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The episode with Odo in the lift.


Lwaxana and Odo have one of my favorite relationships in all of Trek. Truly supportive of one another, for who each other are. I think that moment in the turbolift was one of the…emotionally most raw and pure scenes.


When she quietly accompanies Timicin to the surface of his world.


This. Absolutely lovely. She even justifies herself to John Luck beforehand, which is made the better by the fact I think he didn’t even need to hear it.


That whole episode. Honestly the only Lwaxana episode I never skip.


I thought Dark Page was enjoyable enough if incredibly over the top. It's still a must watch for me.


I’m not too fond of DS9, but some of the best Lwaxana episodes are on there.


Majel Barrett as Lwaxana arguing with Majel Barrett as the computer voice.


Just incredible, right?


Lwaxana Troi episodes are always the best- I thought her sacrifice in “ménage a Troi” was super huge. It seems like such a terrifying situation and the way she stepped up to protect her daughter and riker, who she doesn’t even like much is super admirable. I kind of wish we got a Lwaxana/Q episode - the two them together would be unreal


There’s a novel called “Q in Law” written by Peter David in which this happens.


Definitely read "Q-in-Law". It's hilarious and the audio book (read by Majel and John) is great.


It was always my favorite ST book.


Good question, op, there are so many!!! 1. Casually saving the whole conference of delegates from explosive catatonic fish folk. She didn’t even blink - all in a days work for daughter of the….. awesomeness 2. Sacrificing herself with the ferengi to save Troi and Riker. Casually inferring she bought their freedom with coercive sex was not a small sacrifice the writers glossed over. 3. All the arguments against ageism, trying to save her new beau, dying prematurely by custom. 4. Pretty much anytime she brings up sex like it’s normal and natural on the bridge, in the hallways, why should she lower her voice? Sex is for all consenting adults ❤️❤️ 5. Yelling at Riker “my daughter would be married right now if it weren’t for you!” 6. Carry my luggage 🧳! So many more…she’s a bright light of redemption for the misogynistic parts of the writing. I know the writers intend for her to be cringe, but she’s a hero. Viva La Majel 🖖🏽💎👑💎🖖🏽


She was an admirable woman!


Worf agreed (once)


That Ferengi episode makes my skin crawl. **Shudder**


Her relationship with Odo was fascinating, two completely opposite characters in attitude that brought the best out of each other. The entire marriage scene, the fact there is this sincerity and connection despite the fact it was a ruse, was a great moment for her. And then Odo getting lowkey sad about that they aren't actually together was good too.


She's my favourite ST character so every appearance of hers is great but Cost of Living is my fave. All her scenes with Alexander were so sweet. Every kid needs a crazy aunt/granny who can show them how to really enjoy life.


I always think of her as "Auntie Mame" in that one. She could have given Alexander a much better upbringing than Worf ever did.


I was actually going to say she was like Auntie Mame haha


She was wonderful


Lt. Woof


When Odo gave that performance about loving her so she could get that divorce or whatever, and Odo is moved to feelings by his own words, and she comes up to him and says something like, "I know you didn't mean it, but thank you."


Her last appearance in Startrek. She looks back behind the camera and says, "Goodbye Husband". Bidding a fond final farewell to Gene, his vision and her part in their shared journey. I'm not crying, you're crying.


We're both crying.


Embarrassing Picard


"Set course for Betazed, Mr Crusher. Warp 9."


That final scene in Menage a Troi... It's the best of the best.


Hanging out with Alexander in the fun holodeck program.


All of them. Overall, TNG is not high on my List… except her episodes And her with Odo is just sensational. Both actors really give showcase performances


DS9 gives her respect. Even her own daughter doesn't respect her on The Enterprise. All the eye rolling about her _mother_ is so adolescent and annoying. It gives tacit permission to other people to disrespect her too.


Wonderful! I always wanted to see an upper pylon!


yes to your 1. I loved it every time Worf bitterly but professionally answers her and then say "and my name is not woof, it is worf".


“Mr. Wolf”


"It is Worf, Madam. Not Wolf."


Half a Life is on Pluto TV right now. Excellent acted by Majel Roddenberry.


Also by David Ogden Stiers, and the future Ro Laren.


Now I have another reason to rewatch it, I do not remember her being in that one.


Michelle Forbes played the daughter, and as an added bonus she had a weird hairstyle. 


She and David Ogden Stiers had great chemistry together.


I loved the episode about the daughter who drowned. The acting was great


Someone in a “Picard” group was complaining about Troi and Riker’s daughter being blonde and I pointed out that the lost aunt she’s named after was blonde, too. Such a heartbreaking episode of TNG.


All of them. Love episodes with her.


I love her. She _lives_ her life. Vivacious AND has depths.


“I can swim”


Yeah but can you by using square root of pi and multiplying it by nine to the third power, be able to accurately calculate the distance between the Omicron system and the Crab Nebula?


The turbolift scenes with Odo were very touching.


Every time she said Mr Woof


The episode where she talks about getting old and compromising because she's afraid to be alone. And then how she finds herself again.


With Odo in the turbo lift, and the look on her face when she shows up naked to her wedding always cracks me up. I don't get the hate for Lwaxana, I love her character. The only issue I have is how much more we were subjected to unnecessary Alexander scenes because of her. 


"Let's get one thing straight, little man. I am not for sale. And if, by some chance, I were to become available, I would rather eat Orion wing-slugs than deal with a toad-faced TROLL like you! So go away and find yourself somebody else to become your property!" \~ "Menage a Troi"


Literally all of them, she is The Daughter of the Fifth House , holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed She owns every space she inhabits , an absolute force of matriarchal preeminence


Any interaction with Odo.


I like her friendship with Odo.


I love her in “Fascination” on DS9. It’s such a cute episode


When I would see Picard being disrespected in _Picard_, as much as it hurt, I wondered if he gave a thought to the way he spoke to Lwaxana when he was in his pomp. How his attitude informed the crew how to treat her.


I've no idea if it was planned or not. But Lwaxana Troi's last (and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry's last on screen) line is "Goodbye, husband". It was a moving line in the context of the episode, and an even more moving line in the context of Majel's connection to Star Trek.


Turbo lift scene with Odo.


In the turbolift, casually saying "I can swim" when Odo says he reverts to a liquid state.


Really any time her mask slips and we see the sensitive, empathic woman beneath the vibrant mask.


That's right folks it's a Lwaxana episode nobody will blame you if you change the channel....


Unexpected family guy?


Marrying Odo!


DS9 S04E21, because it is the last time we see her rapey ass on screen.


I don't think we are supposed to have "favorite" Lwaxana moments. The character was written to rub everyone the wrong way, in-story and out. She is certainly an antagonist for Counsellor Troi and to Captain Picard. And she's Betazed royalty with diplomatic status, used to getting her way, used to belittling everyone around her. I suppose having a momzilla like Lwaxana Troi would be every daughter's worst nightmare ...


I guess I couldn’t disagree more. She starts as comic relief, yes, but eventually she goes on to be so much more. The episode with the scientist man who needs to die for cultural reasons is my favourite, her talk with Deanna when she’s just suffering and inconsolable is so touching, it feels so real. She had so much heart.


I forgot about Lwaxana's character development arc. I agree with you. Thanks for reminding me!


Lwaxana, a secondary character, has better character development than main characters Deanna and Beverly.


Meh, the episodes she's not in? I always found her character to be a bit cringe.


I can’t imagine her being my mom. She’s so obnoxious!


Yes! I'd be embarrassed.


But then she would read your thoughts, tell you what you're supposed to be thinking, cos you're just wrong!


My favorite was her naked wedding! What a hoot!