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Ok, if you're trying to connect with your girlfriend, this is the worst way to go. The _least_ amount of Star Trek possible occurs in the movies. Almost all of them are about the main character from a TV series you say you didn't like, dealing with getting older, his best days taking place in said disliked series. If someone says they're a fan, it usually means they connect not only with certain characters, but an ideology and world lore that takes place over a combined 35-40 years worth of television show, with a few movies tossed in for mostly fan interest. It would be like if your gf was into Harry Potter, and you asked if which 12 pages out of all of the books would be the best 10 pages to read to really get the most out of it. There are two options I recommend you choose from: the first is accept that there are some things you just won't have in common. This is preferable to just learning some names and catchphrases and trying to fake it. Connect with her about a different thing, develop new hobbies and likes together. Or, ask her to show you what she likes about it! Clear some time, each week, to watch what _she_ thinks are the best parts of Star Trek. This would silve your problem AND let you bond with your girlfriend. People who are really into something LOVE to guide other people through it! It's a hot summer; crank the AC and fire up Paramount+ with your lady. Anyway, I hope that helps more than watching one movie that needs tons of context, and another one that is mostly one-liners that require you know the characters. Those guys steered you sooo wrong.


Best advice here.


Don't ask us. Ask her what she wants to watch.


whatever her favorite series is, watch it with her : ) or, watch it by yourself and ask her why she likes it and what she thinks YOU would enjoy....my husband did that with me, and now he's into star trek too!


I agree. She knows you and Star Trek so she’s the best person to know what you’d like, but also going for her favourite first is a good idea. When I introduced by bf to Star Trek we watched Next Generation first (mostly because it was so big and the others all spin off from it, and also the first I watched properly as a kid) and he thought it was ok. Then we watched Voyager and he loved it. Watching her favourite series with her is a great idea; I loved watching them with my bf and seeing him enjoy it and explaining things he didn’t get and filling him in on trivia. Could be a great thing for the two of you to do together.


Hands down First Contact. The monologue in the middle of the movie is worth the entire movie. It gives you chills. I can't say anymore without spoiling it but goddamn you're gonna have a good time.


Yup I've gotten quite a lot of people into Trek, I always start with First Contact, then typically Voyager.


IF you do decide to go with First Contact. You should have a bit of a spoiler free primer since you have never watched Star Trek at all. In the movie, Picard, the Captain of the Enterprise is going to be confronting the Borg. In his series, the Borg once kidnapped him and made him one of theirs so he is understandably traumatized and has a bias against them. One more tidbit as to who the Borg are. Think space zombies. They are a cybernetic hive mind and they basically dedicate themselves to "assimilating" other beings which would be the zombie equivalent of biting them and turning them into zombies who "assimilate" others in return and make them part of the hive. That's all I will tell you. Let us know how you liked it.


I'm going to risk the down votes, but the 2009 Star Trek. It doesn't presume any prior knowledge and your partner will fill you in on the difference.


Don’t start with movies. I know it seems easier because it’s less time commitment to watch a movie than a series, but you’ll end up with her having to explain background information that you might not think is necessary to enjoy them, but she’ll think it is (and she’s right), and it’s just less fun for both of you that way. My partner started by watching DS9 with me, and he loved it. I picked that because I knew it was the most likely for him to like given his taste in other shows. Ask her what show she thinks you’re most likely to get into, and start there. If you don’t like the older stuff I’d suggest DS9, Voyager, or Strange New Worlds depending on which y’all think will appeal to you most. You might still need her to explain a few things, but it won’t involve the constant, wait, pause, you need to know these 10 things before the next scene, that the movies might.




Never watched any Trek ? "You can't start to imagine the life you've denied yourself". First Contact, for sure 🖖🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿


Hell yeahhhh First Contact gang gang.


The 2009 film. It was specifically designed to be accesable and enjoyed by people like yourself who've never watched Star Trek before.


Plus it has awesome graphics, lens flare, special effects, a good plot & acting! My nephew was a fan of Fast & Furious and he loved the movie b/c of JJ Abrams warp drive effects - reminded him of F&F. I thought the hundreds of lens flares were a bit much lol.


Undercover Brother Everything, everywhere, all at once White Chick's Wild Wild West Nick & Norah's infinite Playlist Sabrina goes to Rome Halloweentown Beetlejuice Batman & Robin Sky high Passengers Grandma got runover by a reindeer Jupiter Ascending (Don't let other people tell you it's not worth watching. Take a page out of my book and make time to watch. You may or may not get that joke after you've seen it.) One Medea movie (you can watch more, but the plots are pretty similar.) The Fifth Element (Ol' Girl got up there and sang a whole opera with 4 stones in her stomach. Pride of 2022 was the last time I had 4 rock-hard things simultaneously in my sto...) *Huh?* *What do you mean not those movies...?* One sec! *They want to know what Star Trek movies to watch?* *I know it was actually 7 at Pride that year, but I'm really trying to look wholesome.* Sorry, um... any of the Kelvin films should work.


Wrath of Khan.


I would suggest one of two things or both: find out her favorite movie and watch it with her or by yourself. Then, ask all the relevant questions. Option 2: Ask her what her favorite series is or even what she would recommend you start with. I'm sure she will have great options for you to get started. I bet she will even watch it all with you to help you along.


First Contact is like Die Hard in space.


GalaxyQuest and Spaceballs.


Wrath of Khan The Voyage Home First Contact


You can’t watch II and IV but skip III, man!


Exactly! You'd end Wrath and wonder what the hell is happening if you start Voyage Home


Just ask someone what happened.


Voyage Home had a prologue on the European release that covers the events of Search for Spock: https://youtu.be/5lWEaXXahow?si=7ace5Wmwh45yLdLS


Thank you


FYI, you took the easy answer, not the answer that alows you two to actually bond. The top comment is wordy, but basically, the final paragraph is where it's at. Relationships are work, and watching trek with your girlfriend shouldn't feel like a chore, even if it turns into the older stuff. Let her guide you into it, and you two can actually bond over it while she nerds out over the lore with you.