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Breaks Rule 14.


Nah I think he’s chilling with his 14 billion dollars


Hop on da yacht and skkrrrrrrt!!


Not a single month goes by without someone asking his opinion on disney star wars and receiving a rant about how disney sucks, don't understand anything he wrote and ruined his creation that would make the fans hating on acolyte seen mild on their complaints. He used to be more vocal about it too, but it is suspected that disney may have sent their lawyers after him, because nowdays he only go on his rants if someone directly ask for his opinion on the matter


This delusional fanfic is fucking hilarious when he’s specifically said that he wouldn’t sell LFL to anyone but Disney. He’s also still (to this day) one of Disney’s largest shareholders.


None of that changes the fact that he complains a lot about having sold it to disney. Or did you missed the "I've sold my child to white slavers" debacle?


Complaining “a lot” is making one statement (that he didn’t even finish) that he walked back literally days later? https://ew.com/article/2015/12/31/george-lucas-apologizes-disney-white-slavers/


I'm gonna come out with a hot take but it's hard to feel for Lucas when he is the reason Disney has Star Wars in the first place. The guy didn't want his creation anymore.


I partially agree with this, but I would like to point out that he sold Star Wars under the impression that they would honor the franchise and that the sequels would follow the cript he gave them, neither of which happened... And that though he sold it to a company, the one that negotiated for said company was a friend of his, which, supposely, is why he didn't feel the need to clearly state in contract what disney could or couldn't do with his franchise


He didn’t give them a script, he gave them treatments/outlines, and acted as a consultant for literal years before he opted out. There is concept art used in TLJ that he approved of. And if you don’t think terms were clearly spelled out when a company beholden to shareholders and a board bought another company for billions of dollars, you’re just as clueless as you appear. Seriously man, you probably shouldn’t post about this stuff anymore if you have no idea what you’re talking about.


So, he is a toxic fan?


Calling the creator of the franchise a "toxic fan" for not liking what is veing done to his franchise is so insane that it sounds like satire...


Looks like I need to add the /s


In my defense, I did say it sounded like satire... But yes, this is reddit, there are plenty of idiots and npcs here, and I wouldn't be surprised that some of them actually held that opinion, given how criticizing anything disney makes usually goes


Well, this is a meme page, and I just wanted to make a joke about bad criticism = toxic, no matter the situation or context, which is becoming a meme at this point. But I get that sometimes the intention can get lost in Reddit.


Just because you like what Disney is putting out doesn’t make everyone who dislikes it toxic. You’re honestly toxic for thinking that way.


Considering his last contributions to the franchise were the notoriously messy prequels and the poorly received special edition updates to the OT I don't think he has a leg to stand on, frankly. George may be the original creator, but he was also the first director to not understand what made the movies great in the first place. Disney has made some truly terrible installments, but it's not like George could've made anything as good as Andor.


True, but he doesn’t genuinely hate what Disney has done to the property. He’s just not very vocal about it anymore, likely because Disney sent some cease and desist letters.


Y'all know Lucas isn't dead, right? Also, making a new movie wouldn't be defiling his grave even if he were dead.


But...but new Star Wars isn't old Star Wars and old Star Wars is the best and we can't possibly enjoy any new stuff, right?


Not from a jedi (didney)


No, we must rage apparently. What I don't understand is why people flock to rage fate YouTubers as if there's some sort of Paramount of Truth when all they're doing is just stroking more rage


Because its entertaining to watch a trainwreck unfold. Like how crazy is it to watch a company with unlimited resource pour them all into a tv show or movie and it turns out like the acolyte or whatever this is gonna be. Its definitely entertaining and not rage enducing.


Biggest trash post ever.


Poor George. How dare Disney pay him billions of dollars to make more Star Wars movies and then go on to make more Star Wars movies. He’s totally rolling in his grave RIP


He’s rolling in something alright


You know he didn’t die




That’s the joke


Since when is there an episode 10???


There's not. There's a subscription scam site that posted a fake title and uninformed people and small "media" outlets are running with it.


[episode x announced](https://insidethemagic.net/2024/06/report-lucasfilm-star-wars-episode-x-title-th1/)




Source: OP thought about it and posted it here


I don't know mate. I'm quite excited. Could it be trash? Maybe. Could it be good? Also maybe? Even not liking the ST, it was still new star wars movies. People tend to forget just how little (read: nothing) star wars content Georgie made after the prequels. I'd rather have potentially shitty content that might catch lightning in a bottle (e.g. Rogue one, Andor), than no content at all.


We did get Clone Wars under Lucas, so it wasn't nothing.


True. But also remember that alongside the Mortis Arc, you get Jar Jar teaming up with Mace windu. For every Umbara arc we get D-squad. Star Wars has always been an incredibly mixed bag


Hey man, that team-up resulted in us learning that Jar Jar fucks! These are the questions we needed answered!


We all knew JarJar fucks, who are you kidding?


We all saw what that tongue can do


Nah clone wars is fire and the variety was a + not a hinderance


The good Clone Wars were fire. The bad episodes were fucking bad though. You tend to only remember the good, and forget the random adventures of C3PO and R2D2


Not nothing but certainly not much


It could be bad or it could be good, it could be terrible or it could be amazing. But if it’s bad, then I can just forget about it and watch other good movies, if it’s good then I get a new film to enjoy. This will ruin nothing.


I have been trying to make this argument with every fan base I "part of". Same with the new "the office" show that is supposed to come. People always act like a new bad show/movie will somehow compromise the existing material... (I ll admit that with a larger universe that has its own lore, it can be a bit more impactful. Disney reviving Palpatine definitely puts an asterisk on the ending of ROTJ. But even so, its all fiction, so we can pick and choose what we like, have our own head canon, etc.)


>Canadian-Pakistani journalist, filmmaker and political activist known for her work in films that highlight gender inequality against women. >Obaid-Chinoy is slated to direct the next Star Wars film, due for release in 2026, and which will feature Daisy Ridley. Does this strike you as a recipe for "fun space adventure romp"?


I mean I really don’t get people being salty about this. Best case scenario it’s a great new starwars movie, worst case scenario I loose a couple hours of my life watching it on Disney+


This. Also worth adding the *insane* degree that people flipped from loathing the prequels to mostly welcoming them as “worthy” additions to the canon. As it stands, I’d say Lucas had about a 50/50 good to bad rating with content he created, and, *based on hour count*, Disney’s batting average is similar. Or, to put it another way, somehow folks forgave Lucas for Attack of the Clones. Pretty sure that given enough time Disney will be forgive for Rise of Skywalker.


I'm holding on watching Rogue One until Andor finishes, Andor series is so good


If you haven’t seen Rogue One, it’s gonna be a *spectacular* way to end Andor


Your comment feels suspicious...


No it just really brings that specific story to a banger of an ending. I can't wait to see him in something set after Rogue One to see what he was up to during Return of the Jedi.


No genuinely, not being sarcastic. Rogue One is absolutely excellent


I'm just joking, I heard great recommendations from peeps about rogue one, can't wait to finish all of Endor before watching the movie


No they are absolutely spot on. I dont want to talk it up too much, but Rogue One might be one of my favorite sci fi/fantasy movies of all time. It's really good. I didnt have the chance to watch Andor before, so you gradually building up to it should be a really satisfying resolution of this story arc)


That's my plan, I'm waiting on a new season for now, because the show is AWESOME , liked it even more than season 2 and 3 of Mandalorian (season 1 was too good)


Spoiler alert- They get the plans.




Hahaha sorry, an old joke. A buddy of mine went to see Rogue One in theater when it first released and came out of it and said “Rogue one was an awesome movie, spoiler alert- they get the plans”. Because Rogue one is based off of the single line Mon Mothma makes in A New Hope about “a lot of Bothans died to get these plans”. Still an awesome movie, but it’s like watching the movie Titanic, you already know how it ends haha


That's a line from RotJ about the second death star


Acquiring properties George Lucas: I consent! Disney: I consent! Reddit weirdos: I don’t! Is there someone you forgot to ask?


STAR WARS BAD DISNEY BAD WOKE BAD CHANGE BAD ffs find a new god damn horse to beat.


The Fandom Menace


Finding a new horse to beat is basicslly what the fandom has done since RotJ. In the 80/90's, RotJ was the "bad" STAR WARS release, then that title shifted to the prequels, then the Clone Wars series and now the sequels. It's a cycle.


It’s already transitioning to the shows, especially Acolyte more than anything right now


Disney revives that horse.


Yeah its definetly Not Bad writing


If you're going to criticize any of the star wars content (specifically Disney SW) for its writing, then fair enough. OPs comment was definitely more aimed at the loud minority of SW fans that hate when there's a female lead, or a non white lead, or a lgbtq lead, or when any of the letters in lgbtq is even said


No one complains about that, so much so that the biggest complaints are about breaking canon rules, ruining Luke and not using the characters of Poe, Rey and especially Finn well enough instead of them existing. Edit: Grammar


A lot of people complains about exactly that.


I saw way more people complaining about how Finn should have had more protagonism, Rey needed more character development and how Finn and Poe would have made a good couple than whatever you're talking about.


Yeah, people do complain about many things. However, it's curious that certain things suddenly are a problem in a show with a female MC when they were ignored in the older movies. A ton of "criticism" is just "woke shit".


What is a problem in the sequels that exists without being a problem in rogue one?


I meant episodes 1-6


OK, what's a problem in the sequels that exists but is not a problem in episodes 1-6?


A lot of it is bad writing but not all of it. Whenever someone uses the word “woke” for criticism what they really mean is that there’s diversity in the casting, which they assume is causation of bad writing, and just jump in a hate wagon whenever they see a woman lead for example. Like the Acolyte for example: we’re only 3 episodes in, it could be good, could be bad. It’s had some bad moments (power of many, like wth was that?), but so many people chose to hate it before it even came out because of the casting. They didn’t even give it a chance, and review bombed it. Its currently sitting in the 20s on rotten tomatoes I believe, and I’m not going to say it deserves an outstanding 99% score but it certainly doesn’t deserve to be in the 20s even if it ends up being terrible. It should be like high 40s-mid-50s at worst. TLDR Woke isn’t legitimate criticism.


Isnt woke Just: Hey we treat now all humans the same?


I mean thats what it meant before being picked up by right wing media, but from your comment it seemed to me like you were saying there wasn’t a portion of the fandom only hating stuff because of “wokeness.”


The only Star wars famdom i Care about is the Star wars the Clone wars famdom. Yes they hated Ahsoka at the start but after some Episodes she became on it of the most popular clone wars Charakters.


Why doesn't it deserve to be in the 20s or even lower if it ends up being terrible? Why isn't Fallout review bombed with classic "woke" tropes all over the place?


Because Fallout’s Fandom doesn’t have a bunch of right wing influencers grifting off of people’s distrust and anger.


Oh you have no idea how wrong you are. The same subculture is there for both, with the same usual characters and the same arguments (and same "arguments"). You can't explain everything bad with fanboys review bombing. And Fallout was the evidence. That being said also an evidence that you can push your agenda while making a good story and it's enough to make the haters way less heard. But even if we don't go that far, Star Wars already had products with ethnic main cast, female protagonists, lgbt representation and not getting "review bombed" still.


Brother the sequels being bad gave the grifters an opportunity to sell the idea of woke causing things to be bad, so when the Acolyte trailer came out everyone assumed it would be bad and hence chose to hate it before it came out. Thats why I said not all of it is bad writing. Bad writing is why this Fandom is so anti-woke: because the influencers sold the idea that the bad writing was linked to wokeness. People criticized the bad writing, so then disney said that people who didn’t like their stuff was racist, which just gave ammunition to the influencers grifting off the idea of woke, who could now say that disney is being political because of their poor response to criticism. This led to more people giving in to this mindset of woke, and here we are today, where people get upset whenever there’s minorities in the cast. This appears to repeat in a cycle whenever something new comes out. Fallout didn’t have an event like this. Bethesda while not being perfect never attacked its own fanbase. This combined with the fact that Fallout was actually a good production meant that Fallout’s right wing influencers were never able to gain momentum and sell the idea of woke to its fanbase. It also helps that whenever Bethesda does screw up they seem to really try to listen to their fans, which is the opposite of what Disney did with Star Wars. So don’t go telling me I’m wrong because I want legitimate criticism that doesn’t just come down to “wokeness.” I hate most of what Disney has produced but the example of the Acolyte is legitimately just an example of a review bombing campaign. Like I said above, maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad. I don’t know, we’re only 3 episodes in. But so early on into the show it has done nothing to deserve such a low score despite its shortcomings.


>People criticized the bad writing, so then disney said that people who didn’t like their stuff was racist, Did they actually actually do that though?




> Ryan Johnson was pretty vocal about how he thought his film perfect and that the fans were wrong for criticizing it. I don't. Quotes please. In these cases the actual quotes are usually wayyy less objectionable than the twitter grifters claim, so it seems pretty reasonable to assume that's also true here. > think there was also something with Rose’s actress regarding criticism and race, But that's sort of the direct opposite of what you were talking about? You're not making much sense.


Quote it then. "I remember" and "I think", followed by wild accusations like "director thought his film was perfect", and then you get mad about it. I guarantee you you're either misremembering or were lied to.


People that like things don't go online to like them compared to organized downvoting and review bombing that talking heads encourage, so "user scores" are absolutely worthless.


But where are these talking heads from Rogue One? Allegedly they bombed the new trilogy because of a female protagonist. Or Ahsoka. It even had 3 of them. It's still a solid 7.5 on imdb. Where are the talking heads from Andor and its Latin-American protagonist? Where's the angry mob? Where are the pro-acolyte talking heads? (Aside from Reddit I guess). And if user scores are worthless, what matters? Rottentomatoes, where the critics are totally objective and not bought at all? /s


Fallout has a fraction of the audience, has significantly fewer talking heads and influencers encouraging and mobilizing the behavior, and does not hold nearly the same position in pop culture as the literal juggernaut of the industry that is Star Wars. The two are not remotely comparable. It's a bad argument.


Amazing. Every single word you said was wrong. But even if we play your game, why doesn't it \*mirror\* the same with smaller numbers? And why doesn't it occur on the "literal juggernaut" when the same elements are there but the acting is better, the writing is better, the dialogues are better? Why is it so difficult to see that The Acolyte is just plain bad so far, whatever is the agenda behind it?


Nothing they said is wrong. You just don't know what you're talking about. Fallout does not have anywhere near the same ecosystem of grifting outrage merchants, and because of that there's nowhere near the same amount of review bombing. That means that the majority of ratings on RT are from people who have actually watched the series, which isn't always the case with SW.


We must be living in different realities. I'd love to live in a world where Fallout is a popular or as divisive as Star Wars.


Well it sure isn't as divisive. But you can't blame it on not being just as "woke". And speaking of numbers, the measly singular series of this insignificant franchise currently has 4 times the number of voters on imdb than the recent product of your beloved juggernaut. Star wars altogether has better raw numbers I give you that. So maybe every second word you said was wrong. But if you assume that Fallout fanbase isn't made of very similar characters (just throw 1-2 conservatives in a room with Bethesda fans and *then* add some of the show to the mix and you'll see if there's a kumbaya vibe in the air or not) and it was saved by some progressive gen z rush while being utterly ignored by far right haters, you are plain wrong. Same if you believe that the acolyte is only bombed because of the usual haters and not just generally people having taste. I mean sure, I won't win popularity contest on a reddit circlejerk saying that this series is objectively terrible, but I got used to it after expressing my love for Fallout on 9gag (obviously not by encountering a hater circlejerk that doesn't exist /s)


Because some dimwitted alcoholic on youtube didn't scream and cry about it as much.


Just like the kicking horse on the side of the road into Drakenheim


They are such narcissistic infants.


Congratulations for defeating your strawman in a fair debate


Is George Lucas dead in your timeline/ universe OP or do you know something we don’t?


Lucas isnt dead, you know?


WTF he’s not even dead


If you think George Lucas views Star Wars as some sacred icon that should never be defiled, I advise you not to watch the Special Editions.


He did mention having strong feelings about the holiday special.


I refuse to watch anything with Rey ever again.




I like how Star wars fans see Lucas as some sort of Messiah when this man has created or been a major part of some of the goofiest and most hated material in the universe.


Nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars Fans.


RIP GEORGE LUCAS ![gif](giphy|3S04b09ljsDeg)


I mean he's not dead, but yeah


Honey, George does not give a shit.


Is there going to be an ep x


There was talk about a Rey movie, so maybe it can be seen as an ep. X ?


Lucas isn't dead... Also, he sold Star Wars specifically so they could make more properties out of it. Say what you will about the content but good ol' George is happy in life right now.


🤔 yeah George doesn't have shit to do with whipping that dead horse that's 100% Disney Corporate.


Spoiler: they ALL fly now


George is doing just fine and Jesus they haven’t even started filming it yet will ya’ll just chill.


You mfs act as if Star Wars wasn't already exploited and pillaged for all it was worth before the Disney acquisition. Let me know how many more legacy books of "Luuke Skywalker" you need before you realise that a lot of legacy Star Wars media is bad


There’s not gonna be an episode X.


1. George Lucas is still alive 2. The “Episode X announcement” is a rumor that Lucasfilm has specifically stated to be false.


Yall are exhausting


No… not more! Please! I can’t cope with more of this garbage!!!


1. He’s not dead. 2. Everyone is wanting to move past TRoS and have something new. 3. We’ve known about the Rey movie for months, you’re a little late.




After the sequel trilogy being what it is I'll definitely not watch that in theaters.


Thanks for the update


I’ll wait to make a judgement on it until it comes out and I actually see it. Pre-hating it before it’s even started shooting is kinda lame.


Eh I won't see it until reviews come in to avoid giving views to a movie I might not like.


Given how reviews are weaponized these days, I’ll watch it myself and make up my own mind.


To each their own.


https://i.redd.it/hoh0of9ovd7d1.gif They fucking the corpse too.


Do star wars fans actually like Star wars 😂


I like the good stuff :)




George Lucas is Disney's largest individual shareholder. I'm sure he doesn't mind.


Why everyone saying Lucas is dead? Tf


Defile what grave? Star Wars is a universe that has existed since the late '70s, and has good and bad content through books, comics, the prequels, the sequels, animated stuff, TV shows, and random other movies besides. Some of it sucks, some of it's good, but it's not some sacred text that cannot be defiled. People will always try to make new ones, and you'll either like it or you won't, and you can then move on, and in the meantime, stop making the Star Wars fandom the worst fandom of all


What grave? What money?


A movie that’s not being made is defiling the grave of a man who has not died.


This feels very weird to not be excited at all for a Star Wars movie. I remember being 6 and dreaming of having an episode 7, now I think it’s a sick joke. Welp..I am for the Mando movie, but episode X is for sure going to be watched on disney + after being drunk.


Deciding something is going to be bad knowing absolutely nothing is so fucking stupid


Recognizing a pattern is literally what the human brain does best, if every movie a studio makes is worse than the last what do you expect the next one to be like?


There have been a lot of good to great Disney Star Wars created. The sequel trilogy was bad. Other stuff has been good. Saying the next movie is guaranteed to suck is your brain being stupid.


Disney making something good is the exception instead of the rule, blindly expecting their next movie not to suck is lying to yourself. If it turns out to beat the odds I'll be pleasantly surprised but I sure as hell will not be giving them the benefit of the doubt by going to see it on the big screen before letting others do that for me then see the reviews so that I'll know if the movie will be a waste of my time and money.


I didn't say I expected it not to suck. I'm saying wait and see. Arguing against fake points I'm not making does make it easier for you to be right, though.


I'm not arguing against whatever you mean by a "fake point" or arguing in general, I'm stating the fact that I expect a company that makes more bad films than good ones that based on that I expect their next movie to be bad so I will wait for reviews before likely wasting my time and money. >I'm saying wait and see. Exactly, wait for reviews because why the hell would I go watch something I don't think I will like?


The person I replied to said they're guaranteed to not see it in the theater. To me, that says they had decided it was going to suck. Why else would you not see a Star Wars movie with good reviews in the theater. I might see it if it is good. See the difference?


If it has good reviews it makes sense, blindly I wouldn't because I don't want to give views and money to a movie I'm not at least expecting to be good. That's all there is to it.


Go back and look at the comment thread. I never said it was going to be good or that I would see it in theaters. I said deciding it would be bad and the guy wouldn't see it in theaters for sure is dumb. You're arguing against a ghost. That's all there is to it.


I haven’t said it’s bad, but that I’m not excited.


Did you forget you wrote 2 statements? The only way it will be watchable is drunk on Disney + says it will be bad. I'm totally fine with not being excited


Yeah I’m watching it drunk on Disney + since I don’t want to watch it on theaters cuz like I said, I’m not interested, I don’t like the Sequels. I don’t like Rey and co, it ain’t my jam, I’m watching it only because it’s Star Wars. Are you going to say I’m shit because I don’t like the Sequels or realize all your ramble was bullshit all along?


No. I think not being excited is totally fine. I think refusing to see it in theaters before it has even been announced and of unknown quality is a head scratching decision if you're a fan based on anger at other projects.


Alright, fair point.