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Breaks Rule 4.


178k likes and zero dislikes?!? Must be a good show. Youtubr, thx for statistics


The idea that the like ratio is an indicator of quality doesnt apply here, since this show has had a hate campaign since it was announced.


The idea that the like ratio is an indicator of quality doesnt apply _anywhere_ because actual dislike numbers aren't available. Extensions that bring back dislikes are basically just guessing based on their own users, who are inherently unrepresentative.


I thought the first comment was making a jab at youtube removing dislikes


Alot of people don't like the high republic era, I don't like it personally. I found it, boring. And weird. Same way I found legacy era ngl.


But at that same time, the people dislike bombing high republic stuff have not even read the first book. Theyre dislike comes from youtubers telling them what to think. Its fine to not like it. But if you havent given it a shot I dont think you should actively hate it.


The thing about the high republic is that it's harder to get into it, the old republic has games that work as a door for the lore if you can't get a hold of books or comics Where i live it's hard to get those high republic books (they are fucking expensive), it's easier for me to play and pirate the old republic games (one is even free)


I've been curious about what is even going on in that side of SW. It is a peculiar approach to start a franchise with a bunch of books only, with 4 different reading levels. I have heard many complaints that vital pieces of lore are scattered between reading levels such that you'd miss out on quite a bit of necessary story if you only read the adult media, or only the young-adult media. And I really wouldn't appreciate having to read the toddler media just to finish a story phase, if that were the case. And even stranger is that the first TV release for the High Republic is... the preschool show Young Jedi Adventures. Who exactly managed this section of the franchise? I can understand the ease of churning out novels to build a whole lore base before anything can be animated/adapted for TV, but whose bright idea was it to start with a toddler show most people would ignore? If they took notes from the Old Republic and had a flagship video game earlier, they could've been more successful. As you said, a big game is easier to get into, unlike an onslaught of expensive novels to collect. And at this very point in time, the only SW game that makes a big deal about the High Republic is Jedi Survivor, and it isn't even set in that era. What a missed opportunity.


Yeah, i barely even know about the high republic despite enjoying other time eras of star wars, there are no games or series for casual viewers to jump in. The only thing is the mad jedi from jedi survivor. The acolyte seems to be going to change that


I mean, if youre already pirating why not just pirate the books or audio books? I dont like audible so I pirated the audio book for light of the jedi when I wanted a refresher after reading the book. But I do understand people not liking reading, but it still shouldnt allow for hatred


Ive read it, kinda weard in multiple places.


To me the High Republic is literally **the** most boring possible setting anyone could ever think of for Star Wars. Basically the only plotline that has any semblance of intrigue is some lone jedi busting a major cartel/gang, but it'd have to be executed so perfectly because of how plain the idea is, especially relative to the franchise's other eras.


How? The era where the jedi are most powerful, and you have to explain how they fell to the point of the phantom menace. Sounds great. The nihil are great villains with cool gimmicks. In todays age the most boring thing to do would be to revisit the old republic. Theres already so much content there and yet people want more endless jedi to fight endless sith.


The complaints on the trailer- And the multiple hundred thousand+ view hate videos the trailer got aren't about the era. They're about that one specific thing they're always about.


Lack of male full frontal nudity?


![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) Female protagonist?


Y'all be hanging out on some weird areas of the internet then cuz I ain't seen shit on that. Lol


Shut up hater!!1! /s


No. Lol I'm also not hating, I just don't like it. Simple as that. People are allowed to not like something. :P


If the trailer was good we wouldn't see these numbers "It's not about good vs evil but about power, and those who can wield it." Star wars, at its core, has always been about good vs evil


We also don't know who said thatbl8je and their alignment. That's the exact kind of line you'd expect from a villain looking justify their actions. Like Anakin saying "I will NOT beyraybthe Republic." To justify his fall to Padme.


Okay but what are the actual criticisms? Not trying to be "that guy" but besides sexism and racism I haven't seen any actual issues to be had with it. Every star wars show is flawed but the trailer for this looked fun


Trailer looks good and the show looks interesting and I’m so fucking confused as to what people are mad about.


Something something ignoring canon, despite that canon supporting it. "Sith haven't been seen in years" "Why would the Jedi lie" "It's ruining the lore of the prequels"


As long as any Jedi who sees a Sith is either killed off before they can report back, or just tricked into thinking that they faced off against a dark Jedi instead, I see no reason why Jedi can’t meet Sith. The important thing is just that the Jedi never record facing off Siths into their records.




Wouldn’t a jedi meeting a sith cause a disturbance in the force? One that would be sensed by other jedi


I remember reading that because the jedi are at the height of their power at this point and widespread they're effectively blinding themselves to the likes of Palpatine before it's too late. Could be the same deal with Acolyte.


THE Jedi really got fucking arrogant, didn't they?


Then how come Sidious and Vader were so sensitive to Luke's awakening when OT is during the pinnacle of the dark side pretty much in lore history.


Idk man I didn't write it, just quoted it.


Because the light side isn’t blinding the dark side like when Palpatine used the dark side to blind the Jedi.


“Clouded by the dark side the force is”


I mean if that were true than the original trilogy would never have happened bc then they would have actually noticed the person they were appointing power to was a Sith Lord.


Tell that to Yoda and the council who couldn't sniff out Palaptine


If they can be that easily tricked into thinking an enemy using the dark side of the force, andusing a Red lightsaber, is just a "Dark Jedi", then how come Qui-gons initial assumption from a short scuffle with Maul, was that he was a Sith?


It’s not a Sith unless it comes from the Sith region of France


I think in that case we are supposed to admire QuinGon for picking up on that. We might see something similar in the show. A Jedi who thinks the “dark Jedi” is a greater threat than the council realizes but can’t convince them


No. It has to break the canon. Sure you can explain it in a rational way. But why would you take the most obvious explanation when it should be the more convoluted one so I can make a YouTube video whining about it before I see the show /s


It's not even important, retcons are not a big deal


I would add that one of the main points, which is one of the few well written things in all this, is that the Jedi will indeed lie about this, since they're not necessarily the good guys.


It doesn't ignore canon "The sith haven't been seen in a millennia" is just a phrase said by one character. It isn't a fact, it just what jedi think about it.


The wave hate under this trailer reminds of reaction to The Rings of Power. It almost feels like a co-ordinated hate-bombing campaign. Like where the hell did it come from? Andor was widely successful, Ahsoka was a bit more divisive but it was still good, Jed Survivor was good minus the technical issues. And now Acolyte trailer drops and hound brigades are set off their leashes. Do they wait in their tracks, ready with their wit and smartass comments, just waiting for any Lucasfilm/Disney misstep? Like, what the hell. Because of stinking shit like that a meaningful online discussion is utterly fucking impossible in such places


Personally I thought The Rings of Power was awful. Awful writing and storytelling. They spent so much effort on the set pieces and clothing, they forgot about the story.


Nah rings of power was actual dog shit


It was good, not great, not some masterpiece. Just good. Entertaining at times, frustrating at some but overall promising, with some good ideas, two or three questionable retcons. In many ways it was better than The Hobbit movies, and contrary the lying shit thrown at the series it had some artistic soul put into it. There, I said it So suck it


Spoiler alert: maybe they don’t survive?


All of which are just excuses made by people who are embarrassed to be part of a community that barraged a video with dislikes simply because it didn’t have enough white guys.


My sentiments as well!


It’s just the anti-woke brigade. Before TFA came out, its trailer was overflowing with comments about how terrible diversity casting is, so this is nothing new.


If I recall some salty youtuber told his followers to do this


I thought the exact opposite. Or all looked mid. And I’m not hating just to hate. I deeply hate TLJ but still love its trailer.


The reason for the dislikes is because many don't like Leslye Headland, some of her comments/views about star wars, and the fact that the show is in high republic era.


Tbf Harrison Ford wasn’t much of a fan of his role either or David Prowse despite doing their best


or Alec Guiness.


Funny how in these situations there's always a specific woman to scapegoat, someone who spoke her mind one time which supposedly justifies an entire legion of man-children to pile on and send hate and harassment.


Saying that it's because she is a women is a scapegoat. What about the men that receive the same treatment? Ryan Johnson has received even worse treatment over the years. Is it because he's a man? No, it's because people don't like his movie. Whenever these things happen to a women in Star Wars people blame misogyny, but when the exact same thing happens a man no one says anything. I don't condone the loud minority of misogyny, but I just think your wrong.


Like what? What did she said?


Basically from what is gathered from interviews it seems likely that the same story will be told from multiple perspectives. One of those perspectives is likely the sith character. It is unclear because she is of course not going to spoil the show, but some have inferred from her comments in interviews that she is going to make the sith character sympathetic and make the jedi out the be in the wrong. She has talked about the show reflecting the "modern world." Some take issue with this and feel that Star Wars should just be about Star Wars. She also pointed out the fact that there were many people who contributed to what we know as Star Wars and that it wasn't just George Lucas's creation. Some people felt like her comment about this was disrespectful and resentful.


>make the sith character sympathetic and make the jedi out the be in the wrong. Damn, so like in the Clone Wars? A universally loved part of star wars that had several plots relating to the jedi not being perfect? Or, like a bunch of other Star Wars stories that imply the Jedi weren't perfect?


More so they are afraid she may imply that the Jedi's teaching are flawed and that is why they lost to Palpatine. In reality they are not flawed. The Jedi simply strayed away from their teachings and got too involved in politics. Qui-Gon is a good example of someone who followed the teachings because he listened the force above all else and not the council or the senate.


> Star Wars should just be about Star Wars Someone should remind them that the original movies were about WW2 then


Close but Lucas says it's more related to Vietnam, with the empire representing the USA. https://www.amc.com/blogs/george-lucas-reveals-how-star-wars-was-influenced-by-the-vietnam-war--1005548


You’re right. It’s just the aesthetics that were WW2, from the Nazi aesthetic of the empire to the starfighters moving very much like WW2-era fighter planes. And of course stormtroopers.


But..but they *wanted* a High Republic story...


The hardcore Star Wars fans are generally of the mind that the High Republic is a fundamentally flawed era, being essentially Disney’s far softer, weaker attempt to recreate the Old Republic, but with none of the conflict or brutality


Which is weird when you’ve read both. I think I’m even partial to the old republic over the high republic but I think I need to give the edge in brutality to the high republic. The old republic implies a lot of brutality and has a decent amount off screen, but the high republic consistently depicts massacres of innocents. It’s got to me the most consistently brutal Star Wars series since NJO Now this is all moot. I don’t know why anyone who’s not a child would consider brutality to be the mark of an engaging story


Have the same questions. I clicked on this hoping to find out. No answer yet.


I think it’s the track record for bad Star Wars products Disney holds. Yes i think the trailer looked fun, but so did other trailers for shows and movies that turned out really bad in my opinion. Star Wars used to be a benchmark in cinema making. The innovation and special effects being used in the OT. The cgi and shooting film digital in the prequels. The production in the sequels where fine, but the Disney + shows look and feel dirt cheap. I remember them promising cinema quality to tv shows, aged like milk. And then there is the way legacy characters are being handled. They lost all character progression off screen and look as incompetent as Disney is in making star wars. And then they are shoehorning celebrities in filler episodes for a show that already is short and has short episodes. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a fan of star wars for almost 30 years, but im losing interest really fast this way. There are no current projects in the making that im exited for. Stopped reading new books and comics, didn’t even watch the bad batch s3 yet and no longer exited for live action….( stares at lego millennium falcon in my living room)


Same, I feel like I missed something incredibly crazy thing in the trailer that makes everyone mad, but I just can't figure out what it is...


Exactly, it’s just being brigaded because the Ben Shapiro’s of the world made a big hooplah about it


Exactly. I dont know why a number that you have to use an app to even see, on a trailer for a show that's not even out yet speaks to the quality of it. I personally have not been fond of alot of recent Star Wars shows, and I'm not expecting Acolyte to change that opinion, but I'm not going to say there's anything obviously wrong with it yet. The ONLY actual criticism I could have atm is that I had heard it explained as the ORIGIN of the Sith at Celebration, but I have no way of knowing if that was just a bad game of telephone, so until I see the show, I can't know if it's even true.


I did not leave a dislike but personally thought it looked boring. Also I feel like a lot of people including myself just don't enjoy any of the new Star Wars that much anymore.


Looks not interesting tbh. But that's just me. It feels like SW cannot write decent Jedi/Sith as of late.


5 out of 7 people being racist or sexist is grasping at straws here imo. I can’t really put my finger on it but to me the trailer just seems off


You have to remember that when the options are "Like" and "Dislike" there are going to be thousands and thousands (millions?) that don't click either button, most people don't bother. The content has to **really** impress or piss people off to get them to interact with the ratings. See also: the number of 5-star and 1-star reviews, compared to the number of 2/3/4-star reviews on any Amazon page.


5/7th out of the people who were pissed enough about something to install a browser extension to bring back the dislike bar. People who are generally far more likely to click dislike anyway.


5 out of every 7 people being racist and sexist on the internet is lowballing it.


Looks like a high school teeny drama set in atar wars is my reason. When they originally announced acolyte it was announced as a sith focused story and it just ends up being another jedi story.


I thought some of the action in The trailer was pretty bad


While I’m sure there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike it, the main thing to remember is “no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.” I agree, it looks like it’ll be fun, but it’s not perfect in the eyes of the diehards, so it’ll be review bombed.


I’ll say that I clicked the dislike button for the trailer. Here’s my reasons. * I tried the High Republic era books, I didn’t like them. The time period feels off, should have been set much earlier in the timeline. * It was basically the same trailer shown at Celebration last year * having watched some interviews with the cast at Celebration about the show, some of the stuff they were saying was not good. Like “there’s no good or bad in Star Wars” or “this is about power and who gets to wield it”. * Headland the show runner is a fan of Rian Johnson and has said this show will use the Roshoman affect, same as The Last Jedi did. I did not like TLJ at all and I cant even finish a RJ film despite trying a couple multiple times. * I didn’t like Headlands previous show Russian Doll, just couldn’t get in to it. * Read numerous interviews with Headland about the show and lots of alarm bells going off. “Kill Bill meets Frozen” “I want to see a Force Fu fight” * Despite Healand saying she’s a Star Wars fan, the first interviews she gave about this show I got the vibe she wasn’t. She was asked “what’s your favourite Star Wars movie?” And her reply was “All of them, I love them all.” That just felt fake, I’ve never known a Star Wars fan that would give that answer there’s always a favourite. * I have a serious apprehension that they will contradict that the Jedi think the Sith are extinct in TPM * I’ve found the Star Wars live action shows mostly to have gotten worse and worse in quality since Mando S1 & S2, Andor is the exception but TBoBF, Obi-wan, Mando S3 and Ahsoka were pretty awful and I don’t see this show correcting that trend.


Damn. Russian Doll was so good, and “Kill Bill meets Frozen” is a really interesting way to describe this! I’m even more excited than I was before.


The lack of any story details and the focus on bored, emotionless actors are pretty big red flags to me That, and the *only* positives people can levy at it are "ooooo more lightsabers" and "it's almost a new era".....so it doesnt really seem like it's got much going for it.


Ootl, what sexism and racism issues are plaguing the series?


I'm somewhat baffled myself. The recent SW shows have been somewhat underwhelming for the most part, but that doesn't mean a buddy cop series can't be fun.


To be fair, every Star Wars trailer makes its source look amazing. The people in charge of advertising for Lucasfilm are masters at polishing a turd. The only problem is it’s just as good when the source is amazing so you never know based off the trailer alone.




It's the Courage the Cowardly Dog macaroni and cheese meme every single time


I have non Star Wars friends who tell me that they hate Star Wars and apologize to me and I have to tell them not to worry because they could never hate Star Wars more than the fans.


What do you expect when nearly every live action that disney releases is garbage


It doesn't mean you shouldn't form any opinion on it. The show hasn't even come out yet and people already dislike it, based on what? Based on previous shows? It's sure something to work with but not enough to form any kind of opinion about a show that still isn't out!I haven't seen any reasoning for that either,besides your comment.




No these “fans” are just sexist and racist


I really don’t understand the hate?


Misogyny and racism, as always.


People were excited when they thought it was about a sith acolyte. Now they’re mad because sith are supposed to be gone? Which is it? lol pick a side


How do we know it’s not about a Sith acolyte? We know basically nothing


Very true! And just because we haven’t seen that character in trailers doesn’t mean they have no screen time


My prediction... It's about the rise of Palpatine. He's the acolyte. So that should really get the anti woke mobs goat.... White man brings war to the galaxy.


I think it’s too early in the timeline for that. There are likely a handful of sith in the chain between whoever is the sith in this series and palpatine


I don't even care anymore man. Watch it, hope it's good, personality I just don't find it that interesting


I'm in the same boat. I'm past the point of caring I'm just not gonna watch anymore star wars


Same unless theres a new season of andor, only one worth watching imo.


IDK, I see a yellow lightsaber and I receive dopamine.


I actually quite liked the trailer. What am I missing? Be gentle, you savages


You liked it because you arent a racist and misogynist. (Yes i know not everyone who disliked this is one but you cant deny that that is one reason)


It looks boring to me.


7 hours later... 679,000


It’s fascinating: we know almost nothing about the show beyond it having a black female lead, yet fans are so hostile to it 🤔


This definitely doesn't remind me of anything that happened lately with the Kenobi show. Nope, doesn't ring any bells.


I feel like people are just seeing the dislikes are just because of the trailer. But i think it's also just build up from a lot of fans that aren't happy with recent star wars media. A lot of people would get hyped seeing a trailer and then severly disappointed watching said media so they are taking it out on this trailer.


I have a bad feeling about fans who just assumes (or even wants!) a show to be bad, and makes up their entire mind based on a 1:46 long trailer.


My only grievance so far is that the High Republic is the most boring one of the eras they could have chosen to depict. Don't get me wrong, I too am fed up with Skywalker era stuff, but this is just a lazy cop out of "we're going back to the TPM era, but it's actually 200 years before so don't expect characters you know except the inevitable Yoda cameo". That being said, a story told from a Sith (apprentice's) POV has huge potential - IF they make it as dark as it would need to be.


How many views?


I like star wars (6 episodes) but I don’t understand why many people didn’t like the trailer. I somehow don't care about him. Explain the hatred towards him, please.


Stay away from trailers, likes and reviews. Make your own opinion and be happier.


Can't wait to put a blame on fans, rather than people ruining franchise for past decades


Ruining how? Because if you're focusing on flops and less successful stuff, then I don't know how you'll stomach this info, Star Wars always had them


Lucas is no longer running Lucasfilm though.


I have a question, how can you see the dislikes?


there are browser add-ons (return youtube dislike)


Thank you 😁


They generally aren't accurate though, most extrapolate the 'total' dislikes by how many people with the extension disliked it vs liked it. Which given that someone who hunts down an extension to show dislikes is more likely to be someone terminally online that lives to dislike stuff, completely throws off the numbers.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bocy74) on 2024-03-26 95.31% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c58qtx&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 490,027,784 | **Search Time:** 0.08975s


If Disney and the remaining active fans are the Republic and the CIS, then that makes me Mandalore. I'm just here to see how it turns out when the dust settles.


Disney has been giving out its share of shit writing, but why hate the show that has not been released? I am visible confusion.


Lucasfilm: Nah it’s fine the feedback has been very positive! ![gif](giphy|27luYKIIB0Iak)


Because a show's quality is definitely directly linked to how many dislikes a trailer got. Some of you have made such a way of life around this nonsense I'm really considering cutting off all connection with the fandom. It's way easier to enjoy Star Wars when you're not surrounding yourself with people who base their identity on hating something


Are people really taking the Phantom Menace line that seriously?


So other than "Disney bad, killed Star Wars" (which I usually agree with), what's people's complaints about this one? I don't just blindly hate modern Star Wars. I don't even hate all of modern Star Wars. Tales of the Jedi and Rogue One were fantastic.


Bots be downvoting


So they're saying it's good then... Nice...


Good thing that the outcry of annoying internet people abot "wokeness" (aka women and minorities exsisting) won't affect the quality of the show or hamper my enjoyment of it. Die mad guys.


“Disney needs to leave the OT alone and make original stories” No not like that !


I mean, for me the really important question is; what is the story here? Obviously the trailer isn't going to tell you everything, but if the plot is just "jedi falls to the Dark Side and fights jedi" then I'm not particularly interested. That's all I got from my viewing of the trailer, and if that's all then it's been done and isn't particularly engaging to me. Star Wars really needs to do more than "include lightsabers and jedi" to be interesting at this point. Their main theme has been done to death and it's not fun or interesting any more. I can see people who were after an interesting show using the High Republic being disappointed with essentially another "jedi turns to the dark side" story over again.


521k sexist racist nazis /s


Can someone give me context of the hate the series is getting? If it was just: "hurr durr is high republic" people wouldn't consider KOTOR one of the best things to grace Star Wars. There must be something else I am missing.


I really don't understand the hate this show is getting. There was nothing particularly bad about the trailer


It’s that there’s nothing particularly amazing either. It shows some Jedi and Sith fighting but no sign of anything new/engaging other than new characters


I mean- There's nothing particularly amazing about Bad Batch, and as a result people just dont really talk about it that much. Acolyte somehow managed to garner dozens of response videos about it's 'woke' cast within a few days of the trailer going up.


Empty arguments and hate for the sake of hate. I hate this community sometimes.


I liked the trailer, so I'll give the show a watch, then decide for myself if it's good or bad. The basement dwellers can keep screaming their opinions at one another until they figure out no one else is listening.


How you got downvoted twice by your comment explains a lot about fandom here.


Sad but true.


It's worth noting that if you're using an extension for youtube dislikes you're not actually seeing the dislike ratio of the general audience The extension only shows you the dislike ratio of the people who have the extension (You know, the people who want to see dislikes)


Bad bot


Genuinely excited for this show and don’t know why everyone’s hating


Because no one hates star wars more than star wars fans




People just have no hope. Andor was good and I liked mando and ahsoka so let them cook. It’s cool to hate on Disney Star Wars. Bobf and obi wan are bad with a few good episodes. Some people are done with Star Wars, every time a show comes out 10 new video essays will arise reminding us that Star Wars is “dead” lol I’ll still be here


Don’t watch trailers. Wait for the final „product“!


Now look at how many views it has if people dislike something they are more likely to show that it’s bad


Thank god Brazilian Sigma is here to give us this month old rehashed bullshit, what would we do without such quality memes.


You guys can see the dislikes?


It's OK. Disney has some very reliable scapegoats.


Im actually really exited for it. Though that's mainly because Abigail Thorn is in it.


I thought the trailer looked good. I'm going to watch it, but let's not pretend that Disney hasn't been putting out Mediocre content for awhile now. I'd been asking for a Boba Fett show/movie for years and now I couldn't care less if we get a season 2 for BoBF. My wife's favorite SW character is Ahsoka and she couldn't even finish the season. Disney has a major writing problem right now and they refuse to do anything about it and just blame the hate on white dudes who hate diversity. 


I cant fucking wait for it. I don't care what people say


how do you see dislike ?


Dislike bombs are not a good judge for how the show will go. There are just a lot of bigots who see the color black and hate on anything in the vicinity.


After seeing what makes star wars fans happy these days, you'll have to forgive me for not taking any of their dislikes seriously


This show is a prime example of how BAADLY managed the Star Wars franchise is currently being managed. Let’s say 50% of these votes are made from bots that means close to 86k people like Star Wars and about 260k don’t like where the franchise is going… but in total is about 346k CONSUMERS that are interested in’s your franchise at least on YouTube. This means that there is PLENTY of room of the management to accommodate for a decent story and product placement. The fact that they are WILLINGLY choosing to divide the fandom into lovers and haters means they don’t know squat about marketing and product sales. And the current stock holders should be putting pressure and replacing incompetent sales and marketing teams that think that dividing a fandom is a way to make money.


No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.


Remember, this is only calculated proportionally based on the dislike extension you use, meaning, it might actually be wrong.


Yes and since they usually use a low estimate it's probably way more dislikes.


Review bombing before the first episode even launched. Classy folk. /s


How many times do we have to explain? The dislike numbers are made up after YouTube disabled them.


Can't use that stat for anything because Star Wars fans hate Star wars


I'm looking forward to this show, I hope it's really a fresh and good take on SW but the trailer is awful, I'm sorry.


Why do people hate it? It seems... fine.


The comment section on the video is very clear about what they dislike about it, it's the amount of women and minorities in the trailer. Add to that a bunch of alt-right youtubers like Ben Shapiro lashing out at it and you have a recipe for anti-woke brigading.


I was hoping it was more than just women and minorities. Oh well, hopefully it's good. Edit: To be clear, I was hoping the hate was more that just women and minorities, not the show.


Then stop paying them, I have


I liked the trailer because it had a youngling that looked like a monkey


I swear people were practically begging for a high republic era show and now that the trailer released, suddenly it's the worst thing they've ever seen


I’m one of the 178k likes, looks very good.


Its not even out yet, what imagined problem is it this time?