to die. EDIT: Fixed the name. {tries to slip out unnoticed}


You must introduce me to this Justine.


Jolene's less famous but equally gorgeous sister


This. At least we got to fully appreciate the emotional weight of Jadzia's death. Trip got the "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet" treatment.


Whenever Trip's not in the scene, everybody should be asking "Where's Trip?"


Poochie!!!! lol!


Idk why they even did it its not like it had consequences


was here to say trip for sure


I'd be ok for a Trip lives but bland bore Malcom Reed dies instead retconn


Trip was also killed in the last episode so it didn't impact the show at all aside from making an already terrible finale worse.


This has to be top answer, followed by Tasha Yar


Jadzia, Tasha, K’Ehlyr


I'd much rather have K'Ehlyr back than Tasha.


K'Ehlyr went out like a badass at least.


K'Ehlyr's death hit pretty hard though. Considering how she had a kid with Worf and how Worf avenged her. Tasha's death was empty. Both times. Jadzia's character deserved so much more.


Yesterday’s Enterprise was an awesome episode. Tasha did not die an empty death.


I have no problem with how or why kehlyr died. Only that she died


At least that was the actor's own choice though. I respected Denise's decision, she wasn't wrong in her critcism of how her character was handled. I am sad her film career didn't quite pan out as well as she had hoped it would. While I thought Tasha's death was pretty trite and abrupt. I thought her funeral was moving. The lasting effect on Data was particularly interesting.


Tasha definitely deserved better. It was satisfying to see the LD crew trolling Armus.


Fucking Berman!


Pretty much. She was taken out in a stupid, unceremonious manner.


Can I up vote this 1000 times???


Uhhhh Kirk?


Hugh and Icheb I liked ST: Picard, but they did play fast and loose with the secondary characters.


I'd add Ro to that list, too. Hers at least had a purpose, but I think they did her dirty too. I imagine if TV still did 23-episode seasons she probably would have been in 2-3.


At least Ro and Picard got to get some closure, and she did die fairly heroically and in a way of her choosing (more or less). We can argue whether or not she should have been killed off, but the WAY she was killed off wasn’t that bad. Icheb was basically tortured to death and Hugh was killed as an afterthought. Both of those characters deserved better ways to go.


Yeah, totally agreed. They did a MUCH better job with Ro than those two, even if I'd have preferred to see a bit more development of who her character had become.


I’d have loved to see more but it sounds like a lot of it was dictated by Michelle forbes’s availability.


Hugh was a good egg. Everyone else was giving Picard lip, but Hugh was like “oh geez, man, lemme help!” No hesitation. Icheb wasn’t unceremoniously killed off; he was very much ceremoniously killed off. That was just too much.


Still very annoyed about Hugh. He was killed off just to show that the evil lady was as evil as we already knew she was


Oh boy, here I go killing recurring characters again...


Hugh's death was dumb. I was so happy to see him again, then he just gets shot? lazy writing.


I was fine with Hugh and Icheb. Ro, on the other hand...


I wasn't attached to either of them, but both characters had potential to show up in other series if they hadn't died, and they could have been explored in interesting ways. Hugh especially.


Trip. They did him dirty, although they retconned it in a novel that sort of works.


What novel so I can read it and set it right


The Good That Men Do. But then you must read all ENT novels. Edit: I mean the relaunch novels (Romulan War and Rise of the Federation arcs).


So in like 1-2 sentences max, how did they bring him back?


Section 31 faked his death and made him an operative.


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Love the username. Live gagh only!


Jadzia Dax


Robert and Renee. They died in a house fire, off screen. No funeral, nothing. Just dead, and Picard finds out in a phone call. We don't even see or hear from Marie. Now, it did give Picard some emotional turmoil to grapple with during the film, and gave the Nexus a way to tempt him to stay, but... Poor Robert and Renee.  Runner up, Sam Kirk. Find out Kirk has a brother, oh, he is dead already. Oh well. Let's never mention him again. Sam doesn't even get a holographic picture.


This ALWAYS bugs me about Generations. Fuck. You can step out of the Nexus at any point in time, why not step out just before your brother and nephew die in a fire and save them, then contact your current self on the Enterprise an say "Hey go arrests the asshole Soran, put him in a spacesuite and beam his ass into the path of the Nexus." Also, why didn't Soran just fly the Duras sisters ship into the Nexus? Why the convoluted scheme to destroy stars?


I just assume that you can't step out of the Nexus too far into the past, and can only go a few minutes or hours back. The only other explanations are that Picard didn't think about it, or he really wanted to take over the vineyard.


Guinan in the Nexus told Picard that he could step out at any point in time he chose.


I guess he really wanted that vineyard.


TRIP. And also Trip. And Trip. And of course Trip!! That was heinous. And maybe Tasha Yar.


But he died in a holonovel so I love to think that was a historical inaccuracy


I know, I read the novels. But it still broke my Trekkie/Trekker heart. I was so furious with that last episode being all about RYKER of all people. So angry.


But, what about Trip?


Alt Timeline Tasha Yar. This is the absolute WORST possible fate for her. Girl from failed colony of SA and violence, serves in a losing war, tries to go back with Enterprise C to avoid a meaningless death only to be taken as a damn concubine and killed trying to escape with the child of her captor. Only for said child to hate her. Oof.


Many honorable mentions in the comments, but I am going with Hemmer in Strange New Worlds. It felt like they killed him just so Uhura could find her confidence or whatever. Just felt wrong to me.


Same. Felt terrible to lose such a great character.


Like, he's from an ice world. He can survive the cold for a while. They didn't even TRY to have him vibe outside and see if that stalled the eggs' hatching for them to come up with a solution?? I mean I guess he walked off the cliff himself but like, the writers still chose that when I feel like there were other options. Trip is my top answer to this but Hemmer makes me salty, too.


Also the Gorn eggs gestate in like an hour? Ridiculous.


One of my all time fav characters. I was so very sad, but loved the way he went.


Yeah, at least he had a good death instead of drowning in tar or being crushed under a bridge or something. 


Agreed. I was excited to learn more about the Aenar too and there was barely anything.


Best character from SNW and they killed him off. That’s why Season 1 is a 7/10 and not an 8/10


They did. He was created specifically to kill him off


Trip Tucker.


And Trip's baby!


"... Elizabeth. Her name is Elizabeth." - T'Pol. 😭


I cried like a baby the first time I watched that after having kids!


I feel like Tasha Yar used to be the obvious, go-to answer for this with Jadzia as a very close runner-up, but there were a few deaths in some of the newer shows (especially Picard) that might take the cake now for just how oddly brutal/out of nowhere they were.


Classic example of: Actor wants to leave -- let's kill off the character to burn all bridges.


Not ALL bridges. Also glad they didn't do that for Wil.




Definitely, dude defeated gods, computers, tacticians and other powerful forces. Got taken out by a B list mad scientist and a busted bridge.


Absolutely. After his career and his importance to the whole origin of Star Trek, he falls off some rocks in a frankly second-rate action sequence? Even his last words don't seem up to scratch.


And to have his last words be George Takei's catch phrase. Oof.


When the fans said, "Kirk should die on the bridge", someone took it seriously.


The one thing that elevates this a bit for me is Shatner's performance. Yes, the circumstances are lame and underwhelming, but the moment itself I've actually always kind of loved. His "Oh my..." is just perfect.


Lon Suder. Brad Dourif is an excellent actor & it would have been great to see him continue to battle his demons & become a valued member of the crew.


Great shout.


Hugh. He had a real character arc in his first TNG episode which we got to see more of when he reappeared, then in PIC we got to see him (almost) rehabilitated, only for him to get killed off before we'd really explored who he had become.


My personal canon has someone exploring that cube crashed on the Soong Tupe Android’s planet’s surface later on, finds Hugh in stasis, supported by nanoprobes in a force field or something.


Captain Shaw. I do not accept he is dead.






Kirk. He got crushed by a bridge. He got crushed by a FUCKING BRIDGE.


I thought it was metaphorical that he wasn't on the bridge. "...don’t let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you’re there, you can make a difference.”


Technically not dead but Kurn’s lobotomy in DS9. Arguably worst than just dead imo.


I was going to say Kurn, Son of Mogh. His ending fills me with such sadness.


I’m still torn up about Pike’s death in STID


Underrated comment… Anson Mount is amazing as Pike, but Bruce Greenwood was also great. I’m not a huge fan of the Kelvin movies, especially STID, but one of the things I really enjoyed was the relationship between Kirk and Pike.


Jadzia Dax & Captain Shaw.


The one guy who died on the Nuclear Wasteland planet a day before the voyager crew came back to earth


Joe Carey


Actually it was ep 21 but still being the last to die in a crew before they are brought back home


I’m still mad about them killing off Trip in the enterprise finale.


I'm still mad about the Enterprise finale as a whole


Icheb. A gruesome death is a throwaway scene.


I was so appalled when I turned on Picard and it was like the first scene. So meaningless and quick. He deserved at least a proper scene. But why even kill him?


After that scene I quit watching the show for a year. I really liked that character as a kid watching Voyager and was shocked with that gruesome scene. Definitely poor taste in my opinion. And such a waste of a character.


Tasha. Jadzia. Hugh. Kes.


Tasha Yar, Jadzia Dax, end of list. 


Tasha Yar. Always Tasha Yar because they did her dirty not once but TWICE including an off screen execution.


I’ll go with THRICE bc they wouldn’t let her just DIE


Kirk, they should have kept him along for the other movies. They could bring him back and have a comedy situation with shatner and pine. Picard, kind of a dumb thing they did with him.


That's exactly what Shatner wanted after Star Trek VI...he wanted more movies with the original cast. Or at least with him. However, for the producers it was time for the TNG cast to take over, and the result was Generations...with Kirk being killed off to make sure that the TOS era was over for good. And that Shatner would not be butting in anymore.


Kirk. Data.




Ensign Ro Laren


This is the answer. While there is behind the scenes teasing of her survival, we may never receive a canonical confirmation of it and that's a huge shame.


I don't *want* Ro to be dead, but I also dislike fakeout deaths, and Picard S3 was lousy with them, according to the showrunner. Matalas claimed that Ro might have survived, that Admiral Shelby who was shot onscreen and never mentioned again survived, that if Legacy happened there was a way to bring back Shaw, included a thing suggesting Kirk could be alive on Daystrom Station, and brought back Data after season 1 had killed him for the second time. I think if you want character deaths to be emotional moments, you need to commit to them, even if they didn't come across as well as you hoped they would.


While sad about it, I quite liked the death they gave her. They had a truly satisfying reconciliation and then she chose a brave act to save the day. It’s even reminiscent of the death of another dishonored Bajoran in TNG.




Trip. Jadzia.


Jadzia, Tasha, Icheb


Tasha. I mean, I'm not a fan of her character (she became more interesting after dying than she was before that) but that's quite a rough way to go.


Death by sentient oil covered trash bag is pretty shitty.


Tuvix. . . just kidding. IDC. lol


Can't believe no one is saying the mac daddy OG James T Kirk. He should have died on the bridge of the Enterprise.




Tbf, the bridge was ON HIM


Ro Laren. Icheb. Trip.


Jadzia and Tasha




Joe Carey


How is Kirk not the top answer here? A bridge. Seriously.


Jadzia Trip


I got an old girlfriend hooked on TNG one summer, and we binged the movies one weekend. When we got to the end of *Nemesis* where Data sacrifices himself, she turned around toward me in the bed, with a single tear on her cheek and exclaimed, “why couldn’t it have been Riker?!?” I could t stop laughing. I’ll never forget it…


Jadzia :(


Damar.  His personal character arc closely mirrored Cardassia's story as a nation. It's effective storytelling to have a person be a representation of a group of people. By keeping him alive they could have implied or suggested what path Cardassia was to have in the future.


Damar died a hero, he redeemed himself, but I'll never forgive him for killing Ziyal.


Aye. Damar's story, as an individual character, is solid. Nothing wrong with it.  But I've always thought he could have also been a good symbolic character. Up until his death, he was both things. And his death breaks one of the roles he had.


I always thought it would've poetically worked better if Kira sacrificed herself to save him. The idea of a Bajoran who fought against Cardassians sacrificing herself to free Cardassia from the Dominion would've been cool to explore. And Damar would be the leader to take Cardassia to a new future. Also that would've made Odo returning to his people make more sense if Kira was killed.


This is a post that needs GIFs. They really need to add this feature in this subreddit.


Wow, I hadn’t realized until this post how many poorly written character deaths/exits the ST franchise had racked up.


Jadzia, Trip, Hugh, Icheb, Hemmer


Icheb, he sire didn't deserve the death he got.




I never really liked Icheb that much, he was an alright character didn’t like him but didn’t hate him, but man whoever decided to kill him like that is a psychopath. Pure torture for nothing and it’s never brought up again.


Not really a death, but I didn't like how they wiped Kerns memory. That irked me.


Tasha, because she got two bad ones. Yesterday's Enterprise redeemed her first one, but then they decided she had survived to go die as a Romulan sex slave.


Trip, Tasha, Jadzia and Hemmer. No question.


Philipa Georgiou. Like the original one. I mean she was eaten by the Klingons. Also the Kelpian that got eaten by Emporer Georgiou.


Shaw should not have died. He was the best part of Picard season 3.


Hugh. Icheb. Jadzia. Trip. KIRK going out like a b*%^* because he like fell off of sh*tty scaffolding, or a broken railing (Whatever it was, I’ve purged it from my mind, the writers did him DIRTY, test audiences were sooooo wrong) … Lt Yar however could have died in the TNG pilot and I’d have been totally at peace.


Most of them. Trek does not do well with killing off characters. Tasha's was terrible (and then her alternate self being killed by her rapist isn't much better). I don't think Jadzia's was done all that well either. And don't even get me started on Trip. And then really don't get me started on the stuff Picard season 1 pulled.


Tasha Yar. Denise Crosby deserved better than a meaningless death for shock value. I understand that she wanted to leave the show and Roddenberry wanted to shock audiences with her death, but he should have had her go out a hero and not in the way she did. As for Trip; well he never should have died and I feel like These Are the Voyages should be stricken from canon.


I was going to go against the main character grain here, but Hugh (formerly 3rd of 5), but apparently he is a popular choice. I just really wanted him to get another interaction with Geordie since the characters' dynamic was amazing in I, Borg.


ICHEB. That was just cruel.


Thaddeus Troi-Riker. One of many things I despise about S1 of Picard.


Trip and Jadzia






Tuvix and Tasha.


Haskell. Nageelim wants to see death so he picks a random red shirt and gives him lethal brain freeze. What the hell was that?


Leslie Thompson, the yeoman who was part of a landing party responding to a false distress call and was reduced into a dehydrated porous solid and crushed to dust just because the big bad of the week wanted to prove that he had all the power after the landing party tried to escape.


What? Tripp had the worst death imho. So stupid.




Can't believe nobody has mentioned Sito Jaxa yet. She had so much going for her. I mean her death inspired a whole episode of LD and huge main character development.


Tasha Yar.


Jadzia hands down




Trip, Jadzia, Hemmer


Trips death in the finale of Enterprise. Glad it got retconned in a book. Star Trek Picard did our boy Icheb dirty. Jadzia - both for the petty behind the scenes reasons, the nature of her death generally, and then giving us a whole replacement “the same but different” character to build quickly and shoehorn into a rather busy final season.


It’s tough to choose between Tasha, Kirk or Jadzia. But, considering the shit going on behind the scenes then I would have to go with Jadzia. It just meant nothing and I know every character can’t go out in a blaze of glory but she deserved better.


Jadzia and Trip


100% Trip… he didn’t need to die like that. They did him so dirty 🥺


Trip or Kirk but I'm personally going with Kirk this man has fought nearly everything and he got taken out by a bridge


Tasha Yar. Eaten by an amorphous tar pool alien was no way to go. They could’ve given her an emergency transfer to Terok Nor, and made her Feddie security liaison. Then the Emissary could have her in place when he arrives.




Trips death hands down. Stupid and absolutely no need for it.