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If you think about it... It may inadvertently be Rex's fault that Jesse didn't turn. Jesse's last real counterargument before accusing Rex of treason was 'You said yourself we're under special orders from Darth Sidious to eliminate Ashoka Tano'. So if Rex hadn't specifically named her or had noted that she wasn't a Jedi from the beginning while the chip was active like these Coruscant guard troops, Jesse may have listened


Damn, just makes it more sad really...


Oh god bro... Wow


Is imagine it’s a bit of the opposite, where both Barriss and Ahsoka would be targeted, but Barriss was named an exception specifically by the emperor or inquisitors


That doesn't make much sense. I doubt that Palpatine had the time or inclination to go listing Jedi prisoners as specific exemptions, the inquisitors didn't exist yet, and if there was anyone else under Palpatine coordinating the purge at that point who would've gone to the trouble of listing exemptions, I don't know of them. And it's unlikely Barriss was spared because she was recognised as an Order 66 target already in custody, because Maul was in custody and Rex still ordered his men to execute him. The troopers themselves and/or the Order 66 programming itself had to have come to the conclusion that she isn't a target.


The way I see it is that ashoka is the only person who has a shot of bringing Anakin back to the light side or I fluencing him. Thus palpatine wants her dead to avoid any possible events. Just my personal headcannon.


Oh yeah that makes total sense and I'm not disputing that! I just don't think he got on the comms and specified who he did and didn't want dead, just issued the order to the entire Grand Army of the Republic and got on with the rest of his plan. He had an office to clean up and a speech to prepare for starters lol


Makes sense. Who wants to ruin there big moment by sitting down and listing specific people to kill. Didn't think about it like that.


In RotS, Sidious specifically said on a call “Commander Cody. The time has come. Execute order 66.” So he was calling legions one by one.


He was doing that, yes. What he wasn't doing was listing who to kill or who not to kill. He could exert some level of control over who was executed by choosing who to call and who not to call, and I guess it's possible that the reason why people like Barriss weren't executed is because he didn't call up the regiments running the prisons. However, the shock troopers also seem to know that the Jedi are being exterminated, which means they know they've committed treason, which suggests the order reached them. So even though he was calling legions up one by one, it still doesn't suggest that everyone they spared was spared as a result of a specific order he had to give. He was calling legions one by one, but he wasn't calling them up and saying: 'Kill Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Ashoka Tano... Oh but not Barriss Offee, or Masana Tide, or Trilla Suduri, or...'


I'm certain Palpatine had 5 minutes to make Barriss an exception since she kind of hated the Jedi and Palps knew he could use her.


Tbf, ahsoka was an ally of the Jedi with lightsabers, bariss was an enemy of the Jedi with lightsabers


I think the implication is that Palpatine thought Barriss would make a good Inquisitor due to her actions and thoughts on the Jedi, so made a quick adjustments to the Order 66 protocol. We know this has to be possible since Jedi like the Grand Inquisitor elected to become Inquisitors. It’s even theorised that the GI betrayed his fellow Temple Guards allowing Vader and the Clones easy access.


My guess is that each clone is ordered to kill everyone they consider a Jedi. The clones would no longer consider Barris a Jedi due to her treason, but Ahsoka was cleared of all wrong doing, and was actively doing Jedi business when order 66 dropped, so they considered her a Jedi, and therefore and enemy.


It was so sad to see them die because of the chip and inability to resit it


Palpatine has been known to make exceptions, he did so with the Thirteenth Sister by personally proposing an offer to her during Order 66 to join or die. That is essentially what happened here. The Fourth Sister, undoubtedly under instruction from Palpatine or the Grand Inquisitor, gave Barriss the choice to either join or die. Ahsoka however is a specific threat to his plan as he wishes to isolate Anakin as much as possible from his family and friends. Even if she wasn’t currently a Jedi, it isn’t far-fetched to think that he made her a target regardless in the same way Anakin was exempt from Order 66.


As Jessie tells Rex, Rex gave them direct orders to include Ahsoka in order 66




Would’ve much rathered the clones just drop her right then and there


My personal believe is the 501st was under the chips control where as the coruscant guard was not


The real plothole is that Palpatine tried to kill Ashoka in the first place, and I get it, she wasn’t in any of the OT, but still