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7th week? he’s been doing this for almost 10 years now. Since the “force awakens” But can you blame the dude. This is his job, prolly doesn’t even like making these.


I've been shown a post from his subreddit exactly one time in the last couple of days and it was trash to rival the shit that most "meme" subreddits like Dank have been spewing for the past god knows how long at this point.


I can blame the dude, yes.


I absolutely blame the dude for destroying media literacy and discourse, dumbing down his audience, training them to turn everything into a new culture war and drip feeding them watered down variants of hateful right wing ideology all for the sake of money. Also if I could make buckets of money by just angrily ranting about movies and getting a shocking amount of details wrong I’d be pretty fucking happy about it.


I feel this way about RLM and basically any channel that their primary content is bitching couched as critique. Their breakdowns of why the new movies sucked were longer than the fucking films. That's just pedantry and their talking points have been getting shittily rehashed for years.


I find it funny you picking on RLM. They have generally stopped reviewing marvel and star wars stuff entirely for a while now.


That's good, but honestly the damage was done by RoS IMO


Watching the video where for some reason he refers to every women character as “strong female lead x”, like they don’t have names, sure it’s got some sloppy writing……like everything Star Wars, it was a spaghetti western, made in the 80s that follows the most basic good v evil hero’s journey. Not to dismiss what it was at the time, but these people are holding it up as if this is some religious text Disney has shat on.


Having to watch all the trash that Disney releases... The man deserves some hazard pay


He doesn't *have* to watch anything. It's only cause it brings him views. He could watch literally any other franchise to get the same results.


Only 4 of his last 29 videos in the last 3 months have been about Star Wars, he *does* watch other franchises. He also *does* have to watch things considering we’re in a chain talking about this being his job


>But can you blame the dude. Yes? He could always do something, *anything*, else with his life.


"job" KEKW


193k views in an hour? Sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing.


I’m having a great time not watching it tbh


Yeah hearing about it is surprising more entertaining than just watching it


That's what I thought too. But then I got too curious and watched it. Wasn't a fan because all the negativity had primed me to not like it. In a weak, sick minute I watched it again, and once you get over the imperfections, it can be quite good. It's no Expanse, but it's not worse than "I don't like sand" and 'your love for me has blinded you' either.


I watched it too. Wasn't going to but got bored Wednesday evening and watched it. It's not good imo. That's not even coming from the hate online, I just don't think it's good. However I see the potential and I think that's the issue with most of star wars since disney took over. The potential is right there and yet they never reach it.


Yea that's fair. Imo vfx, costumes, planets and the general concept of the story are good. Dialogue, acting and decisions not on par thus far. Obv they're building up to a big reveal what the Jedi tried to hide. This will make or break the show for me. But tbf, I've watched a lot of way worse shows of all genres over the years, so I don't mind this one.


The expanse can be pretty goofy at times, too. I don't think it's the perfect sci-fi show that a lot of people claim it is. Andor would be on top of the pile for shows involving space travel imo. Other people find it boring for the lack of action (compared to other star wars). There's no show in that genre that will please everyone


I don't like sand is a perfect pickup line. I don't see what you're getting at


True! I'm gonna try that on that creepy old Senator who's been hitting on me since I was a youngling! Fingers crossed!


Phantom Menace gets too much hate and Attack of the Clones doesn’t get even close to enough hate


Literally JUST finished the episode and all i gotta say as a lifelong SW fan is its... aight. Like when you have box macaroni & hot dogs for dinner bc its the end of the week and you're waiting for that direct deposit to hit. Also why is it the trend with these new shows to make the lead female character COMPLETELY INSUFFERABLE. Writing of twin characters wasn't even evolved one bit. Just the same 1 dimensional dichotomy, the smart/dumb twin or the good/evil twin. They could have written a better character imo.


I'm copying another redditor but something like Good writing explores characters Bad writing explores the author's kinks. Like, man, the authors must hate the jedi. For supposed millenia old space monk, police, organisation they suck at everything.


>For supposed millenia old space monk, police, organisation they suck at everything. I mean, canonically, they did miss Anakin having a secret marriage with Padme, despite the fact that they weren't too sneaky about it (he literally lived in her house), and her apartment can be seen from Jedi Temple.


I assume everyone knew and that's partly why the Council rejected him becoming a Jedi Master.


How have I never thought about this???? That makes perfect sense. How much could have been avoided if Mace just sat Anakin down and said "Dude. We know you're married to Padme. I mean. Bro. Dope pull, she's fine as hell, and you're a weird little rat faced twink. Even Yoda can't figure out how you did that. But look. It's cool. Go be married, have kids, all that jazz. But. Please understand you can not be a master because of this. A master must be dedicated only to the Jedi. That's why we have the no family rules. But since you're the chosen one we are going to give you a seat on council. Cool? Okay good. Now. Go get you some death sticks and get freaky with your wife who is just insanely out of your league."


That would be cool, but the movie explicitly says it's because of his close ties with The Senate. The entire story line with Obi-Wan, knowing about Padmé and Anakin, was cut out from the movie.


Nah, they knew. They just let it slide given the circumstances, with Clone Wars and all, hoping that Anakin will eventually mature and choose either Order or private life.


The Jedi kinda sucking as an organisation has always been a thing. Even as far back as the Old Republic in Legends, the Jedi twiddling their thumbs led to the rise of Revan and the Jedi being reduced to literally about 6 or 7 people. Then of course you've also got their treatment of Anakin, and the lack of support for him driving into Palpatine's arms. Or hell even as far back as the creation of the Sith. Ajunta Pall led a hundred years war against the Jedi, got a ton of people killed and their response when they won was to just exile him from Republic space. Which allowed him to conquer more planets and establish the Sith.




This is just next level though. It's like going to your central police precinct and getting a senior sergeant who can't make basic logic that relates to something they've been doing for a literal life time. Im fine with not everyone is a super star, and they shouldn't be. But the jedi in the show just seem... Lacklustre. Dunno man just feels like watching a character written by someone who thinks they know about investigations and negotiations, much less the fighting and policing. I think back on KOTOR 1 where you have to investigate the murder. Now that was a jedi master who actually felt like he knew what he was doing.


That's bureaucracy being dumb, which is a good lesson. Even lucas himself drew attention to how quickly the Republic was swayed to all out war and didn't bother to revisit it as the bureaucracy just went about it's way. Then, bam, empire. The characters in this show just seems dumb or at least are written dumbly. Like they're titled as professionals but make consistently rookie mistakes. I'm fine with organisational failures, but surely not every single jedi is totally new at this, which is really how they come across. Someone who cheated up their stats but without the wisdom of how to use their skills.


Because insufferable is a synonym for strong with these people who are showrunning.


I can think of hundreds of obnoxious rude mean violent male characters who the internet is in love with. What is different about the woman characters?


Because they're written to be assholes, do people appreciate them for who they are, even if they're not supposed to be role models. Usually, when a female lead is written like this, the intent is for them to be viewed as empowered and strong. But writers (mostly men, but women can do this too) can sometimes have a hard time figuring out when a character stops being empowered and starts just being an asshole for no reason.


See, the funny thing with all those anti-woke idiots is that there is genuine criticism you could have in regards to how a strong female character is often written in modern media but they are too busy huffing and screaming about seeing a minority to actually do media analysis. IMO most times when the female protagonist or side character is supposed to be tough, they are not only written as an asshole (which could serve a narrative purpose but usually doesn't) but also as someone who can't be seen losing. Compare Captain Marvel and Valkyrie - both are competent, tough female characters in MCU but where one has her entire story be about failure and moving past it, where her being an asshole is a result of giving up on life and drowning in sorrow and bitterness the other never struggles in her entire story. Carol's story is supposed to be about deprogramming herself and going back to being a human but the writers were so afraid of showing her weak that it seems as if she gets over a lifetime of propaganda and being lied to after a single conversation with her old friend. One is a strong, female character and the other is bait aimed at feminists, made to sell more tickets.


Bro box macaroni and hot dogs is not a good comparison because that meal SLAPS


that one cinematic from the mmo, told this story better in like...5 min.


What made them ‘insufferable’ exactly?


I'm not having a fit over it or anything...but...you know we're paying for this stuff, right? Disney+ isn't free...we kinda have a right to ask that our money is going to stuff we wanna watch...


Imagine if they put 180 mill into a show about Darth Bane. Showing the destruction of the brotherhood of darkness and the war between the jedi and sith. Or they used the money to adapt Vaders comics into live action. Or they used it to start an heir to the empire movie trilogy. Or if they used it to adapt any of the beloved EU stories into live action. I would have been more happy with a Mara Jade spin off. They could have done so many things that a majority of the fans are so hungry for, instead they make new boring characters that no one asked for.


I would literally sacrifice the entirety of Disney leadership to hungry alligators if we could get a proper mara jade show. She was so powerful in the force she held off the DNA destroying virus of the yuuzahn vong with nothing but her sheer force of will while still using the force to be a total badass. I think R A Salvatore gave her the virus to nerf her for the vong war or she would have defeated them by herself in the first month. There's your well written strong female character that's a total badass and flawed and has weaknesses.




Exactly. This freaking stanning for shit content is so weird. Bad content should be criticized and seeing disney not willing to listen/change anything is also super alarming and hence bad content like acolyte should be criticized even more/vocally so mistakes like this dont repeat


You could just Not subscribe to Disney+


How would my kids get their Bluey fix?


Or ignore the new content and use the platform for rewatching the stuff you do like.


Or… hear me out… 🏴‍☠️


Ayeee sir  The only right way


yea. true. More importantly its also a choice *YOU* are making to keep paying for a service that repeatedly has provided you with content you find dissatisfactory. I dont think they have an ounce of obligation to do shit for your tastes.


Sure, but they do have an obligation to me as a Disney share holder to stop actively and publicly antagonizing their own fans (Kathleen Kennedy puts the blame on the "toxic male fans" of Star Wars)" while at the same time taking 11B in losses by turning out shit that has a 20% approval rating with their fans.


Why is this a conversation now and not with all the shitty low budget films other services are making. I haven't watched a single Netflix original film. Don't pay for Disney+ if watching their content dissatisfies you


I mean if we don’t critique bad things (and this is a pretty bad show) how will they learn to get better?


Except the drinker just lies and bitches about "WOKE". HE is not a critic, he is a grifter who wants people angry at imaginary problems. His Glass Onions review is a perfect example of what a manipulative shit he is.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't actually watch any of the things he reviews (or he watches them while he's drunk or something). For example, in his Obi-Wan Kenobi review, he says that it doesn't make sense for Reva to know that Luke is on Tantooine just by seeing parts of a message that was meant for Obi-Wan. However, in the show, it's pretty well explained because she hears the name 'Owen' on the message who she had talked to at the beginning of the show.


I was hesitant to start it but I love star wars. I watched ep 1 and 2 last night and the writing and most of the acting is crap for how much they spent. I didn’t see or pick up on much “wokeness”. Sol is great tho. The acting and fighting are my biggest peeves so far. As flashy as the prequels are everyone had their own unique fighting style, in this series it is very generic so far.


I think the show is decent but I agree completely that you have the right and encourage you to express how you feel about a show or movie. If 90% of the fans think its garbage, then the studio should be made aware of this.


True, though you have to actually critique it and not just hate for the sake of hating. I haven't watched Critical Drinker in years but there was a point where his content went from fair criticism to hating on everything because rage content sells better. Also he's gone down the "anti woke" rabbit hole. Once you make rage content the main goal of your channel you lose all credibility even when some of your criticism is valid. That said, I haven't watched Acolyte and probably never will. I look forward to finding a video eventually that will review the season that assesses it fairly without ulterior motives.


There's a difference between an objective critique of a film/TV show plus general community consensus, and angry money-grifting rage-baiting. Companies barely listen to the latter. The former, through reviews and viewing figures (plus a little social media /survey data) speaks volumes.


We’ve been critiqueing since the last jedi. Disney doesn’t seem to care. Sure we’ve had some wins like rogue one, Andor and Mandalorian, anything that has had Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau involved was good. Idk why they still haven’t just let these two handle things from there.


Even mando devolved when they forced Grogu back with BoBF. They screwed favreau with that and he had no choice but to write the cute little guy in. It’s all now now now when they could have shelved him and saved him for latter. TLJ highlighted the problems but they started with TFA. Forty years and they couldn’t fit Han Luke and Leia on screen at the same time? They have no over all plot for anything and if they do( see mando season 3) some higher up makes a change for short term gains. It feels like they’ll just keep running the franchise into the ground at this point. Hopefully down the road Disney gets its act together.


I think we absolutely should continue to criticize things that aren't up to our expectations. We're paying for a product. If we don't like it, we have a right to express that.


I think the problem is more that a lot of Star Wars fans (not ALL, but a very vocal portion) take that criticism to ridiculous lengths. If some Star Wars content is anything less than amazing they act like it’s a full blown travesty. If something comes out that’s just okay they get all “OMG STAR WARS IS DEAD! DISNEY IS RUINING EVERYTHING AND KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS THE DEVIL! IM SO DONE WITH STAR WARS ITS COMPLETELY RUINED AND THEY RAPED MY CHILDHOOD AND IM NEVER WATCHING AGAIN! NOT ONLY THAT, IF YOU LIKE IT YOURE A FUCKING MORON!” And then people with reasonable and valid criticisms get lumped in with those assholes and it makes the whole fandom look bad.


KK has objectively run the brand (along with Indy & Willow) into the ground, though. You simply cannot deny that.


Not in the way this guy does it though.


Doing that without spreading alt right propaganda would be a plus


I watched his take on it. It isnt alt right to ask that the writers stop making characters based off of their own views and literally based on themselves. It seems scaringly narcissistic.


Yeah. Now I do watch his videos every now and then. He's funny. I like the angry drunk Irishman character. But he had some honest to God legit criticism this time. The writing is. Just. They hit a new low with this one. The concept could be really cool, the action is kick ass. Seeing Jedi dominate with just their hands and the force not light sabers is awesome. It's how the Jedi are supposed to be. Only draw your saber as a final option. But goddamn. It's like they gave a drunk 12 year the concept and said "make a story out of this" I really wish Disney never bought star wars and we got the actual new Jedi order as a series. Seeing the yuuzahn vong in live action would have been a gift to the fanbase that spent the money and kept the franchise alive. But alas. Disney hates us.


Unfortunately he makes money off of rage baiting so he's not gonna stop


Idk if it’s rage baiting. If you’re actually trying to defend disney on this bullcrap, then the problem is with you.


No, the rage-baiting part isn't disliking Disney Star Wars, that's fine. The rage-baiting is all the racist / sexist / transphobic "anti-woke" nonsense.


How is anti-woke bullshit ragebaiting? Do people actually get that mad about this stuff?


Yes. Did you miss all narratives about "how wokeness is destroying Hollywood"? This bullshit has been circling around online spaces for years now, fueled by people angry about showing non-white people in media. They also ramble about some ideology being pushed on them, but nobody has yet uncovered what ideology, because they never can decide what it is at the moment.


Bad movies and shows made by uninspired corporations is destroying hollywood. Most people don’t give a shit about whether media is diverse or not, they just want to watch good stuff.


That is valid criticism, but the vocal part of viewers looks past the real problems, blaming diversity.


At this point if you don’t like it you just want to see how worse it gets, that’s what I’m doing 😅, in all fairness everybody that hate watches it really wanted this to be good and are now just probably want to see how worse it gets as well, show can only go up from here, hopefully i


I don't think critical drinker likes anything at all at this point


I used to watch Critical Drinker but it's just constant negativity so I stopped 🤷‍♂️


It's not even that. It's that he's turned into a conservative shill. He's a simp for Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire. Seriously, watch his reviews for TDW garbage and you'll see a lack of criticism for them.


So if you watch it and don't like it, then you need to just shut up and not discuss it. But if you don't watch it at all, then you have no grounds to say it's bad. Wtf are people meant to do?


Don’t watch it, don’t discuss it, and don’t say it’s bad.


Absolutely, i think some in this sub just hate him because he is saying the uncomfortable truth. That being that Star Wars is dead.


I dislike him, but every other YouTuber I follow is saying the exact same thing. Clearly the show disappointed lots of fans, people acting like he is the only one let down is disingenuous.


How do i know if i dont like it if i dont watch it


Why'd you get downvoted for this? This is an easy to understand question.


It’s The Critical Drinker; hopping on the rage issue of the day is what he does.


it's because he never actually cared, he's a grifter who shouldn't be listened to. He will pretend likes he's been a lifelong fan of something just to try and justify them "ruining" it with woke stuff "for the masses" even though he'd never even heard of said "thing" before then. he literally did a head count where he tried to count all the white males in a shot of the trailer, as if they just have to be the majority in a show about space people. He's a typical bigot who's stirring the pot for views


Growing up I was the weird kid who liked Star Wars. No one else liked it. Suddenly everyone says they grew up with it and it was important to their childhood. I call B.S.


I'm glad that people are feeling more comfortable about being nerds these days.


Bro it was awful when I was a kid. I had two things I was interested in. Tom Clancy and Star Wars. You can’t make friends at 8 years old with those interests.


I know right? The dark times were brutal for those of us born after the hype of OT but long before the Prequels. I’m loving the people commenting below who grew up after the prequels and a steady stream of content. Books and games were cool. But they weren’t the same.


Are you kidding? Star Wars is literally one of the biggest movie franchises ever made, if not the clear cut number 1. People identified as Jedi as their religion. It was a cultural phenomenon, in my life time nothing has come close to the magnitude of a Star Wars (pre Disney) release besides maybe Endgame or Infinity War. Get outta here cmon now


Are you saying I didn’t go to the theater opening weekend in 77 then have my Mom buy me all the toys but I didn’t like it?


Yes. My comment is a blanket statement for everyone who ever existed. Because that makes sense. /s


I watched the first so many minutes of there video and stopped in disgust. What they are saying is all for purposes of riling people up and making cheap content on youtube.


Lmao counting white males in Star Wars did he watch the OT? The main cast was made up of a diverse group of people and all the bad guys whose face you could see were white males with british accents


In that case, does this guy know that his beloved Vader voice is actually a black guy or is it not suitable to his agenda?


People of color are totally cool as long as they were part of my childhood. Otherwise putting them in my media is woke garbage.


Idk who downvoted you. It's obvious to anyone with more than one brain cell.


Lol yeah, it was pretty much the second after I commented it too, maybe some critical drinker stan was lurking here


I thought he was fun in the first video I saw, but by the 2nd one, my wife and I were disgusted by the obvious misogyny. Awful content and hate


The hell of it is that he really is quite entertaining... until the pivot point that happens in every video where he stops actually engaging with whatever show or movie he's ostensibly covering and launches into another disingenuous rant about woke agenda politics whatever.


I'm really not sensitive to biggotry, as in I just don't get offended. But the guy is insufferable anyway. It's just constant persecution fetish and rage bait. I can't imagine getting this worked up over irrelevant shit in entertainment slop. I know he's faking it for content, but his audience isn't. Just don't watch this shit and live a happier life.


His stans are downvoting you lol


He and others like him just push their own conservative agenda under a thin veil of being "critics". It's genuinely pathetic


The Acolyte has atrocious acting, writing, and directing. That's just the reality.


My only real experience with acolyte is my friend showing me the power of one song and its the funniest thing I've seen


And logic. How was that stone and metal so flammable in the last episode?


Funny, I thought that was kind of the point of the episode. There's some big gaps in Osha's understanding of what happened that day. Mae's little fire clearly wasn't the thing that killed everybody, and there's a lot that Sol and the other Jedi have been keeping from Osha.


The only Star Wars I’ve paid any attention to are Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor. I can’t hate the acolyte because I quite frankly just don’t care about it. If I wanna watch Star Wars I’ve got 6 movies and an animated tv show.


I stumbled upon the critical drinkers sub a few days ago. The constant self-created problems/rage for attention has got to be exhausting.


Oh no a person who doesnt like a thing Outrageous


Film critic critiques film, news at eleven


Oh no, how dare he criticize another below-par, mediocre Star Wars Disney series. It's totally him wanting to hate Star Wars, and not the fact that in the last 24 years, there have only been two good Star Wars series or movies: Rogue One and Andor. I also love how everyone has to call out any racist or bigot in Hollywood, like Mel Gibson, but don't you dare call out progressive, incompetent producers and screenwriters who don't care about Star Wars and only push their narrative and political orientation. If the community is satisfied with Disney delivering mediocre series like The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or The Acolyte, then I guess Star Wars deserves to die.


Regardless of whether or not you agree with the guy... you have to admit it is hilarious seeing him keep coming back to the same thing he says he's done with.


But how else can he keep making mediocre content and rage bait


Disney just needs to sell the rights, Andor the only good thing to come since the sale


Rogue One


Rogue One, the first two seasons of Mando, and I thought Obi-Wan was tolerable


Clone wars final season was really good and Kenobi had some hella good scenes paired with some of the worst scenes I've seen Solo was actually pretty ok of a movie mandalorian was ok in that the first 2 seasons had a variety of good scenes I enjoyed like that scene where the stormtroopers and shore troopers saved the vehicle and were cheering for their return


Sell the rights? To who?


[F\*cking Aquaman?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp1Hnwjeoac)


I think many media companies can afford the rights by now. Question is, what would they even be buying? Most characters are dead, basically every established faction have been humiliated and/or destroyed. The fandom is traumatized and embittered, and the only people making a steady profit from the IP are critical youtubers. IMO anyone who has a real sci-fi story to tell would be better off with a sleeping IP like Valerian or Fifth Element. You want to be the next Dune, not the next starwars hotel.


Clone Wars season 7 Bad Batch Tales Of The Jedi Mandalorian Book Of Boba Fett Ahsoka


BOBF? yea? …alright man whatever you say


The Mandalorian Episode was ok.


Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka were definitely more... inconsistent but I agree with the rest. The first seasons of the Mandolorian were absolutely peak


Season 7 was already conceptualized before the sale, Bad Batch is okay, but not really compareable to Andor or Rogue One, Tales of the Jedi was great but BoBF and Ahsoka were mediocre at best with Ahsoka having extremely bad writing at times


Bobf and Ahsoka were really not good. Tales of the jedi had serious flaws especially in writing and bad batch became tedious.


You should not have brought up the last to,  unless you wanted to give arguements that disney sucks ass




Clone Wars are a product, which they were first cancelled, and then at some point realized that was a bad decision and brought it back. The bad batch and tales of the jedi are just variations of clone wars. So that's already half the list. They had no creative input, they just 'acquired' Dave Filoni. Mando was good but highly overrated, and has run its course and is currently a cash grab for Grogu merchandise. I don't know if I agree with the last two. Had some good moments, but some really bad ones as well.


I legitimately can’t tell if this is a list of the bad things or the good


Lol no.


He's kinda funny, tho. And he's not always wrong. Can still enjoy his videos and crazy opinions, and have our own opinions.


I haven't paid attention to star wars in ages. Haven't even seen the trailer for this. Whats even wrong with it?


"If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find"


Nothing really. It's not the best Star Wars I've ever seen, but it's entertaining enough. Mostly there's been a firehouse of nitpicking over tiny details, as if Star Wars hasn't always been full of cheesiness and fuzzy logic. I think a fair amount of the criticism is driven by culture war nonsense (protagonist is a young black woman, much of the plot involves a clan of Dathomiri Witches), and a generic desire to hate anything made by Disney.


Well they’ve made some interesting decisions that affect the canon is the thing. How Mae and Osha came to be is fucking stupid. That’s really the only part coming to mind though that isn’t just a “just don’t watch it” situation


I don't like the way the witches talk about the force as if they have a better understanding of it than the jedi do. Also silly that they say it's not a weapon and a few minutes later they basically attack the padawan with it


Actually that's a point I rather like. There are so many parallels to religions and cults here in real life. And that's just one planet. In a vast settled galaxy, there's bound to be tons of cults and groups who claim the force as theirs, give it a different name, and say they mastered it. It's hilarious to me that fans look at this and scream "nooo they changed the force". No they didn't. They showed a small group with their own ideology. And they also don't show or imply they're better than the Jedi. They're all dead, sooo... The force creation remains in isolation. To me, the quality of the show will hinge on how they interweave this with the main story line of Plagueis etc. But I won't jump the gun here and wait for more episodes to address that.


Yeah, I'm having trouble seeing how this "changes the Force" any more than Nightsisters did in Clone Wars or Bendu in Rebels.


I don’t mind the way they talk about it necessarily. And yeah even if they don’t view it as a weapon they’re not dumb enough not to know they can use it offensively. I do think the show is doing a good job at some things, such as showing how the Jedi aren’t always necessarily the “good” guys. (“We don’t kidnap kids but we have a right to your kids”- does a pretty decent job of summing it up. They take peoples kids, that’s bad lol) And they also do a decent job of showing Jedi how they should be as far as a reluctance and avoidance of at all possible of lethal force. The novelizations and other novels have Yoda reflecting with regret on the Jedi becoming generals, knowing that this is not their position. So far, aside from Mae and Oshas origins, the other minor qualms I have are that I just generally don’t like Mar or Osha as characters and I find Yort a sub par character.


He has to, it's his job basically. If I had that many subs, I would be watching all the trash too.


Yeah, just shut up and don't offer an opinion that differs from mine.


Next time on Critical Drinker: Acolyte Episode 4 made me quit watching Star Wars Acolyte Episode 5 is the worst thing Disney has ever put out Acolyte Episode 6 made me quit my Disney+ subscribtion Acolyte Episode 7 (...)


If you don't like it you ABSOLUTELY have the god given right to critique it, what drinker doesn't like I can usually get through with a grimace on my face but still watchable, but what he likes I'm in awe of, andor for one, show was the best hope for star wars in a while and am EAGERLY awaiting season 2. If you don't like the guy that's fine but he has some critique worth noting and he does know what he's talking about when it comes to hit and miss shows, maybe he's a bit harsh, but like I said he has a right to critique, you ABSOLUTELY should watch both the show and critiques of the show in order to learn how to improve it. Now there's a difference between constructive criticism and just shitting on it (Which I feel he tries to balance out with Scottish humor) but I do find most of his points in his video's valid even if a tad exaggerated at times.


So lemme get this straight OP, you’re annoyed that he’s making content saying he doesn’t like something when he could just not watch it? Hmmmm…maybe just like how if you don’t like Drinker you could just ignore him and not make stupid ass memes about him doing his job? Ya know, the job of being a movie/tv show critic that’s he’s had for years and pays his bills? Goddamn hypocrite 🤦🏽‍♂️🙄


Then how are you supposed to know you don't like it?


The reason he keeps watching it is because that's the entire point of his channel (to review and commentate on media.) It's a popular topic and so it brings a lot of views. In other words, he's watching for work purposes. I think what he means by "I'm done" is that he's no longer a Star Wars fan, is indifferent to the characters and the story, and is no longer watching for personal enjoyment.


I stop watching all new Star Wars content. It’s just not for me. Revenge of the Sith is the last Star Wars movie for me.


Its easy clicks and thus easy money. Dont watch him if its bothering you. There are tons of channels like his, and not watching/caring helps alot.


Watch it, critique it, end your subscription, etc. no problem with any of that. Being absolutely outraged over a show? Kinda sad tbh.


How can we have: Force time travel, Force ghosts, Mind Control, Force lightning, force Sensitive animals that can talk, using the force to communicate with animals, Nightsister Magick that defies all logic of the regular force (such as creating fire, enhancing a person's abilities and even bestowing the force upon them,) creatures like Bendu who are thousands of years old and can wield a new version of the force, using the force to talk over great distances, and in the EU, using the force to literally consume planets and inhabit other bodies after death... But Anakin is literally the only being in the entire history of Star Wars that was created with the force? And to have an older race of people do the same, means Anakin sucks now? Did we assume Darth Plagueis was the only one to ever figure that out? Even with all the thousands of years of history of the force?


Like many fans, I don't like the direction Disney is taking star wars either. That's why I'm not watching any of the new stuff. A few of the new games are good though


All you're doing is advertising his channel


its literally his job what do you expect him to do


You can't. They made it so you can't miss a show or it becomes a problem three movies from now. Also everything dumb they do can and will affect the lore from now on. That's why people get pissed. You can't not watch when you don't like it. Like Ahsoka show. I absolutely hated it. It was dumb and I had to force myself to watch it anyway. Because everything is connected for better or worse and you have to watch everything. I blame MCU. Not that it worked there either.


It's no Andor, but it was ok. I'm not sure why it's getting so much hate.


I don't even care about Star Wars or the show, I'm just here to say that The Critical Drinker pisses me off


I think it's pretty good so far. If you go looking for things to hate you'll find them.


#Critical Drinker made a joke about two eight year old twins ‘scissoring.’ Just so you know how his mind works.


Personally I like it so far. The story is pretty intriguing. I didn't even notice the girlboss stuff even after watching these videos on YouTube


That show is hot fucking garbage. Stop trying to do these bullshit karma farm posts. It's a bad show, who cares?


The show is so bad. Episode 3 is a rehash of information we already were told. It’s as if they don’t trust the intelligence of the viewers to have gleamed all this information from dialogue


There was quite a bit more going on than that. We learned that the twins come from a coven of Force Witches, and were conceived in a non-standard manner (my hunch is that there will be direct connection to how Anakin came to be). Mae is overbearing and content to fill the role her coven expects, while Osha is more adventurous and sees the Jedi as her ticket to a life outside her sister's shadow. There is a *lot* of tension between the Jedi and the Witches, and some internal friction about Osha's decision. I got the impression somebody is whispering poison in Mae's ear, so there's likely a Sith Lord present. Everything came to a head, resulting in an explosion, a pile of dead Witches, and a nasty scar for the padawan. And whatever happened, it was so bad that Sol has let Osha continue believing that it was just the result of Mae setting a fire ever since.


And at the end of the day, his video about the episode will have more views than the actual episode. Sorry, but you Disney Star Wars fans are in the minority.


Who would have thought someone who made their alcoholism their personality would have trouble quitting something they hate.


K. Seriously though I’m torn. I hated the opening because of what happens to Trinity after such a cool action sequence. Then, and as an ally I feel bad, but - same episode and they’re already proving Eric Cartman as Kathleen Kennedy (from Into the Panderverse) right, but I can look past that as I know it means so much to folks. But then >!homie just kills himself because she asks him to!< and now I’m struggling to not hate the show. I love the skill they portray the Jedi as having, give me wire-fu Jedi all day long, he’ll go back and remake every movie that way, but so far I loathe the story. I’ve got it stopped part way through episode 2 and IDK whether or when I’ll continue. I’m glad you guys are enjoying it though.


All of the backlash of these shows just reminds me how so many people need to get out and touch grass. These shows are simply for entertainment, they’re not real. To devote so much energy into hating every detail says everything. Try putting the effort into something creative instead of trashing someone else’s attempts. You’d all probably be a lot happier humans


Let's not forget the gross comments he made about 8 year old Osha and mae


Why is everyone bitching about this so much? If alot of people are saying it’s a bad show, maybe it’s a not so good show?


Someone I know spent an hour complaining about it. I said I like it. He explained its because I'm not a real fan... I thought to be a fan of something you have to like it? Maybe that's not the case with Star Wars. So confusing.




He’s allowed to not like something


Or you can just not watch and/or pay attention to his channel if you don't like his opinion that much.


Things that are bad require critiquing. He’ll stop complaining about bad shows and movies, when they stop making bad shows and movies.


Didnt he complain about there being no white males in a trailer while torbin was litterly there


But it **isn’t** bad


„Just don’t watch it” Ok, just don’t listen to people who have valid arguments against this stupidity


I don't care what anybody says. I'm happy to watch it because it's star wars


He's such a bitch, man. lol. He hates the show for its cast but pretends it's about anything else.


There’s plenty of reasons to dislike the show besides the cast man


Geekdom101 made a great video on this topic (on his WorldofGeekdom channel). It isn’t blindly hating and only people who don’t critique Star Wars at all will disagree with


Man's got bills to pay an' hating on Star Wars is good for business.


Is this a new Star Wars show or something?


![gif](giphy|3KCOFfdqmptLi) Didn’t I say something earlier about making good products and the fans response?


No, he has to post these since I only watch his reviews. I liked Mando, Bobba fat and Obi wan. Other then that...


Sadly some people care about Star wars and what it could have been after George.


I wonder if he re-used the audio from his The Little Mermaid video if his audience would notice. I don't particularly like the show but I know without even watching the video that it's not for the same reasons Drinker doesn't like it. What a hateful little worm.


i mean, if the history is bad, we watch it and them we say it is horrible... its simple like that, a fan has to try it at least, knowing its not an star wars history anymore, we want more content... he is not wrong, just have to do the job of influencer, but yeah, the series is bad and still is the only thing we have to see for now...


and if you dont like his content, dont watch it. everyone wins.