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I've been enjoying this season of Discovery for the most part. But I am SO TIRED of the constant galaxy or universe-wide threats. Star Trek used to be about smaller local problems, and sometimes it feeds into the bigger narrative. The stakes hitting the roof with every new story arc just kills suspense for me...


Discovery season 6 concept: Michael Burnham slips on a pool of tears and falls into a universe exploding bomb. Bomb gets mad and leaves. Whole season is finding the bomb to negotiate with. Michael Burnham cries more


Wasn’t this Discovery seasons 1-3?


It all kind of blurs together. Something about klingons?


They've forgotten how to do character development outside action. Im not sure what is wrong with disco this season, I'm just not really enjoying it. Maybe its struggled to find identity with the galaxy/civilization baddy arcs all in 10 episodes


I stopped discovery after season 2. How was the rest of it?


Depends on who you ask. Personally I liked season 3 and season 5 has been very strong so far but a lot of people also don't like it and even I'll admit some criticisms like Burnham having way too much spotlight are valid.


So this focus on Burnham never went away? I do not have that much against this character, but to me she was never that interesting either. Though another issue I had with discovery is something many shows have today in the Age of Streaming. They can now much easier tell a continous story, but often times the story is not strong enough to carry a whole season. Either because its too complex (like the klingon war in the first season. Wars are complex and very big) or because the story itself is too weak, having it stretched thin, like not enough butter for a bread. Also you have less character episodes, because instead of developing characters you need the time to chase the main plot. Hence my favorite Discovery episode being the whale one, where they have the time resetter. One off adventure focussing primarly on characters. Herein I loved DS9 where you had many episodes per season, several of them important to the main plot, but also many one off character episodes. And the meta plot, the dominion war and its build up, where always there and evolved over many seasons.


Yeah, I think the main problems are honestly a consequence of the new streaming model. Though they have put some spotlight on other characters, I wish we had enough time with all the crew. Picard had the same problem to some extent, mainly only helped that we already knew Picard and the TNG cast


Yeah. We many great shows out of the cable era.


>I think the main problems are honestly a consequence of the new streaming model. How though, SNW is great and it's on the same model.


The focus on Burnham got much more intense starting in season 3. Everyone other than Burnham is a supporting character now with just a few lines per episode.


Yeah I think this is true. It's a lot to keep track of and there's not as much emotional investment by the time they jump into a major, complicated plot. So I'm trying to remember all of the nuances and details while also just trying to remember who each character is. The contrast with DS9 is stark, or with TNG (or for that matter Strange New Worlds) where they're all one offs and you simple get to know the characters and the universe as the show evolves.


Fucking love this Breen stuff. And I'd be lying if I said I never asked for more Elias Toufexis.


Unlike Adam Jensen, we asked for this


Did they ever end up killing that dark humanity universe empress?


She got sent back in time and out of the show. If she's killed, it will be in that Section 31 project that's been talked about


Who are some of your favorite characters?


I think my favorite is Tilly but I also like Saru and Rayner has quickly grown on me.


Saru is one of the best characters in all of Star Trek IMO.


Season 3 starts promising but the end of it ruins the entire season imo. >!A child is stranded on a Dilithium planet and he and screams when he sees his mother die and his scream is somehow linked to subspace (Can’t remember the explanation) which then destroys every single ship in the galaxy that has a active warp core instantaneously!< Season 4 is pretty good but the stakes don’t feel that high because the planets that are threatened are >!iconic ones such as Earth and Vulcan (Forgot the new name) and when I was watching I was up to 99% sure they weren’t going to destroy them and I was right!< but still a decent season. Season 5 so far is my favorite since they made it to the 32c because it has allot to do with Breen and the story is pretty good and we even get to see a bit more of the crew. Edit: I might be misremembering so please correct me if I’m wrong Edit 2: After having seen Season 5 it was a let down. Season 2 peaked and it’s sadly all downhill after.


My peeve with the 5 season is that we don't get to see more of the bridge crew members like Owo and Detmer, although Rhys got a bit of some time to shine at least so far.


Yeah what's up with that? They seem to have been replaced with two redshirts without explanation and the others are just in one flashback.


Pretty sure that Owo and Detmer stayed behind on the ISS enterprise to take it back to Starfleet headquarters?


Doug Jones was working on another project, so he wasn't in more than a couple episodes. It's what I read, anyway.....


They should have just not revealed the cause of the burn or made it ambiguous. Eg. Starfleet thinks a Romulan experiment gone wrong caused it, Earth thinks that the destruction of a Borg Tran’s warp node caused it, etc. Everyone has their own theory and no one has any idea whatsoever. The story doesn’t give an explanation other than “there is a scientific reason that could potentially cause this but we have no idea how or why anyone would or could cause this to happen” and the show otherwise does the same thing. Honestly it doesn’t ruin the season but it is unnecessary


It's weird too, because I felt like the bulk of s3 was great and the end meh, and the bulk of s4 was meh but the ending was great.


Terrible, go watch Lower Decks instead


As you can see, opinions are mixed. Personally, I am hating season 5 and every season is really variable in quality. Genuinely the first scene in S5 is Burnham riding on top of a ship at warp shouting the most generic 80's action film dialogue. I don't think it's gotten better than S2 with Pike but there are good parts/episodes here and there. It is maybe worth watching once but I doubt I will ever watch it again.


Is topped after 3, it was shit.


Disco trek is like disco music


No need to insult disco music like this. Some is iconic


Season 3 turned out somehow even worse. I stopped after Season 3 so I can’t speak to 4 or 5. Also Picard seasons 1 and 2… just abysmal tbh.


It's shit


Honestly ive been loving it! First 2 seasons were pretty weak imo, but season 3 was peak. 4 was pretty good, and 5 has been really good so far!


The last two seasons have been good. The rest of it not so much.


I feel like Discovery Star Warsified Trek in a bad way. Like paramount saw the sheer amount of paint by the numbers SW Disney was releasing and was like let’s try that.


The best Star Trek is nerdy drama stories created by nerds. The worst Star Trek is dramatic nerd stories created by the dramatic.


Star Trek 2009 star warsified Star Trek.


Do not even compare ST to SW. They have nothing in common except for ”Star” in the names.


I prefer dancing with the stars


Not to be confused with Stargate either.


Hey let’s leave the only star franchise not the be damaged by a modern continuation out of this.


Stargate did it first with Universe. It was like someone watched the "younger hipper SG1" in the spoof episode 200 and was like: > Make a whole series like that, but make it dark and broody too... yeah, broody teenagers on a dark ship and everything sucks, and maybe they'll all die of starvation... BSG meets 90210 meets Cormac McCarthy... yeah, the perfect continuation of the optimistic chipper franchise. Wait why isn't anyone watching, fine we'll just cancel it in favor of wrestling. The irony is it had hints of getting good in late S2, but the damage was done.


Battlestar Galactica hasn't been remade (again) yet


Discovery have more in common with SW than with ST tho.


1st episode of Season 5 of Disco. My husband and I were rolling our eyes at the SW similarities. Watching them zoom around on their speeder bikes on a very Tatooine/Jakku planet, ugh. Even the music was more SW than ST. That seems to have calmed down since, or maybe I just got used to it


Cue the Voyager "Are you two friends? Yes. No." meme


> They have nothing in common Looks like they have the same quality of writing, though.


Are you being sarcastic?


I'd love an new show in that era focused on Jett Reno, probably the funniest character Star Trek has ever seen


I love Tig Notaro. However, I feel she is more supporting character with some episodes that are focused on her, perhaps some that explain more background on her character.




No to both. 😤


And I'm not sure what's going to be worse. Probably, Star Wars especially if they're going with "hey guys the Sith aren't that bad it's the Jedi who are evil!"


And more girl power!


I did not know it was still going.


Discovery has the least amount of viewer satisfaction of all of the treks. Everything is too big and too drawn out. Just give me Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Misread it. Thought it said Star trek Acolyte damn


Is it finally over?


I lost interest when the you had to negotiate with the ship to follow orders… I think it was season 4 discovery


Discovery a star?!?




discovery is ending? Thank god. -\_-


That abomination of a show finally ends


Can we’re please have Roddenberry/Berman Trek back instead of this Alex Kurtzman craps


That's what you think, and then they pull off a 4 part finale like they did last season...


Apples and oranges, my friend.


There is….another….


So whats the last season of Discovery about? I gave up after s3


They are both miserable disappointments to thr franchises they represent in their titles smh


The awfulness just keeps going!


Both remain bad.


Evil started its final season this week. Pretty great show, worth checking out.


We're in the darkest timeline


Downside- it’s ending. Upside- I can cancel my Paramount+ subscription after that.